In reference to a news article from a few months ago where biological females are paid to not have children in different technological sectors as to different companies, why would it be any situations needlessly as to any biological male who would review such dependent status to a biological female as to the references of the care giver aspects?
In reference to my children's biological father after the timeframe of the end of the month of September in the year of 2001, he was officially briefed as to several aspects that were of his actual employment as to being in such a situation with me at that timeframe. His employment was to actually take care of the specific situations as pe3r what the actual needs were as to the timeframe and the timeframe as to the end of October or beginning of November in the year of 2001, he was re-reminded as to the factors of what his employment was as to the aspects of the factors of what is more commonly known as the Care Giver aspects.
In such a timeframe as to the aspects of the end of November 2001 as to discussions at the time, others had their opinions about what it was to be a man and yet were failing to pay attention to the facts that were needed to be paid attention to correctly take care of and handle the situations. Instead of being mature about everything because of course such oxccurrences as to 9/11 or 11 September 2001 were not impacting as they thought in the state of Texas as to the attacks on 9/11 or 11 September 2001, I informed them of the truth about the facts of the matter.
Hypothetically it does not take a head injury to figure out I have taken care of doing so as to such warnings or informing or suggestions or etcetera, a time or two before that time as well as since that time.
Thus as to where the discussions were as to how such aspects of the MOS factors as to the timeframe of 2001 and as I did not graduate Basic Training, I would guesstimate it did not take a head injury or does not take a head injury to figure out the reality about such situations as to the facts of every male having signed up in that biological family paternally to my son and my daughter as to those types of stereotypes of sexism and machismo factors as to the situations of proof as to such if factors as to the feminazism as to such aspects referencing the situations as most specifically as to the occurrences with my biological daughter as well as what was my family with my biological son and my biological daughter and myself as to what was our family as it was known as to how I wound up off of Fort Sam Houston Joint Base San Antonio Texas in the year of 2000 as to the factors of the situations as I have already discussed as well as already clarified throughout multiple discussions and writings as well as a few books.
Whether as to those biological females who had preferred to remain on government payments as to how such oddity as to government assistance aspects though as to such references thereof as to the veterans care as to such oddities as to the factors thereof, though I suppose those types of biological females who have needed to accept the draft situations for all biological genders as to the population of the United States of America if as to such truthful factors of female equality as to such references of what it is to be a feminist as to the capacity to prove oneself despite the biological gender to being capable to accomplish the work required as per the employment as per the MOS as to such aspects as to going above and beyond the requirements as to the timeframes when such is needed as to the depending upon the situations as to such needs during such points in time.
Thus as to how I had informed those individuals as to having been invited to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, the aspects of those who know of the Army and the Navy football aspects as to some situations to consider.
Those who know about Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the Battle of Monmouth, the church on the top of the walkway as to where General George Washington's private office as to the actualities thereof, as well as the Revolutionary War as to the aspects of the history of the northeast and the east coast; can think about the considerations of me being a biological female as well as such aspects, as to such situations as to the particular MOSes they had as to Infantry from the generational aspects as to the Army and the Marines as well as the Calvary MOS in conjunction of the Combat Arms MOS as to the main MOSes to their lineage as to the aspects of such considerations of what I personally dealt with as to the timeframes I have already explained as to various situations of what I dealt with personally as well as what my son and my daughter dealt with to the conjunction of anyone I have ever known in person face to face in person and/or the possibilities of online to the proof as to whether there is actual feminist aspects of others or as to such other factors as proven as per the choices referencing such intentions as well as if there are biases acknowledged as to whether such can be worked with or as to such factors thereof as to the choices of such free will as to the proof.
While individuals as to such aspects think about those facts then they can think about how November in the year of 2001 went in reference to several situations as to the factors as to what has been capable to be proven as to such factors, as when taking such into consideration as to the proof as to whether such situations would ever be as to such official factors if I was not a biological female as to if I was not in the situations as to the year of 2000 as to the aspects of Joint Base San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA as to such factors as to the MOS aspects as to the regards of the standards to upholding such factors of the ways whereas to the assistances to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the overall factors.
