Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle as to this profile of Mine, as to in reference of everything Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle has written in the first person as to such references regarding as to in the first person would need to be accepted only as to such references as to the first person as to Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle for all such prior and current and future writings for all such full calcinations and verifications as to the references thereof officially permanently and fully consistently.
Thus as to Susan MeeLing's also known as Lady Dori Belle's also known as Lady Liberty Belle's website as to the work thereof as to the completed works as to what Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle's work whether as to in the first person as to such referring as to in the fact writings as to in the first person as Susan MeeLing (legal last name as to the timeframe of authoring/writing/compiling) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle as to such facts, as well as the creative writings as to such regards thereof officially and permanently consistently.
While there are prior writings as to the aspects of in the first person and/or references thereof as to the aspects of Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle previous to this website of Fetlife though also throughout this website of Fetlife, as to such aspects where the acceptance from everyone as to such aspects as to the timeframes as to whether only in printed aspects as to schoolwork as there is not any website that Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle that has ever officially used the Maiden/Army Enlisted Legal last name that would be considered as to technology term as to being unlinked directly as to such aspects as to Susan MeeLing's also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle's website as to the aspects of typing the name into the bar as to the internet as to the aspects of the specific connections for all such clarifications for the official acknowledgement to the clarifications.
Thus officially as to being capable to type into the internet bar of (with and/or without the MaidenArmy Enlisted last name and/or SCUBA Diving last name) and/or and/or for such clarifications as to the clear aspects of distinctions as to the necessary information as to the one and only true original, as to such in the first person as to M(m)yself.
Freedom of choice for myself Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle is important, though so is the reality of My as known as Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Libtery Belle as to My personal care about life and sustaining positively in great ways hopefully.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle seek acquaintances knowing there are the aspects of such reality while seeking friendships as well because of what time it can take to foster such growth, while also seeking the aspects of a possibility of a long term relationship as to that sort of romantic stuff as to actualities in real life for Me.
In a relationship I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have my preferences though it requires actual discussions to finding such details in regards to me, and thus as the best way as to such aspects with etiquette and respect as to such situations depending upon the aspects thereof and as to assistance in genuine aspects as to such appreciation regarding depending upon as to the factors of such situations.
Thus honesty is the best policy, as etiquette and respect are important.
Thus I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am looking for individuals who may be of interest to relationship aspects, though what levels depends upon the aspects of as per as needed discussions as to such clarifications.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am mainly only looking for a real relationship that leads to long term aspects in monogamous relationship aspects as to the consistency of a one and only for Me, as I to the male that I seek for such.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am accepting as to acquaintances that can lead to friendships as to such aspects, though something important to Me is how the importance of a true friend as to the aspects of a monogamous relationship because of the reality of the need to be capable to get along with each other as to the strength and fortitude of the reality as to how friendships last longer than some might think and/or believe.
However as to a monogamous dating relationship where he and I as to such aspects of where whomever might actually be interested in Me Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle as to such, would be capable to get along with Me Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle as while I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have My preferences as to formality in traditional ways as to how narrowly some might think of though as to the importance of to Me Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle.
As time has progressed as to the reality of how in many ways as to being more along the lines of where bits and pieces as to how accepting Me for who I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am obviously is of importance as I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle guesstimate there are many who might be capable to relate to several factors of My life, though as to the situations as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to such factors where in person face to face in person in real life translates to that reality of being in full person face to face in full person as to the aspects of a living human being with Me as to Myself being a living human being as to such aspects thereof to the references of what seems as common sense to Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle.
Thus in such regards as to being honest as to My ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle work/business is My ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle work/business though if as to another as to such aspects of their work is their business and if as to such co-aligning as to such aspects as to such discussions between, if as to such references of if factors. Since the timeframe as to working on My ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the situations as to reviewing such aspects to find another area of life that might be more suitable to what is best for Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle, as to the situations where in real life as to the only way I know as to real relationship aspects because of My own personal needs as what I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle would guesstimate as to the same as to a male who would actually want to be in a real relationship with Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle.
Though I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have worked on much as to the various levels thereof, I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am actually fairly in My opinion traditional and formal and yet laid back and a bit country-ish as country music is actually one of My ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle favorite types of music along with hymnals though also classical music. Though I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle enjoy techno music as to the aspects of the factors of rap and pop regarding musical aspects, depends upon My mood as I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle figured most would have as to their musical aspects.
