I am thankful for having had made the choice to hold housewarming parties, though admittedly in such a way the type of thanks I have for such is a bit twisted; especially considering how much food I personally cooked for each house warming within each house, when I moved into each house as per time. Though I no longer have my houses as in situations which were problems caused by others depending upon which timeframe and circumstances thereof, each housewarming party was a bit of definite unqiue-ness.
In 2002 I purchased my house in San Antonio Texas of which I had forgotten about Homeowner Association aspects I had been told about by some people I knew parents, regarding the covenants and rules. By the time of moving into my house which was after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and coma, I already was dealing with a lot more than some who would have been my age for the amount specifically. The housewarming party I bar-b-qed and cooked various sides, as well as made dessert. I initially mowed my lawn before the party, trimmed the hedges, and then cleaned my house prior to cooking while my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia had slept. When they woke up that day I was already cooking breakfast for them, starting to cook certain portions of the sides, and the brisket had been marinating overnight for the proper amount of what I was cooking. Those who attended were neighbors met in the cold-e-sac, some people my now dead-ex-husband knew from college, as well as some people from Songbird Apartments who were known through meeting in the office such as Heather, Bethany, and Christine the manager if I remember her name correctly.
Heather's parents asked for someone to help clean their house in San Antonio a few months after the events of 11 September 2001 which was after my son had been hospitalized, after I was hospitalized, and just before or around Thanksgiving or the early following year. Her Mom and I would talk at times while I cleaned and took care of my son, and sometimes her husband would be in the house and comment about where he thought I should clean since there was not a list ever given to me of specifics by anyone. After a few visits they went with someone else to clean their house, which was fine at the time as there were other situations being dealt with as well. Bethany and her husband Joseph were able to get pregnant shortly after my hospitalization had completed, which they had been working to get pregnant for awhile; whereas the manager recently had a son named Carson which she asked me to watch for her, as he was the third child from a third father for her. Though they were not able to attend the housewarming party except for Bethany and Joseph briefly, the neighbors and college students attended and ate what I cooked.
There were other BBQs I held where I cooked such as the Stay at Home Mom's Northwest group #SAHMNW, which I did not get along with as many of the females as I had the feeling would be a problem. Such includes the fact most would not or did not bring their children and if they did, they had a nanny to assist. Over time I was convinced such groups only had one type of female in such, and in a few ways I was correct. When I brought my son and my daughter with me to the first meeting and under the impressions the group was supposed to be for Moms who stayed at home with their children, I was one of two people who brought their child(ren) to the meeting. I got along with her as well as the only other brunette who did not dye their hair when I went to blond, which later I became a part of the membership portion. When I received a phone call and could not answer the questions as I was told to do prior to doing so, I gave the phone number for the next person in the group upward to answer questions for the potential member as the argument was about the cost of membership on the phone. After a bit, that female called me with an attitude and the discussion went as the discussion went just a few days or weeks prior to the meeting being held at my house. When the females arrived none of them brought their children to play at all and their negative comments telling me I 'needed a new gardener' because of not having gotten the time to weed eat aside from the fact I am allergic to grass, which those who have weed eated know that the grass clipping always hit the legs and the juices from the blades of grass over time seep through the fabric. When I told her I mowed my own lawn, I trimmed my own hedges, and I would weed-eat when I could; she looked at me with disgust, for ever doing so for myself. Then, the female from the phone call discussion walked through when that time came for the meeting to begin.
At first I was calm as I could be despite my children being the only ones playing when being a part of a Stay at Home Moms group which said they were going to have playdates for the children, and not once did any ever occur until later on when the other brunettes and I were sick of that false claim and made the initiative ourselves to do so. If they wanted a group which females who are Moms who stay at home and have others take care of everything else for them including their children, I do not know if the name for the group to be what it was called would be the correct name for that. In the meeting such began fairly smoothly until that one female opened her mouth and said she was pregnant with another child, after having already explained how her two prior children had Leukemia. After a comment I made prior on the phone call about what she could do instead of complaining for following the rules given to me on the phone call, I asked her why she would not take such advice and asked her what type of Mom she was to knowingly have two children to be born with such and then have a third and wish such would not be the same way after repeating the same words I said on the phone about what she should have done as per her attitude and her comment about a gardener inside of my backyard. I had no further patience left for that female and the other females looked astonished I would say the truth, which each one made that facial expression of knowing they had spoken about such with one another though did not have the decency to tell her the truth to make her think about more than just one aspect. She remained quiet afterwards unable to speak any further which admittedly despite the attitude she gave, there was a part of me which felt slightly bad for the level I had gone to.
However, there are times when the truth hurts so much because in order to face the facts the truth must be revealed to be able to break through that internal barrier you already knew was there in your thoughts to actually genuinely reflect as to the decisions and choices being made for such.
I do not condone abortion for birth control, let me clarify. I do believe if there is a large aspect and proven probability for a situation such as the possibility of a third child going through such to be born with, to take a look at ones' health and make sure the proper care is readily available for such if there is a way to prevent such; as that is not supposed to be a genetic trait, nor a genetic passing forward. It was not a slight at her nor her husband, it was in reference to what I could pick up from the fetus and though such might not come across as normal to some; they did not know about the background I have, nor did they know about the works and whatnot I had already completed prior to meeting them. I knew which city I was in and I knew the probability of the connection to the Armed Forces, which in turn I knew far more than they ever knew I had known. If that offended her and she went and complained instead of thinking though at some point did start to think, I also know how the military is about such procedures and how they also utilize medicine at times. The point of using biological warfare is over unless your wish is to completely kill off every human being, which that should not be the case as if it has not been learned already; that transfers back and filters the way to that point of origin, which then in turn goes after your own people needlessly. For one example all you have to do to see such, is look at how many mixed ethnic backgrounds of people there are in the United States of America and around the world. Traveling has gotten much easier since those times in 2003/2004, as seen regarding further travels in various locations and ways thereof. It seems to be a fruitless endeavor to continue such, ironically for the terminology.
