I only introduced my son #letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia to a small select few individuals as to the comparisons as to the hypotheticals thereof as to my biological mother/father/sister and/or my ex-in-laws as to my being a protective Mom, as per the factors which my son as to #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state would be capable to know as to the fact of such references as to the far and few between individuals I personally chose to introduce him and in prior times him and his sister to as for such references as to the in person face to face in person introduction aspects as to protect my son and my daughter as best as I possibly could. The following is the list of the extremely few individuals as to the clarifications to who I personally introduced them to as to either as a friend or as a dating aspect only as to such references, despite wherever I personally knew the individuals from as to the factors thereof for such verifications. Others' choices as to such aspects as to my dead-ex-husband as to his choices obviously differ as to the comparisons of such situations when he was alive before and after the first and/or second and final separation, for the clarifications of differences as well to keep in mind.
From the years of 2001 through 2008 in San Antonio Texas #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate #MilitaryCityUSA and/or Fort Worth Texas #FWTX #DFW #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas and/or Oklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate:
* My biological mother/father/sister
* My ex-in-laws as to my ex-mother-in-law, my ex-father-in-law and his siter Diane as well as her daughter Brandy and her children, my two ex-sisters-in-law and their spouses at the timeframe of as well as their children, and my ex-brother-in-law and his then wife as well as her three children in Oklahoma, my ex-Great-Grandmother-in-law and her eldest son their Great Uncle Tony the former Marine as well as later in the year of 2009 their second cousin named Brandon if I remember correctly as he was living with my children's Great Grandmother
* The Songbird Apartment Complex front office females as well as the maintenance staff members
* Doctor appointments as to Wilford Hall/BAMC
* People in the coldesac as to Pheasant Creek subdivision
* Earth Montessori School staff
* Joe Rose and his girlfriends as to Dee as well as Sam who became his wife later
* Crystal Mountain Employees
* Ruby Lopez and her family
* Jamie and her husband as well as their son, Christine and her husband as well as their three children, and Tina as to the Jade Wolf Coven out of Seguin Texas
* Thomas Marsden only because he had shown up to my apartment on USAA Boulevard without informing me or asking me and then I dealt with that particular situation
* Nine Lives Books employees though the cat sanctuary people were around as well as individuals who were visiting the store as to the aspects thereof to whether in reference to Nine Lives Books and/or the cat sanctuary which includes the aspects as to who I volunteered with the staff to as to the bookstore
* One male I cannot remember his name though he went by Sir ?something? as he was dating a female who was transitioning from a male to a female as to being informed later as to her running as the first transgender in the state of Texas and/or the city of San Antonio
* The San Antonio Express News article journalist Scott Huddleson and the photographer that was with him at the timeframe
* Jeremy Kuykendall which is Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr's little brother who went into the Army after attending UTSA, their little sister Rachael Kuykendall and her husband as well as their baby in conjunction of his family after their marriage, their mother Mrs. Kuykendall who was a NISD #NISD bus driver/operator, and their father Mr. Kuykendall as he was a mechanic as to having worked on spoiler installations at the timeframe of and was yelled at as to the Long Island Iced Tea he gave to my daughter which infuriated me shortly before I defended myself after he physically touched me after my breast augmentation surgery which others defended him in comparison to paying attention to the details of the situations as they should have defended me as to such comparisons as to my personal opinion as to the conjunction aspects they were each informed as to the garage situations as to how that began as to the year of 2006 as to the needless problems as to the just before the second and final separation
* Major General James Gillman at the memorial service as well as the soldiers in attendance to the memorial service in the basement of BAMC #BAMC #SAMC #JBSA
From 2008 through 2010 Carrollton/DFW Texas #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas:
* McCoy Elementary School staff and students as well as two other schools I made attempts to get my children into during the timeframe of though the first school had not been willing as to the needless drama from CFBISD as I was informed and the other school said there were individuals who showed up to speak with my son about something they were not capable to discuss with me about the aspects thereof to which again as to the aspects of how it should not take a head injury to figure out the one and only person to discuss my SCUBA Diving with would be me in such hypothetical comparisons as to such aspects thereof
