The Runit Marshall Islands area

Having briefly listened to a #YouTube video about the #MarshallIslands in specific the #Runuit #RunuitIsland with the area that was filled with #radioactive remains from the 1940s, would it take a head injury to figure out that #Plutonium could be researched to find the soluble bases available to neutralize the radioactive factors or would it take a head injury to figure out that such materials could be utilized for space engine fuel?

Would it take a head injury to figure out if utilizing for submarine fuel and/or naval ships in such a conjunction of the #nautical speeds that could safely be achieved, in conjunction of space engines' fuel?

For example the underground missel silos that have various components found within the 'water' in such areas, could be refined in the particle per such #PeriodicTableofElements #PeriodicTable and bring the additional speeds for jet engine fuel, for such an endeavor.

Strangest Islands That Exist (

tr2004053.pdf (