Nonetheless as much as I enjoy cooking and BBQing, I had been and am thankful I had the ability to cook as much food as I had been able to. When my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia had their first birthday party together, I baked a cake as well as the food I cooked which the cold-e-sac family children attended, as did my now ex-in-laws from the Fort Worth area of Texas except Grandpa Nichols. I did send food and cake back with them for him to be able to eat as well, which with that one birthday party situation because of his health; is another singular reason in addition, to my choices regarding January 2008. He knew I would be cooking food and he already had multiple homemade pies I made taken to him when visiting #FortWorth from #SanAntonio #Texas which as soon as pulling into the driveway at the house in Fort Worth, he would be oat the door walking outside to greet. I was not able to get anything out of the car for any of those trips before once he had a few pies I made, and thus him knowing he would have food cooked by me all weekend as well as cake and pie at my house; I knew in reference to January 2008, what was necessary when speaking with the soldiers who came to my house in San Antonio Texas that month to speak about a few situations regarding arrangements and was why among other reasons as to my personal ability to remain calm and make that decision without hesitation.
I knew back then before meeting with the Chief Warrant Officer 3 of how that might look as odd as usually even in the particular situation of the final separation to that individual and though they knew nothing of the surrounding situations or to the level of at that moment in time because of being from Fort Sam Houston Warrior Transition Unit #WTU and nothing from those who were in Iraq or training at the #CampMabry location to go over who would have a larger knowledge of, those soldiers I had figured probably would have incorrectly thought of nefarious aspects comparatively to the actual reality. I had defended Grandpa Nichols many times over and knowing he had volunteered for 4 separate tours during Vietnam and then was pulled out from his station in Vietnam to go to be a Drill Instructor for 6 specific duty stations of 2 years each for because of his skills and abilities to explain and train guys to be able to survive as that cigarette flick and shoot before patrol, became a thing for certain guys. That was my ex-father-in-law who taught guys that precision, and whichever group of ironic twist if having a connection to my adoptive Grandfather's stuff; it seems looking back now in 2021 despite the legal terminology of though having been much like a Dad to me after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, that was another reason as to why there was not any hesitation to make such a decision to the #DFW area.
While not forgetting how when he was in the #VA hospital in #Dallas I am the female albeit before my hairstyle changes and tattoos, that female who yelled at the nurses as well as the doctors on the floor where everyone in the rooms woke up; that, was me. That floor where all of a sudden the nurses began going to make more rounds to check on you as well as more doctors going to your rooms to actually be doctors that year in 2002 or 2003(?) or 2004 or whatever year he was specifically in that VA hospital with a roommate who was from or had family in Louisiana who enjoyed the Peach Cobbler Turnover pie I made and brought with to take a slice over to his side of the room to speak with as well, that would be me. I know I have the same face, though I know my hairstyle is no longer the longer shoulder-ish length dark chocolate brown hair with red/auburn/blue/golden highlights. That in reference to Grandpa Nichols death as well is in addition to the treatment he received from Grandma Nichols and Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez (now Sweeny or Sweety), as they knew to take him to the VA hospital even though Grandma Nichols was in a civilian hospital. That was Susie's choice because she was going to see her Mom and saw the same place as being more convenient for her in comparison to what Grandpa Nichols actually had needed, as she thought he needed to be near her because she thought of their marriage in a different way than it actually was. After January 2008's promise to Grandpa Nichols and the situations at Fort Sam Houston Texas similar to my SCUBA Diving gear situation in a different metaphor, the choice to purchase a house to be closer to Grandpa Nichols to help get that situation better was a separate choice of mine in addition to the aspects regarding my son and my daughter being able to spend time with their Grandpa as well as get to know that side of the family hoping the truth of situations would be fully revealed as he could explain while not denying the realities thereof. Those stolen valor arguments continued onward about those pictures all the way almost every Sunday dinner, until his death in August 2008; as he took my side which drove them up the wall ironically when looking at the pictures, and yet there was such a lengthy history of their own past which was unknown.
Grandma Nichols had not informed Grandpa Nichols until after their first son Tony was born as his sister Mary was in uterus or just delivered, about the truth of the love he once had was actually for her sister. My ex-mother-in-law lied to her and met him at the boat to make the trip to get to the United States of America because she thought she deserved more than her sister, which is why a difference in time between the sets of males and females; as he tried to make the situation work, and Grandma Nichols wanted to prove herself to him differently. Towards the end of what was their relationship in such a way occurred after the 1980s when he got a blood transfusion, which he contracted HIV; this Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez name at the time knew. The VA knew his medical history whereas she knew minimal about his medical aspects in such a way and her choice to take him to a hospital which did not have the proper medications list, nor the medical background history in full the way the VA would have had by then, was the cause of his death. If he had been taken to the VA as he should have been to begin with, he would have lived another 15 years. She took his life from him by making that choice, and she was given two children which in ways probably remind her of him as he was supposed to live until 2023 and she was supposed to have a different life that she took from herself and her children at the time. She may not have known the level of intricacies to the VA hospital and connections to the time when he was active duty for certain aspects, however the choices were made as they were and what could be done for the ideal from there was the best that could have been done for such a situation.
The VA and military associated medical facilities have such information though also have a less likely possibility of a child from that timeframe getting into the medical profession who would have been raised by people who were vehemently against not only the #VietnamWar back then, though at the time of 2008 and how Susie Marie talked about her dead brother to them as well; it seems simple, for that math to be figured out as the nurse I spoke with said she was excited he would be going to a hospice place she liked and fully recommended. If such hypotheticals regarding that civilian medical care situation are accurate, I am glad I spoke to Grandpa Nichols the way I spoke to an old friend of a friend from my childhood when they and I were in 8th grade; yet, in a different way. By then that particular individual probably would have felt as similar to the soldiers in my house in San Antonio in reference to confusion, though the situation of such being similar for the outcome in a more peaceful way comparatively; for as many as who happened to be involved, regarding such as possible. When I was informed later in the week of the situation, I had the sign I needed to know I felt accurate regarding the possibilities of who he may have had as a medical staff possibly.
