It should not take a head injury to figure out since I have authored/written/compiled multiple genres of books, that my notations in handwritten books would not need for me to clarify my handwritten books for myself as my handwritten notebooks are for my notations as per my work.
It should not take a head injury to figure out there is no need for me to explain anything to anyone who if they have actual real intelligence as to actually figuring that out, as the if factor of "The Modern Day Book" and "Finding A Silver Lining" with "Finding The Silver Lining" as well as "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA diver Extraordinaire" have been enough to such explanations as to the facts as just as it should not take a head injury to figure out this journal blog has only been in the facts as to what I knew as to the information of the details I was informed of as to other people as to what those people told me.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that just because I did not use my saying in areas of the timeframe of the years of 2014 through 2019 as to where I was as to such factors in person face to face in person, the facts of my discussion about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury clarified such aspects and such individuals who may have tried to get me to say such did not ever actually pay for such nor did they ever acknowledge me for who I am as I clarified as to when in person face to face in person or in any capacity of as to my clarifications that November 2022 was the first and only time anyone ever has in any discussion with me despite the situations as to just acknowledging my website to me.
It should not take a head injury to figure out since I have had to take care of myself as to the length of time other people involving themselves after I already began my work officially in the year of 2014 as to such aspects as to my writings, are because of my work only and my need for my work to only be my work unless I officially designate the defined specifics of what only is allowed as to my work instead of anyone ever thinking I would prefer such when they do not know me as to what my specifics are as to the proof of anyone who did not know my plans as despite having clarified the aspects of the year of 2018 as to the aspects of my updates to my journal blog as to the year of as well as it should not take a head injury to figure out I did not need anyone else to make any decisions for me or for my life as to the failures as to the length pof time as to what my actual needs as to what my actual wants and as to such aspects of my actual preferences of mine as to such aspects in genuine truth as to such aspects of the requirements I have had that not one person ever had the intelligence to ever actually ask me in a discussion in truth as to the aspects thereof as to what my official needs/wants are or would be as it should not take a head injury to figure out that because of my own personal requirements as to such aspects of what I have clarified as to how I have not allowed anyone to be involved as to my work officially because of my own needs as to my own requirements.
It should not take a head injury to figure out I do not appreciate any needless stress as I consider as needless stress because of the facts as to the proof of the lack of what my actual needs are as to what in full I consider as from others as for myself my actual needs, as it should not take a head injury to figure out I actually hate my saying as to the lack of intelligence of each individual as to such aspects if the specifics are not of what I consider as to when I am actually in a decent mood as to the difference as to what aspects have been as to from the year of 2018 to now as it should not take a head injury to figure out that I comprehend my own needs for me to write such without being infuriated at each and every individual for each and every needless situation as to such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such individuals as to any needless problems as to what I consider as needless problems as to how that fully only shows the lack of any appreciation of my prior work, as to such aspects of the aspects of those people only proving how unwanted I am as to such factors as to what I consider as being wanted.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that in this situation from the years of 2019 through now in 2022 as to what my specific considerations were for myself have absolutely nothing in the 100% capacity of what my actual plans were for myself and all such individuals who involved themselves as to without what my actual needs for what my plans for myself in full were/are, as to such lack of any consideration of what my actual needs are as to such as to the amounts of needless stress as to what I consider as needless stress because it should not take a head injury to figure out I comprehended myself and my needs enough to begin such aspects of my own work that I would not and did not need any additional problems as to how those individuals have thought of themselves as more important than they are as to my actual work.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to what my actual needs are for myself are what my actual needs for myself are and if the actualities of my needs as to other than the starting point of what was as to wehere I was in a decent mood instead of all other factors thereof as to such situations as to how there is not any capacity for me to ever appreciate any needless situation I consider as a needless situation, any needless problem I consider as a needless problem, and any stress additionally that I consider as stress needlessly additionally.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that I do not and would not ever consider any individual who would ever cause me any additional needless problems of any type whatsoever as to suchy aspects thereof would not ever be capable to prove to me as to such situations, as to how my work overall was ever of any importance because of their choices as to every aspect I would consider as disrespect as to what my considerations are for such a viewpoint as to their interpretations as to what I actually consider as respect.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that if any phone call and/or any involvement as to what I consider as needless as to such aspects to actually get to my actual work as to what I actually planned as to my specifics as per my own portions of as to any needless involvement as to what I consider as to their needless involvement, as to only reproiving each and every individual who I once knew in person face to face in person and/or knew of me as tyo the full lack of knowledge of me and the fully lack of ever actually having any need to get to know me.