Many years ago I once knew a female who was a bit younger than I biologically though had grown up within the state of Texas, which I have written about in specifics for several reasons aside from clearing the air for the knowledge and the understanding thereof. While I can and have admitted to seeing much differently in reference to more than just in the regards of the nightmare I had as a child regarding the Twin Towers, though also in reference to the situation regarding Irving Texas in the year of 2011 towards the end of the year regarding certain aspects some have known more about in reference to what I have called The Big Blue Book though is known as #BlueBookProject The Blue Book Project; which the formation officially which #POTUS45 POTUS45 had done in regards of signing the #USA United States of America's Space Force into the #USArmedForces Armed Forces of the United States of America, is a portion to additionally pay attention to regarding what I wrote about in the "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" book. It has been known to some I can see differently, though to the extant to which it is known how I can see I suppose I can make a joke regarding being a bit well known throughout the Milky Way Galaxy as well as the universe for such sight. The situation regarding #Irving Irving #Texas Texas and what I had described regarding being shown and which path portions thereof which I had written about though did not discuss because of the lack of belief anyone I knew would ever believe me, because of the amount of situations occurring all at the same time in my life at the time in 2011 shortly before 2012.
There were few who when being told of certain aspects in person who refused at the times to believe certain problems were at the level which they were in regards of my daughter, my son, and I in reference to #McCoyElementarySchool McCoy Elementary School of #CarrolltonTX Carrollton Texas in #CFBISD Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District and the Fort Worth Zoo additionally. Thus also not having been believed regarding my #SCUBA Diving training for my certifications as well as not having been believed in reference to three specific sets of #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving I had done in the oceanic waters more specifically; meant I had not thought it was worth bringing up for discussion when it had occurred, as the situation seemed of little importance at such times to me comparatively to what I had seen though also including what I had seen regarding such aspects. I can additionally joke to a degree about the cover picture I chose in reference to "Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction Fantasy By: Susan MeeLing" regarding a view point I had, in regards to the windows when in the situation of Irving after the initial portions of the arrival before being taken onto the particular unidentified flying object. It was a lot to handle to bring such forward regarding the Finding A Silver Lining book, because of having to acknowledge what I could tolerate to go over regarding such aspects. It was an extremely terrifying experience for me, and for fun and what I consider as recreational time regarding the fact I go to cemeteries to complete the portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project; to which just their arrival was a lot for me to go through regarding the initial viewpoints of what I was shown on the back patio, I could not bring myself to go further than what I had written about because of having to face the facts of the situation in a larger way as to the visitation. It was not the first time I had seen such beings, however it also was not the first time I had been on one of the #UFO #UAP Unidentified Flying Objects or seen one in person. There is the point I brought up regarding when driving from #CrystalLakeIL Crystal Lake #Illinois Illinois and winding up in Iowa before having to turn around to go back through Illinois to then arrive in Indiana and the written paper warning speeding aspects before getting into #Ohio Ohio in less than 6 hours from Iowa, as per what I had seen in the sky and what I was doing to outrun that object at the time. Thus even though I told people about such before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as afterwards, the facts of such had not necessarily made sense to some back then or possibly onward.
Nonetheless regarding the facts as to the amount of which I have seen in different regards and different aspects, the fact my SCUBA Diving records were not as well known and the depth level to which I had gone to and spoke about had not been brought forward sooner by those I once knew in what they do as recreational SCUBA Diving however I had told the individuals as to the facts for why I was getting into SCUBA Diving for my certifications. I had told the individuals I knew in regards of my SCUBA Diving classes for certifications why I had begun my classes as well as why I was taking my SCUBA Diving classes in the ways to which I needed for myself, as well as for the reasons why I after reading the #JMJ #JewishMedicalJournal Jewish Medical Journal about such portions. I had also told the SCUBA Divers I knew at the time as to what choice I made regarding the surgery aspects referencing my breast augmentation and tummy tuck portions in reference to not taking any appointments away from the soldiers who needed those appointments more than I, as I knew there would be a point when I could get such taken care of for myself in ways which would give those times to those who needed the appointments for medical care more and when the time was right I would be able to get what I needed done for myself as I knew how the schedules had been in Medical Hold Unit before the name of Warrior Transition Unit at just the area of Fort Sam Houston in #JBSA JBSA in San Antonio Texas of #MilitaryCityUSA Military City USA. I told the SCUBA Divers I knew I could not allow myself to take from those soldiers of whichever branches of the United States of America's Armed Forces and look myself in the mirror in my own eyes, if I had taken such multiple appointments from those who would need those surgery slots more than I to fix the physical view for the fact I chose to have my son and chose to have my daughter; though I had also explained such to multiple people within the adult consenting communities in the different areas of Texas over the years including the #mysa #SanAntonioPagans Pagan community in #SanAntonio San Antonio, shortly after the initial referral appointment that I had scheduled before the telling of the doctor to not put my name on the list and the reasons why for those who needed such more. That truth as many others were put into my book "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", because it was important for such truths in my opinion.
In such overall aspects as I have already written about previously regarding much more in regards of the #IRS IRS paperwork and the reasons why in smaller ways as per the Irving situation and the Big Blue Book of Blue Book Project, I was concerned regarding what would be done if I had not put such together regarding the piece of paper. While I know in regards of the adult consenting lifestyle as to multiple aspects and views thereof, having to make the choice of the only way I could see any sort of protection regarding such was through such a piece of paper to the IRS in regards of who was known to me in the adult consenting lifestyle as Maitresse Renee. I admit there were many things I saw back in those days regarding her beyond simply the fact she was biologically younger, the fact she was responsible enough to take on a chapter of the #ClubFEM group in the #DFWClubFEM Dallas/Fort Worth area, as well as the length which she could go in multiple ways as per where I grew up being able to go around when having been born and raised in New Jersey regarding the tristate areas; which as best as I could warn her and others within ClubFEM about certain legal litigations which occurred in the later 1980s though more prevalent in the 1990s, the situations within the state of Texas regarding the adult lifestyle was not paid attention to in such levels or warnings as some may have thought in the more length of time especially among the younger biological aged individuals especially with the technology revolution. With as many social media aspects and the amount of programs registering one simple keystroke while not forgetting the aspects of facial recognition for pictures and videos, the aspects as to what best I could to warn in regards of what I had seen in the northeast regarding assumptions was not able to be as well known or at minimum seen until time went onward regarding such aspects in regards of employment and/or other such fields of looking towards public office or being associated with elected officials #electionintegrity.
