Does it take a head injury to figure out that just because I saved several lives as well as saved several areas as to the locations I personally went as to my personal work of my own free will as to taking care of the work involved, that does not make me anyone else's Mom #Mom other than the two children I personally gave birth to?
Should it take a head injury to figure out just because of directly saving several SCUBA Diver Instructors' lives as to such aspects, those factors do not officially make those SCUBA Dive Instructors your parents either?
Would it take a head injury to point out if you were to look at such individuals as your parental roles as to such factors, then what have you done that would actually be considered as to working towards betterment as to living and life as would there be such factors that would actually make them proud of your work and your accomplishments?
Does it take a head injury to figure out in reference to Cozumel as to whose life in the Gulf of Mexico waters that afterwards after saving his life yet again as to others' wanting his time as to where such aspects would not be productive as to the facts that I am the one who saved his life in the waters as well as I am the one who saved his life on land, as would it take a head injury to figure out who would be the one and only person to actually ask as to being in the respectful capacity?
Should it take a head injury to figure out just as to such references as to each SCUBA Diver and each SCUBA Diving Instructor as to whose life I saved directly as to the capacities thereof wherein they are not the same as your biological parents, as why would there be the viewpoint of such factors in such references unless as to paying attention as to the breath of life and thus as to such factors as to only in the water would such be; would it take a head injury to figure out what it actually would be as to respecting your Mother and your Father as to such if factors, as to the if others have had such a viewpoint as to thinking in such a capacity?
Would it take a head injury to figure out if those are the opinions of others as to such references then what would the viewpoint be as to such regards as to my personal work as to in my childhood as well as my teenager years as to such aspects in reference to my personal work in the Atlantic #Atlantic area of the oceanic waters, and where would the respect for such aspects as to my work from the 1980s into the 1990s and then later in the 2000s as just before 2010 though as to the 2010s as to such aspects in the beginning of the 2020s be considered as?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if as to such references and regards as to Sean Leonard as to the references regarding in more than one capacity of saving his life, why would others ask him about my work as why would there ever be the aspects of what was not known of ever being allowed to speak about my work as to what I officially would be the one and only to ask about such?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the 10 Commandments #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatters #experiencesmatter #lifeexperiencesmatter #truth #TruthMatters then would be as to me as to such references thereof as to such if factors, in reference especially as to my SCUBA Diving as to the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters as to the aspects of both from Boca #Boca #BocaRaton #BocaRatonFL #BocaFL #BocaFlorida #BocaRatonFlorida #FL #FLstate #Florida #Floridastate as well as the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as to the area overall as to what I clarified as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as why would my work there as to my personal work regarding such aspects be of importance as to the state of Florida as well as the entire east coast as well as the entire Gulf of Mexico as to the rest of the oceanic waters as what would be of importance as to such references as to the regards within the overall area as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg though what other naval vessels as to their cargo as to such references would be an overall common sense reference as to such regards as to the ways that the oceanic waters are what is to the weather everywhere around the earth?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to underground caverns as to underwater caverns as to such references thereof to such on land aspects above sea level as to springs and creeks and rivers and lakes, as why would that be of something to consider in such references as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the reality of such factors as to the amount of time as well as the amount of work that I personally took care of myself as to such decades as to the waters, as why would that be of importance when thinking about the facts as to the reality of above sea level volcanoes as to such references as to the areas of the oceanic waters and what would the area near out from Boca be of a reference as to such aspects combined?
Would that be considered as important that it did not matter to me what the ethnic background(s) of the President of the United States of America #POTUS #PresidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica as well as Vice President of the United States of America #VPOTUS #VicePresidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica and such aspects thereof to such overall specifics as to the country of the United States of America as to out from the Atlantic areas of the oceanic waters as to my personal choices to take care of such work, as why would that be of importance in other factors to the considerations as well?
Should it take a head injury to figure out that if such work of mine is considered as important as to such aspects of the situations, as why would that matter as to the length of time as to such specifics?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to such situations as to the reality as I would comprehend what I would need for myself to be capable to relax as to my personal work, as what would be of importance about such situations?