Though in my house in San Antonio Texas there were several problems and situations, mainly having to do with the Homeowners Association which started because I refused to invite the President of the Homeowners Association #HOA who lived diagonally across the street which driveway was the one which entered from that street. He refused to shake my hand when he walked to the mailboxes on my property when I was mowing the lawn, telling me he 'did not speak with the help' and when I explained I purchased the house he looked at my hand extended and laughed telling me the same thing once again. Several other times I made attempts to be kind and he continued to scoff at me with his commentary prior to beginning to garden in the front yard before the BBQ slightly, when he demanded to know if I asked permission to plant flowers in my front yard after still refusing to acknowledge the fact I owned my house and I owned my property. He threw a temper tantrum such as a child because I told him I read the Homeowners Association Covenant and I knew I only had to ask permission if I was going to put bushes into the front yard which now, I know why the previous owners who I purchased the house from had put cacti in that corner of the property to keep that garbage out of the way. If he got pricked, it was his own damn fault for going on the property that he knew was not his and never was going to be his in the way he wished. When the BBQ for the college graduation occurred he walked over to when I was mowing the lawn again to pass by the mailboxes towards me, which I rolled my eyes as what did that individual want to yell at me about now was what I was wondering. I turned off the lawnmower between the two of us and listened to him tell me he heard I was having a BBQ, which I acknowledged. He told me he heard about my cooking and I told him, I know my cooking is as no other which he then continued telling me how he wanted certain types of food when I asked; "Why would I care what you would want, at my BBQ?"
With several other situations regarding that Homeowners Association in Pheasant Creek in San Antonio Texas, that initial President of the Homeowners Association started going after the neighbors I got along with as the letter to my one neighbor because of the location of properties regarding the 51st or 53rd slat of the fence line. Later others started having other problems and letters just before the shed and fence situation where a male drove a Datsun truck into the fence line and into the shed, and then tried to escape though I was in the backyard on my way to the shed to do yardwork as per the normal schedule of mine after getting my son and my daughter down for a nap. After the driver of the truck who was knocked out initially and his head on the steering wheel with a cut on his forehead was approached and he started to wake up, he put the gears into reverse and tried speeding backwards when I walked over to the door and knocked on the passenger window startling him. He looked over and waved rolling the window down telling me he 'did not see me there' as he continued to revv the engine. I told him to turn the vehicle off and get out of the truck immediately, which he did and slowly walked over to the patio where I got the landline phone to call the 9-1-1.
Several hours went by sitting in the backyard with several phone calls to 9-1-1 as well as to my now dead-ex-husband which no answer to any of the phone calls except 9-1-1, which the operator kept saying the police were taking care of the accidents all over San Antonio in comparison to a prowler; which I told each operator I spoke with, about the vehicle which crashed into the fence and the shed and nothing about a prowler. I know when I was a mechanic-ish at #TurtleWax some male threw a temper tantrum because I did not like the design of the Prowler as there were far better designs on the market as well as the power torch ratio was mediocre compared to quite a few other models at the time, however that was not what I had called about and besides in reference to that time in #CrystalLake #Illinois; that male did not like the fact I warned him there were going to be malfunctions with that car, as well as that car was not going to last in the car market longer than 10 years if that. That male back then got his panties all twisted because he thought as a female of how little I could ever know as a teenager, not knowing where I grew up nor the fact of being additionally raised by mechanics of the actual full level of mechanic because of my biological father's best friend throughout my childhood and into teenager years.
Nonetheless, the police arrived and went after my now dead-ex-husband thinking he was a prowler by the police officer law enforcement standards, then learning of the actual truck in the backyard which the San Antonio Police Officer had passed by on the way to my house prior to. When getting to the reality of the situation over 4 hours after the situation and the truck sitting there with that male who was needing medical attention though the 9-1-1 operator who I spoke with each time seemingly did not get the information about that part correctly, since per the portions of the officer looking for a prowler instead of the huge hole in my fence line with a truck still sitting in the shed at that time. Afterwards from the police officer taking a report and contacting that male's insurance Fred Loya, then the new President of the Homeowners Association apparently as the other one moved after the Gladiola situation which I knew was a literal and figurative sign for such; he decided to walk from the other side of the street's sidewalk over onto my property in the back yard to tell me the most obvious aspect after the officer left and I allowed the dirt and plants of mine in that fruit and vegetable garden area to go downward to let him get his truck out from the area.
Looking at the tire track and the shed damage with fence wood everywhere and the planters which were destroyed among some of the tools that male who later I learned was a San Antonio Police Officer while being President of the Homeowners Association and such conflicts of interest said, 'It looks like a truck, drove into your backyard.'
I looked at him annoyed as I had the right to be with that saying, "No s*** sherlock, what gave you that idea? The fact there are tire tracks, or the f*****g hole in the shed, or the damn tools everywhere? What gave you that idea a truck went through here, Captain Obv-mother-f******g-ous?"
He was offended apparently by my words as I stood there with my natural hair compared to my hairstyle now looking at the dufus looking at me angered, demanding to speak with my parents. I asked, "What are they going to do, a******? Are they going to ground me to my own house, I f****** pay for?"
Ironically, my biological father pulled up in the 1993 Honda Civic I paid for in Illinois to get out of the car seeing the fence damages and walked up to the other male and I asking what happened when that male demanded to know who he was and when he said he was my father that President of the Homeowners Association yelled at Mike telling him of my attitude. Those who can recall the Crystal Lake South High School Police Officer substation situation and the false claims made by the students to have the officer check my locker and find I was innocent, is a mild response comparatively. If I remember correctly, I do not think the pigtails in my hair at the Homeowners Association President situation had been a helpful view as to my look. Possibly, the optics might have been a bit askewed for that President of the Homeowners Association.