Thus when taking in consideration as to how the payments from certain technology companies to not have children as possibly the COVID timeframes as to the situations thereof as to the health and wellness factors as to the proof in various sectors, as to the choices made in reference to the months of January in the year of 2020 through the timeframes of the month of January in the year of 2023 as to such if factors as to whenever that was brought forward to their company board meetings as well as to produce such a news article as to the references thereof to such if factors as what would the difference be as to biological females being paid to not have children as to the differences of a biological male as to in my situation as to the care giver factors as to such aspects as what would be the difference as to such if factors if as equal factors to such viewpoints?
If biological males have had any internal issues as to accepting such factors as to the if situations as to such aspects of being in a relationship with as to the reference regarding myself as a biological female though have had their comments about biological females as to maintaining and sustaining the standards of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such situations of if factors, then as to where the references to such thought processes of what would be considered as equality as to that point in time?
Why would it be considered acceptable for biological females to be as to such dependent statuses as to the additional pay scale factors as to the aspects thereof to such viewpoints as what is the difference for biological males as to such factors, if as to the truthful situations as to the references thereof as to the standards of the Armed Forces of the United States of America?
Would it be as to the thoughts of memories when as to Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists as to such aspects as to the situations whereas the MOS aspects of such viewpoints, as to the differences of biological gender or would such prior situations be as to the thought processes as to such if factors as to the aspects of such consciousness as to the references thereof to such if factors?
Why would such aspects of humanity be of importance of such if factors to biological males as to such MOSes as to such if factors, though as why would there ever be such issues as to biological females as to whether they are considered as a dependent or as to such references whereas to signing the dotted line as to being a part of the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist aspects into such factors of Veteran statuses with such responsibilities as anyone with the MOS aspects as to the knowledge thereof to the MOS aspects if as to the needs of the assistance to the Armed Forces of the United States of America in a crisis of a national emergency as to such situations such as to the references of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as to the proof of such situations as to the choices of others as per the COVID factors in my opinion.
Thus when taking into consideration the regards of where for biological female dependents as to the references of what factors as to such situations as to the references thereof, what would be as to the conscious factors as to biological males as to such dependent factors as to such if situations as why would it be important for a biological female to be capable to getting such a uniform prepared as to such other factors thereof though as to a biological male as to the references of reciprocating as to the regards of such factors as to the references thereof to the considerations?
Why would it be that biological males as to if any as to such capacities thereof to the considerations of if factors as to the turning of the proverbial tables as to the references thereof in an overall way as to the equality factors as what would be of importance in reference to the situations regarding such factors as the references of other employments in the overall sectors though as to the references of the MOS aspects, why would it ever be considered as to the references thereof to ever being of a situation unless as to what would be sexist as to such if factors?
If as to where mainly for over a century and a half as to where most biological males were as to the references of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such employment factors as only certain biological females who proved themselves as to being capable to the regards of such employment factors, then as to the references of such if factors as to the considerations as to what would be noticed as to such aspects of biological females being stronger and/or smarter and/or younger and/or faster as to such if factors as to being capable to work along side with and/or being capable to accomplish as to such aspects as what would be sexist about any biological male who would ever have any problems needlessly with a biological female who could and would and has already proven what the reality is as then would such factors of those types of sexist machismo factors be capable to be proven as to the references thereof to such individuals as to such if factors?
What would individuals who have graduated Basic Training and AIT as to the Infantry/Calvary/Combat Arms/MP anbd such connected specialities be capable to think to themselves and/or discuss as to a biological female who has such gumption and what axspects of actual respect would or is there as to such if factors while remembering there is still the difference of a biological male's mindset to a degree as to the differences of a biological female's mindset to a degree as to such factors as to the considerations of such hypothetical situations as to the if factors when taking in consideration whether as to the work I assisted to take care of as to after the attacks on 11 September 2001 and/or as to such factors as to the assistance I gave in reference to after the attacks in February 1993 as what would be as to such if factors in those particular references as what levels thereof would be capable to be noticed?
What individuals as to knowing of such with the MOS factors as to the references thereof as what is the aspects of the personality traits as to the regards of the differences between biological females as to biological males, as while I personally am indiscriminative as to the aspects of biological gender whether I am in a good mood or a bad mood or as to such references thereof as my verbage is the same to either gender biologically as to the reality of when certain aspects such as there are only so many words within the dictionary as to such factors of the truth as to such references as while some individuals might only think in one capacity; I suppose it depends upon such aspects as to the references thereof, as to what the actual viewpoints are as to such references and regards thereof to such viewpoints as to the verbage as to the situations as well as the backgrounds.
