The videos do not go over specifics within the particular journal blog entry, though have certain interesting points which might additionally make sense to add to the journal blog entry itself.

I did not think it takes a head injury to see how #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diver wetsuits look as larger adult size onesies, especially depending upon the coloration of such a wetsuit and associated gear thereof to the individual choice as to such a view with and/or without additional SCUBA Diving gear.
Should it take a head injury to figure out the word for others outside of SCUBA Diving of all ages is the term boots, whereas SCUBA Diving Instructors and other SCUBA Divers have called such booties in comparison to being able to pronounce words in an adult manner as to the reference as to how I had discussed and wrote about in my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in order to formulate the proper verbal skills to speaking in reference to children being raised to grow up into teenagers and adults of boots to booties?
In reference to my SCUBA Diving which I have gone into details as to the reasons why I had initially begun my work in regards of the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications I earned on my own from my own works, the facts as to what I have already brought forward in the details of over the years from 2009 through to this year in 2021 has taken over 12 years to have any proper recognition as well as questions referencing such portions of the SCUBA Diving work only I have accomplished. While if there is the childish aspects as to the portions seen in such onesie wearing individuals in reference to those who I once knew if there had been a complaint as to the east coast west coast situation in regards of the headquarter locations of each SCUBA Dive group of #PADI and #NAUI, the irony of neither of their SCUBA Diving groups having any such actual claims to any rights referencing how the beings within the oceanic waters review such information as to the same portions in regards as to the officializing of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce #USSpaceForceDoD #USASpaceForceDoD #DepartmentofDefense Space Force in the #USA United States of America by #POTUS45 #DonaldJTrump Donald J Trump though the SCUBA Diving occurred when #POTUS44 #BarackObama Barack Obama had been in office with now #POTUS46 #JoeBiden Joe Biden at the timeframe in the year of 2009.
While as many people were arguing over the irony of skin tone to the color of my farmer john wetsuit in comparison to the onesies of the SCUBA Divers I knew in the recreational civilian areas I had been for such reference aspects as admittedly, I am a bit upset as to the length of time such has taken if there are any hypothetical portions of connections in such childish temper tantrum baby sorts of ways. There are multiple other writings of mine as well as my three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diving Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” which discuss in less attitude portions of which you can review as well as taking in consideration the length of time from the year of 2009 through to the year of 2021 as to getting such responsibilities taken care of correctly.
Nonetheless I also did not think it took a head injury as to when an infant or a toddler wears a diaper underneath such a onesie, as to a comparison of factual proportions as to a bikini bottom and/or swimming shorts/speedo style for individuals who have preferred the one wetsuit portion compared to the farmer john style of wetsuit aspects I have always preferred compared to what I as a Mom of 2 elementary school aged children in the year of 2009 as well as being a Great Aunt to a freshly born infant on the side of my ex-in-laws for such a view of the wetsuits looking as onesies as to such age levels of children for the reviewal portions of my opinion.
In such references to if such connections in any way as to my Medal of Honor Art Project were to ever have any childish responses that would be of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum as to the stalking and harassment during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and/or my Medal of Honor Artwork pieces, I did not think it took a head injury to figure out such individuals would have proven to have hated far more than just myself for my work as their patterns of behaviour to others with any military background an/or biologically born gender might have a way to review such responses in which ways thereof to the ages referred to in such references after I had already been working on attempts to speak with the correct individuals by the time of beginning my Medal of Honor Art Project for over 4 years by that point in time when having wound up in #WA #Washington #WAstate #Washingtonstate Washington state. It should not take a head injury to find comical irony as to the abbreviation of Washington state to WA, and the viewpoints of such infantile responses regarding the viewpoints thereof including though not limited to the onesie portions of such regards to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces.
However in the first regards as to the irony in reference to the skin tone of POTUS44 having been brought forward as much throughout the years of 2007 through to 2015 for such oddities as to the color of my farmer john wetsuit of being black only beyond the possibility of white or gray color for the logo of my farmer john wetsuit, is one oddity to such a one view thereof. In the additional ways as to having thought there would be individuals whether they voted for POTUS44 or for #JohnMcCain John McCain and #SarahPalin Sarah Palin during the years of 2008 election cycle or for POTUS44 of for #MittRomney Mitt Romney and #PaulRyan Paul Ryan as to such years, not one of my concerns to bring such forward referencing my SCUBA Diving had anything to do with politics. I cannot say or write the same in reference to anyone else of such groups thereof at such a time or thereafter, though I would guesstimate each one of them would have more than one account of which such technology portions would have the messaging portions thereof to the patterns of behaviour as well as intentions thereof.
In reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project and any disrespect to such which includes the amount of time I had to take to remove each piece of dog crap off of the 6 Medal of Honor recipient markers within the #Seattle #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington Seattle Washington cemetery location, it is my view for each problem caused to my Medal of Honor guys and/or their markers and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces; as to certain similarities as to the viewpoints of the sexism against me wrongly to the irony though thereof as to I doubt any would have ever done so to any male in such references though additionally to my SCUBA Diving achievements, as to the facts of such having not been correctly brought forward as to my biological gender pronoun additionally of being a female as to such sexism across such aspects if hypothetically found that would not have done to a male and/or if my gender was ever brought forward in any discussions or writings thereof.