If as to such references as to whether regarding any of my personal SCUBA Diving Instructors and/or other SCUBA Diving Instructors as to other SCUBA Divers as to such references of certifications, as to the reality of the situations as to how SCUBA Diving translates to Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus and thus as to each individual SCUBA Siver as to such references thereof as to both before the year of 2009 as well as afterwards as what would that definition then there be as to such if factors?
Why would my invitation to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment #MAST #Marine #Marines #MarineCorps #Science #Technology #School #Navy #USNNavy #USANavy #USMC #USN in the year of 1996 as well as the state of New Jersey #NewJersey #NewJerseyStrong #NJ #NJstrong #NJstate #NewJErseystate as to the US Coast Guard #USCG #USACG #USCoastGuard #USACoastGuard be of importance as to such references as to my childhood and my teenager years as well as my biological adult years, as what would be considerable about such aspects in such references where others would be capable to think about such as to my work as to keeping on land above sea level safer as best as I could as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that the youngest age allowed to be a Junior SCUBA Diver is 16 years old and to be a SCUBA Diver the minimum age is 18 or 21 years old, as why would the legal age additionally matter as to the certification requirements as to such aspects of maturity?
Should it take a head injury to figure out that the factors of work involved with SCUBA Diving if as to responsible SCUBA Diving is possibly different than as to recreational SCUBA Diving and/or if as told as to others' choices as to how they view their SCUBA Diving as to wither recreational and/or lazy and/or lazy recreational SCUBA Diving, as to the need for recalibrating the thoughts about such aspects as to SCUBA Diving as to the reality of such facts about SCUBA Diving?
What is the difference between responsible SCUBA Diving as to the civilian sector as to Military SCUBA Diving and/or Law Enforcement SCUBA Diving and/or Fire Department SCUBA Diving and/or EMS SCUBA Diving to the difference of recreational and/or lazy and/or recreational lazy SCUBA Diving, as would that be considered as important?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to when I had discussed with other SCUBA Divers such as Sean Leonard as well as some other SCUBA Divers I knew at the timeframe in the year of 2009, would there ever hypothetically be any reasons as to where non-SCUBA Divers might be capable to think of reasons as to why SCUBA Diver Law Enforcement might be of importance as to such aspects as what would be a viewpoint as to hunter licenses as to SCUBA Diving to the references of and/or fishing licenses as why would such aspects be considered as important as to what I brought forward in the year of 2009 and why would that be of importance as to the timeframe of from the month of August in the year of 2009 as to the situations thereafter as to what my son and my daughter and I individually and collectively dealt with as what would be considered important about the aspects of what I brought forward as to what was dealt with?
Should it take a head injury to figure out when asking questions as to such aspects, what is important abo0ut asking as to the difference of declaring?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the definitions of such aspects, as what is important about the word hypothetical as what is important about the word if and what is important about the word could as what is important about the question mark as to punctuation as individually as well as collectively?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to such regards as what would be important about such factors, and why would there ever be any situations as to the truth as to such if factors as why would the truth as to the month of August in the year of 2009 be of importance as to the timeframe of November in the year of 2009 as why would a location with a BBQ be of importance to such considerations as what would be capable to review as to the truth?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if I personally was cared about to my personal work, as to the differences of such situations as to what my son and my daughter and I dealt with as what others would have such situations as to their aspects as to such factors in such hypotheticals as from the year of 2009?
Why would the process of SCUBA Diver Law Enforcement #SCUBADiverLawEnforcement #LawEnforcement as to the difference of Law Enforcement SCUBA Diving be of importance, and why would the difference be capable to be noticed as to such importance?
What is the difference of quality over quantity as what is the difference to quality maintained and sustained in the quantity, as what would be of importance about such aspects as to living and life?
Why would it matter as to such references as to my having earned 26 individual SCUBA Diving certifications in the timeframe from officially as to January/February of 2009 through to officially as to the classes and work in September of 2009 though the last certification in the month of November 2009, as what is important that a SCUBA Diving Instructor only requires the Open Water SCUBA Diving certification with 5 specialty SCUBA Diving certifications with Search and Recovery with First Aid SCUBA Diving certification and 100 total hours of SCUBA Diving in a timeframe of 2 years; as what is important as to the differences between my type of SCUBA Diving as to my personal work, as to the references thereof as to such a timeframe viewpoint as to the seriousness as to such if factors as to SCUBA Diving as well as the work?
Should it matter as to such aspects and if so, why?