With the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the length of time between the year of 1998 through to December 2020 as the first time of seeing and being within the state of New Jersey where I was born and raised I do need to begin with similarly to those who have stolen valor from the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, anyone who would ever have lied about their connection to the east coast area in any ways and/or shape and/or form I truly do fully hope for justice in the most severe ways as possible.
I personally can only tell the truth and those who purposefully choose differently something such as the attacks on the day of 11 September 2001 which can be proven to such portions as to how such can be found out fairly easily similarly to those who have been stationed in certain locations know the areas in reference to the military, which in turn those who would think such for whatever aspects thereof; I truly hope in full for justice in all such possible ways as to any individual and/or group involvement for such a situation, in ways which I wish I could put into words for my opinions as to such. However as per having had the problems which while some might think could be considered as one aspect, the reality of the choices as to what certain choices have been in reference to my biological mother and biological sister as well as biological father and their movement to try to take over the state of #TX #Texas Texas by choosing to mark a political family upon the meeting of the individual who became my biological sister’s legal husband; after they had already looked up the information and completed searches online as well as through other means to be able to infiltrate the political family aspects, in order to destroy the individuals and associations of the #ArmedForces #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces Armed Forces of the #USA United States of America. There are many people of which I had told about and warned them of those people in that my biological mother and biological sister especially over the years which their hatred of all military connected individuals as well as other situations the aspects of my biological mother had been directly a part of in reference to certain problems within the #NYC #NewYork #CewYorkCity New York City area in reference to the years in the 1980s and the 1990s is something which I did not see how anyone could ignore the warnings as to what they had seen, though the claim was others thought that meant my biological mother and biological sister were intelligent which the incorrect word was used as I told those who were spoken with the correct word is conniving and another word is backstabbing as what the problems were in the east coast area in the 1980s and the 1990s my biological mother and my biological father from what I was told had assisted to perpetuate the problems in the areas while in comparison which can be proven despite my all-over-the-place writings and ability to discuss various topics in detail as to the major differences in the abilities to accomplish work set out to do and complete.
Thus, what is the track record over the time as to the actual work which has been accomplished in such times is something to pay attention to regarding the political family situation as well as the politics referencing the state of Texas among other locations as to when voting for an individual the vote is for such to get work completed in comparison to lolly gagging around and wasting the time as well as wasting money while also wasting opportunities to actually fix and repair situations as per their persistent postponing details to accomplish as per perpetuating a laziness which can be seen in reference to the length of time and work accomplished as per individual work. For example as to personal achievements to bring forward into the political spectrum, what has been achieved in the timeframe of the years from 2000 through 2004 for such individuals who choose to run in any election? Follow that up with what was accomplished from the years 2005 through 2009 to what was accomplished from the years of 2010 through 2014, and what was done by the individual from the years of 2015 through to 2020 as per what is the actual individual workings thereof when taking into consideration who you choose to vote for with all such available records to see and find such aspects?
It is not just online portions to check out to verify and research your choice of who you vote for or who is running for election, you must go and look for actual connections of people involved during such times to verify all such portions as truth to be able to make that judgement call for yourself during each election cycle in each year as the Presidential election is every four years though there are multiple elections in between the timeframe of each Presidential election as to the ways which local and state politics then impact the federal levels of politics. Thus while I very much have done many things to stay out of the political spectrum for many years aside from a little bit here and there over the upcoming 21 years, only in the more recent year of 2020 have I truly become more involved specifically in reference to going to multiple events as well as various levels of involvement in the different areas in the local as well as state level arenas of politics before going forward referencing though at the same time of in regards as to the Presidential level of politics. I believe #POTUS45 POTUS45 and #VPOTUS47 VPOTUS47 had gotten the correct combination for the situations at the time and as the levels have progressed forward, I can see how much transparency even further is required for an array of situations which in turn when it comes to the election cycle of 2024 for the Presidential election the ways which who will be the #GOP #Republican Republican Nominee must have specific markers in traits which can be back traced in levels and ways which every portion is fully clear as to all intentions as well as prior works including whatever potential biases there could ever be found in any such ways in which the similar aspects as to the ways which POTUS45 had stood out among the Republican party as well as the Democratic party though worked with VPOTUS47 to be able to have the connection links in a different way as to getting work done regarding legislation. My prediction as to who will be the Republican Presidential Nominee will have a combination of both the ways thereof to the styling-ish to POTUS45 though in their own way while paying homage and respect to, and the VPOTUS will be similar in some ways as to VPOTUS47 in which will have been proven as to workings thereof as well as accomplishments in which will bring forward further progressive and yet conservative portions which those particular Presidential debates as well as Vice Presidential debates will be in a way which has not ever been seen before just as POTUS45 debates were unpredictable and yet within reason.
Thus in reference to the irony of how certain people in the state of Texas and other locations have had the rightful problem with those who steal valor from those who earned it from their work and the lack of respect for each such type of individual regarding multiple aspects as to the #electionintegrity election integrity and the #factchecking fact checking, how could anyone ever find anything respectable about my biological mother and my biological sister as to how they had targeted the political family which obviously the political family would have only paid attention to the connection to the east coast without the slightest thought as to checking into the facts as to the actualities of who those people were in such references. While the ironic portions as to the amount of individuals who felt the need to check into my background which was within the #USArmy #Army Army branch, in the amount of time those works could have been done to check into the extended portions of my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister would have actually saved the people within the state of Texas a large amount of finances as well as saved such from the problems which have progressed in the downtown #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin/#Houston #HoustonTX #HoustonTexas Houston/#Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas Dallas areas of Texas as they had already seen the areas of #FWTX #FWTexas #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas Fort Worth Texas looking the ways which they were accustomed to for the areas which none of them liked to be around or could ever tolerate being around for any length of time more than 3 hours. In such situations where I have spent many days and nights in the various locations throughout Fort Worth including Hemphill and Forest Hill areas as per previously discussed and written about and enjoying discussions where and with who as per whichever ways thereof, the realities of such clearing and clarifications are more required than some may have ever realized in reference to the particulars of working in a company and/or in the political spectrums as per the situations as to the ways which the back tracing in this year of 2021 is minimal in comparison to the ways which technology has the capabilities thereof to back trace for the aspects of warnings I had already explained as best as I could during such points in time as well as in my books and my writings. Thus while some might not like the admitting of emotional situations and the truths thereof, so it would be far worse in such latter times if the clearing of such were not to have occurred by whoever would make such a choice by a certain time as to whatever coding levels as seen in reference to the program from the update for in the picture from one update I had seen on my laptop which you can notice the date for the year and the timing as to the update being from the year 2004 for the year of 2020 which additionally informs as to the realities of what I had warned for decades in multiple reference aspects.
At minimum when you admit and acknowledge such before anyone goes through other aspects and/or if having had such and was found later or what-have-you, the ability to bring such forward to be able to clear the situations for oneself as well as others as best as possible is one way to bring such forward; though the responses to such aspects are a personal choice as well to such references, and those particular responses are as such responses are recorded from such times. In such regards to the upcoming elections between the years of 2021 through to 2023 the election processes will reflect the realities of such portions referencing the technological advances of finding such information brought forward with the correlated portions of efforts and work put into one’s own accomplishments while additionally taking into consideration in what ways possible in genuinity, as to the ways to see where could help and assist and what possibilities thereof from such portions. In turn those who have been found to have done virtue signaling in comparison to having the actual background of such portions to which the proverbial virtue signaling would be, would be brought forward in a different arrangement of ways because of the clearing and clarifications thereof. I would guesstimate in reference to the individuals regarding the Republican Presidential Nominee and the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee will have to have a lengthier portion as to their ties within the Republican party as well as works thereof for a minimum of 10-15 years by 2022 of which the flipping of political party registrations would be taken into consideration depending upon the responses and choices thereof, to which the portions of the ways of such I would guesstimate would be among the lines of which by this point in time the Republican POTUS and VPOTUS nominees would have at minimum already have met in person at some point.
I would guesstimate while the Republican POTUS Nominee would continue working on what-have-you the same in such references as to the Republican VPOTUS Nominee, though in such references as to how the situations are known to some the Republican VPOTUS Nominee would have the was of seeing the more in person aspects whereas the Republican POTUS Nominee would look towards a more broad spectrum for such clarifications. I would guesstimate the local and state levels of various portions would be where the Republican VPOTUS Nominee would be able to find the ways which VPOTUS47 and POTUS45 had a way as to the VPOTUS47 having suggestions for the POTUS45 and POTUS 45 having the ones brought forward with as per the ways thereof to work together in such ways while maintaining the individualities thereof in various levels and locations thereof as I would guesstimate the Republican VPOTUS Nominee would see a few tweaks needing to be reviewed in ways which may not have been noticed previously regarding the technology portions; while the Republican POTUS Nominee would see a few areas which would need a different approach both in reference to the technology aspects while also considering the land and sea aspects. I would guesstimate the Republican Nominee for the VPOTUS position would see the requirements in different aspects as per the position thereof to which to ease the transition process for the transfer of power to the offices thereof, the ways which the situations of clarifications brought forward would create a way which would take a different approach which initially could be considered as stressful though upon seeing the ways thereof noticing the portions of such amounts of ease once getting the hang of such. In turn with the Republican VPOTUS Nominee having such sight the ability to have the different portions thereof have a smoother transitioning process for the ways to find the aspects as to various staff members to be able to learn from and pick up quickly as to the verifications as well as the workings thereof, for the long term aspects as to the employment thereof to then progress onward with the experiences thereof for a longer term of furthered progression towards such individual achievements for the furthered aspects thereof in such ways which the foundational aspects thereof would be far more detailed and complex while at the same time of being smoothly simple in such aspects in unprecedented ways.