In addition to such aspects as to the facts which would show in such references as to those individuals biases and hatred against each Medal of Honor recipient for each individual trip I had taken as well as each connected family member as well as each branch of each division associated and connected to each Medal of Honor recipient, as well as the hatred of such a medal itself and the spirit of which it represents in the conjunction aspects as to all of such lives which had been saved with each individual problem caused by each individual involved for such choices if the hypothetical disrespect to such pieces and/or trips and/or overall to my Medal of Honor Art Project were ever to be found beyond what I have brought forward regarding such aspects. I would guess there would be a pattern of behaviour as to the treatment of veterans/Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Blue Identification card individuals of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and all such #ConstittuionalRights Constitutional Rights stood for and defended and protected by such individuals additionally in such a reviewing thereof.
In turn it should not take a head injury to figure out the proverbial stomping upon and burning of the proverbial American Flag for any such choices by which thereof, regarding the hypothetical disrespect to my Medal of Honor Art Project; for as I have explained repeatedly I only complete the artwork, as each my of Medal of Honor guys are the ones who did the work which earned them their Medal of Honor; thus the facts thereof to #endstolenvalor ending stolen valor as to not taking credit for what they personally did as well as not taking credit from any of such individuals connected to such a Medal of Honor recipient, though being respectful of all such connections and possibilities of to the ethnic backgrounds as well as associated religions/non-religions as well as per their spiritual portions of such aspects for each individual artwork piece.
In the aspects of the combined miles I have driven for my Medal of Honor Art Project with the amount of miles in reference specifically to my SCUBA Diving and such situations connected since such a timeframe as to the multitude thereof to all such connected portions from the year of 2009 through to the current year in 2021, I do not think it takes a head injury to see any such correlation to the aspects of the Prisoner of War situation regarding the stalking and harassment as to such wrongful denials additionally by those similarly to #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker of lesser qualified and lower educated individuals as to such workings thereof during the timeframe of the #CivilWar #CivilityWar Civil War as to the modern time of the years 2009 to the current year in 2021 in a larger and longer amount of time in comparison to the Civil War itself of a total of 3 years in comparison to the over 12 years in reference to my SCUBA Diving as well as the over 7 years of my Medal of Honor Art Project for a combined total of both in 10 years of such in the hypotheticals thereof for such reference points of review as to how the length of time has been in the viewpoints thereof to such hypothetical proverbial metaphors.
As a Mom and in such specifics as to being a genetically born female, the sexism as well as machismo in conjunction with other such viewpoints of the lack of personal dignity or self-respect of such individuals to the ways thereof possibly having to do with the physical look of wearing a onesie in regards of SCUBA Diving wetsuits in my opinion regarding such aspects. Possibly the additional viewpoint of earning my Drysuit certification and the Drysuit not looking physically the way a wetsuit looks to a onesie, possibly might be an additional ironic twist to a benefit from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the seriousness as well as responsibility in regards of my SCUBA Diving and such aspects thereof. What an irony in the reference to the complaints as to my physical viewpoints to my hair and my tattoos, and yet I had been looking at such individuals exactly the same way with more detailed opinions than such as to them wearing the onesies I saw. Does it take a head injury to figure out the physical look of a binky an infant and toddler uses during teething looks similar to a regulator, as well as the attachment chord to the tank or bottle being able to be seen in ways which a Mom or Dad or guardian of a child would keep such organized to have a spare binky regarding the physical views as to SCUBA Diving?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the BCD looks similar to certain floating items that children have a ring put around them inflated to keep them afloat, in such comparisons additionally to the floaties for the arms regarding what children who have not learned how to swim have been seen using?
I have told people I have a filter which the filter as minimal as it is only refers to the first times of speaking about, as the more in depth the less of a filter there is regarding my opinions and viewpoints thereof. Additionally I have told people they would be better off preferring to speak with me first in comparison to ever going through another individual if anything specifically only has to do with me as the only times it would ever be considered as worthwhile to go through if I was in a relationship though since not a problem or situation regarding this particular point in time as to the problems which going to anyone else would be seen, however if in the reference to someone else’s mistakes being dealt with by the other before myself getting involved is a better way because of the lack of a filter which would be even further regarding such. Hypothetically I suppose my writings to others would be able to assist such aspects, as to the ways thereof regarding my SCUBA Diving can be seen as it should not take a head injury to figure out the only way to learn of any information regarding my SCUBA Diving is only through one individual which is me. In such references as to the ironic portions of turf just as in the east coast west coast aspects though completely different, a SCUBA Diver would not step proverbially to me as such a step to me would only then be seen by such beings as an attack to their leader/owner in such references as per the ways the #LOTO #LawsoftheOcean #Ocean Laws of the Ocean and the #LOS #LawsofSpace Laws of Space are.
However when looking as to how certain individuals have been in reference to the ways which they have gone after others for others, can be seen as to the ways of which the beings within the oceanic portions as well as space aspects would view such in reference to the proverbial metaphor regarding any who would ever think in such a land based aspect as they would know as I know the only way to ever earn such proverbial street cred is to individually drop down yourselves to go to the depth levels you can achieve as the portions to intentions would already be known before entering the water. If there is the sincerity to such aspects in comparison to trying to in the primalistic land versions of in ways compared to the ocean and space being of respect in genuinity, there is a fully different response. However if the intention is to try to get that metaphor of east coast west coast street cred the wrong way fully would be to attack me and/or mine, as the only way if knowing there would not be the ability to achieve such oneself would be to have the self-decency of self-respect of knowing one’s limitations while respectfully paying homage to the one and only of which they had chosen after I personally earned such aspects on my own.
