I dare you to prove me incorrect when I know I am correct

In reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project if there are those who wish they could dispute the realities of the stalking and harassing done to my Medal of Honor Art Project, my son, my daughter, and I; then I dare you to put up your bank statements for the timeframe from 2015 through to 2018 in specific to prove the locations claimed not in, when I was in Washington state specifically at the club I volunteered at, as well as each state I was in during the times of traveling for my Medal of Honor Art Project for the times of.

If some have wanted to make fun of me as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project while causing problems to such, how boring was your life to not be able to find a better way to genuinely help others?

Since in this era rarely is cash used for bigger purchases such as air travel, car rental, hotel rentals, and the like as the last two need to have a deposit on file through a credit/debit card; that sort of aspect would without any problems be able to be accomplished by each and every person who wrongly claimed in reference to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, for thwarting justice by means of denial.

If such claims by others wrongly to asses my medical situation without any medical training graduated from while trying to subvert the blame, then the ease to prove such would be as easy as such individuals putting up their bank account statements.

Money talks, right?

If there was traveling done on an airplane, prove there was not a trip to Washington state as that would also easily be verified; just as the ease to prove if the traveling during my Medal of Honor Art Project locations per state per year, would easily be able to be shown.

Thus I put my receipts from my taxes information for the times of my Medal of Honor Art Project work up to the screen to prove such and when all who wrongly have accused me without proof show their cards in full; pun intended in reference to bank cards, debit cards, and credit cards, such will essentially prove their guilt and my innocence of which my good name had been slandered.

Thus, I dare each who I knew between 2004 through 2013 to put up all bank statements for each and every account in their name to prove such. I put up my receipts as stated and shown in the above YouTube video of mine, thus if there are those wrongful detractors who wish they could undo the proof out there; then do so, just as I have. Otherwise stop living in denial and accept your fate of being spiritually sealed and married to my dead-ex-husband, and stop the fascade. If you want a divorce from such aspects of then make your case, as to where your innocence is.

My cellphone account proves through the GPS locator, just as the text messages and where they were sent from where I was texting at the location for each text and phone call. In turn, so can others' cellphones. My Medal of Honor Art Project is not the only time if I am hypothetically correct of the stalking and harassing, which someone or some group had tried to take credit for my work.

In my opinion purposefully causing problems to my work to my Medal of Honor Art Project, has the grounds for as well as multiple qualifications for such people being tried for treason against the United States of America.

It is known and proven through my Medal of Honor Art Project of my patriotism, caring for/of the different aspects of the Armed Forces/law/enforcement/fire department/EMS where I could, and choosing the honorable paths while remaining compassionate and righteous in each choice made; well beyond just the one aspect of my Medal of Honor Art Project, which was to be respectful of while attempting to get more awareness to the needs of such individuals and groups. For example beyond my Medal of Honor Art Project, who I sent my first two books to after registering through the Library of Congress has multiple examples of my patterns of behaviour as well as the ways I could think of to attempt to get those who have more capabilities than I to get such assistance for them. Despite what I went through and was going through, I simply did what I could where I could to make the best of for more.

Nonetheless there is a saying, if I am correct. As there have been those who did as they have though wish they could deny such:

"Put up...or..."