As I know my biologicals far more than I warned and they chose to connect themselves to a political family within the state of Texas, allow me to expose in more details as to those individuals which would be able to be verified though also take into consideration while people claim they do not want Texas to become like #California #CA California; the reality of my biological father having worked out in the state of California in the Lee Association as per the naming at the time in comparison to what I have seen in the state of Washington in the International District when I was in the area for Dim Sum with my son and how we wound up in Washington state situation; as well as my biological mother having gone out to California for the technology aspects with the company of #Prudential Prudential are situations which are considered as weaknesses in the longer terms into the longest terms possible of what could be considered as time for their involvement as you do not need to look further though you are more than welcome to look further as to what the actual accomplishments or lack thereof depending what is viewed as an accomplishment to the individual and the overall group(s) to review.
In reference to those individuals via what is considered as a proverbial participations trophy such as a picture or two compared to what actually had been completed and accomplished work regarding additional portions to the pictures which bring forward a different set of situations, which the aspects as to whether such is viewed as a positive or a negative is up to the beholder with the combined information as the ways which technology back tracing and the fact checking would look into. In way which my biological mother and my biological sister hated the feeling of the dirt from the state of Texas in their individual hands as to the ability to show, what could not ever be accomplished as per the wedding photography during the time of that wedding in 2010; which was just before what occurred to my daughter at the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo Fort Worth Zoo as per what was already going on in the #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas Carrollton Texas area, to which the ways which my biological mother would stir up the pot to cause drama because of her lack of concern for my son and my daughter because of them being my biological children. The knowledge of what some people have been willing to stoop to in order to move forward in various sectors regarding the tricks in comparison has been whispered about for generations, of which the technological era progression has been able to bring forward such clarifications as to such involvements thereof as well as the prior situations such as being told by my biological mother to go swim in the red water in the backyard of the house in New Jersey after she had already gotten her Master’s Degree from #Rutgers #RutgersU #RutgersUniversity Rutgers University in Biology as to her Bachelors of Science.
Thus such portions were known then and her choice to get involved with medical experimentation review boards during the timeframe of what was going on with my daughter, additionally brings such a clear picture together for the ways which the evils of my biological mother as well as my biological sister for being willing to go along with such; additionally puts such a microscope over the Miller family, and the connections thereof with the view specifically upon the intentions of during such involvements. However with the proof thereof in a multitude of ways would then be used the ways which she has been known to do in Illinois as well as in New Jersey over the years, as per the discussion on the phone with the Pastor I had growing up when I went to #OTC #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #OTPC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church acknowledging in the most politically correct way as to saying my biological parents were strict.
Though remember in reference to my biological father and how he had to earn his way back into the Lee Association after his time after being in the foster care system as to the additional proof thereof for such connections to China in such references as regards thereof, as per my biological mother having the obsession with the ways of the Mandarins as well as the ways of Mao Ze Doong which there are several situations which there are some positives as well as some negatives to that particular history. The irony about Mao Ze Doong is he did not want to be in the political atmosphere as per the area where he had grown up and lived and only because of what had occurred in several reformation aspects, had the tensions between the Mandarins and the Cantonese grown heavier and in more depth. As I have explained in other prior postings my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu escaped the actual regime change before the situations took effect well before #TiananmenSquare Tiananmen Square as per their individual backgrounds, which through my Grandpa Gavett had been able to legally immigrate to the United States of America before the clash between the groups had begun in reference to the streets. When the older versions of the Mandarins were unable to get the Cantonese to do as they wanted any longer the people began to revolt against one another and the tensions grew heavy with conflict, beginning with rioting in the streets after the formation of different groups as to the terminology more well known in the United States of America as gangs which brought forward various aspects which had caused a lot more turmoil than some might know.
As per the Cantonese portions as well as other viewpoints learned Mao Ze Doong had lead a different life than most during such times which when it was realized as to the visionary aspects with the proof to back up several portions, several others had become involved with the ways of paying attention to the details thereof from such which when it came to the time of which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu needed to be evacuated to the United States of America for the legal immigration; it was due to the fact of how many interconnections in between the various aspects as to both sides as neither of the sides were capable to see the value of either side’s works, including what was their family. The situations as to the levels of which both my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu could see in different ways some paid attention to and then were upset while others paid attention to and saw the value as long as it fit within their purview while others who were able to be a part of such had the ability to migrate as time went onward, though my Grandpa Gavett and his agencies/groups/organizations he was a part of had been able to intercept messages to review the contents of the packages which when approved were then sent onward to be able to have a different tracking system in place to pay attention to the responses and the details thereof for the clarifications. While I do not know which groups or agencies or organizations my Grandpa Gavett was officially a part of as admittedly the aspects as to the amount of proverbial alphabet soup letters, I suppose I can sarcastically joke about my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving certifications as to the different identification cards per are required for entrance to such facilities during such times as to my Grandpa Gavett’s work at such times though in those days compared to the current years recently.
Nonetheless what correspondences which he and his guys were able to read through were able to give insight as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu’s side however the receiving end was the portion as to which the concern had been, and the verification processes as best as possible during such times. I was allowed to go through paperwork from my Grandpa Gavett’s work beginning in the year of 1986 because of my level of ability to read early on, as I was able to read the National Geographic books my biological mother had when I was 3 years old. The irony is my biological mother has probably discussed such portions as well as the annoyances thereof while to the point in reference to my biological father possibly commenting as to the pristine ways I had kept the crib I was in, compared to what my biological sister had done to the crib afterwards. If the symbolism of such aspects between the major differences between that timeframe show anything in the long term, I would guesstimate the references would easily be able to be noticed by those who have had such dealing with my biological sister compared to how I had responded in various situations.
My biological mother and my biological father met in 1973 though my biological mother learned of my biological father’s connection to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu the year before, as many people thought that using a different language would asway others from knowing more information; however because of how my biological mother and some of her half-siblings had been during those years of the Vietnam War, the sympathizing of such portions was well known and well documented in comparison. The time when they met had been when my biological father was working his way up in the family after having been in the foster care system and the ways which his sister Linda had chosen to act similarly to the ways my biological sister and biological mother had chosen to act, in reference to the situations combined in reference to the situations of Fort Worth Zoo and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District. It would not be a surprise to me sadly if the two of them had plotted together to cause a disruption as to knowing the area of the smaller town population would believe their lies about me to then try to come in afterwards to try to pretend they saved me, as well as trying to pretend they saved my daughter after pretending to save me and the same in reference to my son though; the proof of all such technology messages over such portions would be where they would not have paid attention to and the legal requirements for the justice aspects, because of their willingness to choose to endanger children as well as contribute to the delinquency of minors hypothetically. In such hypothetical as to the additional aspects of my biological mother getting involved with medical reporting experimentations review boards as well as connecting to a college campus because of my biological sister which would clarify the actual reasons as to why I was not invited to my biological sister’s graduation from college, as to the outing of what realities were occurring without any consent from me to any such aspects as would fully be required in all ways at those times of those years.
The hypothetical as to their hypothetical wishes to be able to use such though had not ever gotten the legal requirements of my legal permissions as which would be required from me for my son and my daughter’s health and well being, to which would send such straight to the legal proceedings for which I have brought forward in references in regarding to “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”. I repeat what I told people I once knew in person in various areas, my biological mother and my biological sister had done everything they could to be as vicious as possible thinking that would ever assist in the long term advancements; though would be their downfall and to get away from those people, because their problems would inevitably fall into the laps of the others I had been warning as best as I could to get away and stay away from. I was told others could not believe how atrocious I had explained such which includes even the Drill Sergeant which I had gotten my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury from, as the various soldiers in my Basic Training at #FortSill #FTSill #Oklahoma #OK Fort Sill Oklahoma did not believe me as to what type of people existed in the United States of America as they thought such savagery was only in other countries. Just as prior situations which I explained I was told not to cry wolf which I told such individuals I was not lying and I could only tell the truth, however such was New Jersey in the 1980s and the 1990s and #Marlboro #MarlboroTownship #MarlboroNJ #MarlboroNewJersey Marlboro Township has a larger number of middle and upper class households which the viewpoint at such times of the households was they have money which meant they do not have any problems within their families; which the irony in reference to other situations for such overall areas in the northeast, though those families did the best they could to have their children actually have such a view point for which only because of the employment aspects were they looked at differently. However if you were to look at the care and concern of the actual family members especially in reference to the children and the grandchildren, the amount of honesty and loyalty as well as genuinity and care had always been of extreme importance.
Thus in comparison as to the ways which my biological mother and biological sister would view such situations in the east coast areas compared to how such was actually accomplished if utilized within the state of Texas would knock out all such connected individuals to their hypothetical political strategy, as per going in such a way as to try to orchestrate a saviour situation which they would try to pretend they saved more than they ever had such connection points to which ironically they had purposefully put into harms way without the care and concern for the individuals being considered as human beings to them only because of their connection to me in whichever ways thereof. Thus those people would have been caught in the proverbial crossfire as to the ways which my biological mother and my biological sister had viewed any such connection to me, of which can be noticed in reference to the branches and divisions of the United States of America’s Armed Forces. In such aspects referencing such they would have been hypothetically the proverbial wolf in the metaphorical sheep’s clothing because of their knowledge as to the New York City and New Jersey aspects in a small part, while not paying attention to the larger portions as to the state of Texas.
