In the year of 2003 or 2004 is when my ex-sister-in-law Susie/Susan Marie Nichols-Lopez, her husband possibly who had been arrested multiple times for DUIs and was considered as an illegal immigrant from Mexico with his brother Mondo and their Mom in the Fort Worth area, as well as my ex-mother-in-law Lydia (my ex-mother-in-law's name is spelled Lydia whereas my daughter's name is spelled Lidia) Evongelina (?maiden surname? from where she said was the #DominicanRepublic Dominican Republic who had assisted her mom who flew to #DFW #DFWInternationalAirport DFW airport from #NYC New York City as I was told in January 2008 and my ex-mother-in-law's Dominican Army officer brother to immigrate into the country of the #USA United States of America through my ex-father-in-law's association with the United States of America's #ArmedForces #USArmedForces Armed Forces #USArmy Army branch), along with my ex-father-in-law James Walker Nichols had told me of their choice to run up their credit card bills to then declare bankruptcy in the Chapter 13 they had chosen. My now dead-ex-husband had told me his uncle from his biological mother had been an officer within the #DominicanArmy Dominican or the #HaitianArmy Haitian Army, back in the year of 2006 or 2007 if I recall correctly for clarification to assist where possible.
One afternoon which I had written about in my book "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" there was a male from a #Houston Houston #Texas Texas collection agency who had called my house in #militaryCityUSA #mysa #SanAntonio San Antonio Texas, demanding to speak with my son named James Nichols #Letters4James. The reality of the failure upon that male named Scott from the area of Houston Texas collection agency had chosen to fail to bring up whether due to the lack of intelligence of the lack of proper information, was to specify the middle name until I was intelligent enough when the male named Scott had mentioned the car loan for the #Ford Ford #Windstar Winstar #FordWinstar vehicle which my ex-father-in-law had co-signed for though was not ever making any payments on. When that point was brought up by that male named Scott, I instantly corrected his ignorance referencing his inability to do any arithmetic referencing the age difference between my son's age and my now ex-father-in-law's age as per possibly dyslexia because of the letter differences of the middle initial of W compared to M; however I would guesstimate such another failure regarding the fact of the in-law portion referencing my ex-sister-in-law and the failure as to be intelligent enough to put those connection points together, regarding that type of a male who would be ignorant enough to not actually check the information correctly; as per the proven facts as to the amount of problems from identity theft, which the problems which would be found guilty of regarding that male named Scott referencing the phone call to the landline of my house in San Antonio Texas. It would not have taken much to actually be intelligent enough to figure out the difference in names, however that also would require the lack of sloth referencing that type of individual referencing the collection agency portions thereof to actually verify correctly while also taking out his pride regarding his ego for being called out on the phone for his ignorance and inability to tell the difference between the age of my son who was 2 years old at the time compared to my ex-father-in-law who was obviously above the age of 21 years old.
Again hypothetically, that would have required the intelligence in comparison to being too lazy to actually do the work to actually check for such collection debts from those who had actually run up their credit card bills in comparison to how I had stood against ever declaring bankruptcy however refusing to pay for anyone else's debts regarding what bills they ran up for themselves and what they would have to pay back to the bank in comparison. I dealt with several conversations because of the situations in reference to my now dead-ex-husband taking my ex-in-law's side as to filing for bankruptcy, which I refused and continue to refuse.
However an ego as heard on the phone in reference to that male named Scott who I had returned the phone call back to the phone number on the caller identification and had also contacted the local #SAPD San Antonio Police Department about that male, to ensure at minimum the ability to have the record against that male as well as the company associated with him as well as all future companies associated with that type of collection agency set of problems; which shortly afterwards had been problems with the Ford Winstar van, among other situations hypothetically all from the problems regarding that male's problem of not accepting the fact of his lack of ability to decipher anything worthwhile from real intelligence compared to a piece of paper and/or the irony if having to do with technology and the prior portions I have already gone over in prior aspects as to my work and my involvement for what he would have been allowed to use for if he was being honest; as per other such aspects as to which the technological portions of coding I had worked on would go, and would be able to be proven of such as well as the repercussions that would continue onward until he would have actually fixed and repaired all such damages caused as well as all such problems stemming from his arrogance. Hypothetically such would not ever cease because of if he had ever involved anyone else until all such fixing and repairing of such problems were actually correctly squared away in full, just as per the collection agency works that he was a part of regarding all such debts owed for his and those connected to in such regards. In turn when speaking with the San Antonio Police Officer within the timeframe of after having called the phone number back to speak directly with the male named Scott who had claimed he was the manager in comparison to actually putting me through to his manager, I am glad the collection agency procedures have been rectified because of those types of people's problems when they have refused to pay attention to the important details in comparison to the commission checks they once received because of the problems from such type of people's ego. Thus those collection agency commission checks which once were available to such type of people as that male named Scott, were fully removed over time as per how many others I had spoken with in person about the situation well outside of the neighborhood I was living in at the time of. You can thank that male named Scott for those additional problems in reference to the banking crash regarding the year of 2008, because of how many collection agency individuals who had pulled such attitude problems previously and such having been combined to the level thereof; as per the technological portions of paying attention to such details, as well as the patterns of behaviours regarding such choices of those types of people who have needed and required a different type of lesson plan.