* Medical staff as to the doctors
* Sitter City Babysitting individuals
* International SCUBA swimming instructor at the pool area, during my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification at the Aquarina Hot Springs in San Marcos #SMTX #SanMarcos #SanMarcosTexas #SanMarcosTX one male named Matt West, and then later as to the ice cream shop as to SCUBUDDAH also known as William Talent of Stephen Trucking #StephenTrucking #StevenTrucking #StevensTrucking #StephensTrucking as to him having been a manager at that headquarters location
* Shawn McCall
* Phillip Omstead
* Pita (she said she was a dot not feather type of Indian)
From 2011 through 2012 Irving Texas/DFW Texas #Irving #irvingTX #IrvingTexas #CedarCreek #CedarCreekTX #CedarCreekTexas #CCTX #CFBISD:
* The staff at Cedar Creek Elementary School as to who was their teachers as to the same as to Irving Elementary School in the references of and one Montessori #Montessori School as to the in between portions because of learning Irving Elementary School was a part of CFBISD though I had purposefully not wanted my son or my daughter in that school district though because of the situations as to the needless problems as to the situations which includes as to the Texas Education Agency phone calls with Judge Rubinet for such references as to how I had not ever purposefully chosen any location to be anywhere near those people as to the actual opposite in all such references
* Medical staff as to the doctors as to the appointments
* Sitter City babysitting individuals
* Patrick Kenedy and his Mom and Dad though only my son met them as to my daughter only having met Patrick Kennedy
In 2012 to 2013 as to San Antonio Texas:
* The school staff at Thousand Oaks Elementary as to their teachers
* The staff at Thousand Oaks Apartment complex as my son played with the maintenance staff's son Greg Murgatroyd Jr as to the parents Dee and Greg Murgatroyd Sr
* Medical staff as per the portions of
* Erica also known as Discordia as well as her then boyfriend Brian who was in the Air Force at Lackland Air Force Base as well as her three children
* Alicia as well as her parents and brother which her father was a Mustang as I was informed as to the aspects of the Korean War as I had my son salute him for his service as well as Alicia's brother as to him having been in the Air Force as well though my son only met the family as my daughter was in the hospital
* Joseph and Megan Estes as well as their three children only met my son as to the timeframe of as my daughter was in the hospital
* Mike and Patty as to them having brought over Harley Quinn the Australian Shepherd/Blue Heller mix
* Brandon from the San Antonio Texas supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle though he was not officially introduced as the fact of him walking by my son while he was playing videos games, as to the same in reference to Ana and Matt from the same groups for such references as to the Dallas Galleria as to the laptop from the Lackland Air Force Base location as I have clarified as to such reference aspects
* Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr as to the situations after the Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 as to the aspects I have detailed before as to the situations as to the Cowboys Dancehall situations
In the year of 2013 to 2014 in Vancouver Washington #Vancouver #VancouverWA #VancouverWashington #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate:
* The teachers as to Vancouver Elementary School and the apartment complex staff members as to only when they came to my apartment as well as the individuals who lived in the apartment beneath mine named Pam and Jason as to Jason's two sons and those problems as to the timeframes thereof to such situations as to the aspects of the contact to HUD for the clarifications
* The landlords Brigit and Dwayne as to the house rental through 4militaryonly.com
* Pioneer Middle School in the DuPont area of Washington state as to the staff as to only James' teacher
* Ms Loretta and her son and her grandson Elijah which my son went to their church Livingway Church Center
* Steilacoom High School #Stielacoom #SteilacoomHighSchool #StielacoomHS staff as to the aspects of including the tennis aspects
* Lindsey at Supercuts nearby
* Mary as to Jeremy and Mary when Mary and I met at a gemstone Faire as to the timeframe of after Jeremy and Mary introduced me to their son and daughter as well as their dogs