Even with what I was told about when outside of when volunteering to clean up through the set up at Club Sapphire as well as the security details I would do regarding the doors as well as the parking lot as per what I had noticed over my time in regards of including the back area and the unattached males, I had spoken with a male with a blue motorcycle who had told me about a female he knew who had worked with Congress or Senate in reference to legislation in reference to website something-or-another. While I had my website going at the time of the discussion for also seeing the books I wrote and compiled, my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork, my paintings, and my journal blog The Ornery PSA; I cannot recall all of the details he told me about while also not fully remembering what other aspects I had picked up, however in such times I can recall seeing visions in reference to the aspects of Renee ever working with such for the aspects regarding the Professional Dominatrix portions of the adult consenting lifestyle and seeing such prior visions when I knew her back in 2010. I had written about a time when I had gone into a bathroom to wipe away tears from a female's eyes after a situation regarding the front door, which I also wrote about the aspects of the relationship with the male the female had been in running to hide in the bedroom area regarding in "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" though I had not discussed or wrote about the visions I had regarding such times as per other situations as per the reference regarding the details above in this posting even though I had explained to Renee and Jason among others as to my nightmare when I was a child among several other visions. It was not believed the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to the levels of within the civilian sector more-so, as the military of the Armed Forces of the United States of America had much to go off of regarding all of the medical procedures I had been through in a multitude of ways despite the records having to be reviewed in certain ways as per the clearance levels thereof regarding such portions. To those who know how Omega clearance is in whichever field, my MOS was in logistics at the age of 17 years old; which in turn means as those who know about clearance raisings know that traffic tickets are not something considered for the changes to clearance levels though in other such ways can change such levels as well per the employment aspects depending upon the types of traffic tickets such as speeding and the amount of difference regarding such comfort at driving at such speeds while able to maneuver safely in various conditions on the road for such additional reference aspects. Nonetheless the realities to which I had dealt with over those particular years from 2009 through to 2013 more specifically had shaped more than some people realized at such times, unless you were paying more attention to the spiritual prophetic portions thereof in conjunction to the aspects of what I had brought forward; though then is also the ironic portions of Isaiah as well as former President of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln quoting such portions, in reference to the orphan and the widow, and Jewish Messianic additional portions thereof. While I could do what others have done to me, I prefer to take a different approach for a hopefully more positive viewing thereof for the progression forward for more.
In such aspects as to the multitude I had dealt with, I still had been able to see just as I can still see regarding various aspects in different ways thereof. I had not hidden such aspects as I had discussed such with many groups of individuals over the years, more-so after the aspects when the after effects of 11 September 2001 as per already having randomly discussed such prior to 11 September 2001. However the difference regarding such times had been the various portions as per the events which had occurred comparison to which would occur in different aspects which in such discussions especially within the adult consenting lifestyle in comparison to SCUBA Diving, the technological advances were of more concern to discuss with such individuals over those years for what they did not know of such aspects. While some had not taken me seriously referencing such I knew there would be those who would learn the difficult way regarding such on their own, however admittedly I had taken a particular interest regarding Renee as per seeing her youth as well as seeing her potential in more ways than possibly she had thought of for herself. While in such times of 2010 more specifically in getting to know Renee before the year of 2011 there had been multiple discussions about various topics though usually among the safety precautions, the legalities, and other such adult consenting lifestyle portions while randomly discussing certain technological aspects; though the first event I had ever gone to her and Jason's house for while having been briefly written about beforehand, the regards as to how such aspects were viewed in which the opinion was at such a time had not been discussed nor written about though the portions as to what I had seen more-so had been written about and/or discussed in some ways.
In the viewpoint I had despite other such comments regarding others in reference of Phillip Omstead and his wishes as to being a power couple in comparison to Renee and Jason, I had not seen such an option for such aspects as it was not something which had an interest of mine at such times; however with the fact of such being brought up to me and having to learn what a power couple was in such regards, I could easily see Renee more specifically getting bored quite easily more-so than in comparison to Jason. I could see Jason being more intrigued by various aspects in comparison to Renee seeing more in the larger views of varied portions and personalities within the adult consenting lifestyle, while I could see Jason being more interested in dabbling here and there to see the difference regarding sensations. I could see Renee being more interested in helping other Professional Female Dominatrixes because of how she lit up when discussing certain topics of the legalities and protections, though the ironic portions of certain traps being set around her by such individuals she was seeking to assist and help as per other commentary regarding her youth and how quick to move in such reference points regarding ClubFEM by others more heavily involved with the group. I could see more in reference to Jason not paying attention to the fact of having the events at their house regarding the more open invitations to a generalized way while seeing the financial benefits of having such within their house, yet not seeing the safety precautions in such aspects either regarding having discussed the camera monitoring he had installed within the house being more of a problem than a helpful solution as per the technological portions thereof. While I saw the benefit regarding her safety, I also saw the downfall regarding such portions as per the knowledge as to the technology devices themselves and the wifi capabilities in certain other references. In such referencing warnings I had explained referencing one singular simple keystroke as well as the turn of the millennium referencing the larger number of people who would utilize technology in other ways than I, the situations as best as I was able to warn of was far greater than the levels which I could personally explain at such reference points in time.
Thus in regards of the first event at their house which I had written about in reference to the phone while Phillip Omstead was on during the event and was laughing about the situation seeing Jason run into the bedroom while seeing Renee run outside before running to the bedroom, the description as to the energetic portions as to the clearing of such aspects and waiting until the more appropriate time to knock on the door to see where I could help and assist was and is true to such regards. However in what I saw at that moment additionally more in ways of words to explain was seeing Jason run away from being at Renee's side to be able to handle the situation and hide in ways which the description of the college student with the W socks in #Tacoma #Washington #UW Tacoma about my saying in regards of "it should not take a head injury to figure out" and the male who I had wound up in Washington state with hiding in the alley way as I stood my ground regarding my words, for a metaphor regarding such aspects of seeing Jason run into the bedroom regarding whatever was being dealt with in reference to Renee in the year of 2010 at that event. My choice at a later event at their house to stand with her regarding a picture with her without any covering over the face and looking directly into the camera without any shame and still enjoying the event later on, was the only way to combat the situations I could see coming down the road in different regards. While however such images and/or videos later on referencing such in regards of Renee may have gone however so, at a minimum for whatever it is worth the portions as to standing next to without hesitation was important at such times in a multifaceted way. While it was and it is known I have not nor ever planned to ever be a Professional Dominatrix, I have known my fair share of Professional Dominatrixes over the years well before ever meeting Renee as in that capacity more officially. I saw where certain other Professionals were already beginning their commentary about her youth as well as how she was thought to be moving too fast by such opinions, to which in such I saw those aspects in a different way than in reference to the portions of what was being referred to regarding such a timeline. While others may have made their comments more known to Renee, my choice to sit along the sidelines to pay attention to other aspects in such references had been on such lines of moving faster; however what I saw was a different capability regarding Renee and how she would learn from the lessons of which whatever such others would teach her whether good, bad, and/or indifferent however more along the lines of what seemed was limiting by other such portions whereas I could see where she would have the correct spark as to finding other ways to assist such if those lessons went the way I could see them going either fortunately or unfortunately.