Additionally when only going to the higher end locations in comparison to being in multiple areas as there is a difference known and capable to be seen in such types of people who have not one real connection to their individual roots as per such shallow spreader roots compared to penetrating deeper spreading roots mixed with the tapper roots of a tree such as a #Sycamore Sycamore, #Sassafras Sassafras tree, #Maple Maple tree, and/or #Oak Oak tree for such length of life span as well as sturdiness as well as uses for the various portions which a healthy one of those trees can withstand a #Wisteria Wisteria vine if the roots are deep enough to prevent such problems from those types of leeching which have been known to bring down taller tress thereof though with shallower roots as to the gardening aspects. It takes heavily deeper roots with the spreader roots of various depths which make an equal below the ground view as to the above the ground view for such a tree to survive from such which with the amount of hatred in those two females, the required amount of patience to untangle the situations for each to be able to relieve themselves from such associations as to those two in ways which would do the best to keep safe while additionally getting such portions of the justice aspects while clearing such areas near the proverbial tree would in turn bring forward ways which each in such a reference to saplings would be able to find areas which they could metaphorically plant their own roots from such aspects to grow in areas which would be more fertile soil for their aspects thereof with such a reference to the ways which transplanting a sprout from one location to a more viable area with the weeds being cleared out to grow in a better composition for the types thereof and ages thereof for the metaphor aspects.
In turn where the aspects additionally to their known views as to the 2008 Presidential election cycle, the proof of such portions as to what has needed to be reviewed as especially seen in the 2016 election cycle as to the ways which some have gone overboard referencing their desire to be in front of the camera. Which while my biological sister would wish my biological mother would be able to tell her about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as per her age when they were alive, my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu absolutely hated my biological mother and absolutely refused my biological sister from any such connections to the family workings as per the name which was chosen for her which did not have any letters which are in my middle name for the only hint that could be though would be a Cantonese name which such portions of that particular name has been destroyed due to the ways which certain situations have occurred. Thus in the only way my Bok Pu had allowed for my biological sister and my biological mother as per my biological mother’s wording for the fact of my biological sister being born on my Bok Gung’s birthday, that was the only memory of my Bok Gung my biological sister would ever be allowed to ever have as her own memory. My Bok Pu refused to allow herself near my biological sister as she refused to allow any of her energy to ever be felt regarding her aspects, which in turn the only way of which my biological sister would ever be allowed to learn anything would be if I allowed such portions. Additionally the fact as to how my Bok Pu wanted to take my biological sister to China to leave in their care as to the ways which females in the 1980s referencing infants were concerned, I truly did not think my biological sister needed to know that portion growing up though in other ways she possibly subconsciously picked up such portions as to the acting out in the ways she had done so because of the facts my Bok Pu refused her in every way as well as saw how the treatments were towards me.
As already written about as to the physical view point, that meant nothing to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu which for clarifications; the names of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu are not the same names for my biological sister’s name to call them, as that was a situation which my biological mother was jealous as to the fact I was allowed to call them Bok Gung and Bok Pu whereas my biological’s sister’s names for what she was allowed to call them had not been the same in the slightest. Though similarly to the name which my Bok Pu had written down on the piece of paper she threw away, similarly the names for which they were to be called by in reference to my biological sister were thrown out in the same moment in time. Whereas my being raised learning from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu, how would the psychological view point of such portions be in reference to him seeing his sister having lived in the area while he had dealt with what he had dealt with; and how would such known portions in reference to what occurred referencing my daughter and the situations which I have proven all such best attempts to actually help both of my son and my daughter compared to what he dealt with in reference to when he was given over to the state, though his biological father did not let go of him with the legal paperwork as to the psychological problems in such connection aspects as to the reviewal of such psychological evaluations as to any such portions when adding the ways which my biological mother and my biological sister had been as manipulative as they had been referencing such hypotheticals? In comparison to being completely open and honest regarding the aspects of while explaining as best as I could to warn where I could, the differences I suppose can be noticed in a variety of ways.
What would a rebellious individual do if having learned as per the truth of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu escaping Mao Ze Doong be a willing participant of referencing the aspects as to what I was taught was horrific, though in the rebellious view point as to such portions; what would be the clearest and easiest able to see portions as to what the rebellious choice would be, in such an escape from Moa Ze Doong referencing my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu? Would it be to turn every area into a Democrat run location in the ways which New Jersey once was a Republican state just as New York City at one point had been a Republican area, similarly to Pittsburg and Philadelphia in Pennsylvania once had Republican run policies. What years were my biological mother and my biological father together in such references, to such a rebellion? What can be seen in reference to how Illinois became more #DNC Democrat in the political spectrum referencing the time as to their involvement with the state of #IL #Illinois Illinois, and what amount of Democrat policies compared to Republican policies have been brought forward regarding since my biological mother as well as my biological father in conjunction with my biological sister can be seen in such policies they have supported? How close are the policies referencing the Democrat views able to be seen referencing what and who my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had escaped from to be able to live and survive, as best as they could?
Remember for pop culture references I know, my biological father is similar to #ArchieBunker Archie Bunker which was the character of Archie Bunker’s character towards other people in #AllintheFamily #AITF All in the Family? Can anyone see an Asian physical view point of the character traits from Archie Bunker in my biological father, as well as can anyone see (and hear) the traits in reference to my biological mother as to the comparison referencing #EdithBunker Edith Bunker? In additional portions can anyone see the reference to how the daughter on the reference to #Gloria Gloria to my biological sister as well as the reference of #Meathead Meathead to the male she had married, regarding the show All in the Family? What personality traits from the main characters can be seen in regards as to my biological mother, my biological sister, and my biological father as to the traits able to be seen in reference to their treatments towards others additionally though with the physical viewpoints of their physical attributes regarding the political spectrum? For one example as to the abomination of the wedding in Austin, what aspects to Gloria in All in the Family are able to be noticed just in reference to the known aspects of the political pictures from that wedding as well as the hypothetical wishes they have declared regarding their desires for the people in the state of Texas as per the ways which the viewpoints of such individuals referencing All in the Family characters had brought forward at the times of to their current times when being in Texas from the year of 2003 to the current time which can be noticed? In turn any pictures of me make sure I vet whether or not I was actually involved with such pictures and/or videos as to clarify such portions as to the proof which in the #CID CID office in 2019 when in #JBSA JBSA, I was able to prove such aspects as I also additionally wrote about such a process in my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA for the ability for me to verify images from specific times.
However in reference to discussing such at the time in 2008 referencing explaining to Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to his temper tantrum which lead to him and others planning the 151 MadMax Road Warrior situation in the city of San Antonio Texas all because of a name he was called because he landed on a patch of cactus in the field when in ROTC, I saw his response when my biological father called him Baby Huey; of which I had informed Mike of the 151 Road Warrior situation and was concerned as to what psychological problems were needing to be cleared up in reference to the ways which just the name of Cactus Jack threw him into a triggered downward spiral, when the early parts of the year of 2008 was occurring in reference to the aspects additionally to other portions; it infuriated Cactus Jack as to seeing the Chief Warrant Officer 3 listen to me as well as walk with me, knowing I had not graduated Basic Training though since he did not graduate ROTC and he had that typical officer view point regarding certain individuals who look more at rank compared to the work accomplished for the reference portions thereof. After the garage explanation as I have already gone into the details of and the ironic portions as to the WWII uniforms to the fact of him joking about how he with his brother and sister make the initials of KKK, which concerned me further though already having been as far into the situation as I was at the time and as many as I had made attempts to get the information to as best as I could about the Road Warrior situation and the t-shirt he wore regarding such; I have gone into the multifaceted details as to how many attempts in which an overall aspect I had made to get such law enforcement individuals to notice the situation at hand from the point in time of the year of 2007 of which only a small select few had paid attention to the situations overall; of which the male waiter from IHOP had repeated to me that he and his friends played Zelda which similar to Dr. Kerry as to the repetition several times.
However just as I warned my biological father about Patrick Kennedy and what to be careful of informing that male about as he had already discussed certain portions with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr when I had warned him to be careful about what he spoke with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr about because of how immature and childish that male had been as well as how easy he was to get to focus elsewhere while others went along other pathways to be able to encircle him without him ever knowing of anyone ever knowing of such, as to why he was destined to fail at every turn regarding the military view point as to how the 151 Road Warrior situation as described regarding the Alamo Draft House area on 410 and 151 in San Antonio Texas. Though I informed some of my neighbors as well as the law enforcement officer who I had gotten my Great Dane Ganesh from as well as Freja and the colorations thereof for the differences in colors, when finally the end of the relationship if you wish to call it that despite the forced aspects as per the garage; he threw a temper tantrum pouting fit because his mom and his dad would not allow him to take Freja to the house with him, which as he whined and cried about such and I had no sympathy for him in the slightest he told me he though I ‘was cold, Rick James cold’ which I did not understand or know what the reference to had been though I knew it was most likely a pop culture reference as he only had the ability to reference the pop culture aspects in comparison to ever having a discussion in ways which would ever be of actual interest to me
The mention of how he saw my biological sister as much prettier and the Asian portions thereof sent my hackles upward referencing such situations and not in the ways of the aspects of her prior involvements in regards of assisting others to cheat on their spouses, though a different set of hackles which of anyone I have known in person only three people I can think of would have an understanding and comprehension to such a hackle situation; my biological father Mike, Mike from the San Antonio adult consenting lifestyle in San Antonio, and Cross or Joshua Light from the Austin scene which why those are the main three who I can envision comprehending such portions is not something I am particularly aware of the specifics as to such. Whereas my biological mother and my biological sister were enthralled with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr at such times, the problems he was causing were needless and reckless in all ways and required being stopped at all costs as I could see certain traits from certain people I knew when I was growing up in New Jersey in reference to those who had minimal exposure to any real aspects in life.