For clarification as to what would be the hypothetical equivalent to the word meaning of Ambassador to both locations for an easier wording choice for such onesie wetsuit wearing binky chewing individuals though obviously a born and raised American citizen within the human race, as to such aspects referencing the safety and security regarding such portions. While the facts to the ways which if there had been those on land who would think in the land version of primal aspects as to the east coast west coast turf types of portions, the only way to ever get such metaphorical credibility would be through going to the area and dropping down to the bottom of the ocean to speak with such; to which I do not recommend due to the abilities known referencing what such would genuinely take in regards of the proper aspects thereof, however each has their own free will choice as there is no preparation which can or could ever be given. Just as one cannot step into the same body of water twice, the ways of which going to meet with would be different per individual and such intentions thereof as well as the background portions which would already be known thereof to such aspects.
In turn the ways directly connected to such choices on land as to the treatments I have dealt with would be energetically known prior to leaving to board the boat from the dock, to such aspects prior to ever going to drop down into the oceanic waters. My personal experiences of the culmination aspects as to bringing forward a peaceful resolve from other situations having begun when in my childhood as to such workings towards such as I had been informed of different aspects, has been a situation in other aspects as to my SCUBA Diving as per the usual meeting place location each summer for multiple years in a row for such discussions. Despite the length of time which has been since I could first get back into the water of the #Atlantic Atlantic area of the ocean specifically as to the areas I grew up going to as a child and teenager, the last time I had been in the area of such oceanic waters was in the year of 1997. The first time of being able to get into the oceanic waters in any location had been within the year of 2003 or 2004, though was far from being the location of which I had grown up going to as a child and a teenager. In certain references as to as best as possible to calm such situations in other aspects down to where possible within the oceanic waters whether or not some wish to believe though some ironic coinky dinks in reference to the year of 2005, referencing #JBSA #LacklandAirForceBase #MilitaryCityUSA #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TXstate #TX #Texas #Texasstate the San Antonio #USAF #USAirForce #AirForce Air Force Base at Lackland, as to the prior summer in the #GulfofMexico Gulf of Mexico and the problems as to why I had not been able to get to the ocean to have a proper Bon Voyage in the ways of which were complained about me needlessly additionally in the years of 1998/1999/2000 to such references regarding my biological mother and my biological sister as such aspects additionally to #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #Navy Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment #USNavy #USMC additionally to #HurricanKatrina #HurricaneRita Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita situations within the Gulf of Mexico in 2005 shortly after the Lackland Air Force Base situation. Those who recall, those two hurricanes literally came out of the blue and none saw the possibilities of what situations had become due to such at the time for such a hypothetical.
Thus in reference to my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 had been the more in depth versions of swimming comparatively in conjunction with my SCUBA Diving for such clarifications and rectifications, during such times in such years. In turn the ways to which the #UHAUL UHAUL situation referencing my SCUBA Diving gear would automatically cause problems for any who would have ever thought to use my SCUBA Diving gear in the ways similarly to without my permission as to my creation of the #UnderwaterWedding Underwater Wedding as well as my creation of the #UnderwaterTravelSystem Underwater Travel System as no one with genuine intelligence could look at the pictures I took when I was SCUBA Diving at the #GeneralHoytSVandenberg #GeneralHoytVandenberg #Vandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg and be incapable to see the requirements as per a different type of Ambassadorship aspects to such development due to such as I would guesstimate in reference to the knowledge of such beings within the waters and space. I went to mainly pay my respects to a the spirit of an individual who my Grandpa Gavett had been involved with as learning from his works, as I had been told of a male named Vandenberg though had not put such together as to the #BigBlueBook Big Blue Book or the #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project until more recently due to a few minor specifics found online regarding certain workings thereof. There is a bit of an irony regarding such aspects as per I suppose the cognitive disorders and the memory deficits to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury 21 years ago, though in the viewing of such details of what is considered more important comparatively to the details as to those portions in comparison to my responsibilities as a Mom to my son and my daughter? Nonetheless, I paid my respects as well as took care of what I needed to take care of regarding the situations thereof.
Thus in such regards as to the situations of which the treatment towards me being what such has been when taking such additional viewpoints into consideration as per the fact that is an energetic portion of which my SCUBA Diving gear if ever used without my permission would show each individual as to what the oceanic beings’ opinions as to any such wish to try to override the choices made, as per the length of time worked with and the trust which had been developed over the decades as to such aspects as per the diplomacy required in other such aspects thereof to the development of such possibilities in other portions would require far more self-control of one’s emotions in the larger aspects in such references and regards as per the ways of.
In turn if there are those who would like to take over such a role then they can drop down to the bottom of the oceanic waters in the area of the Vandenberg or other locations which have had some records of where there are either one or a few in one location to speak with, if those individuals are allowed to get to the depth levels thereof for such discussion points as to the in person portions of which thus far as to the specifics I have not been informed of such as to the minimal depth level such aspects are located of which there are specific signs to which I would know for such specifics of either the additional diplomatic relations and/or ambassadorship portions as to the length of time as to having worked on such over the decades. While some did not understand as to the rage regarding my Bok Pu as to the name as to wishing being born on the day of my Bok Gung would ever be sufficient enough as to there are specifics which additionally were needed, of which the only one who had been taught the aspects of had not been my biological sister as per the ways of which the waters of the ocean require certain aspects as to the length of time that would be mandatory regarding such portions.
