Back in the year of either 2008 or 2009 whenever the year before the last and final Uniform Fetish Ball in #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #SATX #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas which was held by #ToF #TempleofFlesh Temple of Flesh, I had yelled at the male who was wearing the current for that year #USA #USArmy #USAA #USAArmy United States of America’s Army uniform with the Colonel ranking at the Uniform Fetish Ball while wearing the outfit I had modeled in later as to the #USMC #Marines United States of America’s Marine Corps style of an outfit though nothing remotely close to the uniform officially in such comparisons. That male was chewed out far more kindly in comparison as I did not smoke him in the ways of which others in the military know of such factors, though while he tried to tell me it was his grandpa’s or his uncle’s uniform which meant nothing as to the fact he was stealing valor wearing the uniform to the ways of as it was able to see it was a fresh from the dry cleaners arrangement as to the BDUs. Though he had complained and whined as when I was in his face and yelling at him for having the audacity to wear that uniform without permission as he did not earn the rank of Colonel as per him physically looking between the ages of 18 to 21 years old in that year, I have very much been known as to being against stolen valor as per the facts of admitting I did not graduate Basic Training from the Army and thus without ever stealing valor though acknowledging as to the facts of. #EndStolenValor #EndAllStolenValor #EndStolenValorNow #EndAllStolenValorNow
I had already dealt with multiple individuals I had called out for trying to steal valor of what was earned as per #GrahamCentralStation Graham Central Station several times as I have discussed and wrote about, and though there were multiple situations as to the #FastEddies Fast Eddies poolhall situation which others who began problems and then I discussed connection as to the situation of knowing people who had been stationed in certain areas during certain times; the amount of times I have stood up against stolen valor repeatedly, I cannot count that high. The fact that San Antonio #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Texas has had to put up Military City USA signs, I wonder as to how much of an uptick in stolen valor as to the amount of people similar to Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr who prefer the authentic aspects of a uniform had been a problem which within the city of San Antonio as to the problems Steve and Krysta from Temple of Flesh had caused with the Uniform Fetish Ball as to the numerical countings as to such a choice as to the additional requirement of identification card information to the membership aspects directly scanned at the locations for each event.
Though I had informed both Steve and Krysta of such factors as to how many females and males had told me they had taken information off of the computers regarding Temple of Flesh as to the situations over the years mainly having been told from the year of 2010 through 2012 as to multiple females and a few males of doing so, the ways of which additional situations and needless problems which were rampant as to the amount of times I had pulled an unofficial security as to removing males from when they were handsy with females as to such points in time in the year of 2004 and 2005 mainly though other times as well. Individuals at #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire would know of certain aspects as to how I had been in reference to being protective as to the back areas, though in the years at he end of 2004 and through to the middle of 2005 of which the more personal ways of removing such males from the situations regarding the females in all comparisons.
In the reference as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury such as my memory deficits and cognitive disorders that several people within mainly the #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas #FortWorth #FtWorth #FortWorthTX #FtWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FtWorthTexas #DFWTX DFW Texas areas had been as to such as well as those within #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin who had not believed me as to such, I suppose the years after I returned to the state of Texas after how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington after the #StoneyLaRue #Concert #CowboysDancehall #Cowboys Stoney LaRue concert at the Cowboys Dancehall in the year of 2013 when returned in the year of 2019 through 2021, the proof thereof if anyone I would have recognized in the state of Texas was in the state of Washington from the years of 2013 through 2019 as to the realities of the lack of discussions with such individuals as per remembering them on sight if I am accurate though also in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips. In turn, there is the proof in the long term as to the damages from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the coma and the subarachnoid hemorrhage for those of you who had no legal right or legal authority to ever test such after effects as to the realities as to the requirement of a medical license to ever look into such along with the license the required insurance factors thereof.