I could see the was of those similar to the Excalibur Faire groups and individuals of certain aspects as to such times, as well as being able to see certain similarities in reference to Celtic Cowboy or John Virreal (?spelling?) in the regards of how he had threatened to tie me down against my will to watch The Lord of the Rings set and not caring about my opinions or feelings as to his wishes as per the details I had told Krysta about the day of the Exotic Easter event I helped volunteer at in the year of 2012 as he threw a fit when I repeatedly told him no and pushed him off of me similarly though less violent because of my son being upstairs to the aspects of Joe from SCUBA Diving at Rick’s house after the Corona beer situation already described and explained; while not forgetting the situations regarding Brett from after the funeral and moving to the Carrollton Texas area who said he was from my dead-ex-husband’s unit after the CID situation and the meeting in Brigadier General Gillman/Gilman’s office, as well as a few other situations which I had to defend myself. Mainly because of the fact my son was sleeping upstairs and his sister was in the hospital with all such other situations already going on at that time in my life, I did not want to disturb my son from getting rest before the weekend where he would play with his friends in the complex. However while not nearly as violent of a self defense response as either of such examples especially adding when the situation regarding my biological sister’s friend with the skink looking hairstyle had lit the hairspray on fire while aiming at my house where my son and my daughter were sleeping when defending myself as well as my family and my property and my neighbor’s as such, those combined odd situations seem now when looking back as to other connectionary portions of which each who has known such individuals know of how whatever occurred as such had occurred over the years.
At a point I felt the need to clear the aire in all such ways as best as I possibly could with the oddities thereof as per how such situations had occurred regarding at a different point in reference to when I was engaged the first time as well as the second time to the same individual, as to certain situations which were less than pleasing to mildly. As my biological sister hated him on sight as soon as she heard his last name, at such times I did not know of the political aspects involved as per simply taking care of my son and my daughter who had just lost their biological father and dealing with how I was going to have to explain the realities to my children as to the aspects thereof. I did not ask for nor did I need to be involved with any such situations at the times of throughout such times, though I also did not know if there were any others who had been caught in similar cross hairs as to the situations thereof and what was possible where I could assist was the best I could do as to the overall aspects for what such is worth as per other such combinations of situations. In turn the aspects of having thrown Joe from SCUBA Diving across the room after he had grabbed me and was surprised as to my fighting back before flicking him across the room for doing the equivalent of what POTUS45 had been quoted for saying in a private discussion regarding the news reports while my jeans were on though underneath my clothing, I do not care about if he was injured or hurt as I had every right to defend myself though I began working more to such aspects as I had already been going to Bally’s Fitness to get myself prepared for other such situations. Those who may have seen such if so had been noticed beyond the females in the class I suppose I can joke as to the last minute preparations as to what I was getting ready for referencing my SCUBA Diving certifications, as per knowing I had no words for the ability to explain such portions I had learned previously in reference to my Bok Pu and my Grandpa Gavett in regards of swimming; though the aspects as to my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok Gung with my babysitter’s husband Joe/Jose Castro to such portions for the reference to the securing such areas as best as I could.
While I wish I did not have to mask the amount of pain I was in referencing my headache levels, I did the best I could to prevent others from actually seeing the levels of the amount of pain I have been in regarding the length of time having dealt with the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I grew up where the ways I was raised as to crying about something as a little bit of pain to others would be considered as weakness. The amount of years having dealt with headaches and migraines regarding the amount of time since I survived the aspects of I would guesstimate those who know such individuals from such times, would be able to recognize the stubbornness of an old school New Jersey-ian.
In turn anyone who wishes to claim they have a picture of me in a location, the requirement is for me to vet such pictures and/or videos to ensure the clear and unedited as well as raw images thereof in such portions for the clarifications as to prevent any wrongful usage of my images and/or recordings of me as per my copyrights in reference to what I have already put forward through to the #LibraryofCongress Library of Congress which such legal copyrights would extend to all pictures and/or videos and/or recordings of me and/or pictures/images/videos I had taken which as per descriptions in my registered through the Library of Congress would additionally be legally in my favor as to my ownership rights and the requirements for such verifications would be within the legal spectrum thereof for the image portions in all such ways as to my choice only. Which in turn the legal realities of having put my experiences and the timeframes thereof in writing to be registered in and through the Library of Congress ironically means I fully own the rights to all such portions which includes my creation of the Underwater Wedding, in conjunction with that abomination of a wedding situation for such choices thereof for me as to such realities in the legal wording which those who went to college for a legal degree would be able to see such portions as to the validity of such copyrights and copyrighted materials being completely mine and my rights thereof. While I do not mind the general public posting of such with the tagging in reference to my website for such aspects, I simply had not thought about such portions previously in reference to the copyright laws to protect myself as best as I could. I had been in far too many situations which I needed to defend myself on my own and the ways I suppose in reference to the Bally’s Total Fitness, for such times between 2000 through to that point in time regarding several aspects thereof to which the psychological review of the requirement to be fit and ready at all times being required for myself as per the known aspects to when dealing with a multitude of situations when having to defend oneself I would guesstimate as per the psychological definitions thereof.
Ironically my biological mother, biological sister, biological father, and the family they married into would need to request my legal permissions to ever publish and/or use the images in their wedding and any other such portions as per having registered such a situation through the Library of Congress for my ownership rights fully thereof in all such copyrighted references, more specifically to the pictures I had taken during the time; to which similarly as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding and the situations involved with such regards as to my Underwater Videography certification course which of course the full denial of any allowances which includes leaking in any such ways in full as per the required aspects as to such portions per my Ordained Reverend aspects from the year of 2005 being known to some, and the same with all such images and pictures as well as videos for any such portions when modeling and performing by legal portions of my copyrights for such aspects including my SCUBA Diving pictures as per timing and proof of my traveling and specific involvements, well as my pictures of my children as well as the areas thereof by all legal technicalities of such portions of the ways which copyrights extend. If I am accurate in such reference to the aspects thereof, if the legalities of such explanations make such legal sense for such portions. Having already passed the time of what would be considered as the beginning point for the statute of limitations as well as having sent such first two books if accurate in the state of Texas among other locations there is a maximum of a 2-5 year timeframe which any civil litigation could be filed from the first date timing of the official copyright portions of my intellectual property rights as well as my life experiences as well as the connected portions as to the situations as to the paperwork to take care of such situations as best as I could, for the ways towards betterment for more to not have to go through the combination of such aspects in any such ways if possible to prevent if I am accurate.
In turn all such legalities of such copyrights means the portions of all such written in my books of both the fiction as well as more importantly the non-fiction alike, would full be under my ownership and copyrights thereof by the legal definitions as to the experiences and situations which in turn while the #FreedomofSpeech Freedom of Speech is allowed through the #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights regarding such individuals that word speech refers to words only just as freedom of the press at those times did not include any images in the paper thus only the words would be allowed in reference to the Constitutional Rights as per the ways of such times regarding the aspects thereof. Thus they are legally allowed within the Constitutional Rights to write about how their side of such aspects was viewed at such times, though the pictures and images are not within such rights as per the specific portions of the timeframe when the Constitution was written and put together as known by the people. In turn the realities of such permissions which includes my modeling images would need my specific permission for any usage ever because of having copyrighted the situations through my first two books more specifically, though in addition in other aspects as to explanations. Thus by legal technicalities, the portions thereof from “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” would mean the copyrighted portions of such situations would continue in reference to the Constitutional Rights to speech and press, though would not extend to the portions to put forward any images without my personal permission referencing all such aspects thereof when thinking about such in the current year of 2021 though not having realized before such a time since the situations which arose in the year of 2018 more specifically; of which since there was not any premeditation, the intentions I have always had were pure and genuine as remaining as such.
However the legal portions and the acceptances of such aspects as per the legalities of having sent out the first two books in the ways I have and any and all such usage of such portions in which ways thereof found, would in turn mean the extended technicalities of the acceptances thereof in reference to my works and my suggestions if I am accurate as to the legal definitions for such as per the ways which I had put such out and to the areas thereof. Thus the statute of limitations has passed for the legal aspects as per the year of registration with the Library of Congress having been in November 2014 and the official posting of such information online in 2015 without any legal filings before the full time of by the year of 2016, meant the portions of all such legal copyrights remain and will always remain in my ownership in full and cannot be revoked nor could ever be sold without my permission which I obviously have not ever granted such permissions beyond the ways which I have put forward regarding my books through my #Amazon #AmazonKDP Amazon KDP portions; of which such legalities thereof in reference to my copyrights remaining as such in fully as well as such other portions referencing the legalities of which I have already put into writing, regarding the rights as well as movements as to such aspects for the furthered clarifications of the Civil War anti-slavery as well as the Women’s Rights among other such portions which are all legally in my favor as per the aspects of the timing of the registration of my books. My legal first as well as legal middle names being in the combinations thereof and since the aspects as to my original #Facebook facebook account portions have been problematic I had to create a page to be able to link to my website for the official continuation of the aspects which have always been mine and always remain as mine fully for eternity as already having brought forward.