The minimal aspects to such are in ways of which the situations to the standpoint of, would not bring forward the mandatory minimal timeframe of over 8 years as to the aspects of. Additionally as to the swimming portions to which my biological sister was not capable of swimming out to the buoys in the area for where the starting point was back in the 1980s; the other aspects to such situations, of requirements for other aspects of traditions to which diplomats and ambassadors on land would be more aware of if my guesstimations are correct for such aspects to meetings. In turn the realities of which such regarding any SCUBA Diver or non-SCUBA Diver alike would be incapable to bring forward such aspects to my SCUBA Diving additionally, as to the facts of which their involvement would have to have been with me before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in larger ways and aspects of which such has not ever been the case in any such regards.
Thus the aspects to which while some might wish otherwise they would have to be honest with themselves as to whether or not they could handle the sight of such a creatures in the oceanic waters in person, which the information I have given in the smaller details as to my three volume series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” can give the smaller details of some aspects as to what is in the area of such aspects for just a few species compared to the others outside of the areas when I was able to take what pictures I had been able to take during the year of 2009 in August for the Vandenberg SCUBA Dive. I would write or say good luck only if there was a genuine chance of successfully accomplishing such aspects, which is why I have additionally known not to discuss such details as to the larger aspects as to the ignorances shown as to the ways which for the example of the #tidepodchallenge #tidepod Tide Pod Challenge have shown as to why many individuals throughout higher law enforcement and various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America have been limited as to the information they have allowed into the general public as to such choices of what has additionally been seen regarding the virtual in life game of #PokemonGo #Pokemon Pokemon Go situations as reported in the news.
Thus in reference to if there was a situation regarding what references to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork the view point of such references within “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” would be able to show if hypothetically accurate, as to other reasons why I had not gone into such details in reference to the civilian sector up to such points which I have in comparison to the larger portions both literally and metaphorically. If there was even the slightest purposefully damages other than the dog crap upon the 6 Medal of Honor recipient markers in the Seattle Washington location across the United States of America as to others’ choices, the view points both in reference to the SCUBA Diving reasons I had remained quiet about because of the lack of others to ever clarify themselves for such clearance aspects as well as information thereof would be able to be seen in reference to the ways of which in the hypotheticals in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the viewpoints of which it is not just a disrespect to my Medal of Honor Art Project nor just my Medal of Honor guys’ spirits nor just the spirit of the Medal of Honor itself; as just as the connection portions of which branch and division as well as family and friend thereof to the metaphor regarding the oceanic waters, around the earth.
While I would not be surprised if there were individuals with ego as well as sexism problems as to if such hypothetical situations thereof towards the already said biases and messages over the years as to what others’ opinions of me have been, the aspects to which if the problems were in a trying to upset only me would fail in all such ways due to the connections overall to such portions in the ways similarly to the aspects as to SCUBA Diving. Would it take a head injury to figure out if known SCUBA Divers as such times in the years of 2009 and 2010 specifically to which the ways of answers after the aspects of “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding the Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” would be viewed regarding the truthful mandatory aspects, as such individuals by the year of 2014 or 2015 would have already looked into the details of and I would guesstimate the SCUBA Divers within the civilian recreational sectors would be able to look back to such times of the years of 2015 and 2016 into 2017 as to such possibilities of the students they could have had requesting such truthful portions as to once having looked up to teachers and/or instructors and/or professors though having such a viewpoint changed due to the ways of such truthful portions required in such references to the knowledge of SCUBA Diving being considered a high risk type of involvement.
In turn the aspects to which I have brought forward in prior journal blog entries regarding the importance of truth though also the ways of which even in the year of 2019 regarding the 10 year anniversary situation, as to how the viewpoints could have been reviewed over such times into the current year of 2021 for such references. Whereas those within law enforcement and military portions of the United States of America with the clearance levels would have the knowledge and understanding as to the comprehension why certain questions require the lack of answers as to the clearance levels required for such a minimal portion if honest as to such within their backgrounds, such aspects as to the realities of my work is my work and my background of mine. In turn the disrespect would extend beyond just the portions in reference to what has already been brought forward though additionally to such specific connections having been brought forward in reference to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu, though in such regards more importantly to my Grandpa Gavett having been disrespected for what his work and his guys’ work had been over the years of such developmental phases of the foundational laying of the aspects thereof to take into consideration additionally.
Thus as to #endstolenvalor ending stolen valor as to the realities of such regards as to the one and only who would ever be able to discuss such as well as the one and only who would ever be allowed to be accepted when brought forward, would only be myself. Due to how SCUBA Diving is as well as the work I personally had done, there is not the typical view point as to any such buddy system of which as per my initial questions as to why I would ever need a partner for SCUBA Diving as to when I first had become involved with SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 might make additional sense for such portions as to the lack of work any other would have ever completed referencing such portions of my SCUBA Diving and the portions more specifically of my work with the ways of my diplomatic portions and my ambassadorship thereof. In turn those within the political spectrums of the United States of America and such leaders would be able to understand and comprehend the reasons thereof to the reality of while the possibility if a relationship aspect if only in specific contexts thereof, however a SCUBA Diver of the recreational civilian sector would be of a pure refusal in all such a type thereof.
