The reality why the 10 Commandments matters, hair style, 9/11 or 11 September 2001, and more

The information addition on YouTube underneath a video to assist the viewer to be capble to read and look through more information to assist the understanding as well as seek more, in my opinion in a great feature which has been added to the website. In my opinion as to the ways which assist more to be capable to educate themselves about situations which they may not have known as much details about, which can bring forward more understanding.

(6) The reality why the 10 Commandments matters, hair style, 9/11 or 11 September 2001, and more - YouTube

If I am accurate about the topics in my official YouTube Channel video, then what is the cost as to the levels of pain and suffering needlessly as to each individual strand of hair each and every time I had to get my hair waxed in conjunction to the length of my hair to the amount of time as to my headaches and migraines?

What metaphors are capable for more to see as well as understand to accept the facts and the responsibility of the accountability for the choices, that without my consent ever to such as to what each individual must accept the reality as to the proof if I am accurate as what would that actually translate to in regards of genuine care?

Where as to the length of time, would each individual involved have chosen to cause a needless delay to answers in regards to the circumstances of 11 September 2001 because of such hypothetical situations as well as to the families and friends of individuals in the areas impacted as well as what needless experiences as to the needless problems caused other needless delays to others and the situations thereof because of such hypothetical situations?

If I am accurate, of course.

What is important about speaking and asking in genuine truth, for each individual?

Unlike the assumptions as to the Bible in reference to the metaphor of Moses, I have the capability to review differently regarding the aspects thereof as to the plausibility of the innocence regarding the facts as to situations needlessly caused by others as to situations of the if factors regarding circumstances because of actual forgiveness. Honesty and integrity, truly does matter.

I am about life progression forward, and since I personally know as to the saying from a YouTube video I listened to of there are many lost ideas in a cemetery; I am capable to look forward more, than some may have thought and/or have needed to give the actual credit and credibility to and for.

In my opinion by which some have thought however such has been, it is time for a new leaf as to the proverbial saying I suppose I can write in a sarcastic reference to the Oak Leaf in the year of 2004.

#susanmeeling #reverendsusanmeeling #ladydoribelle #theornerypsa