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that my saying is because of what needless situations that did not wever bring me happiness as to what I consider as happiness would ever be capable to do so as to what I consider as happiness, as to such proof as to the situations as to what has lead to this point in time.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to my initial journal blog updates n the years of 2019 through 2021 as to any point in time of me using such aspects, as to my being pissed off as to all such situations as to the reasons for my saying as to all such situations as to each individual thereof as to such factors as there was not any compliments of what I consider as compliments to such individuals officially as to such aspects as there was nothing for me to compliment regarding such individuals or such situations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if there were those who thought such aspects were/are compliments as to what they consider as compliments, then such lack of common sense as well as the lack of human decency as to what I consider as human decency.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any individual and/or group and/or business that would think I would compliment as to such aspects of what I consider as an actual compliment instead of as to "Finding the Silver Lining" as to what other people said were as they considered as compliments, as to such aspects as to the clarifications and verifications as to my journal blog updates as to such clarifications that they were not what I consider as compliments.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if as to each time of each day of my journal blog instead of my actual work as to what I actually intended for myself as to my actual work, as it should not take a head injury to figure out I actually had the least amount of stress planned for my actual work if I actually would have the capacities of such aspects of what I actually intended for myself instead of the occurrences thereof to what I personally did not need nor want as to such aspects of my actual work.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that any individual who claims they knew me as to knowing who I am as to how those people need to take the considerations of the reality of time, as to such aspects of also taking in consideration as to what I consider as knowing me instead of their lies and broken 10 Commandments towards me as to such factors as to what my needs/wants and my considerations for myself are and have been as to such common sense as to my having the comprehension of myself that I would not need to clarify for myself as to my handwritten notebooks as to my clarifications as to such as to my book genres as to such aspects of real intelligence instead of whatever artificial intelligence each and every individual would officially have as to any such requirement for such clarifications as to this journal blog.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any individual and/or group that officially would require such clarifications as to this journal blog would only show as to how they always and only had artificial intelligence from wherever they got their knowledge from as to such others officially, and would not have ever had the capacity to truly know me to begin with.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when I slam the keyboard as to my being enraged as to my not being in a good mood whatsoever as to such aspects as to what I consider as being in a good or a decent mood, as it should not take a head injury to figure out when I initially began my journal blog I did not have the need to make attempts to calm myself down because of such rage as to other such hypothetical aspects and the proof of and to each and every individual and/or group as to how such aspects have been as to the years of 2018 through now in 2022 instead of what I consider as to being in a good or decent mood for myself as to the if factor of those people ever truly actually knowing me as for who I am.
It should not take a head injury to figure out I have far more important aspects as to what my specifics were as to after my children biologically turned 18 years old legally, as it should not take a head injury to figure out each aspect as to what I authored/wrote/compiled as to such topics as to my fact books as well as my fiction books as per my handwritten notebooks and/or notations that I have not ever allowed nor wanted nor needed anyone to ever put their hands on ever without my personal permission and would only reprove that privacy aspect regarding such aspects as to actual respect to the difference of what those 'people' would think of as to the difference of their interpretations of respect as to the difference of what I consider as respect as well as intelligence if those 'people' actually could not distinguish the difference of each page of each notebook as to what the actualities thereof per as to such aspects of handwritten notebooks because of the requirements of having the real and genuine intelligence instead of their artificial aspects as to where they have lied about the word of intelligence as they could not have such aspects of intelligence ever if as to such factors of ever thinking they could ever actually think correctly as to what I consider as thinking correctly instead of what their interpretations of are as to such.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that as to such needless unwanted involvement as to the aspects thereof to the phone calls that I have had to deal with instead of actually getting to the factors of what the importance of my actual work as to my tone of voice and my attitude because of my comprehension of the actual lack of my needs to speak with such individuals as to the aspects of my actual work as to what I should have been capable to get to, instead of the aspects of such amounts of needless time wasted as to such factors of anything I consider as to the needless time wasted as to such reality.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to any/all individuals who have pushed for such aspects instead of me getting to my actual work as to reproving the aspects of the differences as to what I consider as being wanted to their interpretations of where they would only show their selfishness as to the instead of what would be considered as to such aspects, of what I consider as being wanted as to such factors thereof as to my actual requirements as to the factors of my considerations thereof are.