In such the only possible view as to a SCUBA Diver would only be allotted within the upper law enforcement types thereof as well as the specific connections of such types within only the #USCG #CoastGuard US Coast Guard, the #SpecialForcesMarines #SpecialForcesMARSOC #SpecialForcesRECON special forces within the Marine Corps such as for examples #RECON RECON and/or #MARSOC MARSOC, and/or the #SpecialForcesSEALs #SpecialForcesNavySEALs special forces within the Navy as such examples as to the #NavySEALs #SEALs #USNavySEALs SEAL teams for the discussions in references to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving work in conjunction and/or in whatever aspects in the regards of their works they earned on their own. In the reference to if a non-SCUBA Diver or a civilian version of a SCUBA Diver as there is a difference between a recreational civilian SCUBA Diver as to a civilian SCUBA Diver, to which the differences are of importance regarding the acknowledgement and acceptance correctly as to such works I personally had achieved on my own. The reality to such aspects of which the irony in reference to why I had worked as much as I had to get into MAST as the Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment, I thought would assist in propelling forward a combined portion of my work to be within the aspects of being a Marine Biologist as able to be seen in the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications of the 24 SCUBA Diving specialties in such regards with the working with in a respectful manner as to the military portions of the various branches and divisions which would include the Marines and the Navy though additional branches and divisions thereof which includes the technological portions of which the knowledge and understanding to comprehend the work requires such technological advancements as science and technology work together in a multitude of ways.
I have not hidden being polyamorous nor have I hidden the fact I am what is known as a Pansexual, just as I have not hidden the aspects as to having ben within the adult consenting lifestyle. However with such aspects as to knowing of being a part of such the misconceptions as to a variety of portions due to the fact which I would guesstimate individuals within the adult film industry would know in such assumptive aspects as to the portions regarding people having to learn that it is one filming session combined compared to however many times of watching such situations, though in a much different and yet similar viewpoint set regarding the aspects as to having additionally been involved with the Swinging community which in comparison to which I am and have always been far more BDSM oriented than Swinger oriented; of which there is a large difference among the preferences, just as the same as there are many differences as to within each community of such preferences within the aspects of. In turn I admit having had felt the need for the clarification aspects of which if there ever had been the interest for such in regards of an actual long into longer and longest terms relationship the ability for the clarifications of, as per the modesty portions thereof because of how I personally am and have always been even before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury 21 years ago as despite having been born and raised in New Jersey and such misconceptions to the aspects thereof. Personally despite though having already gone over such, finding the romance between Morticia and Gomez Adams #AdamsFamily #AddamsFamily in such comparisons to what others have viewed as their ideals of romance.
Honesty and integrity are extremely important of which masking beyond within certain portions, is not allowed.
In turn the realities of which having accepted myself though also having accepted multiple aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle to which while acknowledging such realities does not mean having to specifically be involved with myself, though can be supportive in the ways of seeing requirements of safety in the comparisons to the ways I have already brought forward as to how my ex-sister-in-law as to the #CandlelightCoffeeHouse #CandlelightCoffee Candlelight Coffee House in San Antonio Texas situations as well as how my biological mother and my biological sister have been known to be as per the descriptions and writings in reference to 42nd Street in #NYC #NY #NewYorkCity #NewYork New York City which includes #SOHO Soho neighborhood in the 1980s and 1990s for such references as to the viewpoints thereof in such comparisons to the views of and patterns of behaviour of discussions regarding my opinions myself for such comparative views. Thus while some would wish to not discuss openly more-so which is fine as a choice in regards of personal preferences, the aspects as to the larger portions of life regarding as #RuPaul RuPaul has brought forward as to such acceptances in other ways assist the ability for those who previously have been uncomfortable with such discussions for the ability to be able to have the more honest discussions via the consenting adult portions though softened due to the content portion of such time aspects.
Personally I have not gone over the larger in depth details with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia when they were under the biological age of 18 years old because of the larger aspects interconnected of my life only, as I knew and know as to how I am and the ways I can only tell the truth. Thus if I were to have gone into such discussions in a larger way both my son and my daughter know I had made and kept my promise to them to always be truthful in all such discussions, of which if that set of topic points were ever brought forward by me or to me from them as to I would only be able to speak in truth as I naturally do. Thus I kept such more quiet and reserved compared to hidden, as I did not hide the fact of being an author to multiple books and types thereof. They both have known as to only needing to ask me in truth of which in turn the portions of which of my acknowledgment and acceptance of lifestyle portions in the adult consenting areas of life, I would only be able to discuss with them in truth.