In the unfortunate way of seeing how she would have those who would block her way out of such arenas while seeing others wishing to give more incentives in other regards sometimes seeing such well out of what was I saw her comfort zone being, as well as seeing how others would want and wish for her to remain within a certain prelabeled box. I could see how few were able to see how she could go past such limitations as per the regards of her lighting up when discussing legalities and discussions along more lines than what seemingly was discussed with other Female Dominants of whichever caliber and variety. I could see how some of the male submissives preferred her to remain within a certain box pre-labeling and only see her in one aspect, in comparison to what was clearly able to be seen what she could bring to the table in other such ways. While there are those who had chosen to stoke problems between her and I quite frankly I knew better referencing preferring to speak with in person as per the discussions in person were always truthful, in comparison to the multifacted aspects which were and are still truthful; though the perspective of the situations in a larger way in person compared to what was online, I saw such being a larger version of how high school rumors go when in regards of online in reference to situations between Renee and I. I had not discussed with Renee or Jason or ClubFEM members or online about such times as to how many situations which I had not only defended my stand and my choice to be a part of ClubFEM while I had been more active in reference to in person aspects, as it did not seem appropriate to go into such details not because I did not see such as important though more along the lines as I figured it was known by such as to the situations across the proverbial board as to the aspects of the Professional lines in comparison to the more recreational lines of the adult consenting lifestyle. I had discussed such portions in reference to the Dominant Mentor Program which I had begun in #Austin Austin though graduated in #Dallas Dallas, however as I had explained to many who were not able to know as to the situations discussed not being a slight more-so as a warning if traveling within the state of Texas as per the differences regarding the overall personality in regards of the adult consenting lifestyle depending upon which area of Texas you would go for such. While some thought I was joking and/or being mean, in realistic portions it was informing of the differences for the complexities to be more known and the simplicities of the various partnerships of which many had throughout different areas within the large state of Texas.
In turn such journals and blogs through my fetlife account of #LadyDoriBelle #LDB LadyDoriBelle can be seen now as such and timing thereof as there was a point in time which I had changed the name on fetlife because of thinking the harassment and the threats would stop, if the name was changed; which I did not take into consideration as to the link portion regarding how fetlife has their website pages arranged, or at minimum how they were arranged at such times in 2012 and 2013. However the #Leatheratti Leatheratti article I had written initially on fetlife and then later submitted that article to Leatheratti for them to publish while I was living in San Antonio at the time and having already dealt with the portions of my SCUBA Diving situations, disarming my daughter at the #BAMC/#SAMC BAMC/SAMC location in the Emergency Room after the situations regarding McCoy Elementary School and the #FWZoo Fort Worth Zoo among the hospitalizations she had at such times while doing the best to take care of both her and my son; which of course in the years of 2012 and 2013 onward had been after the Irving situation, regarding that visitation and how such had gone additionally as per only the back patio portion having been written about. It was a lot to process up to such a point of writing about in 2013 for the 2014 publishing of "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", and with the situations regarding Best Buy in Clackamas Oregon referencing the technology going; while it was not an intention to cause harm in reference to the IRS paperwork, it was a protective measure as well as a clearing which I could see in reference to a vision regarding towards the #RocheHarbor #FridayHarbor Roche/Friday Harbor visions I had seen and was doing what I could to distinguish between as per the electrical situations additionally. I remember wording in speech was extremely difficult shortly before the e cigarette situation by a few months referencing the getting off of regular cigarettes, though well before the electrical zapping regarding the blue lights flowing throughout my bones and my flesh as I inhaled when in Lakewood at the time. That made things more difficult in reference to the time in Lakewood regarding words, as the electrical aspects with the altitude portions not realized at such points in time; were extremely difficult for me to deal with as the levels of the amount of physical pain I had been elevated to pun intended I suppose with wording, had larger implications in a different way referencing noticing the objects in the sky as well as hearing them in certain locations especially during the trips in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project regarding similarities to Indiana. Ironically not until around the year of 2019 or 2020 and finding an ironic portion in reference to the Aurora Borealis I had wanted to see while SCUBA Diving and had been a portion as to the inspiration regarding my idea for The Underwater Travel System, however the extraterrestrial aspects in reference to a town called Aurora in Indiana among several other oddities. I had taken a few pictures when in Great Falls Montana after going to the Montana Vortex and the literally shocking pulsations in the #BlackfootHills #BlackfootMountain Blackfoot Mountain Range just before pulling closer towards the #Montana #MontanaVortex Montana Vortex prior to continuing to #Kalispell Kalispell Montana to pick up Galt's historical and spiritual rubbing portions, and the GPS problem which occurred thereafter as well as the gas tank for the car I was driving and then the drive back to the Montana Vortex without the GPS while looking for a gas station. I could feel the situation getting closer in regards of the pictures and such more recent posting through my Instagram account for a trip I took in March and April 2021, I am still working on those postings as per the amount of pictures I took. However below in the link for a video I recorded back then as well as certain ties to the reference of Renee, possibly the portions regarding the above as well as the below will make more sense in such sight aspects.
While I do not mention Renee in the video, I know in visions around her I had seen horses as well as a large amount of farmland regarding when sitting in the back yard which was before the event regarding the #TeaParty Tea Party during a DFW ClubFEM event that I had the idea for. In such random times I had seen darker wooden fence posts some with barbed wire, some with chain link fencing, and some with just the open logs for two rows at each post for the visions I was seeing at the times. I had seen visions of a brunette and a blond wearing equestrian helmets while also riding boots in lighter colored pants, and a darker colored jacket with a ponytail hairstyle while riding an #English English saddle as well as a #Western Western saddle. I had seen in visions a larger group of cows and cattle being moved around with dogs around the 50-70 pound range, as well as seeing in the visions of getting caught in wires when pushing a larger animal out of the way in reference to the brunette as a horse stood by the area and tied to a post before taking off with a small patch of blood running down a side of the arm which seemingly required stitches. In a vision I had seen a different set of clothing with a cowboy-ish style hat while chasing after smaller animals which in the vision I could not make out what the animals were, though also seeing a dirty white bucket around 5 gallon size while being carried and some of the contents being thrown around the area as the females moved around. I had seen beer cans on posts with a BB style type of firearm striking such off of the post, while also having had visions regarding while on a horse and working on such skills at the same time. Whether that has to do with Renee and/or her sister and/or where they grew up and/or some they knew, the visions as to who in reference of if in regards of Renee; then the video above referencing the background I was driving through during the trip, assist with such portions of explanations.