Mike went on a bit of a tirade before asking, "What the f*** am I supposed to f****** do you stupid worthless piece of s***? Do you f****** think I am going to ground that bitch to her f****** house, and if so, you are proving that mother f****** point ..."
The President of the Homeowners Association decided to inform both of us he was the President of the Homeowners Association which then because of the knowledge as to such groups, that male dealt with both Mike and I going on different points regarding our thoughts and opinions of Homeowners Association board members who act in such a manner as that individual was as well as went into prior aspects he had known of as well as I had known of. That individual did not know how to handle the situation and walked away quickly instead of continuing the discussion he started, though I informed him as he walked off quickly as to what I had already taken care of regarding my property. Later after several months the shed and fence were finally able to be taken care of and then a few months after having already put the paperwork for request for the shed is when I actually went forward with such, as the 30 day maximum wait time meant according to the covenant that I had the approval to go forward with getting the correct shed installed after all of the problems from #FredLoya Insurance which tried to tell me to hammer out the shed instead of replacing as well as tried to tell me to go through my insurance instead of bothering them about their person who had the insurance. It got to the point I had to go to the office and Mike went with me which in its own right is amusing because where the staff thought they needed to be scared of Mike and talked about how scary he was, they did not realize who they were looking at when speaking with one another when I walked by.
I said as I went to the bathroom as they stopped and listened, "I think you are under the incorrect impression, as that male is not who you should be afraid of angering."
They laughed at me as I went into the bathroom as I chuckled to myself before finishing and making my way to the front as the staff thought if they told me their employee was out to lunch at 2:30pm/14:30, that might scare me off; however "I had and I have the time to wait or you could die. It is better to take care of the problems now, as your office closes shortly. I can wait, and you cannot."
I was asked what I meant and I looked to the female behind the counter asking, "Do you think you or anyone else will be allowed to live forever, or do you think you are going to die at some point?"
She asked if I was threatening her when I responded saying, "No, I am not threatening anyone. I am simply informing you that each of you have a specific amount of time in your life that you are allowed to live and if you do not take care of situations properly, it is what it is. I do not make threats, I am simply informing you of the reality. If you choose to ignore such a reality then you will fail miserably and have to repeat and repeat over and over your life, or you can get it taken care of properly instead and then actually rest. Which one, is your personal choice? Would you like your being to return to earth whenever you are done processing in the afterlife, to what will be of this world when such a time possibly? Or would you prefer to correctly get things squared away, for the next generation instead? Do you think you will be prepared to handle what is going on, or do you think you should take care of this situation which your client had run into the fence and shed on my property?"
The female said she thought I was threatening her when I asked, "Do you know anyone other than Divinity, who can live forever?"
She shook her head side to side and a few minutes later, the manager appeared from the back office area after I returned from the bathroom after the discussion at the counter as well as the discussions overheard. While waiting in the front when I returned for that manager I had told Mike which he laughed and sighed before the manager told me she did not care her appraiser had walked through the fence, instead of going to ring the bell at the front door. She did not care that her male appraiser told me I should hammer out the shed, as she thought it was possible until I asked her what she would do to do so as Mike asked what skin color she thought I was by her attitude. The same word my ex-mother-in-law used during the McDonalds fight situation during my son's first birthday of 'puntan negra' instead of the o meant what it meant when that manager female said that to me, which I informed her of how her insurance company played a game. They bet they would keep all of the money and no one would need insurance and their clients bet they would get into a collision and need to use the insurance, which their client did run into collide with my property and they as the insurance company needed to take care of everything correctly. She told me she did not see the insurance company as such and tried to give me a check for less than the damages which I refused without writing of the rest would make its way financially to me for each and every teeny tiny thing that went awry because of their client and they would not have choice in the matter, which I also informed her such insurance practices needed to stop and actually properly correctly take care of situations instead of the run around they were trying to give. I warned her if anything further occurred, I knew how to take action to protect and in the end they would pay for what was needing to be paid. I refused any other option, which she was angered by though agreed to on behalf of the insurance company.
When the shed was installed according to the Homeowners Association which matched the requirements as well as the cost of labor as the metal shed ironically that individuals' insurance company wanted to pay for to be installed, actually cost more than the shed I had purchased which ironically I saved that insurance company money despite their manager's attitude and their staff's fear of the wrong person to anger. However the Homeowners Association waited until more than 60 days after the shed was installed which was more than 90 to 120 days from my initial paperwork sent in, when that President of the Homeowners Association called the house and spoke with my now dead ex-husband on the phone who had not ever had any legal authority to anything regarding my property. I called the phone number given to him and then I called the phone number on the caller id, and actually spoke with the male telling him the rules of the covenant as he informed me he was a Police Officer with the San Antonio Police Department. I informed him using such terminology when discussing the Homeowners Association was an illegitimate excuse as well as abuse of power from the San Antonio Police Officers, as that was not his job regarding the Homeowners Association legally. He threatened to put a lien on my house, and I was off to the races proverbially.
I contacted the corporation and without any response which was and still is unacceptable in each and every way for any such business to operate and have the nerve to consider themselves a business as a business actually takes care of what they are supposed to take care of instead of lolly gagging around, and after a week or two without a response I got myself ready in my navy blue dress suit with matching jacket and white button with white lining to drive over to Procomm as I had plenty of research I had done on that company's profile which is important to always have access for each person to be able to truthfully verify for themselves as to each company's choices and actions; otherwise, the #IRS always gets involved in such situations as seen with #Enron, because it usually starts with a small-ish situation though blows upward and then the IRS is usually informed somehow in some way. I had guessed such later in May 2001, though I do not have certain proof of such by all technicalities. I knew what they did to the Marine about his flag pole with the American Flag and the #Procomm Homeowners Association in another state going before the court just one month after the events of 11 September 2001, and the judge making the ruling and within the lecture to the Procomm corporation of the disgust and disgrace of such a company and group treating a retired Marine as such knowing of the events which occurred less than 60 days prior and the company should have worked with the Marine instead of going to court. Simply because of the arrogance of the company the judge ordered the company pay restitution to the Marine, restitution for the person who bought the Marine's house, the payment of the moves for both, the restitution for the credit being damaged because of the Homeowners Association, and that house was fully removed from the Homeowners Association.
