Should it take a head injury to figure this out about Jenga, 2 Hitachis, and a card table?

This might be rude, crude, and socially unacceptable and yet it would not take a head injury to figure this out for a smaller scale version for the reference of 9/11 and the Twin Towers swiftness.


Take a four foot by four foot or five foot by five foot card table and arrange a Jenga #Jenga tower on top of the card table, attach a Hitachi #Hitachi to the bottom of the card #card table, and attach a Hitachi to the top of the card table along one of the edges.

Then for the reference of the bottom of the table Hitachi turn it on to represent the subway #subway system in New York City in conjunction of the underground garages throughout New York City, and the top of the table Hitachi to represent the traffic in conjunction of busses and trains representing the shaking occurring throughout the years from 1993 through 2001 though also the prior years to 1993.

Then remove on of the Jenga pieces from the three to five bottom levels of the Jenga tower and place them on the side of the tower for future usage for this reference, to represent the structural integrity of the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center Plaza regarding the attack in 1993. Also both reference of both Hitachis being considered for the oceanic currents from the Atlantic #Atlantic areas, and bridges movements regarding the Jenga tower referencing one of the Twin Towers.

Next turn on the bottom and top of the table Hitachis, and wait about three minutes to seven minutes to represent the situations.

Take one of the Jenga pieces to represent one of the airplanes for one of the towers, and it sh0ould not take a head injury to see a reference regarding the timeframe regarding the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001.

Would it take a head injury to visualize such, or would it take a head injury to give such a reference for a review?

Though I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math, I made attempts to explain without such factors of the scale-ish reference. #college #aglebra #Trigonometry #Calculus