In the year of possibly 2010 or 2012 I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle had reviewed My life up to a certain point and as to the varying situations from My childhood through as to My teenager years and up to that point in My biological adult years as to the specific point in time, it seemed most as to My as I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle personal life situations as to while a long list of songs as to the reality of what I have overcome in a multitude of ways though as to making attempts to the modesty aspects as to just writing or saying depending upon the time as to having dealt with because it seems to Me kinder than as to what might be as to the aspects of interpretations as to where I make attempts to know and understand and comprehend there are many who are younger than I as well as faster than I as well as more intelligent than I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle in My opinion.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle prefer being asked as per the situations of being Dominant in Myself as to knowing I am not everyone's cup of proverbial tea in such regards, as to the aspects of what I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have been told as well as what I have seen as to some aspects as depending as to such times online as to such aspects. I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have been more of a tomboy in My life as to such aspects where I also have not had the normalcies as to what others have had the aspects of, though I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle also enjoy the multifaceted aspects of life.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have worked diligently to be capable to assist where possible as to doing what I could to keep those who may have once known Me in person face to face in person up to speed as to what I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am doing or where I am at as to the overall locations to a degree, though admittedly while I can be quite shier than some might guess at the same time once at a certain comfort level as to being capable to discuss multiple arrays of topics as per depending upon the situations.
Now that My children are above the legal age as to such aspects as to the time and as to having been a single Mom for many years as well as a younger Mom and as many times as the moves have been as to the medical needs of My daughter while taking care of My son as to his needs as well obviously, as best as possible as to ensuring to their best interests while making attempts as to what My own best interests are as to such times prior as to how such factors have been where I needed to focus on being a Mom while maintaining Myself as best as I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle could.
Now in this year of 2022 before the year of 2023 as to many reflections as to the timeframes as to the review of such points in time previously, it is time for a restart though as to such reflections of the times previously as to learning from such times to be capable to know what I need as well as what I want for Myself as to for Me personally as most of My times previously were for the aspects thereof. I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have gotten along-ish with other biological females though as to the levels of where it has been difficult for Me to relate to them as to the possibility of the other way around as to depending upon the situations, as few as to because of My age as to how the aspects as well as to such responsibilities as to such aspects.
Now as to the time where I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle can actually for the first time only focus on Myself as I am thankful for, it is admittedly difficult for Me to only think of Myself as this is the first time where through all technicalities as to only having to do so in a more official way and yet as to how I naturally am at the same time and yet with the headaches as to such aspects as to the oddity of such factors when taking such into that consideration.
In My younger years as to being a teenager as to a young adult as to comprehending what I needed to take care of and what the reasons and purposes were for such, though now as to having such amounts of time as well as to such traditional viewpoints as to the reasons why I am as I am as the ways I have been as to being true to who I am now that I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am the age that I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am as well as to such levels of what are considered as responsibilities to such differences as to that difference.
Those aspects where before I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle was not willing to consider marriage because of My children as now as to being old enough as to what I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle consider as to the times as to Myself being old enough as to the combinations as to the time, I actually seek such with another and yet the concern as to such aspects of being honest about such factors as to My past as it seems important for such honesty before as such to a just in case sort of aspect.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle acknowledge I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle am much more dorky than some might think, though for one example as to how much I was excited as to being capable to take Latin in high school as that was the silver lining for Me as to the time. I have been told that because of how I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle look as to what others' interpretations as to how I should be and possibly in some ways as depending upon the situations, and yet as to such aspects as to the levels of as to the aspects thereof to such differences possibly.
Thus please do not judge Me because of how I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle look or especially as to where I have lived, as I might surprise you as to your perceptions.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle grew up attending an very traditional background church and though I am a born and raised New Jersey-ian as to such aspects, I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle spent much time in the most comfortable areas for Me as to when not in the city as to such aspects as to the much more outer limits than some may have thought. Many times I have spent time with the Amish, the Mennonites, and the Mountaineers far more often than some may have paid attention to previously as only a few locations I was capable to remember the names of the specific locations.