While my opinion about the reference aspects as to the bedroom before going into the area after knocking at the door and the energetic portions previously described regarding the time in the room for when they would step outward to such tears is what it is regarding such similarities in my view of the Tacoma #Washingtonstate Washington W socks situation, I could agree with some of the Female Dominants regarding Renee moving fast within the adult consenting lifestyle. However I could not agree with the fact she would need to be kept into a small box as to not ruffle any feathers regarding other situations within the larger aspects of the Professional Dominatrix aspects, as she was and most likely is still quite a fast learner as well as quite quick regarding picking up on different portions as to what to pay attention to as per what she had seen when she was growing up. What I could see regarding the aspects as to where I grew up and the years thereof, I had seen what the technology at that time had done to some within that particular portion of the adult consenting lifestyle as well as many other aspects regarding such portions. While I had made every attempt to explain and warn as best as I could regarding my choice to not participate regarding nudes or implied nudes as per my own personal choices for myself as well as in regards of my son and my daughter later on, the aspects in reference to myself and my own comfort limits regarding my body and my choice thereof meant while there were already those within the adult film industry which knew more of such situations; the general public had not been as well informed as to such realities to which in regards of facial recognition as well as digital body measurements, the ways additionally to the intellectual property thereof is also another situation which I have randomly written about such aspects. However within what group was and is called #TheNextGeneration #TNG The Next Generation or the TNGer group and such a blog I had written through my fetlife account LadyDoriBelle, the elder portion while can be seen and referenced to the timing of the biological age; also too in reference to the business aspects in conjunction with the reverse regards of the younger the individual being introduced to technology, the elderly in reference to the knowledge regarding such programming and additional portions thereof as has been learned regarding the parental locking features later on among other such references. Thus in regards of the ability to clarify in a laymen's terms sort of way in which I wrote "The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series: ... By: Susan MeeLing" more in specific as to Volume Two: Portraits of Partnerships, a way to work on clarifying such portions in the adult consenting sectors as each could explain in their own comfort levels as to situations which I had figured may not have been as well realized was more across the spectrum in comparison to what may have been thought of as normal.
I wrote in a way which I had wanted the reader to envision themselves in the characters with the lines of dialogue being short as well as long as per the ways of envisioning oneself in that situation, and how such could start to begin communication in such aspects as to the larger numbers of people having such connectionary aspects long different lines. I hoped while knowing and understanding the comprehended need for the ethnic labeling regarding the medical health portions as to the specified needs per combination thereof, the overall aspect of seeing people as people as per being human beings in comparison to seeing in such labels as prescribed pun intended for that aspect. The skin tone as per ethnic background does not always fit the category as I learned at an early age in regards of being born and raised within New Jersey and going throughout the areas of the tristate part of the northeast, though explaining such after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury especially was difficult for me. However prior situations and relatives over time I figured would be easier to find and figure out additional reasons as per the causes I had taken up as important and which levels thereof regarding such aspects, however I did not look into the specific levels of the linear timeframes in comparison to other such visions and sights. In such and the amount written in brief compared to the additional aspects as to my website journal blog area, I could easily see Renee having more insight regarding within the state of Texas along with others from the adult lifestyle consenting communities. However I also saw problems regarding the overall societal views of what was considered as normal and in regards of a conversation I had many years ago with my now dead-ex-husband, I knew normal was not necessarily what society has made for people to believe as I knew normal was what each individual felt for themselves to a degree of both being the combined balances thereof. Thus with more couples being more open about certain regards of either open relationships and/or swinging portions, the #BDSM BDSM aspects had been a struggle more-so than in regards though almost as much as within the #LGBTQ #LGBTQP LGBTQP communities as the technology continued progressing forward; which the LGBTQP communities know the most regarding the ways as to such societal views, while #Swingers Swingers learned thereafter, and BDSMers were going to learn and have at this time begun to realize in several aspects as per the technological advances thereof.
It had been asked when I was going to write a book or a few books early on regarding after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as the first time I was asked such had been around the time of November 2001, in a chancely random meeting at a store in Fort Worth Texas; which had been continuously asked of me over the years since then, though before the larger number of questions about me writing book(s) I had seen such a capability in regards around the year of 2004 more officially. However it was not until 2007 when I had begun more officially beginning the author aspects and making the choice for getting my name as well as the Reverend aspects more well known as Susan MeeLing, before more officially going into such works thereof. In such references regarding the ways certain aspects my Grandpa Gavett had explained in regards of certain systems he assisted regarding the newspaper designs for finding certain individuals as per having told him about certain things I noticed when reading the newspaper as a child, I had remembered such when thinking as to how best to step forward regarding the publishing as I knew it would be a close time for the registration with The Library of Congress and how such possibilities could be. As I explained in prior aspects as to hoping to help and protect as best as possible and while knowing the discretionary situations in regards of adult consenting locations in comparison to during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips depending upon the intentions as well as truth spoken in such discussions as to the length of time as well, I suppose the seal for the transfer location almost seems a bit befitting in a different way regarding the female sitting with a cornucopia and a joke which could be made about one of my favorite Sesame Street characters regarding the specifics of a military letter as to the water version of in the abstract view of the shape of a location walked outward into; if accurate regarding Club Sapphire at this point in time, to such a metaphor, once again if accurate in such aspects. However while knowing the discretionary portions as well as the reference regarding the bedroom and the tears situation, in such portions as to explaining more as time has gone onward; the regards as to such prior visions and the shorter amount of sight distance, as per the pictures in yesterday's posting regarding SCUBA Diving for such linear length of time aspects.
Thus while whatever may have been said and/or discussed and/or written about and/or etcetera prior to the times of the year in 2016 though also in regards of the current year of 2021 while also taking into consideration the year of 2010 in regards to the situations between Renee and I which in my opinion such was overdramatized back in the years between later in 2010 around the month of October and defenses for her in regards of one particular situation which who I had been engaged to twice at one event which I wrote about in my Finding books, which the male had asked about what I was regarding whether a submissive or a Switch as he had not seen any Dominant Females before supposedly. By that point in time of defending more than just one or two individuals less known at such times, the aspects as to the defending regarding both in reference of my associations with ClubFEM as a non-professional #FemaleDominantLeatherwoman #FDLW #Leatherwoman Female Dominant Leatherwoman more-so; the levels to which the threats I was receiving at that point in time as well as while defending such aspects, had gotten to the point of having to literally wear such an outfit regarding the paddle on each hip as well as the crop on my belt. While some did not believe me or thought I was attention seeking, the realities of such were the ability to see such in regards of that particular event in reference to how much I had to defend myself just up to that point in the year of 2010. I saw how such could go in reference to Renee and Jason easily from such a point in time, as well as others throughout the state of Texas' adult consenting lifestyles; well before officially being informed of the leaks regarding the #TempleofFlesh #TOF Temple of Flesh ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends of the owners regarding such portions which I could only warn and explain so much, especially with the amount of situations overall regarding such a point in time of my life while being a Mom with my children to keep in mind as well while at such times in the adult consenting lifestyle while they were in care.