When I dealt with going inside and speaking with Ubi Uskovich first prior to being taken into a large room with the large table and the large chairs knowing I have seen such in New Jersey as well as other aspects, and fully unintimidated though laughing internally while waiting for the male lawyer to make his way over as I knew would be. He tried explaining of how everyone else had a shed one size and what everyone else felt about whatever everyone else felt and when he was done going on about other people's feelings in comparison, I explained the collision, I pulled out the covenant and pointed to each section, I explained the reports about the company he worked for, and I warned him to take care of the situation correctly because a female who is medically retired from the #Army and is a Mom of two is going to be a nightmare for any and every Homeowners Association who refuses arrogantly to comply to my commands. I went into other details during such and after I was done he told me he would speak with the other lawyers and 3 days later, I received a letter of variance for the shed after another warning to him to pay attention and not test me or the suffering which I would bring would be immeasurable as I had experiences with those types of people before and I was not going to allow them the slightest bit of leniency as asked for in regards to holidays they would not give me for such time if reversed; as discussed with the President of the Homeowners Association as well prior to that time. I warned him I had already informed many about how Homeowners Association people are and if pushed any further, I would bring the destruction to every Homeowners Association one by one. As I had already explained about the covenant having the illegal clause of the removal of the 2nd Amendment Right guaranteed by the #Constitution of the United States of America, I warned him to not push any further because that alone would fully destroy each Homeowners Association corporation for violating such rights and would fully invalidate each Homeowners Association which ever had such in such clauses instantly.
I finished with that male, returned to my house, took off my suit, picked up my children from school and went through what I needed to for the fullest clarification guarantee as my alter area at the time for mediations was near the computer area of the living area in the great room. I knew who I had spoken with and I wanted to make sure they saw if there was any way, and they fully knew some aspects to the capabilities I had the greatest of ease to do. If they ever had hacked into such camera, then I knew from the news reports about the baby monitors there was a guesstimate which that Homeowners Association as well as any Homeowners Association associate would be fully informed as to what I could and would do if absolutely mandatory regarding such rituals. If they saw the flames if such occurred, then they know they will not be successful in any attempts against me or mine as learned when I received that three day variance letter. I ran out to my neighbors showing them the letter, as well as showing the letter proudly to several others in the neighborhood including the realtor who watched me rip the #Rainbird which was put into the wood fence on my property without my permission; among so many others, all around San Antonio and Fort Worth as best as I could just in addition to a few other warnings I was giving at such times. As the grandfather clause is in effect which also found in MLS realtor listings is a guarantee by each state as well for that size shed to always be able to be replaced if needed with such same size measurements, at any point in time. If Procomm were to try to delete the record of on file which would be illegal and impossible because of technology record location storage areas all over he place, breaking the laws of the agreements made with such Homeowners Association payees if to do so as well as the law enforcement agency investigations which would ensue for such illegal tampering with evidence in turn would incriminate each individual involved easily with the correct individual to bring such forward.
Hello, my name is Susan MeeLing though I have been known by a few different names depending which group and area I knew you in by nickname-ish; other than also being most known as Lady Dori Belle, Lady MeeLing, and Reverend Susan MeeLing though a few other variations. I am simply myself, no matter which name.
The Homeowners Association for the Pheasant Creek subdivision cannot have any legal argument anyway as where the location of my property had been, there was only one entrance to that part which meant there was only one exit. The property is also by the signage portion which means, there is no one in any part of that subdivision are which did not have the ability to see that shed during such times and approval of as per the amount of time. Additionally the subdivision across the street which also is a part of the Pheasant Creek subdivision would have seen such and as people know how there are those in Homeowners Associations which think it to be smart to stick their nose across onto the other side of the fence which there is a New Jersey saying for that, the amount of time that has been since would disavow the ability to deny the replacement of the shed with the same measurements ever at any point in time. As Pheasant Creek subdivision was once a part of Apple Creek subdivision though split out from because of a relationship that went bad, even if the owners of the house were to join Apple Creek the same Grandfather clause is automatic no matter what. Thus that house and that property though possibly still a part of whichever aspect of the Homeowners Association of whichever corporation name, will always have the ability for that size shed with such measurements permanently. That owner along with all of the others I spoke with throughout various areas within the state of Texas ever before putting such into writing officially in my books would be able to lead the rest of the people in the area, for such a disarming of all Homeowners Associations with certain 2nd Amendment violations to the Constitution of the United States of America around the United States of America because of. That was how the Homeowners Associations disarmed the citizens of California, New York City regarding the certain housing complex areas, as well as the state of New Jersey illegally and against the Constitution as they tried to circumvent the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America through a loophole and were trying to hypothetically fully disarm the United States of America from within our own borders.
Where did their initial money come from to start up such, in the United States of America? Which groups and companies were involved overseas prior to bringing that to the United States of America, and why would such have been ignored for so long or was it I was the only one who saw such? As those who have lived in such neighborhoods with such types of people who would want such and want to stay on the boards, what are those people's actions similar to regarding what occurs to the property you pay for and the taxes you pay for your property though cannot get a tax deduction for the Homeowners Association and why? If it was legal and legitimate, would it have certain tax protections as most larger companies and corporations have? How have they treated the people who have paid the company while the property owners do all of the work, and yet do nothing for the property owners? What thought processes do those people align to, regarding other aspects known for such needless restrictions because of someone else's feelings or ego? What did any of those people who are on boards for such as well within such corporations accomplish, during their time of being in such positions and where did it help? Was it more intrusive, or was it as freeing as some people were falsely lead to believe about the Homeowners Associations? I admit making sure people mow their lawns is important, though there are now government organizations which can be called in for such assistance and thus the needless portions regarding any Homeowners Associations. Are there other portions of the property maintenance which would fall into categories already in place or in place now, for such sorts of requirements per each aspect of the covenant for any Homeowners Association?