I am far more reserved in such topics despite the fluidity of being able to write as I have, as the ways of such are a modest aspect to the fictional portions as to my books in “The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series By: Susan MeeLing”. While “The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series: Volume Two: Portraits of Partnerships By: Susan MeeLing” could have been discussed if I had ever allowed such to have been in their hands which I had not ever allowed such before the age of 18 years old biologically because of knowing the interconnected portions of the other books involved within the adult fiction book series, being responsible as to not contributing to the delinquency of minors as to keeping such safe as best as I could would be able to be seen later in such modern times regarding such aspects as to when I mailed the books I chose to mail which were the only books I had ever handed to my son for such reference aspects which were only the “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”/”Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”/”The Curious Children Book Series: Volume One: What is a Family? By: Susan MeeLing”/”The Curious Children Book Series: Volume Two: What’s the Difference? By: Susan MeeLing”/”Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing” as per the modest ways and as being a Mom with such responsibilities for the best in the ways of as per knowing much better than assumptions have been over the years as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury now 21 years ago as well as my physical look as to the wrongful biases and illegal discrimination against the #ADA Americans with Disabilities Act as to my disabilities as per such explanations to others.
Thus such hypotheticals as to wishing the biases as to others’ opinions as to my physical view would in turn if such was ever given to or shown to my son and/or my daughter before the age of them turning 18 years old, hypothetically would be able to go into such counts of the contributing to the delinquency of a minor among other such legal ramifications to each individual count thereof to each under the age biologically of the age of 18 years old for such references of hypothetical aspects thereof. In turn the legal portions as to the individuals who had illegally released my books for download would be able to be found and prosecuted legally for each individual found to be under the age biologically of the age of 18 years old for prosecutions as per the #IC3 #NSA NSA aspects in the larger ways being against human trafficking and against sexual assaults; as even bringing such up in a discussion and not being legitimately within the legal purview of such aspects in the initial discussions, would be a possibility for the legal ramifications to such crimes against children regarding such exposure illegally in my opinion of which legislators can review such as to the legitimacies referencing all such intent with the connected aspects thereof to the additional patterns of behaviour per individual hypothetically involved as to other such connected aspects if any to any such types of harassment and/or stalking and/or endangerment and/or etcetera as well as to the age thereof.
In turn the ironic portions of the children’s book series I suppose a sarcastic portion as to the onesies referencing the wetsuits as well as the regulator binkies associated with the bottle tank aspects, with the portions of the floating ring BCD portions in conjunction to the booties of boot shoes with the viewpoint as to the texture of the funs as well as the texture of the snorkel to the teething rings infants and toddlers use to calm themselves when temper tantrums are and/or have been regarding such aspects thereof to whatever levels of responsibility to which such patterns of behaviour would show in the contexts thereof to this journal blog entry and other such connected portions thereof to the hypothetical regards. While such might be able to see the bathtub meme regarding SCUBA Diving as to a viewpoint of the depth level equivalent of the open water aspects of SCUBA Divers in the civilian recreational aspects as to a hot tub for the references to the current year of 2021 for the Tri-Mix/Rebreather/Cavern/Cave SCUBA Diving aspects in the recreational civilian portions; when taking into consideration my SCUBA Diving in reference to my SCUBA Diving in the Gulf of Mexico regarding #Cancun Cancun/#Cozumel Cozumel at total of 8 different times, out from #Boca #BocaRaton #BocaRatonFL #BocaRatonFLorida #FL #FLstate #Florida #Floridastate #BocaFL #BocaFlorida Boca Florida to land at the bottom of the ocean there twice, and the one of the two SCUBA Dives in reference to the SCUBA Diving at the Vandenberg area for such metaphors of depth levels as to such comparative aspects to the type and style thereof.
While such individuals can choose and may have chosen to be infantile about such aspects as to them paying more attention to the instructor portions when they should have paid attention to what they complained about the most referencing my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications in such comparisons as well as to how and why I had gotten involved with SCUBA Diving in conjunction to pre-SCUBA Diving timeframes, that is their temper tantrums they have to contend within themselves as to such choices. However if any such involvement causing problems to my Medal of Honor Art Project and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project trips would be of an on land above the water view as to how such could be related to how their choices and actions have been when SCUBA Diving, I suppose others they have known over the years would be able to discuss such patterns of behaviour regarding such actions thereof which would include my creation of the Underwater Wedding as well as my creation of the Underwater Travel System to which once again I would be the one and only ambassador and diplomat regarding such works in the references thereof as per having earned such respect from such beings on my own without any assistances from others I have met later on in time.
Thus such aspects as to the hypothetical wishes as to the on land ways of such primitive animalistic behaviours as to such in the comparisons to how marine life actually are in all comparisons, there would not ever be the ways of which on land would be considered as accepted or acceptable referencing such wishes as to thinking in the fire hydrant ways as per such hypotheticals as that would only be seen as a disrespect to all beings throughout all of the various waters throughout the world in such ways thereof as to the lack of willingness to have the decency to ask as to how such respect would be mandatory if ever interested in showing such respects in a different way than just keeping the oceanic and fresh waters clean and healthy.
However, I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out either.
I suppose the same in reference to the aspects as to the ironies in reference to the metaphorical oddities as to Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to the oddities referencing why people said they were voting for POTUS44 Barack Obama, as to my SCUBA Diving gear colorations in such differences regarding civility in the multitudes of ways as to respect. If the claims as to others had been true then why would I have been as angry as to the 12 hours after working as diligently as I had to find a secure measure to such SCUBA Diving gear, as well as why would I ever begin my Medal of Honor Art Project in the year of 2014 if the false claims against me could ever be true in such comparisons? The facts as to the respect to the position of which the office of the President of the United States of America is held in such references has been of importance to me well before the 2008 election, as if the false claims were true then the realities I would hypothetically have not fought as much and as hard as I had to be able to be involved and then later to be emancipated in reference to being a part of the aspects of the #USArmy #USA #Army Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces in the timeframe of #POTUS42 #WilliamJClinton POTUS42 William J. Clinton in such regards if honestly thought about as to the #DNC DNC and #RNC RNC aspects.
