Homeland Security: Modern (unofficial) Public Service Announcement

The aspects during my Medal of Honor Art Project Trips as well as traveling around the state of Texas I have noticed certain aspects of building construction in specific locations of which children's homes have been located nearby to locations where there are solar panel and windfarms, when I have driven by smaller areas which there are usually also underground caverns and/or caves nearby.

If you take a look at the ground area around as to the blackness of the soil as well as the branches, you are able to see the lack of proper ventilation for the areas beneath the surface if you take certain types of ground sensors to scan the area after you turn off the solar panel power panels to be able to look for as the energetic frequencies mixed with the types of the technology pieces not only blind the airplanes from seeing below though also prevents the cameras from being able to check for underground heat signatures.

Here is a video I took and uploaded to Instagram, look at the details in a reverse way scientifically regarding the forensics because of the reverse aspects of the underground lack of oxygen aspects and the methane properties being released upward for the constant inhalation underneath for the patterns along the pathways not only in California though also wherever larger solar and windfarm locations are and you may find a jackpot of the underground railroad of trafficking minors. What was Walt Disney able to create in Florida and California, and who worked with along those areas which would have seen the natural bridging through the underground areas avoiding the waterways? Power and electric companies among others with such types of lines to be laid, within deeper underground pipes such as the wells though instead of horizontal only the vertical ways too.

Susan MeeLing on Instagram: “In the video I recorded through using my camera to be able to discuss and show various topics, which this video footage and discussion…”

The link above is to a video on Instagram in my account where I recorded while driving for the ability to see some of the areas, though going faster you can also see along the street highway cameras and sensors for the areas knowing such travel to and through. I saw a rental truck in Salem Oregon which had Texas license plates which seemed odd to be in Oregon at the days inn with so many children, only two or three adults, and in one room or two rooms nearby. If the traveling through the caverns and caves in the Mexico region up through into Texas though no connection pathways afterward, where is the location which would be the spot to take them up to and through without being noticed to leave with such a large number of children at once wearing the same type of t shirt such as a school t shirt? The past two years there has not been any school field trips and yet there is a large influx at the border of Mexico and Texas according to the news, why is that and what is the evidence to look for that particular trail beyond just what is written here in my website The Ornery PSA?

Those who have looked into various aspects of what I have lived through, seen, experienced, and been told about; where would the initial larger places be for the lines, and what went slowly outward, by city locations for such types of places?

Mineral rights are for what purpose not allowed to the owners of the properties with Homeowners Associations or if not purchasing a house in a Homeowners Association, why will they refuse to sell the mineral rights when purchasing the house immediately? Which building companies and why, as to how the builders who want Homeowners Associations get other areas to have people move out of their houses just for the land to do what with thereafter? Erin Brochovich, what happened to the lands after your case? Detroit, what happened in Flint before and after the water? Austin, what occurred after I left the state of Texas after the Cowboys Dance Hall situation and other discussions? San Antonio, what occurred when I stepped up to the Homeowners Association and won the ability for the shed to remain legally at the corner of Eckert and Heritage Place Dr in San Antonio Texas where the mailboxes are and were across the street from the first President of the Homeowners Association Procomm? What happened shortly after I had gotten the letter of variance for my shed to remain on the property and would automatically transfer rights from when the house was sold, through to each and every owner for the exact same size and type of description for everyone who wanted one in the neighborhood was explained to you about other aspects? Dallas, what occurred in certain downtown areas before the cleaning up which could be compared to New York City? Fort Worth, what neighborhoods have been surrounding which areas and what encircling do you see from such types of neighborhoods which could be related to the northeast coast? Houston, can you see any additional situations in the external loop areas compared to the San Antonio 410 to 1604 loop around Military City USA and the 2nd Amendment violation of the Second Amendment Right in the Constitutional Rights and Amendments of the United States of America? Why do people from California who have lived in Homeowner Associations all of a sudden begun to move to Texas, from such a large number of Homeowner Associations in the areas? What is the connection, read this entry again and think!

(2) KMFDM - New American Century - YouTube

Listen to the lyrics, and think about when you want to go shopping for something specific; where do you go to? You go to a store, and yet if the border crossing is a problem and there is a problem of such known; then where, do you go?

Fix, and repair!

Listen, re-read, and think!!!