In the possible comparison of others as to the introductions as to individuals as to the comparisons as to meeting through church, or living locations, or etcetera I would guesstimate as to a smaller number of amount of people that I had allowed my son and/or my daughter to meet as to my personal introduction of such individuals thereof to my son and my daughter as to whatever point in time though as to the best of my recollection as to the individuals I can remember as to the only people I had ever introduced my son and/or my daughter to. Anyone else as to such factors would be through such other individuals as to the fact in comparison as to certain types of people, I have been careful and selective as best as possible to who I introduced my son and/or my daughter to as to the in person face to face in person aspects. I did the best as I could as to the limited access to the technology devices as through such situations however Patrick Kennedy as well as Phillip Omstead and Shawn McCall had been far more into video games than I ever was as to their introduction to such aspects as to the best as I could as to maintain such aspects to my son's safety as to the limited portions thereof as my daughter was not as interested as to the technology aspects during such points in time for the clarifications thereof, as they usually argued only about whether they played the Nintendo Wi or the aspects of watching a television show in Disney as to such aspects as to the references thereof as my daughter liked the show Wizards of Waverly Place and a few other shows on the channel such as Hanna Montana.
If other individuals had chosen without my permission to introduce my son and/or my daughter to people as to the aspects as through technology and/or other such aspects of events and/or other such needless situations as to the ways of such needless drama as to my biological mother/father/sister and/or my ex-in-laws as to such references as to those individuals' choices as to the comparisons thereof ever to my choice in such references, similarly as to such aspects as to any of the babysitters from SitterCity #SitterCity and/or such references as to the aspects as to ex aspects in such references of whichever capacity thereof such as ex-friends and/or relationship aspects of the prior timeframes as to the situations. While there was the point in time as to after returning from Florida as to the situation in reference to Sean Leonard as to how I had tucked my son and my daughter into bed before he arrived, as to the writing as to how my daughter had snuck to see what I was doing because of how I had been dressed as to getting ready for the dinner in the comparisons as to how I normally did not have makeup on when in my house. Thus as to that individual not ever having been introduced to my son and/or my daughter by me in any such capacity thereof because of my choice as to the situations thereof as to being their Mom and my right of such protections thereof, to the situations of which as to the aspects as to how that evening went after he admitted to moving my statues around my house without my permission as to my ways of keeping my house as to my choice in the comparisons as to ever caring about someone else's opinions as to my style as to the paintings within my house as to the wall colors.
Thus as to such factors unlike some individuals as to their hypothetical assumptions as to ever thinking otherwise than to what allowances thereof as to such aspects, the reality of which I personally had not ever introduced my son and/or my daughter to many individuals because of as best as I could to their safety in genuinity. The aspects as to who my biological mother/father/sister and/or ex-in-laws and/or others as to such points in time chose to do so without asking me my permission as to such factors, as to the reality of such situations as to the reality of my right to choose who my son and/or my daughter were introduced to. However since McCoy Elementary School staff members thought I was too strict as to because of how I would not allow my son and/or my daughter to run around without self control as to the ways of those types of individuals as to the factors thereof, as to the hypotheticals as to such situations without my permission. While my son was involved with the Boy Scouts as well as to the situations as to the female who weas in charge of the Boy Scouts as to the comparisons as to individuals speaking with me in comparison to her as to such points in time because she was supposed to be doing her job in comparison to socializing, as to Sommer as to those factors thereof to such considerations as well. There is the additional fact I was not a part of the PTA #PTA groups because of the facts as to the situations I was already dealing with to that point in time initially within the year of 2008 as to the situations which I explained and wrote about as to the year of 2009, and then into the year of 2010 as to the Fort Worth Zoo #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo which Tamara Hatcher claimed there was not any need for me to be on the school field trip as to such aspects of which as to the hypotheticals of which I hope the Fort Worth Zoo cameras caught each aspects of such situations as to the fullest extent of the legal aspects as my ex-sister-in-law's eldest daughter's boyfriend at the time and baby daddy had worked at the Fort Worth Zoo at the time and had informed me as to the 24-28 minutes as to my daughter having been in the security office as to the situations as to the details thereof to such needless situations as to the three females who had lost my daughter during the field trip as to the paperwork as to such hypothetical otherwise aspects as to the fact of such having been after my SCUBA Diving #SCUBA #SCUBADiving and instead of the common sense factors of ever actually asking the one and only person to ask about my SCUBA Diving as to the hypothetical situations of which since those people have proven as to whatever levels of hypothetical bigotry as to such situations as to the aspects of such as to the references as to those particular situations.