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such needless beurocracy as to such factors as to what I have dealt with have only shown to me as to how unwanted I actually am and have been as to what those 'people's' interpretations of are, as to the difference as to what my actual considerations as to would be and are as to such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that when I have clarified that my journal blog is only as to the factws, then the truth of such facts are as to my fact books as I clarified such aspects and such clarifications as to what I have already taken care of as to how instead of what would actually show me as to being wanted would fully not be shown because of such aspects as to instead of what I actually have needed and wanted for myself outside of writing as to how that would officially show the lack of the want of me in all such factors as to what I consider as being wanted as to the wording "wanted in a positive way" as to such aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if others have gotten upset because of my words as to my journal blog as to how they can think to themselves as to what they did to enrage me instead of ever showing me actual care for me and/or care about me, as to what I consider as care for me and care about me as well as what I consider as to being wanted in a positive way.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when my pain levels have only risen instead of lowering as to the facts that any and all such individuals who would have thought they knew what my needs are as to the fullness of such aspects as to how much I hope such aspects as to whatever needless involvement of others as to what I consider as, to hurting their feelings for what they thought as to their interpretations and how they would only have brought such aspects of their hurt feelings unto themselves for such aspects as to the amount of raised pain levels I have been dealing with as to such aspects of my headaches and migraines instead of lowering such pain levels as to then the full proof as to each of those individuals only breaking my ADA aspects as per such clarifications.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that I am not a masochist and as to such aspects each and every individual who has enraged me as per the situations would only be as to such a viewpoint to me as to them being masochists as to how they would only show me as to how bratty they are, instead of ever showing me as to intelligence as well as having the self-control of themselves as to what being a Dominant is as to what I consider as being a Dominant as what I consider as a Dominant is not the exact same as to what I learned in the Dominant Mentor Program beyond just words.
It should not take a head injury to figure out I can create my own schedule for myself and any individual and/or group that would ever think of themselves so haughtily as to ever thinking I would need or want their involvement as to my actual schedule would only show their lack of intelligence as to such aspects and factors thereof as well as would only show their lack of common sense as to such aspects in regards of my actual needs officially as to what my considerations for my actual needs are as to the smaller as well as most importantly the larger aspects thereof, as well as it should not take a head injury to figure out they would not ever know what my actual needs are as to the if factors as to having to write to clarify such aspects instead of actually havign genuine intelligence as to such factors as they would prove only how they have been pouring from a proverbial empty cup instead of having the fullness of such knowledge to be capable to understand.
It should not take a head injury to figure out what my Basic needs are as to the aspects thereof as to what aspects I did have as to what portions thereof to what was less stressful as to what specifics I consider(red) as to the specific points in time as to the ages of my children biologically as to how my needs would officially as to my Basic needs as to the difference of my minimum standards as to what I consider as to such factors as it should not take a head injury to figure out my considerations for such are different as to the time, as it should not take a head injury to figure out such types of individuals as to thier interpretations of such are what they should not rely upon as to however their interpretations have lead them in the wrong way as to such aspects as to what my actual basic needs as to the difference of my minimum standards as to my considerations thereof officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that as to such aspects of any individual who would try to get me to speak such words as to how they did not ever know me to begin with as they would only neeed my rage instead of ever needing me to be in a good mood as obviously those individuals would only know of my triggers as to the aspects of what would enrafe me as to the levels of anger as to such raising instead of ever calming me down, as to what my actual viewpoints are as to such aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that all such triggers as to the aspects thereof as to my life would only be as to where such aspects as to such situations as to my journal blog updates in this year of 2022 as to such lack of human decency regarding such aspects, as to how such aspects of what I dealt with throughout this year of 2022 have only been to where each individual and group thereof has only cared more about themselves as to their selfishness instead of actually caring about me as well as actually caring about my actual needs as to actually caring for me as to what I consider as to such factors as why would those people ever be capable to comprehend my actual needs when those people were not there for me when I actually needed such aspects of emotional support as to such aspects of what I consider as emotional support.
It should not take a head injury to figure out my journal blogs this year of 2022 as well as specifically from the years of 2020 through 2022 as to any such direct aspects as to the factors of 1993 as well as 2001 specifically as to such selfishness regarding all of those other people instead of what my actual needs for emotional support have been and are, though since such individuals I once knew have preferred their selfish ways as to such aspects as to where would my need be to such types of those people as to if they actually believed they were doing anything other than what President of the United States of America had clarified as to the difference of help as to them as to assistance as to what I actually need(ed) instead as to the considerations of those types of those individuals as to their aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the first time of being back to New Jersey in the year of 2020 as to what lack iof anything as to individuals I once knew as to whenever I knew them as to the difference of what my actual needs were as to those times as to the northeast as to support, and only shows as to their lack of capabilities as to what my actual needs were as to such support as to my needs as to emotional support.