If I am hypothetically accurate and there is evidence which proves more than what my experiences written of such are in a larger way, the removal of such rules from the covenants of each and every Homeowners Association should be stricken and removed fully from each and every house within any Homeowners Association within the United States of America in my opinion. Of any rights which were in question the 2nd Amendment Right of the Constitution of the United States of America to incorrectly be violated against the citizens of the United States of America, the 2nd Amendment is the most important the Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers had put into the Constitution for a specific reason. Yes it was in part to protect each individuals' rights, however back then they did not have the amount of technology there is now and because of other situations the population was unsure as to which way certain aspects were going to go. They saw what is called unidentified flying objects in the sky far more easily back then around the world, and with more aspects being looked into and developed the need for the proper training is important; though a double barrel shot gun with bird or buck shot, you do not need to aim the same way. While not enough to take out one of such flying objects if required, if there is a situation which there is the need to assist because of possibilities then the need for the 2nd Amendment is clear.
I acknowledged my own biases before this particular entry admittedly prior in multiple ways and aspects, however admittedly in reference to the Irving 2011 situation certain other portions of protection from not those who stopped by though by others in such other circumstances during such would be what is important to acknowledge. There are helpful ones and they are very good though they are not what some on earth would consider as beautiful in regards of physical looks, which is part of why they are watching as they do to see how you as human beings will respond if the good ones stop by to help if required. Extra terrestrials do not all look the same and they have seen what you have made movies and books about, which is different than who they are though the physical look is what seems to be a situation. They are real and they are quite specific, which you can see the Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers knew when looking at pictures painted from long ago in the United States of America as well as around the world. Many aspects of different locations were not made by human beings, they were made or placed by others for a signaling device if required for finding after the turn of the Mayan calendar for one specific individual which would have the length of history individually for which to start bringing proverbial puzzle pieces together to ease transitions to be able to start talks in genuinity in the correct time prior to fuller interactions to discuss additional safety. For the citizens of the world as they have already begun to venture into areas no human being has seen in most ways except the one they would be looking for to help human beings, as well as the planet, prior to larger details which need at times a slow release because of the nature of the required information to be able to prevent overreactions as per emotions at times for some.

When taking into considerations the proof which has been shown previously about such including The Big Blue Book or the Blue Book Project in conjunction with the more recent reports and sightings which have been recognized by the United States of America's Armed Forces Department of Defense, the reality of such existences are why the 2nd Amendment was put into place as per such discussions with the Founding Fathers and the Founding Mothers. I believe at some point Homeowners Associations' individuals would have to recognize such at some point and while it has been a hot topic button issue for politics, it really is extremely important. If you do not maintain certain skills then if the need arises the skills which are needed at times, they go to waste and put many at risk needlessly. There are multiple ways to protect oneself however I will leave this particular entry at this one thought point regarding not knowing laws across state lines for firearms when in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project, in case of being out in the woods wherever each area would be for my Medal of Honor Art Project and seeing a wild animal; I took wasp spray to prevent having to go through such regulations because bear spray is not enough distance between at 5-15 feet maximum, 45-75 feet of distance for a charging bear seems a safer bet if absolutely needing to have done so and quicker to draw out if needed for protection compared to the required firearm safety in my thoughts at such times.
Besides, I have a specific precision with such as I have had a lot of practice cleaning and focusing as to where it needed to go at varied distances. Actual weed plants and not MMJ I can joke, fear me if I need to handle taking out a few pesky overgrown weeds in a crack somewhere.
In reference to the housewarming party regarding after the sale of my house in San Antonio for such reasons as previously explained at my house in Carrollton Texas, the neighbors across the cold-e-sac as well as the next door neighbors had attended my housewarming party along with my then dealing with the last portions of that situation because of how the relationship had turned because of my now dead-ex-husband and his family from San Antonio, my biological parents, and my ex-in-laws as well as one of the neighbors across the other side of the cold-e-sac a couple of males were invited though I do not remember if they had come over after I invited them; though I spoke with one of the males at the Texas Tea Party event, in Carrollton Texas when he asked me why I was there.
Though my ex-in-laws knew about the stolen valor as per the arguments as well as the Chief Warrant Officer 3 among so many other aspects, my biological parents knew nothing about the fuller aspects, while the male Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and his family had a larger amount of details as they knew how much I was doing at the time to get the situations cleared up at Fort Sam Houston Medical Hold Unit/Warrior Transition Unit. None of the neighbors had asked me about what occurred though they walked around my house despite having closed the bedroom area for the doorway leading to, and they had felt they had rights they did not have to anything regarding my personal effects. They also did not ask about why I kept the box where I had, nor did they ask about why I chose to keep such a disgraceful picture in the area. However such types of people tend to assume I guesstimate at this point as per situations which occurred shortly after moving to my house in Carrollton Texas, which includes the problems in the 2009-2010 school year at the McCoy Elementary School of #CFBISD. The female who I purchased the house from demanded to meet the person who was buying the house and the realtor asked me if I would agree as she was insistently rude to my realtor, which I agreed to calm my realtor as the situation was a process to find what I was specifically looking for. The female I purchased the house from looked at me no differently than any other person I had dealt with in such a way with the physical way I look, and the proof of her disgust needlessly and wrongly among those other people who lived in that area and that town had only proven the biased further with their ignorance and arrogance to think the little betties running around knew more than the only one who could explain such.
Making amends should not take a court system if people genuinely feel they know they are in the wrong and truthfully had made multiple mistakes by choice and by biases unstated, realistically. That should not take a head injury to figure out that the optics are always better if you make an effort compared to hiding behind a proverbial mask such as how situations went upon my return to the state of Texas, and only shows your weaknesses to those who have been watching everyone who is alive on this earth as there has not been a moment in time when such has not been seen or heard. I would write such as an opinion, however that would be a lie. I cannot tell a lie in which I admit, sometimes I truly wish I could.