However knowing in the visions I was having at the various points in time in reference to when in Vancouver Washington in the combined viewing as per described in reference to the book "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" in regards of what I saw in reference to the day of 11 September 2001 of the meshing of the images in the television though the vision at the same time, the same way regarding in certain aspects as to various visions from the timing in Vancouver Washington as well as through to #Lakewood Lakewood Washington in oddities. By the timing of sending my first two books through #LegalZoom Legal Zoom to #LibraryofCongress #LOC The Library of Congress, I could see a point which Renee would know more of the combined portions as to the aspects regarding such multiplexities as to the various timings thereof and I could see her wanting to do more; though in such visions I saw her being pushed to the side by a male's hand while hearing the comments about the perspective of the perception, while a gag was put into the vision of the mouth at the time of seeing such. In the vision I could not see her in anything other than the corsetry and the latex clothing though also seeing the business suits in an off distance way in the vision trying to get closer as per her reaching in the vision trying to grab such, while seeing in the vision a male's hand continue to push further away with a business suit type of cuff and a business suit jacket with golden colored cufflinks in the french cut sort of way for a sleeve with thick fabric in a starched white color and the vision had the darker-ish tan-ish skin-tone male hand pushing the BDSM gear more closer to her while in the vision of seeing her grabbing backwards for such. In the timing of the vision I had seen a way to push the metaphor of the business suits closer to her hands while having to push other things in different directions in such a vision, though such combined visions seen in the totality of in the year of 2010 the closest way to give such for the words would be looking into a kaleidoscope with all such visions at the same time though in different proverbial windows. If Renee were to recall a time when at a Dallas club one evening when I was coming back inside and was able to see her, if she remembers I had to take a few steps backwards looking at her. If she recalls such a time, the vision had reappeared before my eyes at that moment and the ways to see such while in front of her was a difficult task to speak as to attempt any further words than was spoken that evening.
Thus in regards to the discretionary timeframe aspect if accurate regarding such now in comparison to back then though in addition to the visions as well as the situation regarding the male named John with the blue motorcycle and his discussion along with the situations when having spoken with her in person prior to the larger aspects as to #DFW ClubFEM chapter and such additional portions thereof regarding visions, referencing what my Grandpa Gavett had referred to in several aspects as per portions of such times in memory and the additional references regarding Irving; the required bringing above board regarding taxes and legitimacies thereof as also the faster movement, I cannot see a more worthwhile individual to bring forward in reference to the ability to run for a local state level elected office starting off as per the locales she would have been able to see in person and such aspects regarding the video as well as other such consenting adult portions in multiple levels. In my opinion if the vision portion regarding the male named John were to have to do with the regards of adult consenting lifestylers moving forward with the legislation as described by him that evening, I could easily see Renee having the ability and the capacity to step forward in such regards of the elected office in the starting point of the state level of Congress and/or Senate prior to going for elected office in later times for the federal levels of the Congress and/or Senate. However in my opinion regarding the situations thereof how others could have seen such a viewpoint as how the adult film industry has seen such situations regarding people being taken more seriously in comparison with the conjunctionary aspects of the fetlife and such types of websites with the facial/body recognition regarding levels of employment while not forgetting the security cameras and other such recording devices in the public sector, as to the situations regarding the elected officials offices as per how such had gone in reference to #POTUS42 POTUS42 President Bill Clinton referencing the trial situation being a larger situation for more because of how the additional aspects as to the AI aspects which would give hidden strike marks in regards of credit with certain circumstances as to such additionally to clearance levels as well per connections referencing the cellphone portions and such information.
In turn while in such vision portions as to the above aspects with the additional portions of the technological aspects, the proverbial combative aspects to bring such awareness to the technological aspects I had realized when I began writing the portions of more along the lines of "Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series: ... By: Susan MeeLing"; for if I was correct regarding such situations after the visions I was seeing for years as well as having kept my modeling within certain levels by my choice, the aspects as to the portions regarding the recognition software could be seen more-so in regards to the current point in time for such aspects hypothetically. While I do not know if anyone who was at the #TheSanctuary Sanctuary in Dallas Texas in 2013 regarding the bright white light which showed up along with the booming train sounds as per the floating object which lowered itself downwards towards the ground at the height of the average helicopter had seen such as well, though there were many oddities that night before winding up in Washington state in 2013 after the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert situations referencing Kevin and the setup in that regard of the multiple people surrounding me as well as the law enforcement officers which had showed up via the bouncers and the situation regarding Kevin. However such also makes sense as to the situations regarding such aspects as to seeing and hearing more clearly the portions in reference to the ties with the Irving situation, as seen in reference to pictures and videos I have taken more recently though also well before regarding film photography before the digital photography regarding both on the land as well as within the waters.
Nonetheless in regards of having had the ability to clarify the portions of varied aspects throughout the years more-so in reference to Renee's knowledge for understanding as well as others referencing what I had explained as best as I could especially in reference to the males in SCUBA Diving as per discussions about which I had discussed with multiple individuals throughout various areas in regards of the treatments I dealt with, situations which occurred, the reasons why I personally had gotten involved with SCUBA Diving as well as the initial portions before the classes regarding my SCUBA Diving certifications; I have a feeling which such visions may have only been the smallest view of the top of the glacier in the distance of the horizon when making one's way towards the location of seeing one, regarding such a metaphor. While I could see in the visions as to various females within the ClubFEM which I could not see their faces in the visions though saw more closely as to the movie reference point of Silent Hill with the nurses regarding such a vision reference for the metaphor as well as for certain male figures in the thick fabric business suits thereof in various styles, I could easily see in such currents times as to two sides of the same proverbial coin in different ways. Whereas the view as to my physical aspects and the lack of seriousness taken incorrectly regarding the SCUBA Divers at such times and situations thereof in their recreational aspects compared to the portions which I had told such SCUBA Divers as to why I was involved and had joked with such individuals about them being careful as to a different type of auditing system as I told a few SCUBA Diver Instructors about which laughed at me for such a thought, especially when adding the after the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg SCUBA Dive situation in regards of the #SCUBADivePolice #SCUBADiveLawEnforcement #SCUBADPD #SCUBADLE #SDLE #SCPD SCUBA Dive Police; however I had told the groups thereof regarding the various SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors as to a multitude of aspects, while warning as best as I could about the treatments I had been dealing with not only in regards of my modeling though also my hairstyle and hair-color as well as my tattoos and the multifaceted meanings thereof in multiple communities and areas.
In such opposites aspects while I could see Renee moving forward with finding ways to help especially after the Lucille situation I was informed of regarding in the Austin Texas area regarding the situation which the male named John on the blue motorcycle had discussed legal situations referencing a bill passed on as well as the situations regarding the male named TM or Tender Male in the Austin Texas scene though having been a correctional officer in Bastrop Texas, which his house had been caught in the blaze out there and the situations as to his feelings and opinions regarding the ClubFEM community; which I did not realize until later I would have to defend myself to him in person as well as on the phone regarding what Lady Robin had said to him about me, while defending ClubFEM as well as the various levels of and such additional situations in my personal life. I could see such a double sided portion referencing back then around 2011 regarding the first discussions about the #AustinClubFEM situation regarding his opinion as well as others in reference to ClubFEM members, and yet not seeing other aspects in different ways. However I had already had multiple situations of in person situations regarding defending, which the situation regarding the Lucky Albatross situation as well as the same evening as to the female trying to goat Cross in 2010; the reference point to later in regards of the male I had been engaged to twice might make additional sense regarding such outfit as well as responses that evening, in the overall way as well regarding the tool bag situation and that same male regarding such aspects as to my defenses of myself as well as others. That tool bag situation aside from having already explained other prior times as well as after times of such defenses, there truly have been far too many to count regarding such aspects and depending upon who as well in addition to defending myself in the multitude of ways over a lengthy amount of time.