My personal pattern of behaviours show just as others’ personal patterns of behaviours show, over whichever length of time thereof for such reviewals as well as connections thereof to such aspects. I had not contacted POTUS44 in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project because of the requirement I had set upon myself, in comparison to any such biases ever thought; which admittedly in regards as to my cognitive disorders which I suppose the conversion arithmetic referencing the Atmospheric Measurements to the feet measurements can be noticed, in reference to the number aspect as to the arithmetic in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces. I additionally have not hidden the energetic portions of which picking up on certain portions such as clairvoyance and clairsentience for a few aspects to mediumship, which I have done since I was a child as per having already explained my visions and nightmare views as to what I have seen and explained over the years and decades for such aspects to consideration as to when POTUS45 had announced he was running for election in the 2015 timeframe.
While I did make a request in reference to such being brought forward to then POTUS45 that additional portion of such letters in the years of 2018, 2019, and 2020 have already been put forward as to such official requests regarding such aspects as per the #Congress #USCongress Congress as well as the #USSenate Senate as well as the #WhiteHouse White House in reference to the length of connections to the office portions of the President of the United States of America as well as the #VPOTUS Vice President of the United States of America well before the 2020 election cycle by official stand points thereof in conjunction to the #Pentagon Pentagon and other such law enforcement agencies thereof.
After having driven all the way down to the #FloridaKeys Florida Keys to #KeyWest #KeyWestFL #KeyWestFlorida in Key West Florida as to the additional miles I had personally driven in the combinations thereof for the proper portions to be truthfully recognized as well as brought forward in such conjunctionary points, additionally to which I cannot understand why it would take a head injury to figure out to see such portions of the metaphor regarding Dr. Mary Edwards Walker for all such aspects of having driven by myself as only I had driven. However due to several factors as to what was learned of when in Washington state in the year of 2019, the exact same situation though in a much larger way has just been officially taken care of in the fullnesses thereof to which such ashes in the wind can clear the air just before the month of which is one of my two favorite holidays.
Thus such a burning of such problems regarding the references in such regards to the different aspects compared to the fact I have always had the ability to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing and can redo such if I want or need to do so, however in the reference to such aspects thereof to the respect of those from and in Washington state as to what I had not known would be a problem referencing those who had arrived due to the contact from hypothetically regarding the state of Texas within your state. Out in the open, I took care of such as per my religious freedoms as well as my standing my ground as I can do so regarding when I chose to complete a historical and spiritual rubbing for my artwork; whether or not in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project, for such clarifications in full.
Those pieces meant a lot to me however if I have had to prove a point as to what I will and what I will not tolerate regarding all such aspects hypothetically connected to any such problems, then such has been shown in the full light of day without hiding myself or pretending or wearing any type of a mask as I was born and raised in #NJ #NewJErsey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey after all; though more in the ways of which the sanctity of my Medal of Honor Art Project had always been created as to beginning in such purity and remaining in purity in reference, to my work. I have not ever felt as unwanted of an artist as to such problems which have occurred because anyone with the intelligence to ever think correctly would know that causing problems to my Medal of Honor Art Project and/or doing anything other than out of purity in reference to the ways of my Medal of Honor Art Project beyond what apparently hypothetically would show each’s pure intentions in such references as to whether pure positive intentions out of respect, or if in the virtue signaling ways; there is not a way of which to ever make me feel as a wanted artist in a positive way through ever causing problems or negative issues regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project, or any of my artwork paintings for that matter without certain specific aspects.
That would require to have been spoken with in person and asked specifically, if there ever was actual genuine concern regarding what would make me feel as a wanted artist in such a positive way comparatively. How else would a born and raised New Jersey-ian handle such situations, when taking such religious and spiritual portions into consideration? I went through my Confirmation Classes in the daytime, and thus the daytime would be the time for such; of which in reference to the respect as to what occurred in regards of the fires that were needlessly caused to the various lands across the state of Washington as well as different areas in the United States of America, as to making sure to rectify in the correct ways as to such hypothetical connections to any such individuals and/or groups that began such or came from in larger numbers from the state of Texas whether or not born and raised Texans for such clarifications as well. In such regards as to that not ever being done to a male who would be a part of such with the exception of if the male was within the LGBTQP community as to the knowledge and understanding from such prior times as to the treatment regarding the gay male in such regards, that is the only other type of person who would have ever had such a type of treatment by both the SCUBA Diving as well as the military portions though as also how such aspects have been known to be treated, regarding the artwork thereof.
My babysitter’s son David who had earned his spot to work in the headquarters office of the #TheGap #Gap Gap because of his #Christmas #ChristmasDisplay he had worked upon, would comprehend such a feeling and situation thereof regarding the multitude of situations thereof. In such references as to my right to choose how I handle my Medal of Honor Art Project in all ways, the correct way to have made me feel as a wanted artist in the positive ways of would only be in full truth when speaking with me in person and/or messages online directly to and through my website only through the to contact form. In turn there are a few people I can say as to the respect of such work in person not all by name though there are those of which know who they are as to such, of which who has ever met an artist who had not ever had passion? Who could ever believe to genuinely work upon my Medal of Honor Art Project would not need passion for such sanctity and truth in purity, for all such portions? Who would ever believe that I would not be enraged fully by such aspects of which again in reference to if having the requirement for others to slight against me, then you succeeded.