Additionally as to how Patrick Kennedy was working at the Bank of America #BoA #BankofAmerica Dallas downtown tower at the point in time of less than 2 months when he and I began dating as well as Sean Leonard having admitted as to a Jeep situation as to the aspects of a female he had dated at a point in time as to the needless drama as to that particular aspect of such situations in the year of 2011 as to the bank transfer situations for my finances to pay off my vehicle in such comparisons of simply just living my life as to the hypothetical aspects of which to the psycho ex aspects as to such situations as to such callousness and lack of concern for me in the correct and proper ways as to what would actually be considered as to what I would know as to the aspects of the correct capacities thereof, as to such hypothetical aspects additionally as to how Bremerton Naval Shipyard went in the year of 2019 before the state of Texas aspects. In such references as well as to Patrick Kenedy as to the aspects in reference to how he went from working as a security Director in the basement of the Dallas Bank of America tower to a security driver in Irving Texas before working at DeLoitte in the Barn area as to such aspects of a different civilian SCUBA Diving individual as to one instructor of mine as to one of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications named Amanda Thomas as to the hypothetical relationship as to Richard Thomas as to International SCUBA as to the ownership changes as to such factors as to the needless drama which occurred only after I got involved with SCUBA Diving as to the aspects of which those types as to such hypotheticals thinking as to what they would know as better compared to what I know as best for myself as to such needless aspects of such cult like behaviour as to the situations as to how confused such individuals were as to my not being comfortable as to ever dating a civilian recreational SCUBA Diver type as to the comparisons of my style of SCUBA Diving to such comparisons on top of the other needless problems as to those types of individuals as to their failure to use their mouths to speak and wishing to have people read their minds in such comparisons as to several arguments which occurred at the Clear Springs SCUBA Park when it was a lake before the aspects as to how shallow that water became as to from the timeframe of the year of 2009 to the timeframe of 2019.
Shawn McCall would know as to such situations as to those aspects as to my Polar Bear SCUBA Dive as to the first weekend in January 2010 as to such mistreatments he dealt with as to while I was SCUBA Diving, as the common sense factor of having learned from as to how Ice SCUBA Diving goes as to the how it should not take a head injury to figure out sometimes it is better to actually be in a relationship with someone who is not a SCUBA Diver or on the SCUBA Diving trip as to the aspects of the common sense of actual safety in the comparisons as to the different types of SCUBA Diving styles. Obviously military/law enforcement/fire department/EMS SCUBA Divers have a different style as to the comparisons as to civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as it should not take a head injury to figure out why SSI SCUBA Divers became a situations as to the facts of the situations I had personally dealt with as to when as well as hypothetically afterwards as to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the proof thereof. In reference to several civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as to their freaking out when I brought up the idea of SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement and my response of "As long as you are not doing anything wrong, there should not be anything to worry about as to a random check legally as to here and there as to what you are actually doing as to when going within the waters of the ocean areas and/or fresh water area."
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to satellite imagery aspects as to the situations as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the differences thereof to the on land portions above the sea levels as to the comparisons as to below the water areas, as to such facts as to the underground missel silo as to such references as it should not take a head injury to figure out my idea as to the regulations for such aspects would be considered important for other people's drinking water.