Thus as to the references thereof as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the various factors thereof would it be considered as sexist for individuals to assume to go along with or would it be considered as sexist to ask me first as to what the needs and requirements would be, in such hypothetical aspects of such if factors?
In reference as to the regards of my haircolor and/or my hairstyle and/or my tattoos as to the references thereof as being a biological female and having begun as to my hair in the year of 2005 around May or July as the color reference as to my personal choice for my preferred and required hair color for myself as to the common sense aspects of what occurred in July in a particular year such as the reference of the Gamma III, though it should not take a head injury to figure that out if as to the correct thoughts instead of such sexism as to such bigotry as to such hypothgewticals across whatever factors thereof to the conjunction of my home state where I was born and raised as to my favorite professional sport of hockey as to tghe colorations as to my favorite teams of hockey teams in the northeast as well as the other factors thereof; though it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects thereof as to such factors, in conjunction to a few college campuses I knew a few guys at as to such coloration aspects as to the specific shade of red for such regards as to such factors thereof.
However I was in the state of Texas as to that timeframe when I was re-growing up after waking up from my coma from my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 when I was in Basic Training for the Army branch of the United States of America, and thus as what levels of bigotry against the state of where I was born and raised would such be as to the factors thereof in such hypotheticals as what sexism would such be as to the references of the facts thereof as well as what situations would be capable to be proven as to such factors thereof as to such individuals as to whatever connections thereof as to whatever status factors as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to what I personally have dealt with as to what would be the differences of each and every situation that as the combinations thereof and/or as to such singular factors as to the situations would be capable to be proven as what would be as to if as to such differences as what would be considered as support for others as to the if factors and then what would be the proof thereof to such if factors as to the reviewing of such if factors?
If as to one of my biological children's paternal relatives as to the state of Georgia as to the state of the Infantry AIT factors for that MOS, why would it take a head injury to point out Macon as to such an area as to why would it take a head injury to figure out such common sense factors as to such if situations as to the proof thereof as to those types hypothetically?
At Fort Sam Houston after when I was in Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma as to such aspects I was asked if I knew who GI Jane was, and when I personally responded I had not heard the name before and asked where I needed to go to take care of the situations; each of the males as to such references laughed as to the aspects of when I did not know about a movie as to the pop culture references, as to in the timeframe of March 2000 for that particular reference as well as to the month of September in the year of 2000 for the reference to such aspects thereof. I suppose if there is a movie as to the regards of such factors as to others knowing of such if situations, then they can consider as to such if factors regarding as to the situations I have dealt with as to such if factors regarding such situations of the if factors whether as to my time as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the Army and/or the Navy and/or the aspects thereof as to the timeframes as to February 1993 as to 11 September 2001 as to such timeframes through as to this timeframe on 24 January 2023 for such factors as to the considerations thereof to the conjunction of my SCUBA Diving work of course as to such if factors as to whether such progression of betterment could actually be considered as to such aspects of such if situations.
Thus as to the references regarding as to my tattoos after the consideration of my hair as to the aspects thereof regarding such hypothetical sexism as to such feminism as to the machismo factors as to such if situations, then as to such aspects of tattoos as to the references thereof as to the Special Needs and/or as to for biological adults terminology of ADA to the aspects of handicap{able} factors to the considerations that need to be remembered as there is a difference between individuals who were born with Special Needs as to the aspects such as to Asher Holmes Elementary School when I was in 6th grade as to a female in a wheelchair who had needed as mechanized wheelchair to assist her in life as well as ramps to being capable to get to and from locations, to another reference as to Crystal Lake South High School as to the aspects of the Special Needs Education class that was held in a room in a specific hallway near a wall area as to an entrance. The aspects as to the references as to far more regarding both before both such references as well as after both such references as to the capacities of considerations in regards as to walkers/canes/wheelchairs as to the aspects of parking situations, and thus as to such factors in reference to the if situations as to my tattoos as to the reference of the after effects from as to the reference of the memory deficits and cognitive disorders as to the normal factors as I was informed as to around the year of 2005 as that was what I was informed of as to some of the findings. While in the year of 2000 I was informed of the memory problems though as to 2005 is when that was an official diagnosis, as to the cognitive disorders as around the same timeframe.