If I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle were to give a metaphor as to the differences as to the park locations as to three choices between Disney, Hershey Park, and Sesame Place; I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle prefer much more-so the aspects of Hershey Park kind of mixed with Sesame Place and then a bit of Disney, as to as few situations as to what was as to My childhood. Hershey Park mixes the aspects of Liberty Science Center as to My absolute favorite location as a child that I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle went to frequently as to the amounts of informational aspects while also seeing the interior of the factory and walking through such areas, though also as to the different rides that are older and have a bit of character as to such differences as to the aspects thereof in My opinion. Sesame Place is more along My ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle speed as to such aspects because of the amount of times I watched Sesame Place more than as to such aspects of Disney, though I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle have enjoyed the few movies I saw as a child though Space Mountain was the only ride I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle personally was capable to ride as to the timeframe though also was the only interest of Mine back then anyway as to the 1990s decade.
If to give pop culture-ish references for some, Sailor Moon was the only show I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle would make every attempt to watch as to how much I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle adored the theme of such despite how whiny Sailor Moon seemed to be until the timeframe of when she was of a certain age as to the aspects thereof as personally I just sis not understand how she was crying over school aspects as to the situations though the aspects of when she went to take care of situations as to how that was interesting to Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle. However as to another pop culture-ish sort of aspect I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle adored the relationship between Gomaz and Morticia Addams, as I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle thought their house was stunning as well as I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle thought Morticia's viewpoints were always amusing to Me and how Gomez was as to his love for Morticia as well as how he was as to the aspects was completely adorably cute in My opinion as I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle thought the aspects thereof were a bit twisted though very what I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle could see as what would be as to romance as personally I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle wondered how the two of them ever found one another and then began their relationship.
In some ways when wondering as to how such went I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle guessed that Gomez probably found Morticia first and then as to how such was, as to how she probably did not realize he was ever interested in her until he professed himself as to how a bit of the show had been as to the ways she would look towards his direction and her remarks as to such factors almost as to a Mona Lisa smile in some ways. In other sorts of wondering of such as to pondering as to how long it took Gomez as to such aspects as how many times did he try before such aspects as to actually, as the situations where in the show as to how she would respond as to how he was as in My opinion as to how he must have messed up a whole bunch of times though obviously at some point in time he had to get the situation correct as to such factors and yet I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle wondered as to how she responded as to whenever as to however that actually occurred.
Despite a few aspects I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle actually can be romantic-ish in My opinion, though the possibilities as to such aspects depending upon as to such viewpoints, and thus as to this point in time as to almost at the Hannukah and Christmas as well as the New Year's Eve aspects; as to being thankful and grateful as to being capable to ponder as to such reflections as to the times while making attempts to figure out what is best for Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle.
I Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle hope the day goes well for you whomever you might be reading this profile of Mine, and Brightest of Blessings.
Make sure to go back and re-read all of My Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle writings throughout My profile to know and to understand, and if such needed for additional clarifications as to going to My Susan MeeLing's (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle's also known as Lady Liberty Belle's website / / to correct Y/yourselves as to the knowledge to be capable to know to understand and comprehend the need for such clarifications and verifications immediately and fully as swiftly correctly as possible for all such necessary knowledge to be capable to understand.
Thus if there as to other such aspects as to any hypothetical unauthorized website as to an unlinked website as to such www. .com aspects to such as to My name(s), then make sure to correct such aspects within Y/your thoughts as swiftly as possible and please, make sure to direct Y/your upsetness as to others'/other's immaturity immediately as swiftly as possible as to their immaturity to such brattiness as to such unwanted aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof officially and permanently as to such unwanted aspects as to the situations as to what hypotheticals as to such references thereof to such prior aspects such as biologicals related to My Susan MeeLing's (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle's also known as Lady Liberty Belle's son and/or daughter as well as Myself as to Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal SCUBA Diving last name) also known as Lady Dori Belle also known as Lady Liberty Belle comprehend there was a sign as to not California-ing Texas, and as to such hypotheticals as to the situations as to such hypothetical paparazzi problems as to stopping such aspects as to those situations as to how those hypotheticals as to such needless situations as to the immaturity of such hypotheticals as to the capacities thereof.
Brightest of Blessings.