It is better to do the right and correct thing as quickly as possible to mitigate damages and problems, instead of karma coming around the tracks.
If they did not know I am the only one my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu ever approved of, that too is not something that was asked. There is a simple Christian known saying which is ironic regarding a specific neighbor house next door of hypocritical Christians in Carrollton Texas as they did not know my personal studies, "Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and ye shall receive an answer."
The son named Bobby who had a ladybug tattoo who was working on a lawnmower for his father while his step-mother had complained more about him I met the first day I was going to work on making my house a home for my son, my daughter, and I as for the first time we were able to be a family. I would say thanks, though only sarcastically as to how I was treated thereafter that Housewarming Party. Maybe instead of believing everything you read or hear in the news, you should research for yourself to find the truth.
The people who were in and out of my house were photographers, though there would be the assumption by those types of blue haired betties which would automatically think they knew anything about me as per their own biases of my age and how I look. Since most photographers were male at the time, the presumption and assumption I know. However because of my hairstyle, it would not have mattered whether or not my hairstyle was as it is as per the known biases and discriminations in those types of people's thoughts and actions. The constant reminder as to my biological sister's wedding, was an every day event living at that house. The way I saw people stare at my New Jersey Flag next to my Texas Flag below my American Flag, angered and infuriated me as to their biases as to how such was being seen instead of being recognized for the fact I grew up where I grew up and I re-grew up where I re-grew up, which all is within the United States of America. Instead because most likely an excuse regarding some movie or some television show or some book without further research, probably occurred and instead of seeing me as a Mom; they looked at me with the same disgust I had seen growing up as a child, and a teenager for simply being myself. They looked at me no differently than the way I was treated at that abomination of a wedding in Austin 2009, in reference to that regarding my biological sister and the majority who I saw that day; though others saw how I was treated, whether some paid attention to those even within their own circles as to such. They did not need the actual aspects regarding space, as they could not see in front of their own faces as to who all was around.
Those people in that area were as they were and maybe they have gotten better for others as they have children and grandchildren now though what does that do for the situation regarding my daughter, my son, and I? Similar to the Homeowners Association lawyer's discussion points, I do not care about their feelings. I care about what is of importance to me, and that was not a part of the agreement to being invited to my home for my Housewarming Party. Though they ate my food I had cooked personally as they commented around my house and my property, they did have the nerve to think I catered the event; which if you were calling me a caterer, then yes I did cater the event. If you thought someone else cooked, you failed. My ex-in-laws, my biological parents, and Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr would know; that was my cooking, and my cooking alone.
Apparently those people in Carrollton did not learn manners or etiquette, as you do not ever insult the chef.
If those people did not know, I do not doubt they learned. However, was it when they learned before or after what occurred in reference to my daughter, my son, and I; or was it after my website, and my books? Or was it after I landed at the bottom of the ocean which technically would be both, however they probably did not think about that nor care if I guesstimate correctly as per who I met those times. Similar to my shed in that property in San Antonio, that second story is permanent and so is that fence height which since the female next door complained about the size of my Great Danes who were friendly and kind; that 8 foot privacy fence was a bit taller than what you thought was going to be done, now was it? How dare if any had pushed to get my property after all the work I did as the son Bobby said he sold his condo, and he left the area. I cursed those grounds permanently as I cursed that house the day I had to choose to put it on the market, and I refuse to lift that curse.
The gates to hell were opened in that ground shortly afterwards and while yes, I could close the gates; why should, I?
How has everyone's health been in that area, since I left? How has the neighborhood gone regarding the only male who was ever allowed to be invited over to my house which the son had thrown a temper tantrum because of the food I cooked and I refused to buy him a pizza, which his mother had the nerve to try to tell me the next day what she would have done if it were her in my house; which was the last time I ever allowed that male over my house, and the last time I ever invited anyone's child from that McCoy Elementary School over. After she threw her temper tantrum in my house over her son not being bought a pizza, the Faery Ring formed in my backyard. Those who saw my Faeries and my Dragons in my house, I was not joking about that portion in which regarding to Excalibur regarding that false report taken to me by a fake Sherriff who tried to genuinely arrest me with real metal shackles and a real jail cell at that Faire; and as such, do not call me anything I am not and do not falsely accuse me of anything I did not do. That female and those people had treated me as such as on that one date with Bobby that east coast kiss on the cheek situational sensation, the level of fury and rage can be jokingly seen in the swirls of winds as they go along as normal for that area in the state of Texas; which ironically, Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr would be able to say he had seen in person regarding the rage on that day at gymnastics and going into the foam padded area where the even and uneven bars were at. Others have seen such over the years including in the Florida Keys and the hurricane which was rolling in, and I pushed backwards to not damage anything because I cared.
Since I have not ever received an offer in writing to begin discussions about any type of agreement for what occurred, I have not had any requirement to follow such non-existent agreements though would be considered as legitimate for any discussion. As the law firm for the Carrollton Farmers Branch School District for McCoy Elementary School knows, they did not make an offer and there was not any agreement to settle. Thus by legal standards ironically as well as literal metaphors, I have no need to settle down.
As I was not settling down when I was engaged to the same person twice despite how much my biological family did not like him in the slightest in conjunction with the problems regarding when driving his car in the Carrolton area though not once off of George Bush Toll Parkway on either side, the only time I could maintain his car while he was in Basic Training before the first engagement time was done; I do not know who his family actually was, and I do not know if my neighbors knew who he was or who his family was. I also do not know if they were related to him or had extended issues, though I also do not know who he upset when he drove his car around wherever he drove around prior to dating and being engaged both times. Both times my biological family needlessly meddled as I noticed, as though my biological sister may have been willing to go into such a life of politics; I was not interested in such ever and she knew I did not join the Armed Forces of the United States of America Army branch to be involved with such sorts of overdramatic nonsense as she enjoyed, and I did not want her or my biological parents having anything to do with whomever I chose to be in a relationship with.
