In addition to the List of Names and more post...

Before writing about the portions of this post in recalling several individuals to add to the list of people who had been around my cellphones more specifically in comparison as I had forgotten to add to the list :List of names and more... ( www. susanmeeling .com/single-post/list-of-names-and-more posting are all of the photographers and their associated models referencing my modeling page on my website at www. susanmeeling .com/ladydoribelle for clarification purposes as the way the website posting is instead of being able to edit and add information as would be considered as normal for social media, the website does not allow adding additional information to a posting which would be easier for clarification purposes instead of having to create a new posting referencing what was needed for a prior posting. Thus to add such information and in reference to why such links are required to be able to quote my website for the information I write and post to be able to utilize the information correctly to prevent misinformation from the portions thereof so there is the actual knowledge and understanding instead of some of the things I have noticed regarding certain media postings, so there is the clear knowledge and understanding thereof. That is the reason as to why the clarifications of the blue areas which define such on my website for the ability to make sure the truth is actually told in comparison to picking and choosing, as it is known as to the picking and choosing as to what is known does not help anyone though only causes needless chaos when taking such into consideration.

Though I also have not hidden the aspects as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as some have chosen to wish that was not a real aspect; this portion among others repeats such a reality for me, and is why the requirement if you are going to discuss and/or write about anything I post the requirement for the links involved for the clarification purposes as I already learned through what occurred regarding the San Antonio Express New article as to make sure the information is correctly put out into the world. I know there are those who wish the shortened condensed version of the aspects of what I can explain is not as lengthy, however the fullness is required for actual knowledge and understanding because of the multitude as to what has occurred and what has been experienced by me. Thus while I too wish it were easier regarding such aspects, I can guesstimate there are those who wish it was able to be a shorter amount of information listed in reference to my writings and yet, it truly is not possible to truly get all such information out without the portions thereof. As additionally learning of the illegal leaking of the books I authored, the aspects as to what people chose to pay attention to in comparison to the fuller portions of just one reference as to the genre of which books is only one example for one reason as to why the specific portions of requiring the entire post link to ensure such portions are actually explained from my side of the proverbial table because of what has already occurred not only to myself though to others as well because of the shortened amount of time regarding such media sources for news.

Though I figured such would already have been known referencing the modeling/performance aspects as per the information on my website, if there have been those who have not looked at such a page on my website regarding my modeling, I wanted to take the time to clarify before going on in regards of my reasons for this particular journal blog post if it has/is read by others as no one has ever told me they have ever seen my website before beginning any discussion with me which includes the aspects of not ever having told me they read any of my books prior to speaking with me which is a requirement for me to consider the honesty factor as per how I am. As those who have known others with head injury after effects to whatever levels thereof, I would guesstimate while they have been lucky enough to actually have people around them continuously or on a consistent basis who actually acknowledge such portions; I have not had such on a regular consistent basis who have ever acknowledged such portions when discussing whatever topics despite some being able to be recognized after a certain amount of time of continued meetings; which while some wish the name aspect is the only portion as to remembering, there is far more to such than that regarding those with the after effects of head injuries as those who have been around people who have head head injuries would know on a more clearly defined basis. It is not and has not ever been a game or pretend, while some have wished to pretend such and then wonder why their games have not ever worked regarding such aspects. Those who have done so have also gotten mad at those with the after effects of head injuries especially in the more severe portions of the after effects, to which is not the person who endured the head injury personally; it is more severe regarding how those who know of such and then try to pretend they have such situations in their lives, and then have the nerve to ever think they were ever in the correct aspects when realistically they simply have been childish and do not like being called out for such games because of the perceived spoiled and brat-i-ness for lack of better words without swearing and cursing in writing.

Thus if there are multiple posts in reference to one particular topic the ease is for the group section of the general area regarding such a post if going to discuss on a media platform, as to the best of ability on my side as to make sure the information is clearly brought forward to additionally protect myself as per the fact it is my website while also doing the best to protect my son and my daughter; as I had purposefully done so regarding the genre listings for my books, in comparison to what occurred regarding the illegal leaking of my books without my permission to which I hope for the punishments for justice regarding such aspects as the reality of the safety portions I had put into place for such reasons. It does not matter I had chosen to release two books in regards of the links when taking the safety portions into consideration, if there actually ever was truthful concern about safety regarding myself and my son and my daughter; which is why there has been the additional responses regarding such aspects, as that was not helpful nor was it safe to do so without my permission and why I consider such as illegal because of the fact it is considered illegal to download uploaded music from paid sources or the radio aspects, and thus the same legal portions extend to such potions regarding books authored by whomever as I am not the only author of one and/or more books. Such information within the pages of books are meant to be paid for, because of the portions thereof. It is different than taking a book for donation in comparison because of the fact there is not the aspect of ever being considered as a donation when the lack of actual aspects of paying per copy because of the requirements as to the online portions in comparison to the in print portions, which purchasing one copy of a book in print online does not count for such either because of the online portions and it is not considered as the same because of the online portions; whether there are those who believed such or not, as per legal definition for such donations are in regards of the physical portions, not of the online portions.

The importance to additionally keep in mind is I do not get notifications if there are any comments to my posts, which means if you have anything additional to add and I do not respond is such a reason. As there is the message area to send a message through the page for such, there is the requirement of the subject line for such. However if there is not the message sent regarding such as I have clarified in other posts as to not being notified of any comments to my posts if any were put onto my website journal blog entries, there is the reality as to the re-clarification for such aspects.