Realistically the situations in reference to my original facebook accounts as well as what has been clarified regarding my original fetlife account to the programming within each technology device to then reprove my accounts as mine for such original factors of verification, means any such delays as to returning my original accounts back into my ownership through the email I provided in reference to how to contact me in regards of the handwritten letter I sent for such clarification purposes. While the original name on Facebook had been Susan MeeLing with the ways the situations were at such times the name of Dark Lily had come to mind, when after I wound up in Washington state as per the electrical portions and the visions I was seeing in conjunction as to the overall aspects at such times to the additional portion which had not had such messages ironically in reference to Facebook in the Lady Dori Belle account on facebook though only on #ftlife fetlife. My accounts on facebook is now there are a few options which the merging portions which can occur might be easier for a larger viewpoint for the ways which the connections through the technology have been for decades as per a different type of merger as per the fact checking as well as the election integrity portions, to which linking all such accounts referencing the timelines to all such linked accounts of personal usage as per the timeframe able to prove such portions as per the patterns of behaviour for all such social media accounts to then revolutionize the aspects of the fact checking in all such ways as to the length of time referencing the proofs thereof as to what each choice has been for each individual regarding such aspects as to the clarifications.
I have taken the time to make my website in a multitude of reasons in regards to clear up the aspects while showing the truth of what I have worked on as best as I could with the knowledge to understand the information regarding such aspects of the legal portions to any such situations as best as I could, to add the more recent aspects of clearing the proverbial aire as best as possible to which the possibility of any other individual having been near and/or used my computer devices/cellphones as to the ways to bring a different type of cyber security for the clearing of such aspects in a fuller way more quickly for a rollout which would be a different surprise for anyone and everyone who ever used the online social media in whichever ways for the innocence.
My son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and I of which if in the hashtag situation I created for my son and my daughter to be able to locate such postings; I suppose similarly to other such aspects, I simply had thought of them before thinking about myself in such references as to before today 1 September 2021. Of which while having written as to the aspects of not fighting my daughter in regards of one aspect for a one time portion thereof, the realities of such has already occurred in the regards thereof such aspects to which the situations involving what once was is now and has been over for a long amount of time in regards of such as when the San Antonio Family Court Case had to go through as the way it had at the time thereof; I could not fight any further regarding having gone through every possible aspect to do the best I could as her Mom and as my son’s Mom, while doing everything of such portions where I could on my own to which there are not enough words for that particular situation to go through such aspects as to unlike any other situation the only aspects of truth are the truth in comparison as anything other than the truth is far worse and far more harmful than the truth will ever be as someone’ else’s ego means nothing in the slightest compared to the realistic needs and full requirements in all aspects of all such truth to be brought forward without any further delays.
Again I repeat, I fought to be emancipated and since I have not ever officially signed any agreements to live with another person in the ways of which would ever be considered as any form of formal adoption as per the biological age I am means I am and remain free from such as the wishing for restrictions is only wishing compared to the realities thereof. Any such connections to and/or with the previously named individuals has officially been removed and has not been allowed any such portions of any such considerations beyond if in person discussions, which since there has not been any answers thus far repeats such aspects as to per legalities in such protectionary precautions as provided as per my own work to earn such on my own while doing what I could to maintain and sustain myself.
As it is clear I am only a biological daughter and clear as to having ex-in-laws, such realities of such additional aspects as to my copyrights exclude such wishes as to the realities of the Constitutional Rights I earned as well as other such portions I have already gone over in reference to such aspects. I may have proverbial brothers and sisters however I am the Mom, just as I am the legal one and only Executrix. Once again I was put as the Legal Guardian to my biological sister because of the knowledge as to the requirement for such aspects at the times of and if it was important the removal of such would have occurred though such had remained, in comparison to having removed such portions in regards of the lack of better wording for a forced relationship problem at the time when registering my son and my daughter for school in Carrollton Texas as I had thought stepping on top of in reference to Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to the problems that individual had proven to the times as to not the truest genuine concern as to such the realities of that situation; especially when having the nerve to try to tell me he felt sexually assaulted by my now dead-ex-husband in the references thereof and knowing the portions of the garage though also the discussions thereof and explanations to multiple individuals as to the choice for such a decision, while already having been informed as well as admitted to of what I had been dealing with since being taken off of post in the year of 2000 as per explained. Hypothetically for being as stalked and monitored for such a length of time and after having reported such online regarding the legal ways of such being read as to the law enforcement aspects thereof, I suppose it is a minimal wonder as to certain view points I have referencing such aspects as I did not agree to such ever in any private location of which even when typing for my website is not considered a public location as per the private address meaning the privacy required.
Especially in reference to the fact as others have verified as to me having to fight to be emancipated to get away from those people as well as already having contacted #CPS Child Protective Services against them as well as having discussed other such portions as to the levels of abuses I dealt with as a child and teenager, how can such situations referencing the trigger portions to me fighting to be emancipated and being able to get myself into the Army branch after the #MAST Marine Science and Technology School with the #USNavy #USANavy #Navy Navy attachment previously as known to get away from them as well as move on with my life be able to be seen, in such a psychological evaluation of such a situation combined referencing my biological father in that reference as well as my biological mother to which they would discuss with my biological sister as to such aspects? Did they ever think about their messages transmissions referencing such portions being fully recorded as well as being kept in multiple locations around various areas which are not meant for human beings to travel to referencing such known portions as to the aspects of the official formation of the US Space Force as well as paintings from prior times, as to showing such aspects as to such portions thereof?
In such questions posed in conjunction to the psychosis discussed during the years of 1998 into 1999 about Katie Airdo as well as her boyfriend from Crystal Lake South High School named Thomas as to their problems as to when I had left for the Army, I had told them I was not staying in Illinois and I did not want nor did I need to have any involvement with what their problems were after a situation back in 1999. When I learned Katie had contacted the male I was dating in Ohio to play a game on the phone with him and caused several other needless drama issues as per the childish high school antics I had not patience and no tolerance for when I was in middle school in New Jersey, the problems of which were stirred up simply because she was a natural blond compared to me being a natural brunette and since she was from Illinois whereas I was born and raised in New Jersey; those childish antics I had no patience for, only lessened in my patience level of which was already at a zero tolerance. Thus you are able to take whatever work has been completed as well as the length of time to accomplish such work to then consider as to the integrity throughout all processes and who they were willing to stand with in comparison to who they were willing to push aside for their gains, to then see how they would and how they have already treated people which in turn would translate as to how their connections to any individual they have ties to in the ways of the political spectrum within the state of Texas for any and all elected positions.
In reference to my biological father who is accustomed to being the proverbial muscle to get a point across, how do Texans truly view such a choice when taking into comparison the known factors as to the foster care system as well as the aspects as to the areas of the states of New York and New Jersey for the larger amounts of employment aspects as well as the smaller amounts of time in the Pennsylvania areas? Is that considered as true strength, or have you a reference to what such actually would be considered and called as in the pop culture references? In such pop culture references for the type of individual my biological father reminded some people of from what they told me I was told he was similar to a Soprano male for a pop culture reference who had involved himself with other people’s businesses and instead of remaining loyal and true in that pop culture reference, as to some situations thereof which occurred and impacted the entire group of whatever that pop culture reference is. Remember I have not watched television or movies much before or after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which please keep that in mind additionally I was not allowed to watch anything above a G rated show in the state of New Jersey in the 1980s and the 1990s which he is first Generation born Chinese male, which how did Mao Ze Doong begin such works? My Bok Gung and Bok Pu escaped China to stay away from the communism, though what is the system for the foster care and orphanages when taking such a view into consideration as to the similarities of such? How could and would that influence a political family when only seeing the physical view point as to the ways which already has been explained and written about in my books as well as on my website, for such a connection aspect to the timing of their going to the state of Texas in the year of 2003?

Is it odd they chose the year of 2003 to move to the state of Texas when considering the political timing as well as considering the fact of their responses throughout the state of Illinois in reference to my fighting to join the Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces, as well as their blatant comments all over the place referencing their opinion as to the fact I did not graduate Basic Training in the Army. If their complaint as it has been is to complain I did not graduate the Army Basic Training and if they are as patriotic as they claim, why would such individuals have fought against me joining the Army branch after they had fought against and the involvement as to my application to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment to the school? If patterns of behaviour as psychologists pay attention to is considered as important, what is the psychological pattern of behaviour for such types of people who would be proud of complaining about that in comparison to ever being proud that I had lived surviving the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury? If they are as patriotic as they claim, what would the wording from people able to be found to show how their actual realities had been and remain as such in ways which security camera footage can always be found and brought forward from the local areas of the state of Illinois? While the political family would of course go after the more known portions such as schools as government run institutions for the ways thereof, what security footage from all other locations is able to be found and distributed as to all such realities and connections thereof for each in reference to my biological mother who worked at Prudential as well as my biological father who had his own business and went into all sort of locations as well as my biological sister in the years thereof from the time of the 1980s into the 1990s and into the 2000s which would be able to obliterate every false claim that could ever have been made by such individuals?