However while on the phone I did not inform that male named Scott of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though it would have been simple for that male to find out, once again if was not too lazy as to such; though ironically would not ever have the clearance allowed to look into my military records as per the clearance requirements to even ask to look into such and the ways which are required for such as per the aspects of the ways which clearances are approved or disapproved in reference to anyone who would wish to check into such if their clearance or those they would ask which would actually go against the protocols of the standards as to getting such information. Though again a hypothetical egotism of such a male as dealt with regarding the male named Scott regarding such, would have another failure in his marks to the fact of ever thinking to ask another to go into my military records; as per the ignorance as to the protocol levels of the type of clearance I had earned for myself at the age of 17 years old, and by the time of having dealt with that phone call the other security measures which would have been put into place referencing such safe guards would automatically have gone upward with the phone calls with my ex-in-laws. As the recording as per phone calls for such type of company as well as the way the laws are within the state of Texas regarding such recordings compared to other states within the United States of America as well as the world referencing such privacy laws and regulations thereof per the location of the recording location in comparison to where the recordings are sent as the location where the recording(s) would be located at for the portions thereof would and can be different than the locations where sent to, which is important to take into such additional considerations as per the ways such privacy laws are and have been in certain states within the United States of America as per the mandatory informing of officially. However in reference to my refusal to be a part of such recordings when not in such an official being informed of as per my prior comments and statements as well as where I was born and raised regarding the privacy laws in New Jersey compared to any other location I had been to, as well as the phone calls regarding ironically that male named Scott which in turn; would cause the higher levels of those aspects which would guarantee the lack of his or anyone else's ability to ever be allowed any access to any information without my permission as the mandatory situations which would have to be considered as willing, compared to the aspects as to being considered as forced as per the definitions thereof. Which again would be additional problems for those associated with that male named Scott among the other portions for each individual choice by each individual each specific time thereof as well as the amount of seconds and minutes and hours and days and weeks and months and years as per individual portion thereof, which additionally would cause other problems regarding what would be required for streamlining such types of people to put them in the place which they should have been to begin with as per such situations and problems caused needlessly beyond the hypothetical situation; beginning with the phone call though also in reference to if the hypothetical in association regarding the van I had at the time, and any such subsequent portion thereafter.
In turn the amount which would be owed in reverse to myself, my son, and my daughter #Letters4Lidia would surmount any of the figures of monetary portions my ex-in-laws would have run up and would have been responsible for their own payments for what their choices were in comparison to what my son and my daughter and I did not ever owe regarding such. In turn as the aspects as to what has already been written about after some discussions which I had warned some and others which I had told would be, each would need to figure out the arithmetic for themselves. Additionally since there are the portions as to the amount of moving as well as the additional situations thereof in combination with my modeling, my writings, my books, my website, and my Medal of Honor Art Project; what that male would fully be responsible for as well as any such associations for the requirement of correctly rectifying such problems caused hypothetically because of his ego for being called out in the kindest way back in that year compared to onward, would in turn mean the larger numbers compiled and the larger amount for such being owed to me as well as owed to my son as well as owed to my daughter and any such associations thereof because of such a problem having been longer than that day in that year, and as a collections agency individual he would hypothetically have an idea as to what his patterns of behaviour would have been and how technology would go after each individual aspect as per his patterns of behaviour against him as well as against any and all family members as per my son and my daughter and I; in all such ways as to how that could have gone as well as the other such portions of associations thereof that would have stemmed from his ego and his problems being intelligent enough on his own, to ever figure such realities out without me informing of such portions once again proving other regards as to the actual intelligence and ability to think for oneself compared to his paperwork and computer intelligence referencing the technology aspects, which in turn the karmic repercussions as to how that would hypothetically go in such references would be dependent upon the patterns of behaviour regarding such as himself as well as any and all he would have hypothetically involved needlessly.