It should not take a head injury to figure out anyone who had ever been to the areas of where I was born and raised without me as to such times as to how their selfishness as to such aspects especially if they were not born and raised in the areas as to such aspects of what I did not want as well as did not need from those types of immature individuals as to ever thinking they would ever comprehend what I needed for myself, as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out what triflin aspects those types of individuals would only be to me.
It should not take a head injury to figure out those types as to Hollywood pop culture aspects as to such factors in any capacity thereof would only reprove to me as to the lack of the need for those types of individuals in each and every capacity thereof to my life as to those types of ever thinking they would ever know or understand or comprehend what my actual needs were/are as to such points in time as to when I first went around such areas, as it should not take a head injury to figure out when it was over 24 years as to such aspects for me to finally get to where I needed to be as to such aspects as to the full proof of such uselessness of those individuals I once knew in my childhood and my teenager years as well as those in certain aspects depending upon as to my biological adult years as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out with all of my clarifications as to the needless problems and the needless situations and the needless stress as to the needless drama as to what I consider as to such factors regarding each and every one of those types as to ever thinking they ever knew what I actually needed as to my memory deficits and my cognitive disorders as maybe it should not take a head injury to figure out as to those types as to how they are the ones with the memory deficits as to what humanity actually is as maybe they have the cognitive disorders as to what human decency is as maybe those individuals are just headaches and migraines not only to myself though also to others as to their types of choices as to their situations as to their needless drama as to their needless stress as to their needless problems as to their needless situations as to what my considerations are as to those types being fully proven as to such clarifications officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if as to those millennial types as to what I warned about as to such types as to those factors as to those types of millennials instead of what the overall aspects thereof as to the different definitions of millennials as to the time as to the different types of millennials as to the turn of the millennium as to the different types of millennials as to the aspects of intelligence as to what real intelligence is as to the difference as to artifical intelligence as to such pop culture references as to other types of millennials as to what clarifications as to the different labels as to the types of millennials, depending upon such a viewpoint as to possible "Finding The Silver Lining" as to such aspects where there are some actual compliments as to what I consider as compliments though distinguishing such specifics I suppose might actually take a head injury to explain instead of figuring out.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the difference between humanity and human decency as to such aspects thereof to the difference of what I have dealt with as to the aspects thereof, as it should not take a head injury to figure out what I consider as discussions as to the difference as to words regarding conversations if as to such aspects thereof as to my childhood as to a different capacity thereof as to any such aspects as to such hurt feelings as to the reasons why.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects as to the difference between selfishness as to the difference of aspects as to the difference regarding factors thereof to such differences regarding those types of those individuals as to such aspects thereof, as it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of this year of 2022 as to such factors thereof to those types.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to my saying(s) as to such factors thereof as to the difference when I am in a decent mood as to a pissed off mood as to an enraged mood as to the difference of a semi-good mood as it should not take a head injury to figure out there has not been any capacity of what I consider as a good mood to begin with as to my minimum requirements of what is required for me to be in a good mood is to the 30 days as to such aspects as to when I begin such aspects of counting as to the factors of consistency required as to what I consider as to such aspects and f those are not willing to ask me as to what my requirements are to ask me, then as to such aspects as to the proven factors as well as to the wanted aspects as to the difference as to such factors thereof as to common sense though also as to whomever as to such thoughts of such tries to ever be capable to figure such out without my explanations as to such factors thereof as to common sense.
It should not take a head injury to figure out common sense would not need explanations as to figuring such out, just as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out as to intelligence naturally as to common sense.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when I have had sight since before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to that having nothing to do with my after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, or the aspects thereof to such factors as per the proof as per such clarifications and verifications capable to have been done.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the situations of being capable to see as to the difference of those who were directly responsible as to such factors thereof as to such aspects of the difference of sight and words to the difference of actions and choices as it should not take a head injury to figure out responses to others' choices as to such aspects thereof are self-defense as to my responses as to any and/or all such hypotheticals as to the proof thereof, as it should not take a head injury to figure out those aspects especially as to the years from the timeframe of whenever such individuals as per each group as to such aspects thereof as to the proof of such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects regarding this year of 2022 as well as 2021 and 2020 as to the differences as to care and concern about me as to such aspects of the northeast as to the aspects of how others viewed as to such people and groups that I have been concerned about and care about, as to the differences as to what I consider as to care and concern as to reality as to situations as to those years previously as to my childhood and my teenager years and my biological adult years as to the point in times thereof.