While Texas politics is what it is, the irony is I would doubt those people ever thought about all such security cameras in all such areas throughout the states mainly of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois for the smallest portions thereof; which all such security cameras for their known whereabouts as well as the fact of automated technology with facial recognition software to bring forward the ability to take ever piece of security camera footage, to bring forward to the general public if my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister have influenced any such individuals within any political and/or business aspects in the state of Texas as per their prior as well as continued patterns of behaviour. I have written about and discussed the portions as to the #COVID #COVID19 COVID aspects referencing the masking situation which the more times people have gone out of their living spaces to then wear masks for the camera to be able to focus more attention to detail on the eye areas of the face with the facial structure and such combinations thereof, how much time have those automated technology systems had to work to capture each and every minute detail of each and every small and large wrinkle in their faces as to the additional aspects as to the shape and etcetera? Even if just sitting out in the backyard without a patio cover to keep a shelter over their heads which they would not ever know of whether or not other people in the nearby areas would use a drone before it became more well known of such technology in the news, as remember the South by Southwest aspects have been in the Austin area of the state of Texas for how many years? How many South By Southwesters have dealt with attitude problems from people within the state of Texas who have had certain opinions as to themselves within the Austin area of which that political family last name as I was told of the Millers, would be able to have such video footage of their outdoor meetings in all such times referencing the hypotheticals beyond just the timing from 2020 when COVID was brought into the public spectrum for the viewpoints thereof.
However in reference to the number 19 or possibly 2019, it is ironic how such SCUBA Divers of the recreational type had made certain specific comments and yet did not ever have any human decency to ever speak the truth especially while in the middle of getting ready to go into the waters I once had cleared. Additionally if there is any hypothetical connection to any recording in such stalking aspects which I had not ever given permission to and have fully refused as per the repeated aspects of explaining such, those people who did not pay attention to when they were told not to go to Valhalla to SCUBA Dive only proved how they did not need to SCUBA Dive to begin with their lack of safety precautions to ever think to only use SCUBA Diving gear in that location for that location as per knowing it was an underground Missile silo to which the additional aspects as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America in ways to keep my oath of protecting and defending the homeland against all enemies both foreign and domestic means the problems they caused when knowingly violating my direct orders as to not go SCUBA Diving in that location and if doing so to only use different SCUBA Diving gear; if the waters as per already have written about in other locations within the state of Texas have the same contaminants as to which were found in the Valhalla location in Texas of that missile silo, those people who violated such a command had broken which #UCMJ UCMJ or the Universal Code of Military Justice coding thereof because of the fact they were told as to what they were not allowed to do. In turn through military standards they had disobeyed a direct order from a Superior Commanding Officer as with the Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the situations as to working with civilians in ways which the known portions of the military aspects involvement brings forward such portions of the UCMJ into the civilian sector as per their own explanations as to what they have asked for in such repeated situations. While I am not a SCUBA Diving Instructor, my rank has always outranked theirs as per previous explanations as well as prior writings after discussions in a generalized way though not officially bringing up my Blue Identification Card though having referenced my medical retirement and the portions thereof such correlating portions.
Remember in a different aspect as to those who knew me in person about your questions as to my involvement as a child and a teenager in reference to the area of the east coast because of how I physically look which for clarifications, my physical look is of those who I grew up spending time with and around which is a subconscious as per the psychological terminology proof as to my truth in reference to where I grew up after being born and raised in New Jersey.
In such comparisons to the physical looks more specifically to the clothing worn, where do you
see anything which actually would be remotely close to the ways which New Jersey-ians ever dressed in truth? A true New Jersey-ian will not complain about getting their hands dirty in work, even in the higher end families as to such portions as the ways to always be connected to the land as well as the people who live on the land as per the ways of which can be seen in various symbolisms. In turn, what could anyone from the state of Texas or anywhere else find to see as any bit of respectable aspect to such portions of those individuals as per the proven works thereof and not in the financial contributions? As I know Texans are different than New Jersey-ians there is the truthful connection as to a true Texan and a true New Jersey-ian will actually get their hands dirty to actually genuinely help with situations which require moving dirt, gardening aspects to actually feel the genuinity of the soil and energetic connections thereof, as well as other such manual labor in the areas if actually genuine to such areas without many limitations as to what help is willing to be offered in such ways.
What physical labor has my biological mother done within the state of Texas, compared to what she has complained about? What manual labor has my biological sister accomplished, compared to what she has complained an whined about? What manual labor has my biological father done since being in the state of Texas, compared to when he was in Illinois as well as within the north east area in the state of New Jersey? Is that what Texans truly want in their elected officials, which the same question in reference to other states within the United States of America as well as outward into the world?
Do Texans actually want people in the political spectrum who have not felt the dirt of the soil of the state of Texas between their fingertips the ways I had done so in reference to each house I owned as well as the different areas I have lived within the various areas in the state of Texas, by my own choice?
While my biological mother perpetuated drama between my biological sister and I because she wanted to have the political dramas in the aspects thereof, which since I have proven to repeatedly refuse any and all such dramas of that type as it does nothing and accomplishes nothing while wasting time; is that the type of people you want in the state of Texas as well as in other areas of the United States of America, in any point of being in charge of any elected position? Do you truthfully prefer to hear about name calling in the politics, or do you prefer your politicians step forward to discuss what they have accomplished to inspire others to grow their own accomplishments being truly self-made in such references? Do you prefer the pretty lies or do you prefer the ugly truths to be able to genuinely fix and repair such situations, without the drama as best as possible to actually additionally learn ways as to step forward in a more positive light from the accomplishments per individual situation thereof? Do you prefer people who do not care about the ingenuity of others and do what they can to try to crush such view points while hypocritically doing such themselves, or do you prefer the reality of the truth to deal with to actually work through to progress forward after going through such details to truthfully self-evaluate to become better and achieve in realistic terms comparatively? Do you prefer the proven aspects with the transparency, in reference to anyone you meet?
* I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out my biological sister prefers the drama to remain from high school, as per the ways which such situations have occurred.
* It should not take a head injury to figure out that people who say they are moving to the state of Texas to supposedly help my son and my daughter and I yet have spoken about us and the situations thereof in the state of Texas from Illinois, would fully continue to tie to each and every individual as per such portions of ability to find such details thereof regarding such comments.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out they did not move to the state of Texas to help me in any other way, than to destroy any and every aspect of what means something to me as per the proof as per their choices and actions thereof.
* It should not take a head injury to figure out they chose a political family with more connections directly to the local police officers the ways which certain situations had been during the 1980s and the 1990s in the north east areas of the United States of America, and the ability to see such realities as to the actions and choices thereof for such individuals.
* It should not take a head injury to figure out when their repeated comments towards me as to my after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, is their exact feelings of any and all individuals who have ever signed the dotted line to be a part of the various branches and divisions of the United States of America’s Armed Forces with such additional proof thereof for all such individuals.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out that their choices as to deny the assistance which could have actually been helpful to my son and my daughter as well as myself only because of how I physically look as well as their proven hatred of me as well as how the theory of hypotheticals as to they have manipulated repeatedly just because of their normal physical appearances, while how many people who have colored their hair in shades which are of the rainbow compared to the normal hair as well as tattoos have been seen in reference to all areas within the state of Texas; as to the ways they have viewed such in the past, as to how they have treated as well for the future aspects if any elected positions thereof are connected to; which you would be able to see such realities in all such references to their pictures online as well as pictures within their photo albums if their pictures are genuine to begin with as per the ability to see situations within the photoshopping in physical pictures as well as in digital pictures if you know what specifics to look for in such references.
* I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out my biological mother prefers to wish to stay behind the curtain of the proverbial aspects as to the Wizard of Oz sorts of ways, just as the same in reference to the aspects in other ways as to my biological father in prior times and proof thereof would be as how such would be.
* It should not take a head injury to figure out my biological sister being born in the year of 1986 to leave the state of New Jersey in 1998 would not have any major connections in person to the east coast area, compared to myself from the year of 1982 to the year of 1998 as to actual connections compared to pictures despite the length of time and after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
By the way why would if any were to be as bold as to admit they are so proud of me as well as so proud of being from New Jersey, though specifically in reference to my biological mother/sister/father as to why would they fight so much for me to not return or spend any time in the east coast area? It should not take a head injury to figure out those reasons as per their patterns of behaviour to which, why would anyone ever want to associate themselves with that type of group of individuals?
While admittedly my tongue can be sharp at minimum you know exactly what you are going to get to a degree in transparency, in comparison to what you have no idea as to what is behind their back as they keep their hands hidden from you to blend into the crowds thereof. At minimum while you might not like my words, the reality of such words is better than the ways of having to find out later and in the long run as per the technology aspects and the ways which coding programs have been to go searching for a multitude of evidence aspects per the ways for cold case files to be able to bring such pieces together. Which technology programs of which locations have such software advances to search for such aspects that those people have any connection in stocks and/or bonds to the companies thereof for the financial reviewals as to what strings are known for such levels of the stocks aspects for meetings for input for such companies, and is that what the people within the state of Texas as well as in the United States of America truly want within their various levels of elected officials? What shell company names are associated with such individuals, and why are the names as such as well as what are the connection points thereof for which reasons? What is the proven intention comparatively in all such scenarios, which can be looked into?
* I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out if you are stunned by my words and that includes my biological mother as well as my biological sister and my biological father, the lack of actual east-coast connections they have is fully proven as per the guesstimation as to the speech patterns from people in the northeast areas even to this day such as Tina40 on Twitter regarding the typical portions thereof for the non-pop-culture reference; though definitely would pop the ideas as to what some people think as a general overall as to each person, from the northeast areas of the United States of America who were born and raised in such areas.