Thus as to a different reference to though as to a notation, as to my black suit guys as to such aspects of how much I had wondered as to such if factors as to where my black suit guys would usually meet with me as the years thereof as to my wondering as to 2004 as well as 2011; though as to a situation in Austin Texas in the year of 2012 at a Lunch Munch Brunch I had around the month of May or July if I remember correctly, as the factors of 1994 solar eclipse situation.
However in reference to as I personally dealt with as to the references of my hair and such aspects of my tattoos, what would the reverse factors be called if as to biological males as to such situations as to the references thereof not only as to tattoos though as to the references of hair and/or such aspects of the ADA factors in reference to the situations as to prostetic limbs and/or wheelchairs and/or canes as to such factors of parking?
When I made attempts to bring such details forward in the year of 2008 through 2009 through 2010 to 2011 into 2012 as well as in writing after such aspects of the facts of the situations, would there be a point in time whereas to a biological male as to having actually completed Basic Training and AIT as to such factors as to such hypotheticals as to the references thereof to the situations where such proof as to the factors in regards of such noticeable viewpoints from individuals as to whatever areas thereof as to seeing in sight as to the aspects of their what would be considered as Muslim laws as to the references thereof as to the sight of; and while this country was founded as to the Puritan aspects of the Judeo Christian faith system with the Native Americans, then as to the facts the country of the United States of America was formed on the basic foundations of the Native American traditions with the Jewish as well as Christian factors as to the foundational trifecta points in regards of the beginning of the formation of the laws as to the country of the United States of America.
Thus would it be considered as sexist back in the years of 2008 through 2012 as to the state of Texas as to what I dealt with as to the references of being a biological female as what would such be in the year of 2023 referencing as how such aspects as depending upon the choice as to such references regarding a tattoo and/or hair as to what has been seen mostly within the Democrat Party though myself being a Republican as to my independent thoughts currently as to my journal blog, what would such factors to the considerations be regarding such aspects of if factors as to a biological male having such as to the timeframes after 11 September 2001 as to the difference of the years from 1993 to 2001 being 8 years though as to the timeframe from 2001 to 2013 as to the ten year memorial as to the aspects of where the length of time to figure the correct word as to memorial instead of anniversary as my considerations of anniversary as to living in the differences as to such as what I consider as the 10 year memorial as to 1993 in the year of 2003; however as to the references of the situations regarding the length of much shorter time from 2001 to 2003, what would be such factors as to the references regarding such factors of the time in regards as to what would be considered as sexism as to such if factors as to the aspects of whereas to what my modeling timeframe as to the references thereof to such hypotheticals, as to then the references thereof as to such aspects in the media sector as to whether outside of social media and/or as to the news media and/or as to the aspects of electoral factors as to the references regarding such knowledge males biologically have been capable to be as to such tattoos and hair factors though the if situations as to biological females as to what levels of proof and if so in what situations as to what individuals?
Thus in reference as while the Asher Holmes Elementary School with the Special Needs Education individualized per child as to such factors because New Jersey-ians learned there was not the capability for all Special Needs children to be categorized into only one box, the factors as to the educational system as to Asher Holmes Elementary School as to such references as to the differences of the Special Needs Education in Crystal Lake South High School as to the differences as to the references as to the state of Texas as to such factors, to the considerations as to McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as to such aspects in reference to other areas such as Travis county and Bexar County as to such regards to the considerations.
Thus having seen much as to the regards of different factors as to the different areas as to life, the reality of where such facts as to the biological above the legal age of 21 years old as to the references regarding such Special Needs Education aspects as well as the factors thereof to the biology of biological adults as to the references thereof as to when puberty factors as to the situations of such common sense if as to such individuals as to outside of such Special Needs as to the ADA factors in such references of where it is odd as to how inconvenient the truth about such facts in the references thereof to such if factors as to those who are capable to the differences as to the reasons for such aspects as to the length of time though also to the magnitude as to such other multiple combinations as to the official needs as to the requirements as depending upon the aspects of employment as well as to such references and regards thereof to the considerations.
However if as to such references as to the situations from the timeframe as to when I was in Basic Training as to that timeframe as to the factors of the considerations as then the aspects of the delivering of news as to the regards of such factors as to the strength it actually takes to being capable to do so as best as possible as to the references and regards of such facts, as the realities as to life is as to the realities as to how life is and thus if as to such aspects to the references thereof biological males as then as to the oddity to such considerations. What would be as to such if factors as to the references thereof to the if situations, as what would be capable to notice as to such if situations as to the connectionary points as to the MOS as to such aspects of opinions and/or biases and/or aspects thereof to the considerations?