However in regards of the flip side to the same coin whereas I had earned my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications though my physical appearances regarding various modeling too regarding my SCUBA Diving in conjunction to the 13 electives referencing the Dominant Mentors Program as well as my viewpoints thereof explained to me by others as per their choices, I could see how even though Renee had begun the DFW Chapter of ClubFEM and could have worked with various individuals in whichever levels of different branches as per the knowledge of the Professional Dominatrix aspects via having grown up walking around different areas referencing the tristate area including the references to Her in #NYC #NY New York City; I could see where the opposite portions of her looking physically in the ways considered as normal comparatively, though the job employment at such times being the physical view point of my hairstyle and hair color with the tattoos regarding the proverbial viewpoint regarding her profession in regards of ever being considered for more than just that particular aspect as per discussions required for the Professional Dominatrix questions in person as I had known about from references to Her and the timeframe in the later 1980s into the 1990s as to how She ran her business though had the clients she had. I could see Renee in a proverbial way thinking to herself about such similar aspects as to prior discussions about the New York City case of the fertility issues as per the lawsuit in the 1990s as well as other aspects which sparked her interest in different ways, however I could see such an opposite view point regarding the ability to be more known regarding such aspects due to the similarities regarding the adult film industry aspects; or as some more well aware regarding Hollywood and the typecasting aspects in a larger way within the real life portions, for the metaphors regarding Renee's age as well as the way time moves depending upon.
However as time progressed from that evening in 2016 I could see several visions in various ways further, to which a concern started getting heavier referencing several aspects as per wondering why I was having visions regarding Renee and her safety in ways I did not know or understand referencing various aspects while seeing Lucille in the same visions at such times. Those who had seen me dancing regarding more specifically to the belly dance performances and the ways the technology lighting had moved along with the designs thereof as well as the dancing I had done in regards of techno music when at #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire more specifically with the lighting changes and the television screen in the background wall area as well as if some of the #DJ #MC DJs noticed certain technological similarities as to the office area in the differences though along such similar lines in other ways, there are times when I had gone into a trance like state and having visions thereof as per what has been normal for me in a variety of aspects over the years as per visions. The first times of such was in my childhood and hearing techno music at underground raves in the tristate area and I am able to tell the difference between the types of visions, for clarifications; in comparison to what had occurred in reference to Irving as well as other such situations over the decades, well before and after reading The Big Blue Book also known as the Blue Book Project. As that aspect at some points in time were once referred to as misgivings or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or etcetera, similarly how the United States of America's Space Force #USSpaceForce to such portions of the metaphor to my hairstyle and tattoos to the metaphor of such prior view points of the adult consenting aspects in various ways as to the metaphor regarding psychology before for such references. In turn seeing such visions I could also see Jason not wanting to go forward with such aspects as per Renee going towards the elected official ways as to work on legislative measures partially out of worry and concern in regards of prior working, while also the aspects as to the bedroom portion in some smaller ways regarding such times. I could see how views would be as to a situation of a different type of favors which is looked down upon regarding the elected official realms whether or not the consensual portions of employment had been involved regarding such aspects, to which in reference to the vision aspects; yet at the same time listening to the verbal arguments as to accuracy which no other could speak on the behalf of without the experiences to bring forward in such ways as to a multifaceted aspect as to multiple areas where an elected official within the state of Texas Congressional and/or Senatorial portions for a firmer foundational process to get more in depth understanding to explain to others of various age levels to be able to step forward while being more mindful as to the social media aspects in conjunction. While I do not doubt certain overall views, I also would not doubt any technology portions regarding the markings thereof regarding clearance checks as per how such have been run before the year of 2000 as well as after.
Thus how could someone who could truthfully see more in various ways regarding Renee in such discussions in the perview of the camera regarding the aspects as to the video content as well as other such connected portions referencing the writings within this post while not forgetting the other portions of prior postings and writings, however without such clarity and cleanliness of all such portions already having been brought forward as well as the emotional aspects as to other such times including the portions as to being back in the state of Texas prior to the transfer aspects thereof; how else could such clearances be made and who else by for such regarding such a non-paid for, honest, open endorsement regarding myself towards Renee or had been known to me as Maitresse Renee in the adult consenting lifestyle with older year pictures having the proof of such while also being a non-Professional Dominatrix though being a Female Dominant who has survived various aspects throughout various life experiences to make such an endorsement nomination as per the party of her choice while also assisting in lifting others in various areas with various connections as to the upward movement regarding moving passed the aspects of the millennial portions of the technology aspects if such openness and honesty regarding such biases, when who else additionally taking into consideration the aspects as to the election integrity portions from the 2020 election cycle for such a large leap forward while taking the smaller steps in other such ways as needed?
While some that evening wanted to know the gossip portions as others wanted to enjoy the dramatic showing as others hid themselves from view, I dried her tears that evening. While it may not have been understood as well from the knowledge as to my vision levels, I still dried her tears that evening without any desire for any dramatic aspects or recognition regarding such portions; though knowing that might stick in a different way regarding the two's view points thereof which while I could also see certain aspects as to insecurities regarding either side and the different ways as per insecurities being shown per individual, taking into consideration how the media portrayed First Lady of the United States of America before the official POTUS45 portion regarding #MelaniaTrump Melania Trump is one purview for a reference to seeing in a different way regarding such aspects even though Ms. Melania is a supermodel who can speak 5+ languages fluently. Thus similarly as to what I had said in regards of my comments about the billboard news announcement regarding a picture of Ms. Melania and the quotations of "Would you want this as your First Lady of the United States of America?"; I repeat such sentiments regarding if such clearing aspects regarding the potions which I know Renee would know more of in reference to various aspects not only in reference to "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", in addition to "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" in ways which overlooks the situations as to the varied levels which only one such as Renee who has been a Professional Dominatrix in the ways which she had as well as the prior combinations thereof for the video aspects; while also overcoming the portions similarly to the metaphor reference of what I dealt with regarding the SCUBA Diving situations in regards of being an unattached female though with the intentions thereof in the best possible interests for the best possible outcomes for the highest good for the longest terms, while such might be unconventional as to seeing such what about me has ever been conventional? How could one bring forward the acceptances while additionally the other adult consenting aspects referencing the submissive male portions, while the realistic acceptances of the adult consenting portions with morals and ethics in check?