* It should not take a head injury to figure out if my biological sister and/or my biological mother and/or my biological father were embarrassed to my words in reference to …not take a head injury to figure out… means their lack of connection to the areas of the east coast, of which they have claimed and the stolen valor of such portions to the connection aspects of the people actually cared about in such references and regards thereof.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out my copyrights which are mine and only mine to own in all such ways as throughout the time and space aspects in full as other such ways to see all laws which have been broken regarding such people as them, have been proven and able to be seen for all such reference aspects as to those Civil Rights violations as well as Women’s Rights violations and such descriptions as to the differences between feminists and feminazis.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out the removal of my biological mother from my bank account years ago means the removal of her as well as removal of my biological sister as well as the removal of my biological father, from ever being allowed any such access to any of my finances, as per the additional portions as to my dead-ex-husband having explained to others; as to agreeing with my choice and the requirement to fully remove such people from all such aspects of my life, as per the proven aspects as to the confession portion of which others have verified which in turn legally in such other view points he gave my keys back to me for me to be the only key holder of my ownership rights for what is mine.
* Thus it does not take a head injury to figure out for as much professed care about that individual, the requirement for them to relinquish all rights they legally had not rights to begin with if their proven aspects as to the situations referencing my dead-ex-husband have been perpetuated over the additional lengths of time which includes all they have connected themselves to from such aspects additionally.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out with the reference aspects as to the targeting and stalking as well as harassment seen in the aspects of one of my non-fiction books “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” if any such portions had been recognized in reference to the political family of the Millers, the same aspects as to how they had been targeted as well as stalked and harassed can be found in such ways thereof. When first being informed of being in an abusive situation as to various warnings signs, what are the psychological situations which occur in reference to having to accept such realities that can be seen in other communities and groups as well in such reference points in regards of my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister depending upon the situation?
* It should not take a head injury to figure out that people from the east coast would be infuriated with any and all individuals who would ever think to steal valor or steal the situation for their own political gains as well as their own personal gains, as to claiming falsely as to a deeper connection to the east coast especially in reference to the attacks of 11 September 2001.
In the reference to my original facebook accounts and the restoration to my ownership only for such aspects to go over if there are any stock options and/or any financial contributions to the Facebook company and affiliates thereof for which has been problematic to get my account returned back to me for my use of my original account, as to how that looks in a larger view point as per having already verified through fetlife as to my original account for all such purposes which in turn would put all such companies under additional scrutiny for any other blatant disregards if such hypotheticals are found because of what I wrote directly on my Facebook page in comparison to having to pay to go through the fetlife pages before the 10 year mark for such clarifications.
* It should not take a head injury to see what such transmissions will be for such an extended period of time regarding all such portions as to the formation of the US Space Force regarding such ironies as to the fact checking on facebook through the election integrity portions on facebook, for the clarifications thereof to my original Susan MeeLing face book account as well as my original Lady Dori Belle facebook account compared to what I had to deal with after how I wound up in Washington state.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out when my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister learning of me being in Washington state and knowing my issues with technology as well as the after effects in a larger way as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as to the proof as to the lack of concern in full truth to myself as well as my son and my daughter regarding those people’s choices to do nothing or get any actual help for the three of us when they had more than enough opportunities to genuinely help; if they were not doing anything to sabotage any such situations and the proof of such could be found, regarding whichever intentions thereof for all such sides and angles thereof.
* It does not take a head injury to figure out the portions of what I have already explained in person as well as through writing as to all such proof of facts and evidence as to those types of people which I thought people in the state of Texas, were smarter than to fall for those people’s drama and garbage with all of the warnings I had given them before I wound up in Washington state in all truths and had been one of many reasons why I returned to the state of Texas when I did in the year of 2019 as per the multitude of facets thereof. Which connections to such labeled individuals have a connection to those within the Austin rally areas, and what is the legal ramification in reference to the situations thereof for such connections if there was any connection telling people to bring their firearms though also tell them to speak in lies when speaking with me? Is there a RICO situation which could be looked into, referencing such portions as to the overall viewpoint regarding the Austin area rallies and those with such aspects in combination in reference to the additional problems and biases thereof?
If there is a connection to such individuals, do you truly want to elect others into office regarding such a connection to such individuals in those aspects thereof for the state of Texas as well as the United States of America depending as to which involvement thereof to the situations in comparison for such a fuller view? With the known preferences of my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father to such portions of the Democrat portions plus the rebellion aspects of them liking Mao Ze Doong and them appreciating what Mao Ze Doong had done with the Communist Party, what can such political ramifications be seen in reference to those connection points thereof in reference to the multitude of facets regarding such involvements thereof? How similar to Mao Ze Doong’s hairstyle was my biological mother’s hairstyle back in the 1980s, when she had heavily been involved with Prudential and the aspects thereof as per the additional physical features though as a female and Caucasian while her having admitted to enjoying the Renaissance Faires as she had already explained as per her defenses to the situations I had dealt with at Excalibur Faire? How do such tendencies which my biological mother and my biological sister especially explained and expressed while showing all such portions of the known history as to the ways which China had gone during the reign of Mao Ze Doong, as to the policies they had pushed forward regarding their view and explained hatred of the different individuals within the branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America more specifically the military aspects compared to the local law enforcement aspects?
For those who did not know when Mao Ze Doong began working towards growing, he had started with the local area levels of the law enforcement and police to remove their power to then have the other portions put into place for the various overdramatic problems which later turned into the realization as to how much the military is needed though unlike back in those days; the technology was not available to the levels of which technology is available in the times since after the turn of the millennium and the Y2K portions, of which the proverbial aspects as to the history of the patterns of behaviour able to be seen in reference to my biological mother and my biological sister as per the college aspects of institutions. While later Mao Ze Doong had done things to correct such situations in comparison to making the correct choice from the beginning, however that later lead to Tiananmen Square because of the rioting which the businesses used as ways to rebuild without having to pay for the construction labor for the demolition portions. The
* It should not take a head injury to figure out any and all legislations which has been passed since the publishing of my first two books “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” mainly though also in the ways of which being able to find certain aspects through “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in turn means all such legislations with such proof of the works thereof, are additionally my accomplishments as for having put all such portions to look into for the beginning portions thereof as well as any such usages of my words for the direct order thereof regarding such wording in turn additionally proves such portions as to my ownership to my copyrights as well as my ownership to my intellectual property rights which in turn it should not take a head injury to figure out all such local as well as state and federal legislation with my workings of my first two books registered with the Library of Congress thus adds to my accomplishments for my direct though indirect connections to the actual proposals of such bills to be passed and put through into the legislation portions thereof for my experiences in combination with such individuals as to the levels thereof. Thus I wonder, what is the number of legislative bills in all such ways which have been brought forward at each level in each area as to what I have accomplished in such references for my proven assistances to genuinely do the best possible to truthfully help and assist for the betterment and progress of? While some may have borrowed wording and/or ideas thereof, those are still my credits referencing such having been put together for the ability to move in such directions and the works thereof for what portions of my particular influence for the betterment for such additional aspects for my personal achievements being able to clearly bring such forward for the beginning aspects of discussion to then move forward in whichever ways each has done so in reference to as well as thereof.
What has my biological mother, biological sister, and biological father in combination accomplished between the timeframes of 2014 through to the current year which does not have a direct connection to the books I had authored and registered with the Library of Congress before sending such out however I chose to send such out? Thus in turn they have to be forced to give me the credit I earned for what I had put together despite not having graduated Army Basic Training as well as the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during the Army Basic Training, though having been put in the exact location by the individuals in charge of my medical care at the time in the Armed Forces of the United States of America; of which on the day of 11 September 2001 I was in the exact location I needed to be in to help and assist in the ways which I could, while stepping back away from where others could complete far more than I in such situations specifically though such influence portions from my assistance is still the reality thereof for all such portions as to what I did on the day of 11 September 2001. What can those people say and can be verified in reference to what their choices were during the timeframe of 11 September 2001, and all such connection points thereof?
* While I am not denying the fact they knew some people in the area at the time of, it does not take a head injury to figure out their repeated neglect in such situations to what I had personally needed at such times back in the early 2000s had removed them from being considered as responsible in such ways as to looking out for the best interest overall regarding my needs or my son's needs or my daughter's needs though in such reference aspects; especially not my needs for such regards, because of who it is who actually had the Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after effects had only been me.
In the ways which more have the access to technology through the computer aspects of such as well as cellphones and laptops and etcetera regarding tablets and fitbit watches, those portions to which are for each individual having to at minimum admit to themselves as to what aspects they had such roles to be a part in regarding the choices they made on such technology devices as well as how they had treated people in person especially in conjunction to the online portions to which the levels of politics means in this era as to the clarity of all such portions as to the actual acknowledgement of the individual actions and choices as much and as best as possible as a one time little thing saying one meme for the example does not clear you in the ways which the requirements are for the aspects thereof such clarifications. If there is a need for clarification as to what is the responsible aspect, you are capable to take a look through the portions of my website which especially specifically within The Ornery PSA as to how such goes as it is not a one and done sort of situation especially referencing the levels of technology and length of time using such aspects depending upon who you are as per the different amounts of exposure to the usages of technology. The reality of which the choices were made for the general public through the two individuals I had personally reached out to via online messaging through fetlife to which because of their choices as to their responses, their one shot for the clarifications to be between such as to in person or even a phone call in truth took everyone else to the one thousand portions of which the reference aspects as to what number you are able to see in reference to my journal blog entries as to the admitting for the clarifications as to the different facets thereof. Contingencies have always been something many have paid attention to, though which aspects thereof depends on what level you see such contingencies. Thus furthered by others I had once known in person as per the situations thereof in which capacities thereof whether the discussions were on the phone and/or in person as to such aspects additionally and repeating the portions as to the formation clarification of the US Space Force aspects, as the amount of technology to work with for such portions requires all such clearances as to the additional responsibility levels thereof for such types of technological advances and access to for such realities. I do not know how anyone could ever see anything less than having to go through every detail possible that can be genuinely remembered for such aspects, though I suppose there are few who have ever heard of the Omega clearance at this point though not having realized such before as per my background as to where I grew up and who I grew up being taught by.