However nothing different as to such types of people as to those in reference to my biological mother, my biological father, my biological sister, and my now dead-ex-husband who had their disbelief as to the after effects of my head injury. Though again, what legal authorities and medical licenses from the starting point of such as there is not the back dating as to such factors for clarification I doubt any such actually had and again as to the facts of having my earned Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America would fully revoke such factors as to any allowances thereof due to the fact even if there is/was a contract of a company worked with in the regards to the #Pentagon Pentagon there would not be the legal authority without having gone through the proper channels as to such factors as to ever testing my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury while remembering the factors as to the rave and #Brackenridge Brackenridge as to the situations in August or September of 2000 when I was in Medical Hold Unit now Warrior Transition Unit. What is financially owed for those factors as well as what medical portions of such requirements as to the damages from such aspects, regarding what I dealt with? Those payments in full, preferably as to what such other individuals thereof as per the ways of which in certain references as to how parents who have not correctly taken care of their children as to the factors as to such regards of a recent posting I suppose though the requirement as to my dental work due to the factors of the medications which I was prescribed as per the facts I did not ever have one cavity before being in the Army as to what I was prescribed in such years as to an additional clarification.
In reference to the last year the Uniform Fetish Ball was allowed to be in San Antonio which happened to be the same year I was pulled onto the stage against my will as to the two males who had picked me up and carried me onto the stage while I struggled to get back to the ground to leave, one of the males named Celtic Cowboy or John Virreal who had been met within the San Antonio Pagan community had pointed out how he had been a part of the situation as to having spoken with several individuals knowing I would not go on the stage on my own because of knowing as to how I did not like such sorts of aspects personally. Though I had discussed with my biological mother as to verifying if I was that way before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and being told that was how I was before, though in a different way in comparison as to the oddities of such aspects as to the wedding situation regarding my biological sister being told about the clothing choices and oddities of such an abomination.
While there are the aspects of which while after the McCoy Elementary School Fort Worth Zoo situation which I have already verified as to the factors of, I have told people as to how much my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister hated me as to having gone into the military as to such points in time. The ways of such bitterness and hatred as to what I dealt with as a child and a teenager only has been proven repeatedly as to such factors, of which the lack of any human decency from those people has repeatedly been shown as to how much such has been all because of the facts which they themselves and those similar to those types of people for such lengths of time only because of their own personal problems and issues in comparison. Those people have been nothing of value or worth in my opinion as to the ways which my Bok gung and my Bok Pu had put them into their place repeatedly and the ways of such factors as to such a lack of human decency was found long before those people moved to the state of Texas, and all such warnings I had given were ignored because of the factors which I had already gone into. Maybe there are some movies or television shows as to which such regards as to the problems I have dealt with, can go into; though why would you ever think such would be helpful to me, in comparison to what occurrences thereof?
Why would I ever have any sensation of ever being considered as wanted, cared about, or needed in any such references or regards as what is there to love about my life?
As my biological father had pointed out as to females being bitches as to such factors just because I was born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog, does not and did not ever have the intention as to ever being treated less than a dog in the United States of America would be treated as there are plenty of canines who have been treated far better than I have ever been treated.
After the individual who had worn the white hooded clothing during the production of Springtime for Hitler at that event to put the microphone in my face and ask me without any concern as to my now wanting nor needing to be on the stage after the boy who threw a temper tantrum because he was called out for stealing valor and the crying he did being a big baby for having made the choice to do so, the problems of the lifestyle went as such had gone thereafter such a point in time. While there have been plenty of good experiences as to discussions I have had, the ways of such cold bitterness as to those types of people who have not paid attention to what is actually of importance has been fully notated as to the realities thereof. There was not ever the intention on my part to ever do anything in the ways which has been assumed as per the factors as I have learned as to the situations I have had the non-consensual aspects of dealing with as to the various aspects in comparison to that boy wearing a uniform he did not earn as to the current uniform of that timeframe in that year compared to a later time and the uniform not being used any further in such comparisons, which in the references of as to the facts in regards of those types of people who think just because of a female being involved with any aspect of as to the problems with such stereotypes which the photoshopping has been problematic as well as to all such should fully be made aware as to such of any type of filter and/or photoshopping as to ensuring the visuals are actually accurate in comparison to the ways of which others have done in the regards of modeling.