They did not know me as who I am, thus they could not assist in such a relationship aspect ever. I told my biological parents to stay out of my life in such ways as I was in a relationship each time they tried to push me towards someone they wanted which I did not care to meet because I knew what they were trying, and I do not want such nor need that association to. If their involvement had anything to do with what occurred to my daughter, my son, and I because as my biological father Mike claimed he saw people seeing my children as baggage and who would ever want to deal with me for such baggage. I reminded him as to how quick his favorite daughter who he and Anna had told so many from 2000 onward they only had 1 daughter was wanting my children to be a ring bearer and a flower girl in her way at her wedding in 2009, that there was no need for them to be involved; as from their own stand points, well before I fought to be emancipated to be able to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces. They chose that situation and though they thought they could force such, I warned them I knew who I needed to be with and they knew nothing of who I needed to be with. Only contacting me after my first books where I admitted my clearance level is when Anna Louise Lally Hom first reached out in 2016, and I repeat my stance as to her patterns of behaviour from her past choices and the groups she knew regarding the only offices which had practiced for WHEN an airplane would strike the Twin Towers after the 11 September 2001 attacks.
The only times they have ever made themselves known is when they have wanted or needed something from me, and I was done with that years ago. The amount of efforts I made to try to keep the peace regarding such was ridiculous prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after learning they moved not for my children and I though because of Patricia Ann Hom's reputation as well as to test my head injury because they did not believe the Army doctors as per their admission, the lack of a need for such in my life for such needless difficulties were ample and prevalent. Adding they knew of the bases after Anna looked into such, as seen with the length of patterns of behaviour for such as the couch situation for one example; there is minimal doubt as to their actual nefarious choices, as per what they themselves have admitted to over the years. As when in Washington state and having to re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-remember about how I grew up, my son was mad at me for contacting Anna and infuriated to hear her voice on the phone when in my car driving him to school. I know he did not say so verbally to me in a specific manner beyond asking me why I would ever call her, though I had forgot about those abuses I dealt with all of those decades; and yet, there were still situations in the state of Texas which needed me to be within the state to take care of and mail paperwork to after other paperwork had already been mailed well before I returned to the state of Texas to mail a few more and write a Faery-sized version as to my #SCUBA Diving books and The Modern Day Book for certain types of specifics as such information of additional proportions would be explained easier in person than in word format for such locations when there with actual people in comparison to what I have done on my own; though not in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project for such specifics, more-so locations thereof and traveled are in brief whereas other aspects seen and written about are the Faery-sized aspects.
I did collect all of the Medal of Honor recipients throughout the state of Texas, and completed 29 pieces which I dropped off last year in 2020; compared to the other pieces which are still being worked on, in the ways required along with the only female Medal of Honor recipient and one additional from Colorado which I needed to ensure the respect was understood because I felt the area in which his remains are in were needing such forms of types of respects. I do not know what goes on in that area specifically, though it seemed pertinent to wait to complete his historical and spiritual rubbing with his wife's historical and spiritual rubbing; as per what was felt not only regarding such in regards of medication, though also because of the area I was living in at the time when I was in the area seemed it would be a dangerous choice if I were to get too close because of certain energetic frequencies for what was being worked on at the time in that area compared to when I was there this year. I wrote about what I felt in the #DenverTech #ExtendedStayAmerica hotel and spoke of it well before then, as only a few coins I had were able to stop the pain from whatever was going on at the time in the area and/or the acclamation processes as to the amount of locations I had driven through above the Mason Dixon Line back and forth from 2014 onward as I had. It seemed it was important to go to such after a point which was a safer time to step through into such an area, as with my Medal of Honor Art Project there is a lot more involved than what meets the eyes. To keep whomever was working on whatever and whomever in the nearby areas thereof safe, sometimes the ways I have to do certain aspects might not make sense to those who do not know; though those who work in certain specifics, hopefully can appreciate the steps I take to ensure the greatest amount of safety for what-have-you in such capacities. It might not necessarily have to do with the specific surrounding area at times, as you have to take into consideration the locations more specific in other aspects as to how I see certain connectionary points. I am quick to admit of the if there is a possibility of being off or the information missing a few portions which can be clarified, however I am quick to admit such because I know it is better to admit quicker for such to be able to be worked on if needed later with more clarification details compared to afterwards getting everything together in a rush.
At minimum as I have seen if you admit such first and do not actually use it as a crutch though give an understanding to have a base line, there is a way for an ease to genuinely communicate more clearly with one another in comparison to covering up which cover ups do not help as much as some may have thought.

If you notice in the larger aspects I do not start problems as I prefer to be able to relax and if needed to do what is needed regarding various aspects, however if another decides to start a problem I suppose I can guesstimate by now some might have learned if I notice something I tend to help where I can despite it not being the most normal of ways; sometimes the ways to go about to best help others to learn on their own in a safer way is to clear out situations for the ability to actually truthfully see the larger picture proverbially, compared to assuming. Though there is the way one spells assume and I prefer you not make an ass of yourself or me though the other aspect is in regards of if you ascertain simple small underlining making exemptions for what should be properly, the more detailed portions are missed while also not seeing the bigger aspects and thus being blinded needlessly. Once in regards of the assume portions are cleared the ways to genuinely move forward are genuinely more possible, as the clarity brings forward the ability to accept actual truths in comparison to the biases more focused upon at times. While it is important to acknowledge biases and only when absolutely required to maintain such borders is such appropriate, the needless biases which undermine the natural genuinity of each individual is what takes away from enjoyment in various ways.
I am thankful for a few abilities at times, though sometimes such is a heavy weight. I have seen such for years without the need for a camera to take the pictures in this entry or many other pictures I have taken, over the years with certain specifics.