Additionally it should not take a head injury to figure out since those civilian recreational SCUBA Divers were informed my son and my daughter's biological father as to my dead-ex-husband had died the year prior as to such aspects as to the needless problems as to such situations, as to any hypothetical involvement as to such references thereof to what should not have taken a head injury to figure out as to the common sense aspects in such references.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to my SCUBA Diving as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as to the common sense factors as to the one and only person to speak with about my SCUBA Diving would only be me in such comparisons as to the lack of common sense as to ever thinking to ask anyone else, as to the fact that would not take a head injury to figure out as to my earning 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to my personal levels of safety requirements as to my personal style of SCUBA Diving in such hypothetical comparisons as to such assumptions from the bigotry I dealt with as to what my hairstyle as to my hair color as to my tattoos in such references as it should not take a head injury to figure out if those individuals were not civilian recreational SCUBA Divers and they actually took SCUBA Diving seriously in the correct ways as to how I would have been asked for my schedule for those individuals to arrange meetings for me to speak with individuals as to their knowledge of such aspects in such hypothetical comparisons as to ever involving anyone else as to such aspects of my biological mother/father/sister and/or my ex-in-laws and/or my son and/or my daughter as it should not take a head injury to figure out the fact my son and my daughter were in McCoy Elementary School as to the fact they were not old enough to go SCUBA diving yet. That is unless such recreational SCUBA Divers have allowed their children under the age as to what science has found as to actual safe-ish aspects as to such age levels for safe SCUBA Diving, unless such does take a head injury to figure that out to point out such references as to the mental health development factors in such references as to the common sense development.
Then again as to the situations as to how such correct recognition in the references thereof to my personal work as to the aspects of such hypotheticals as to any wishful aspects that any ceremony would ever actually be recognized by such beings in the oceanic areas and/or fresh water areas as to the if factors of belief as to such beings within such areas, it should not take a head injury to figure out that when that has not been done correctly as to such aspects of the correct ceremony as to the reasons why the 10 Commandments are as to the Laws of the Ocean as well as of the Laws of Space as to the reasons why ending stolen valor is important as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the awareness of such beings to the difference as to such aspects of what energetic portions thereof to the one and only in such references thereof. For example if there were individuals within the area as I learned later as to the aspects of the Gulf of Mexico which would be where my first ocean water SCUBA Dives were as to the oil rig aspects as to such hypothetical situations of such discussions, I would not think it would take a head injury to figure out such oceanic beings had given a sign to such hypothetical civilian recreational SCUBA Divers in such references while I was in the area of the DFW location for such clarifications as to such points in time as that would not take a head injury to figure out that coinky dink as to such hypothetical references for such hypothetical situations as to such hypothetical aspects as to the oceanic levels rising as to such hypotheticals as to other portions of which such individuals as to if not as civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as to the aspects of responsible civilian SCUBA Divers as to the references to the if factors as to what would be considered as common sense as to simply from the year of 2009 onward as to such factors.
However since I was not near the aspects of the Gulf of Mexico and I was not ever officially informed as to any such factors, there has not been any clarifications to me as to such aspects of if there was a discussion near the area of the Gulf of Mexico areas. If there was not a discussion in the areas as to the Gulf of Mexico areas though as to such hypotheticals as to the majority of SCUBA Dives as to those civilian recreational SCUBA Diver types as to the aspects of which the situations as to how such oceanic beings as to how the markings thereof as to not in the same ways as to the dog aspects as to such situations as to the oceanic beings in such references as to how the markings thereof go, in such references as to the hypotheticals as to those who believe in such aspects as to oceanic beings as to how such aspects of the composition of the water areas as to the situations thereof as to which why cleansing SCUBA Diving gear can be considered as more important than some might have thought as to such hypotheticals as to the comparisons as to how I was made fun of as to my safety precautions as to other locations as well as other individuals' waters similar as to the aspects as to how I was made fun of for earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the comparison of the situations as to how audits go in reference as to the aspects of the civilian recreational SCUBA Diver aspects as to the rules and regulations which are required to follow such guidelines as to the ways thereof to the international communities as to the water aspects.