Is it ironic he was living in Houston Texas and not only the reference of pictures I had taken when in the nearby #GulfofMexico Gulf of Mexico #Mexico areas, my swimming, my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving, and etcetera while not forgetting the #NRA #NRAGunShow NRA Gun Show in 2013 after the situation regarding #Cowboys #CowboysDanceHall Cowboys Dance Hall and the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert? What could the possibilities for the hypothetical regarding such an individual if he hypothetically had ever involved himself where he should have been intelligent enough to have actual ethics and morals on his own, in comparison thereof as per his patterns of behaviour both before as well as after the phone call that afternoon as per the recorded aspects as to his pattern of behaviours as well as those he had associated with as well during such times as that initial phone call if accurate? What beyond the mandatory auditing and reviewals of would be then considered beyond the regulations which have been enforced since, would be seen as a requirement for such to be fixed correctly to be repaired for the proper and correct as well as ethical and moral clauses/judgements be regarding such aspects?
As I know I am not the only person who has dealt needlessly with such a type of person who would hypothetically as per the phone calls be considered with the background aspects of patterns of behaviour regarding that male Scott at such a time being, I suppose since the timeframe of that phone call such hypothetical coinky dinks can be seen as per the situations which have transpired since that year of 2003 or 2004 as per possibly beyond the situation of hypothetical regarding the Ford Winstar van situations. While I would officially not have been informed of any such portions, I do know there are those who for whatever aspect prefer the self-driving autonomous vehicles; which personally I prefer being able to drive at the ways as I prefer to drive, in comparison to having the automated vehicles as per learning about a situation referencing Suzanne and #NineLivesBooks #NLB Nine Lives Books with a #Saturn Saturn vehicle she had problems with in regards of the cruise control situation for a car she had at the time I knew her more in person at the time of. When she had discussed the problems as to the cruise control in the Saturn vehicle she had at the time in 2005 or 2006 when I was volunteering at the timing of after such a phone call a couple years earlier, I suppose there are ways to review my opinion as well as my preference of being able as well as being capable of controlling any vehicle I would be driving and/or in due to the reference aspects as to the rental vehicles over the years for my Medal of Honor Art Project trips for the reasons as to why. However if there was a connection whether at the time of and/or thereafter to the male named Scott about the situations, then I suppose others would be able to evaluate such portions for themselves as to rectifying their own behaviours referencing such individual choices thereof.
I have as I do hope for the betterment in order for the best, as per my proof via my patterns of behaviour.
However how and what would technology portions do as per any such problems and situations not only in reference to my son, my daughter, and I as to such situations in reference to the #Rainbird Rainbird in the #HOA #HomeownersAssociation Homeowners Association situation, the shed situation with #FredLoya Fred Loya, #Procomm Procomm, and such other portions referencing the situation involving that male named Scott among other aspects regarding the terminology known as karma if having chosen to not do so on the freewill in comparison to if having to him getting hints along such times hypothetically as per such technological aspects in addition to actual signs and other such natural portions regarding the water in addition because of my SCUBA Diving style in conjunction with other such aspects as per my writings more specifically in reference to the Finding book series as well as other such portions regarding what then if not doing so correctly of his own freewill as to how such would be done through the technological portions thereof?
I suppose I can make a joke in reference to a quote I can take from one specific book of mine though the additional aspects as to the cover portion thereof regarding Fail-Safe, "Do you think it is better to take care of in one shot, or through thousands of papercuts?"
Since I do not pick up on subtleties though the hypothetical in reference to that male named Scott, what would the turn around be in such a reference aspect thereof which I would not have any proverbial or metaphorical or literal fingerprints associated thereof the ways which he and his connections would have such proverbial and metaphorical and literal traceable fingerprints regarding such aspects as to how that could possibly hypothetically go? Especially with the length of time as well as my proven innocence the entire time, despite his wishes and his ego in such regards? Who by the way would wrongly though of such own freewill, break every commandment as well as try thinking that using any of the seven deadly sins would not ever return to; though would be the quickest to return to once fully realized, in such hypothetical ways?
Out of additional curiosity if thought about, what would my friend/visitor to me #Zippy Zippy and Zippy's friends think of such situations regarding such aspects thereof regarding not only the #VW #Beetle #VWBeetle VW Beetle car though also a few additional reference point situations? How would such be viewed in reference to my creation of The Underwater Travel System be looked at, as well as several other portions associated with my SCUBA Diving and what occurred in such situations before putting the pictures from my extremely limited drawing and even lesser notations thereof referencing such aspects of my creation for The Underwater Travel System be for any such trying to subvert my authority of such after such still has yet to be corrected in reference to others regarding my SCUBA Diving records and aspects thereof regarding my creation of my idea for The Underwater Travel System? What would be viewed as the correct measures in reference to what occurred regarding my paintings as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces in addition to my writings, my modeling, my books, my website, and etcetera in all such ways?