The non-consensual games played in my direction as I did not ever consent to such factors ever just as I did not ever consent to anyone testing me in any capacity thereof outside of the official aspects within the years of 2000 through 2008 within the medical facilities under the guidelines as to my consent of such as the requirements through legal documentation of which for the purposes as to each aspect at those times, in comparison to what I have needlessly dealt with in reference to the civilian population within the state of Texas during such times of those years as well as the non-consensual times thereafter.
The ways of which the mistreatments towards me repeatedly when I have done nothing wrong and have falsely been blamed and accused illegally as to such false accusations repeatedly, has been problematic which has been needing the clarifications across all such states and all such borders as to the problems which needlessly occurred because of such lack of human decency and lack of common sense as to the realities of which while I had been outed repeatedly to my biological mother/father/sister as to the years of 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 as per the various ways I have already brought forward as despite having additionally explained myself as to the needless drama caused non-consensually as to those types of people has caused me nothing except additional pain and additional stress as well as needless problems on top of what I have already dealt with.
What is it to actually in a respectful manner be appropriately taken care of, in comparison to what I have dealt with?
What is it to actually be spoken with in truth by living human beings in person whether online or on the phone or in person face to face with respect and dignity continuously in comparison, to the games which have occurred non-consensually to me?
While there have been those who I have had such in regards of the discussions as to the brief amount of time between 2015 through 2017 and 2020 through 2021 at random, how many individuals decided to non-consensually involve themselves in such areas as to such continuation non-consensually of the problems I was already dealing with as to the timeframes and locations thereof?
What problems to the situations were already in what I was dealing with which such non-consensual aspects as to each individual who chose to make the choices they have had caused needless additional problems and what problems in turn, did they attract to themselves for each aspect thereof?
If those people did not see as to how such factors regarding how some people do not appreciate those non-consensual portions as I do not appreciate non-consensual portions especially in reference to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, what situations have they and their loved ones found themselves in due to such choices and actions in regards of how the Uniform Fetish Ball had only one year after the time when the male who wore stolen valor in the Uniform Fetish Ball area as how long do certain legalities take for filings?
Was I wrongly blamed for the timing as to the ending of the Uniform Fetish Ball because of the Star Spangled Banner performance I had done and no one paid attention to the fact the boy who was yelled at by me because of the stolen valor problems, though how many signs within the San Antonio Military City USA could point out the realities of such situations in comparison to having wrongly blamed me?
How difficult would it have been as I saw in the following year as to how the same individual who had worn the white clothing as to the ways which the individual picked out for dancing as I was told supposedly why I was pulled physically onto the stage would that have been in the comparisons, as what difference would that make as to being invited on the stage in comparison to how I was drug and carried against my will onto the stage the prior year in such comparisons?
What is the difficulty as to asking in comparison to assuming as to such factors, as why would it be difficult to ask in comparison to the difficulties regarding assuming?
In reference to modeling why would anyone assume that someone is exactly the same ways thereof to what would be known as modeling, in comparison to who the individual actually is themselves?
Is that the same in reference to those who go to movies or went to movies when it was allowed before the COVID situations, as what problems as to the disconnection of humanity can be noticed from such factors?
What is important as to human beings having humanity in the regards of, and why is it important to reconnect human beings with humanity?
Why is human decency important to human beings in comparison to the ways which such has gone up to this point, as what is important about human decency and humanity to human beings?

Maybe it did take a head injury to figure out the ways of my childhood and teenager years as to how the so-called parenting I dealt with as to how I was raised was far worse, than I ever had thought.