While the portions as to Irving are what they are of such times, I had informed Patrick as to what I had seen referencing portions regarding certain visions as well about Renee and Jason which he refused to believe me about and yet refused to acknowledge what visions I had told him about his involvement with such problems I saw in the visions beginning in reference to the candle and the wax situation while admittedly not remembering his last name was/is Kennedy until around 2019 or 2020 in such references to the ironic portions of my book "Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing". However while he refused to acknowledge the visions seen at such times in reference to Renee and Jason, there were other such situations at the time which had been as such had been. However the ability to push such forward if such clarity is considered as worthwhile regarding such with the additional aspects of not having officially spoken with Renee or Jason in person since around the year of 2012 shortly after the New Year's Eve timing from the switching over from the year of 2011 to 2012 that I can particularly recall more officially knowing of such aspects as to, if such accuracy regarding such portions as to the suggestion for an endorsement regarding such to be brought forward as such while I would not doubt others could agree to such; the reference aspects as to the known situations caused to stir up as per what seemed as teenager dramatizations in comparison to when having spoken with either in person, I would guesstimate such an agreement in regards of such situations had been due to such aspects as well as per the timing of whatever was going on in the other('s)(s') life/lives and the ironic timings thereof additionally to such possible purviews in addition to having discussed about my car Zippy my #VW #Beetle #Zippy VW Beetle and the jokes which had been made regarding such aspects additionally to my issues with technology as explained to several.
Whether such a suggested endorsement of my own free will and not having spoken with such in person as known officially is considered as something to take into consideration as to bringing forward a different set of aspects in a way of etiquette and going upward from the levels of in regards of elected official etiquette regarding certain unspoken aspects of regarding at the state level in regards of #Congress #TXCongress Congress and/or #Senate #TXSenate Senate before going towards the federal levels of Congress and/or Senate for several reasons as to safety precautions regarding the clarifications first of such portions at the local state level while moving forward with others in reference towards the federal levels would be considered as worthwhile to take into consideration, in my opinion despite the aspects of such online portions and timings thereof; I would think #MaitresseRenee Renee's background would be able to speak for itself in such regards as to where she would be able to bring such forward in her home state, while assisting with others to move upwards regarding various aspects across the ways which she and Jason would have been involved in various ways towards progression forward as to learn from history to work towards betterment in multiple ways. There is a term which those especially from the northeast coast though also those who would have been in high school and/or college levels regarding the 1990s called being a well rounded individual, to which in reference to such aspects as per who I had known mainly as Renee though officially in the adult consenting lifestyle as Maitresse Renee; I cannot think of a more well rounded individual for a representative within the state of Texas to begin such a journey forward in such ways as while she might be considered as young biologically, she has seen more than her fair share of the proverbial saying of two county fairs and a chicken fight. However that particular aspect as to such in regards of this posting I suppose there could be a joke-ish in referencing to a prior time regarding a singular event, and various aspects regarding a printing version thereof for such a different form of a sight and viewing thereof regarding the attention paid in reference to more than one particular situation thereof.
Who else than Maitresse Renee or Renee (whatever her legal last name is) to speak in the general public with unattached fe/males and/or involved in a relationship fe/males in the vanilla sector as well as the adult community sectors within the state of Texas about various aspects not just in reference to the video and the written aspects thereof, though also the health and wellbeing regarding safety in reference to adult consenting behaviours without fear and without shame though able to speak at great length with the details thereof for those who could be curious for the knowledge though unwilling in certain timeframes to ask because of the watchful aspects somewhat known and/or felt by certain adults and/or to assist explaining to college and high school aged individuals about the various aspects while maintaining composure as to the lines in regards of the differences within the age ranges thereof especially within the state of Texas to go forward towards the federal levels thereafter a strong foundation has been laid regarding such a legacy? While I do not doubt certain comfort levels within certain aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle for her at various times, I cannot say or write regarding the feeling and the visions I had regarding seeing her in more than what others had the ability to see at whichever viewpoints at such times; though I can write and say which I know the portions as to which could have been confusing and whatever feeling thereof regarding the emotional portions, the ability to which I could see in her in ways which I would guesstimate would be similar though different regarding my Grandpa Gavett and various aspects as to what he and my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had seen in me would be possible in other such references for such metaphors regarding others looking at such portions for the viewpoints thereof. Thus who else other than myself with my background and combinations thereof to make such a suggestion while acknowledging biases and reasons as to why from personal experiences and what had been seen though in such aspects of the biases being acknowledged, who else would be able to bring such a suggestion forward knowing such differences regarding such aspects per such prior experiences and background of mine? While I was accused falsely of outing people back in the middle part of 2011 and such portions of proof regarding not having dropped any specific names in the adult consenting lifestyle despite the interrogation I dealt with in 2012 as well as other situations regarding furthered aspects of having been outed myself though not forgetting the portions as to the online postings thereof regarding of each own free will using social media #socialmediarevolution #SMR in whichever ways and situations during such times, the different references again to the election integrity portions additionally rise up with such aspects regarding several portions thereof in reference to coding in digital pictures as well as the algorithms thereof for such clarifications regarding differences among various aspects when looking at the timeline of just from the year of 2000 through to now in the year of 2021.
While I have been cheated on a countless number of times in various relationships it is my hope that if I ever get involved regarding a relationship in such a way that I truly hope of the loyalty and the fidelity to me in such ways regarding the faithfulness required to me and the relationship as a possibility if ever such were to be, which is a requirement regarding my own comfort referencing such aspects in a relationship portion of that type of a level. However due to not looking for a relationship and if such were to be would be as how would be, the reality being known as to the requirements for myself regarding a relationship to that particular caliber. While I have not ever expected anyone to ever see me in such a way as per the situations I have dealt with over the years though in conjunction due to such aspects, I have known that I am not the easiest person to deal with in a variety of ways as I know myself. In such regarding relationships of such a way though also in regards of friendships and the like in a multitude of aspects, there is a particular loyalty I have not denied regarding additionally being a bit protective at times despite what some have thought in various ways as to the view of who as well as how I am. In turn regarding such aspects in reference to Renee whether or not she knew more officially of such a backing at whichever times and the ability regarding the sight I have and the ways I can see as well as how the visions move and while I can distinguish the differences as to such, I would guesstimate there would be those who would not have the capability to distinguish between such aspects between my visions and/or my dreams and/or my seeing or the aspects of the various portions as to mediumship or clair... aspects; which in turn I can guesstimate various levels of confusion regarding others insights to, though the specifics as to having to clarify to anyone before has not ever been something anyone asked for verbally. While I could pick up as I pick up and can see how such would need to be clarified in certain regards as per not everyone at various points in times fully knowing the depth of my religious studies pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects regarding those who knew me after I woke up from my coma, though there were very few before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury who actually knew I could see the way I can see; and while some had picked up on such portions to a degree mainly after 11 September 2001 in certain regards, the clarifications as to the levels of and the ways which to seeing are in a combination admittedly not seen before myself as I have been informed of. However such aspects have I guesstimate been working towards an ease of knowledge to understand a bit better in comparison to prior years thereof to this year in 2021, yet also knowing of the skepticism for such attributes for longer than since the year of 2000 because of the various situations which others have portrayed themselves as more than they were comparatively to the way I simply have usually stayed more to the sidelines despite certain opinions and views at different times I would guesstimate.