It should not take a head injury to figure out what I consider as informed consent as to such aspects as to the aspects thereof to being informed formally as to such aspects as to officially, as it should not take a head injury to figure out such differences and yet similarities.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to including my breathing, posture, stances, and etcetera as to the facts as to if such clarifications before had needed the clarifications as to any such aspects as to the proof of such factors as to the timeframes between 2019 through now in the year of 2022 as to how those individuals would not have had the starting point of such aspects as to the reality as to myself from what others told them, as to the aspects of such differences as to my clarifications as per the accuracy levels.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the biological gender actually does matter beyond scientific portions as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of background(s) as to locations and people thereof to a New Jersey-ian as to such differences, as it should not take a head injury to figure out that just because of being a tomboy as to the biological factors of gender actually meaning of importance as to such differences officially as to the responses because of the facts of being raised as to such factors of the differences as to such aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to that aspects of biological gender as well as background(s) as to the differences of parental factors as well as others as to such specifics of involvement as to life, as to the differences of such aspects as to New Jersey-ians as to the overall factors thereof as to the factors as to the viewpoints overall as it should not take a head injury to figure out the difference of one New Jersey-ian to another individual as to the timeframes as to their biological age as to such factors thereof as well as the other combinations that would officially distinguish such factors thereof as to such intellectual property as to such factors thereof to the legal copyrights I filed officially as to the year of 2015 regarding the various ways as to my saying overall.
It should not take a head injury to figure out any New Jersey-ian who would have been asked instead of asking me as to such discussions as to the aspects thereof as to how such individuals would have failed themselves as to the details as to such differences between those hypotheticals as to the difference as to myself, as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to such lack of respect as to myself to ever think to compare me to any other New Jersey-ian as to my total combined experiences as to the aspects where the proof where I would only see as to such lack of actual care about and actual care for me as to ever thinking someone could compare themselves to me as what would there be to compare to me other than what was not to others as well as what was not their experiences in full as to the aspects of something alike and/or something similar as to one or two aspects as to whatever timeframes thereof to such factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if people I once knew in person face to face in person as to real life situations as to thier memory loss as to the if factors of not remembering me specifically using my saying, as to whatever levels of accuracy those individuals have had as to such updates as to my clarifications as to the percentages of such aspects of such timeframes of in person face to face in person during the years specifically as to 2003 through 2013 as to their failures as twhat would be their memory deficits as to their cognitive disorders as that should not take a head injury to figure out if they had a head injury after the timeframe of when my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury was as to such aspects of differences just as the same as to those who had a head injury before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such differences of head injury factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the difference as to the if factors as to a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as well as the length of time as to such aspects of the 8.5 years to the blood on my brain as well as the facts as to the specific situations during those 8.5 years in full, as it then should not take a head injury to figure out there being massive distinctive differences as to any other as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the length of my coma as to whatever that timeframe was as it should not take a head injury to figure out when I was in a coma as to being in a coma as to not having a physical and/or digital calendar as to the timeframe of when I was in a coma as to what medical records of mine that I was capable to look at as to when I requested my full military records as to such aspects of how that should not take a head injury to figure out as to the amount thereof to what paperwork I could get as to such aspects of my file as to the aspects of it should not take a head injury to figure out that when the total paperwork I could get for myself as to my multiple requests also as to the amount of individuals I specifically asked to as their status as to the aspects of clearances as to the facts of the total paperwork I could get being less that 1.5 or 2 inches as to the total stack as to my background as to my clearances as to my MOS as to what my employment factors thereof would be considered as to such proof additionally as to the facts as to only 1.5 to 2 inches as to including all of the time from the years of 2000 through each time of requests as well as the aspects of from 1996 as to MAST as to that 1.5 to 2 inches of total paperwork as to such requests officially would clarify to any/all as to such clearance differences with the MOS differences as to such aspects thereof to any individual as to whatever their clearance may be or may have been as to whatever factors thereof to the differences as to myself from those individuals and/or those MOS aspects as to such common sense as to how that should not take a head injury to figure out as well as my biological gender as to such hypotheticals.
It should not take a head injury to figure out what the legal definitions as to the hypothetical situations as to such factors as to individuals and/or groups and/or companies as to such aspects as to what I have dealt with as to such hypotheticals, as to any needless situations and/or any needless problems and/or any needless stress and/or any needless drama as to such aspects of what I consider such to be as to such aspects thereof as to such hypotheticals as to such individuals officially.