While some might laugh as to me bringing up my Grandpa Gavett I learned a lot from that male and though he knew how much he was teaching me in reference to being allowed to read various aspects as to safe guarding, there is more than I can put into words as to what I had learned from the years of 1985 through 1994 from him in person; which the same in reference to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu having learned from them in person from 1985 through to 1995 as per their lifespans and/or direct involvement due to the realities, of such a time for me. What situations I have survived has definitely left me feeling more distant from others in a multitude of ways to which by the choices of whether telling the truth as to the aspects thereof, the ways of much has come across as simply unidentifiable to me as to why such situations could ever be considered as normal for a multitude of individuals as to various situations. I cannot fathom how anyone would ever think to steal valor as to the knowledge of the technology being able to see and record such portions just the same as to the portions as to other such aspects as per the election integrity portions thereof, as to not understanding why the levels had gotten to such a point.
In reference to the aspects as to the election periods between this year of 2021 to the time of 2023 elections, the requirement as to being able to acknowledge the truth within oneself while maintaining composure in the outside general public setting when in person with people in the locations thereof as well as how such portions online which includes phone calls/text messages/emails/social media/fitbit/watches/etcetera will be the new normal for such aspects. If people have made fake accounts online to try to hide themselves in other such ways in comparison to having forgotten as per the situations regarding how I wound up in Washington state with my son in 2013 after the Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert additional situation to what I was already needlessly dealing with, those mergers will go forward in all such ways for such space saving realities as per the purging aspects thereof to be able to organize and at the same time maximize the components as to the various hardware portions of the various companies' technological portions as while on land to send the transmissions for storages where some go here and some go there as per the proverbial hotel arrangement as to a room situation as to a connection thereof where such information goes though in reference to on land there is only so much space on land for the server components regarding such storage facilities. The heat which is produced when too many hardware components involved can fry out the areas and cause unintentional fires in certain cable lines because of the amount of data usage as per the ways which have been noticed in certain areas with a higher amount of data usage flowing either outward and/or inward in reference to the levels thereof. Those who have experiences from the middle to later 1980s into the 1990s know of the levels which I write of regarding the fans requiring a specific amount of air flow to process the combined portions of the heat, though the aspects as to the cable connection lines and the fiber optic cables in conjunction with the other portions in such areas the heat which can be seen more easily off of the street now in comparison to decades ago; you are literally seeing the heat transferring from the black top as well as the combined portions of the technology wirings in such levels of waves from the wifi portions seeping outward as a leaked way of a type of release.
In turn the portions as to the technology aspects in the political spectrum the mandatory aspects as to all such mergers occurring in reference to the online portions for the ability for verification purposes as seen in reference to the everify systems among others, are some ways to see what is mandatory for the civilian sector next in regards as to the ways as I have already explained the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America have always been the first ones to ever get such aspects to test to make sure the validity of in whichever capacities thereof which in turn the realistic mandatory portions as to the verification processes of the online social media aspects are in the civilian aspects next as per the ACA measures across all citizens of the United States of America for all such realities to the situations which if in the reference of my biological mother and biological sister in reference to what occurred to my daughter and my son and I have such connection points; the Non-Disclosure Agreements required to be filed within the court of law will be revealed and all such connection aspects will be shown as per the ways of such other types of verification processes, because when the NDAs are signed the problems within other sectors of the overall general public are needlessly put at risk in ways which have been required to be brought forward for decades as those NDAs actually go against the Constitutional Rights of each citizen of the United States of America and put more people at risk than ever assists or saves of which as more people have learned the more lives saved the better when taking such considerations into the viewpoint regarding the ways which even insurance companies look at the numbers thereof as to their cost benefit analysis.
Thus my guesstimation for the upcoming few years as to the election processes is there will be a major upheaval and clearing of more than some realized as to such, though those who have earned through the proof able to be seen as to which intentions as well will be able to continue to progress forward while others have to work on fixing and repairing what possible they can to be able to take the next possible steps. I guesstimate there will be several individuals who have been considered as underdogs who will rise up in ways which were unseen or known of as a possibility, and those who have continued to keep at working will be elevated as per the levels of achievements as per each adding upward for the count overall. The more genuine and honest in such aspects the higher the metaphorical scoring system within the verification processes as per having already explained in reference to the accesses to being around such individuals as well as the possibility of such having used my laptop/desktop/cellphone/etcetera for whatever viewpoints found in regards of such hypotheticals as to hacking and/or stalking aspects in the references given for a few examples; as those who did not know who were not within the northeast area of the United States of America specifically during the time in the middle 1990s due to a similar-ish merging of systems in the timeframe of in the northeast had been the cause as to why many individuals within certain families had dealt with the situations they had dealt with. Their children and teenagers who had access to technology had accidentally sent information as to the aspects of the working thereof through their cellphone as well as their online desktops which had brought forward the portions in other regards as to the aspects as to the ENRON situations as well as the situations referencing the what I guess now in 2021 as to the hinting in 2009 through 2012 in certain groups I had been a part of as to their glorying such families through the references of the singing level my biological mother had in reference to the Soprano aspects in the Hallellujiah Choir, as when that purge occurred because of the breakdown of one phone company into smaller companies though the merger in reference to the computer system companies there was a metaphorical burst which the informations of all such aspects were sent out without any warning to any technology group as per the situations involving the mergers and the breakups at the same time. The fact I had given the information about the Air Force laptop to give the additional warning as to what I had already informed others about regarding the Dallas Galleria through such aspects is similar to a situation I cannot remember the specific year though I know it was fairly early in the 1990s or late in the 1980s, as a small little blurb in one or two newspapers at the time.
Upon reading that news article blurb I made sure to tell people I knew despite my age and grade in Asher Holmes Elementary School at the time of which I was made fun of for telling them about the concern I had in reference to the fact the school was getting Apple Mac computers updated at the time, which additionally to those years thereafter in such continued warnings the situations I dealt with had continued to add up in what I have already explained in other such ways because of the combinations thereof. When the year of 1998 and the move occurred from New Jersey to Illinois it had been just after the final aspects were laid down and the situations that summer of 1998 had been as it had been regarding the messages being sent out to show all such portions of the purging of information on everyone who was able to get onto a computer at the time in the New Jersey as well as the New York and the Pennsylvania areas, which my biological mother had been glued to something called The Drudge Report for a multitude of aspects and I could not ever get onto the computer because of her addition at the time to that particular website as while I continued to still read the newspaper she had preferred to read such aspects online which as she would laugh at what she read it seemed eerie and odd to hear that type of I do not know if I could even call it laughter. It was and is ironic as to her feeling the need to get an exorcism done to the house at the time as what occurred in regards of my biological mother as well as my biological sister after that point in time, I was creeped out. Which in such references as to what is known as to what I do and have done for sun or what-have-you regarding pictures after my SCUBA Diving while working on my Medal of Honor Art Project, that if it is called laughter still sends chills down my spine from that memory.
For clarification for those who know, I would rather take one of my biological sister's porcelain dolls to take to put next to one of my biological mother's musical clowns to turn on the music rather than listen to that laugh-ish ever again; as that seems less creepy to me than that laugh, which I had noticed hearing once again after a point in time around the middle to the end of the year of 2012 if anyone else had noticed such portions as to her changes and possibly the same in reference to the changes regarding my biological sister and the ways they had chosen to interact with people however they had chosen to do so..
I feel there is going to be a revival within the Judeo-Christian aspects extremely heavily with a bit of conservative ecclectism though in reference more specifically to the Republican POTUS Nominee in some odd ways it almost seems as though the Republican VPOTUS Nominee have yet to meet in the official capacity of beginning to work on the plans for such a run together as of just yet, as it is the time of the clearing of such portions for the other aspects as it seems similar to certain situations I have seen before in the areas I grew up in. As the overall patterns of behaviours are known for the majority of the general population as to how they have been regarding each year of memorial from 11 September 2001 up to this point in which the 20 year memorial is, it almost seems as though if there are any equivalents of those who have stolen valor to those who have taken advantage of because of the confusion portions in the areas during the time of as to how such possibilities might be if there are those who are found to have ever lied about there whereabouts on that day and/or direct connections thereof. Admittedly this is the first official time of remembering the day coming up as per the ways as to how my life has been since waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and thus while I have written about various aspects and have done the best to clarify between what I have picked up as to the situations compared to what I know from experiences as to what I understand from other aspects to what I comprehend in other such portions, I am going to guesstimate that particular aspect to the time specific has to do with the cognitive disorders regarding such portions and thus I would be one of the few fully unknown variables as to what I choose to do on the 20 memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001.