I have known of certain individuals from different countries which have had problems with citizens of the United States of America of which I wonder as to how many individuals as to such needless problems of how many individuals are considered as SCUBA Divers in such capacities thereof, to which in turn of such hypotheticals as to the references thereof to what level of responsibility would such references be as to the situations as to such references as to the comparisons as to such factors of the physical attributes. My biological father had complained about my tattoos and my hair color because of how I could not hide and how I could not camouflage, which in this reference as to my references as to which locations I have been in my opinion as to the correct choice in such hypothetical differences as he had discussed such needless problems from the civilian recreational SCUBA Diver groups when he had earned his SCUBA Diving certifications as to the needless games and needless jokes that were claimed as to such aspects as to when the J and the K valve were more prevalent as to such references to the comparisons.
Thus as to the aspects of those who actually for my actual best interests I obviously can overlook various situations as to how I obviously have had the capacity to forgive despite situations as to the proof thereof to the aspects of the years of 2019 through 2021, though in such aspects as to such references thereof as to the aspects as to what the reverse would be as it should not take a head injury to figure out I actually care about life in such hypothetical comparisons. Since as to the facts as to Irving Texas as to the year of 2011 as well as the prior proof as to such accuracy levels of such references and situations thereof for such considerations, at the minimum standards as to the facts of which I have always done the best to follow the 10 Commandments as I could see the value of such aspects as to no matter how boring some might think as to such factors. While some might think otherwise as to whatever aspects as to their style of SCUBA Diving in the comparisons as to my style of SCUBA Diving, I suppose as to such hypotheticals as to the proof as to such references as to the comparisons as to such factors.
For example as to individuals whose lives I personally directly kept safe as to each and every individual SCUBA Diving certification class as to each and every SCUBA Diving certification I personally earned for each SCUBA Dive required, who actually could tell I was me in the references to actually within the waters thereof?
In reference as to another example as to in the oceanic portions of the water more so in reference to the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters as to the same question, as to such references as what individual knew I was me as to such references as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #GeneralHoytSVandenberg #GeneralHoytVandenberg #Vandenberg as to such references of my SCUBA Diving work as to those individuals as to that area on that day?
In reference as to a different example as to the Puffy/Puffer fish situation, who actually went to actually take care of the situation as well as who actually cared enough as to checking in as to actually going to celebrate such life as to the factors thereof without the prompting from me as to such references?
For a different example as to Matt West as to not knowing what he had done as to SCUBA Diving as to that point in time within the year of 2012 when he and I were dating, which individual as to any other actually checked on him as to the fact I brought him back from the dead as to such for the example thereof as who actually cared in truth as to another fellow SCUBA Diver's health and well being without stalking aspects?
In turn as to such references as to the civilian recreational SCUBA Divers I once knew in person face to face in person, what did I bring up about my issues with technology and had there ever been a point in time that I had discussed the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the coma as well as my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to my headaches and migraines as well as cognitive disorders and memory deficits as which individual(s) actually in person face to face in person ever asked me about my health and my well being in genuinity as to the truth in such lengths of time from the years from 2009 through even to this year of 2022?
In reference to those who are not SCUBA Divers of whichever type and style and certification thereof to the references, there has not ever been one SCUBA Diver I knew in person face to face in person as to my SCUBA Diving certification courses as to any such SCUBA Divers or instructors thereof who had ever asked me about the aspects of my SCUBA Diving work nor as to the aspects of ever asking me as to the situations I personally dealt with in the water nor has there ever been any individual who has ever asked me about the situations as to what occurred. Maybe it should not take a head injury to figure out why I would think SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement would be considered as a good or possibly great idea, to consider as to the reality thereof for such references aside from my creations of the Underwater Wedding as well as the Underwater Travel System. #susanmeeling #reverendsusanmeeling #ladydoribelle #theornerypsa