What would be taken into consideration regarding the stalking and harassment which would be proven regarding the situations thereof regarding that male named Scott and his ignorance and his arrogance, in such a length of time for him not having gotten over his ego hypothetically and how would he continue to be denied repeatedly as well as what would continue to occur referencing if he did not step down immediately as well as recall his own people/companies referencing such associations thereof? How would if accurate such go onward for each and every individual aspect thereof regarding for any and all people not only in reference to his connections, though also such extended connections thereof regarding such portions for as long as required for the portions of which to acknowledge and rectify through the correct fixing and repairing thereof?
Since I was not an employee of a collections agency, since I have the morals and ethics which I live by, and since my patterns of behaviour would have already proven such portions of my truths; I would not be able to answer such a question I proposed for such a query, however possibly there are others who would be able to testify as to what could and/or would hypothetically be for such situations thereof. Especially when taking into consideration that my son was 2 years old, my daughter was 1 year old, and I was only 3 years at most out from my coma from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and at that point in time the subarachnoid hemorrhage would not have begun to dissipate by such points in time; which then there is the #ADA ADA or the Americans with Disabilities Act in my favor, as well as the umbrella portions of the #Obudsman #WhistleblowerProtection Whistleblower Protection Act referencing having called the San Antonio Police Department regarding that male Scott and the phone call thereof among the continued portions of additional protections in my favor referencing the longer aspects backwards in whatever comparison regarding that male and what would be calculated as to what would be owed regarding the aspects as per his connection to such a collections agency referencing my ex-in-laws choices in comparison to what I stood up for in such references as per refusing to declare bankruptcy as well as refusing to charge bills which would not be mine to ever pay despite what I needlessly have dealt with because of others choices at such times.
Thus additional ironic portions in reference to such umbrella portions regarding the protections for myself though also referencing my son and my daughter, though also the portions of those who I met who had not dealt with collection agencies before as per knowing better to pay bills as well as maintain the accounts correctly as best as possible; aside from whatever situations regarding making sure the #IRS IRS is correctly taken care of, though who would the IRS need to look into more-so in reference to those types of situations as per their own usage of such companies regarding such aspects? While again I did not want to have to make the choice of getting a piece of paper faxed to the IRS at the time when I was living in #Vancouver #VancouverWA Vancouver #Washington #WashingtonState Washington after how my minor aged son and I wound up in Washington state after what occurred to my daughter, however at minimum if any such discrepancy was ever found regarding such portions thereof in conjunction with the aspects of The #BigBlueBook Big Blue Book also known as The #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project; at minimum an extra set of hidden in plain sight as per the portions of auditing, for such an odd as well as admittedly unconventional umbrella where as best as possible for the not short term though more for the long and longer and longest terms possible as per other such connectionary points in regards of visions in the ways which some visions are when they come through to me as oddly as some visions come through as well as the ways which comes through are regarding multiple aspects.
However the additional irony of the ways which some have not ever thought about in regards of the #Afterglow #AfterglowMausoleum Afterglow Mausoleum as realistically the portions of my having sat in the chairs and recorded such cannot ever be denied, as per the legalities in reference to if such was not ever put into official standings in reference to the next of kin portions in the ways other countries have made mandatory referencing the caretaking regarding all such cemetery portions in comparison to within the #USA United States of America. Thus truthfully no matter what in reference to any such names associated with as well as connection groups thereof, because of the years of dates as well as the legalities required for any wishes in regards to such; there could not ever be any legitimate denial of such portions regarding my video recording, because of the laws and regulations which would have been required before I had ever gone out to the area to record such portions. Additionally if there ever was a push for such to be, the fact of the grandfather clause which would protect my aspects additionally in comparison to any such wishes.
I suppose the comments joked about being born as a lawyer, might be an additional way to semi-smile referencing such aspects depending upon who one would be in referencing to such a review thereof. I do admit as I have of having been told of having a dark sense of humor aside from what I have dealt with regarding such aspects thereof how much darker is the bottom of the ocean in the #Atlantic #AtlanticOcean Atlantic area within the #BermudaTriangle Bermuda Triangle, compared to the darkness within the grounds of the areas I have gone to for my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, compared to the darkness of space?
I suppose, extremely dark would be the answer to the point of being pitch black if not having a flashlight to assist however so could be considered for such a dark humour.

Though who is it that first said, God(dess) has a sense of humour? Was there ever a clarification as to what type of humour God(dess) would have, or was it simply assumed as to what humour would be considered as such by whichever human being had first made the comment?