Thus as to males biologically and/or females biologically who had not signed the proverbial dotted line as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America would such situations be as to the references thereof to Vietnam timeframe as to the references of if factors regarding situations as to the state of Texas as to the references regarding such if situations, as to the variances as to my situations as to the difference of gender as to the aspects of situations as to others as to depending upon their gender as to such if factors as to the references as would the state of Texas be as to the United States of America as to such Britain to Australia references of metaphors, as would such if factors be capable to be noticed as to the differences as to Israel as to such metaphors regarding biological gender aspects?
If as to such viewpoints as to the reasons as to the factors of biological females and biological males as to the references of the United States of America's registration for the draft as to such references, would if as to when having learned about such training and requirements would such be around the timeframe of when in the United States of America as to the references regarding such if factors as to the references as to such Israel aspects as to biological females' opinions as to the 1960s and the 1970s as what were the males biologically as to the individuals who had dodged the draft as to the references of the United States of America's Armed Forces?
What would the references as to the timeframes of individuals as to the references thereof to such viewpoints as to such timeframes be though where has such progressed forward as to such aspects, as would it be as the state of Texas before such aspects as to joining the United States of America as to the viewpoint of Australia as to Britain for the references or would such be where the occurrence thereof after the unification where Texas appealed to the United States of America as to such factors as to after the Mexican-Texas War situations as to the assistances from the United States of America as when Texas asked the United States of America after a few situations in between as to such factors regarding the time; as it was known the United States of America had sent assistance where possible throughout the state of Texas as to other events at the timeframe as to the history of the United States of America, though as to such situations of the timeframe after originally having sent such assistances where possible as to such logistical factors for such assistances as to the references regarding when the state of Texas had a few situations where the direct assistances were needed as per the aspects of the knowledge from the history of the United States of America as well as the state of Texas' history as obviously there must be plenty who know far more than I as to such historical factors
Thus where depending upon the meaning for each aspect as depending upon the reference(s) thereof as to the timeframe regarding the specifics of the situations as to such symbolic factors, then as to the references regarding how situations went as to how such situations have been as to the timeframes thereof to such considerations of if factors such as the needless problems that stem from photshopping and filters on pictures as to modeling images as to the differences as to the selfies posted. As the capability to review my modeling images as to from the years of 2009 through 2013 as to my clarifications as to such aspects of how my choices as to my requirements as per having clarified such as to each photographer as to my modeling requirements, thus as to the aspects of some of the modeling images as to the factors in reference to digital cameras that were used as to the differences of the timeframe of the technology as to cellphone cameras of such differences of the timeframe. Thus as to where my modeling images are as to digital cameras throughout the years of 2009 through 2013 while some pictures as to outside of modeling aspects as to the timeframes before as well as after whether as to film and/or digital photography as to such regards, my modeling images as to my clarifications as to my journal blog updates as to the facts as to my freedoms and my liberties as well as my outfits as well as myself as the individual who purchased and chose all of the outfits as well as the make up and such overall factors officially; and thus as to the references as to the differences of selfies as to the capacities of seeing the differences on my modeling page, as to the differences as to the selfies as to what I have been capable to figure out as to such differences as to the capacities of being capable to see as to the images.
Thus as to the factors as what I clarified as to what I brought forward earlier, then as to the references of if factors; what would be considered in reference to the aspects of biological males as to who could have stood up as to at what timeframe, as what would be as to the references thereof to the considerations as to such if factors?
When looking at the 2020 election cycle rallies there are multiple viewpoints such can be seen as to the references thereof to such viewpoints as the aspects of where my haircolor as to my hairstyle as to my outfit depending upon the location and event thereof as to having been a registered Republican since the year of 2000, thus as to the aspects of such if factors would there be a viewpoint regarding such a difference as to the considerations and if as to such then what would such be in the references of the viewpoints regarding such if factors as to the considerations?
What would the differences be as to the references regarding such if factors as to the overall look as to such if situations, and during the timeframe of January 2020 through January 2023; what would be capable to be noticed as to such if factors, as what references would be capable to notice such if factors as where would such aspects be proven as to what level thereof?