However you also succeeded in slighting every meaning behind the spirit of the award of the Medal of Honor while slighting every living Medal of Honor recipient and their families and friends while slighting all individuals they had saved through their works as to why they earned a Medal of Honor, as well as your choice to slight the works thereof thereafter such regards; as in such references to whose idea it was in reference to the Medal of Honor museum would depend as to the comparison to those involved, as including the portions of which the donation factors as per having gone over such other aspects in reference to #electionintegrity election integrity and #factchecking fact checking.
While some may have believed as to the purity of others in such discussions, what such responses would be to such a choice of mine would show the fullest intentions regarding the hypothetical unspoken portions to such individuals thereof. In such references additionally the slighting would be to every individual past, current, and future individual who would/could be Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veteran/Blue and/or other specific type of individual in the regards of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as the identification cards and ways thereof modernize through time. Though such aspects would be for each individual to additionally deal with each dependent, family member, and friend thereof to such an individual and/or individuals with the direct connection to whichever branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America; that is a decision which had been made by each individual who had chosen to be a part of such regarding the trips specifically as well as the Guardian A**hole show as initially named, for them to deal with the truths thereof as to what truth in part or what truth in full had been spoken.
In reference back to my SCUBA Diving as to the aspects thereof in the review of such regards as to the combined portions to look over, the situations of which the situations of which I have earned my recognition apparently even if I have had to do so in regards of myself bringing such forward more recently as per the majority of my journal blogs within The Ornery PSA previously when initially beginning such works had not had the need to bring forward as many portions about myself personally of which if individuals I once knew had done so from the beginning in such comparisons I suppose that additional aspect of actually feeling as a wanted artist in the positive ways would have been in such comparisons. Through the viewpoint as to the 10 year anniversary regarding my SCUBA Diving, it would have been much easier as to the aspects thereof to the recognition though such in proof as to the feeling as to the aspects of the unwanted artist as per additionally I suppose as to the feelings of which of the unwanted SCUBA Diver as well as per what would be considered as wanted to me in the positive ways thereof for such reference aspects. In such references to having been a part of the adult consenting lifestyle regarding the BDSM portions thereof, there is only one way which to ever have actually proven as to whether I was ever appreciated or not in regards of my involvement when looking back at such times.
Either to my face honestly or not to my face though in honesty, though depending upon the aspects viewed as to what would be considered the honesty regarding the feelings thereof would in turn show I suppose in the long run of such portions for if it were to have ever been in the positive ways there would only be the honesty in such positive ways in the comparison to ever causing furthered aspects of needless harm as per already having gone over what I had dealt with. If ever to only cause needless additional harm to my son and/or my daughter and/or I, there would not ever be the viewpoint as to ever having been wanted in a positive way or appreciated in a positive way. Only in the aspects of truth and the actual comforts needed would ever be viewed as to a positive way of ever having any such involvement with me, as per the amounts of situations which I have already dealt with over the length of time I have been alive and continue living as best as I can and have been able to. Personally I could not ever view any other way as to ever being wanted positively as any additional needless harm would only be viewed as adding needless pain to me as the ways of, to which there would be the view of which there was not ever any care or concern of in any such ways as to me or my involvement. I cannot think of any reasons, causes, or excuses of which would ever be able to view otherwise however since I can think and change my opinion if there are enough facts to support otherwise; I can keep such thoughts in mind as to being willing to be shown as to whether or not such accuracy regarding the portions thereof, however I have admitted as to having given up believing in such portions as per the ways of such connecting aspects as to the views thereof. If inaccurate there are the possibilities of such a different view, though because of the length of time as well as the amount of miles in addition to the amount of work and the lack of contact as to the situations over the years as to the doubts I have had as I think in such references hypothetically could be rightfully so.
It is not what others would view as what would make them feel wanted in such regards, it is what I personally would view as to what would make me feel wanted in a positive way as to the references; as any other portions would be seen in whichever ways thereof, as per the intentions which would be able to prove such aspects. Thus with the references to what was needed to be done in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces as to today 27 September 2021 to one day in the year of 2019 after a situation in Washington state in #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Tacoma at the Lodge of Madrona apartment complex after the crack in the glass to one piece of my Medal of Honor Art Project which I have the capability to redo and will, so too the reference aspects as to the portions in reference to the remaining pieces as to my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces from the pieces which I have explained as to my website regarding the historical and spiritual rubbings of which would be of one’s own free will for such aspects thereof. However the additional realities of if accurate regarding the slighting portions as to the ways such spirits would view such portions regarding if the aspects to such by others were not of the positive pure ways, in such honesty. Though which honesty of such as to other connected intentionary portions, would be a difference additionally I suppose depending upon the situations thereof. There are a few #BillyEilish Billy Eilish song lyrics, which seem befitting as with one particular video it almost seems as though there is a different aspect to which certain portions of which the song shows as to the genuinity of care and concern in comparison to the aspects of such hypotheticals in regards of being used for information as to a short amount of time prior to certain individuals knowing me; of which choices, are choices.