Thus I do hope Maitresse Renee or as I knew her more-so as Renee does look further into such a situation referencing the elected official portion which in some ways I suppose certain aspects as to when returning to the state of Texas, may have been a different visual regarding different hoops she may have had to jump through regarding the aspects already having been laid out regarding the precinct lines and/or the visions regarding pushing to the side while having viable suggestions and/or the no answers sort of portions regarding the movement forward despite the qualifications to be able to and should be able to move forward regarding such aspects in my opinion if such portions have been clarified in ways which such situations to be more clearly defined in various ways. While I would not doubt any anger regarding having to make the choice I had to make in reference to the IRS portions and while some might wish there was another way regarding such aspects in comparison, none can wish more than I regarding such aspects as to having to go to such levels at such times realistically when taking such into consideration as while Renee and Jason had to deal with the IRS paperwork aspects; the decision to actually have to do so in such aspects was not an easy one, nor a lighthearted choice. However taking into consideration as to what is known in the Blue Book Project compared to what in full I had read regarding the Big Blue Book and such aspects, again I repeat the portions of being a bit protective in such aspects as to having to disclose the Irving portions regarding such in conjunction with my Medal of Honor Art Project and situations thereof regarding the pictures taken both before the timing of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips mainly in film though also in digital formats as well as my SCUBA Diving for only three smaller references for such a larger view regarding how such could have potentially have gone in comparison. Adding the Bermuda Triangle portions as well as the Montana Vortex for five smaller aspects in a larger portion of view points for such a time as per the ways such had gone, possibly the regards as to such precautions make a bit more sense when adding the sixth portion as to visions and such.
However hypothetically with the additional aspect as to not officially having known of what she and Jason have done since the timing of 2012 as well as not having spoken with officially in knowledge thereof for such a recommendation for suggestion for the larger aspects regarding the elected official portions to step forward in such regards, possibly a more serious and in depth review as to beginning at the levels of the local state Congress and/or Senate in the state of Texas before going towards the federal aspects can be seen as possibly noteworthy and worthwhile in such ways of an official as well as non-paid for endorsement of such an individual as Renee or Maitresse Renee regarding such aspects regarding various sectors of the various communities within the state of Texas as well as who could be brought up along with such portions for furthered gains in progressions forward in the societal acceptances thereof with the ethics and the morals being additionally seen regarding the realities of social media and the technological portions thereof. Possibly such regards as to the technological portions also breaking down such barriers to take into consideration a different level though combined as to the willingness for truth and transparency while accepting such aspects to clear such portions of the technological viewpoints as per the known though unknown in plain sight regarding the recognition technology aspects, which in turn hopefully assists clearing other areas for the clearances regarding the background checks for employment aspects to assist such in the ways which working for an insurance company and the background checks for such a reference in other such ways to clear for repeated patterns of behaviour as to what would be considered for such clarifications could possibly help as well. However I suppose I will get such clarifications as per if she ever goes forward and announces she is grabbing herself up by a different set of bootstraps proverbially, or possibly the help and assistance from a stepping forward in the tying of such loose ends up in such a possible way to announce such in regards of a different purview in such ways; as even though the state of Texas is a large state, there are still surrounding states and a country to which has various impacts back and forth regarding the east as well as the south as well as the west as well as the north to the state of Texas regarding such portions to how the various areas of the different cities both in the larger aspects as well as the smaller towns in reference to the state of Texas as well as such surrounding states thereof which can utilize such assistances of as well I would guesstimate. For example there are plenty who have enjoyed Mardi Gras and such times, though possibly had not thought of such recognition software portions thereof for such aspects as I had been told of an individual which a male knew when I was speaking with him while volunteering at Club Sapphire to which he had informed me of a friend he had who was an elected official within the liberal areas within the state of Washington who had refused to be seen with a female because of her association with the adult consenting lifestyle which was a problem to me listening to such aspects feeling such other portions of various energetic portions thereof. While it has been considered to some as acceptable regarding males involvement with various portions it has been a confusion to me regarding females as unless all such portions of the males have only been with other males in comparison to being with females which is well known, it has not been able to make sense to me as such portions thereof regarding such. Thus, I will end pun intended on the notes of Christina Aguilera and Lil' Kim in reference to the song for the link below to the lyrics of Can't Hold Us Down.
So what am I not supposed to have an opinion Should I keep quiet just because I'm a women Call me a bitch cause I speak what's on my mind Guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled When a female fires back suddenly big talker don't know how to act So he does what every little boy would do Makin' up a few false rumors or two That for sure is not a man for me, slanderin' names for popularity It's sad you only get your fame through controversy But now it's time for me to come and give you more to say This is for my girls all around the world Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard So what do we do girls, shout out loud Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground So lift your hands high and wave 'em proud Take a deep breath and say it loud Never can, never will Can't hold us down Nobody can hold us down Never can, never will So-what am I not supposed to say what I'm saying Are you offended with the message I'm bringin' Call me whatever 'cause you words don't mean a thing Guess you ain't even a man enough to handle what I sing If you look back in history it's a common double standard os society The guy gets all the glory the more he can score While the girl can do the same yet you call her a whore I don't understand why it's OK, The guy can get a way with it the girl gets named All my ladies come together and make a change And start a new beginning for us, everybody sang This is for my girls all around the world Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard So what do we do girls, shout out loud Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground So lift your ahnds high and wave 'em proud Take a deep breath and say it loud Never can, never will Can't hold us down Here's something I just can't understand If the guy have three girls then he's the man He can even give her some head, or sex her off But if a girl do the same, she's a whore But the tables about to turn I bet my fame on it Cats take my ideas, and put their name on it It's aight though, you can't hold me down I got to keep on moving To my girls to their man who be trying to mac Do it right back to him and let that be that You need to let him know that his game is whack And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got yo back You're just a little boy Think you so cute, so coy You must talk so big to make up for smaller things You're just a little boy All you do is annoy You must talk big to make up for smaller things This is for my girls all around the world Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard So what do we do girls, shout out loud Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground So lift your ahnds high and wave 'em proud Take a deep breath and say it loud Never can, never will Can't hold us down This is for my girls all around the world Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard So what do we do girls, shout out loud Lettin 'em know were gonna stand our ground So lift your ahnds high and wave 'em proud Take a deep breath and say it loud Never can, never will Can't hold us down Uh, oh oh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh Can't hold us down Yeah, we here, we back again, yeah, Lil Kim and Christina Aguilera Can't hold us down
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Christina Aguilera / Matthew Wilder / Scott Specer Storch / Matthew B. Morris / Gregory Prestopino Can't Hold Us Down lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Group, Ole Media Management Lp, Reservoir Media Management Inc
While I had dated a male who had a problem with the amount of female singers on my ipod, I will leave such aspects for such purviews of such portions as to who had complained about such artists of my choice of my ipod which I paid for regarding that particular male in reference regarding the Taco Cabana couple and situations thereof regarding Joseph and Megan Estes in 2012.
While I could re-reach out to Renee in such aspects, possibly this way might be a better way in a larger aspect in comparison as per the ways certain websites have certain rules regarding such portions of communication aspects, in which to respect such aspects thereof and knowing her legal first name and/or middle legal names was used regarding the aspects of; I suppose this might hypothetically assist in an unconventional way, and yet ideal possibly in a different way hopefully if such considerations are thought of in such ways regarding such.