Georgia Guide Stones Part 1 of...

The Georgia Guidestones in Dewy Rose Georgia

By: Reverend Susan MeeLing

The Prophetic Beginning

Admittedly I have written a few books as well as journal blog entries throughout various locations on the internet aside from my own website of of which the portions of the aspects which have taken as long as it has for such to be noticed are what they are, and though the realistic portions of which have been considered as less than acceptable by a multitude of measures for which I will go into further explanations of throughout this particular new book of mine; the ridiculousness of how long such has taken for the realities of life existences from outside sources beyond the human being or Homo Sapien Sapien species has amazed and yet annoyed me at the same time. Whereas I have met quite a number of individuals who thought human beings were smarter and better than God/Goddess/spirits/alien life forms/etcetera for a multitude of reference points; I cannot begin to describe the fullness of such annoyances from such types of individuals who have thought themselves to be better than such. Nonetheless the realistic aspects of what has taken more than multiple millenniums to get back to the basics of the portions of the realization of not only is their Divine Creatrix of the female gender by their standards though when in a compromising position the quickest response is simply God instead of Goddess, of which the misconception of the Divinity being of a male gender is the root cause for such proportions over the years aside from the realistic portions of the aspects which the refusal to pay attention to the importance of females in reference to the life giving portions after a certain length of time human beings have been on the earth.

While the male gender is of equally balanced importance which as more recent timeframes the demoralizing of the male gender in itself has been just as disheartening, as the imbalance of the genuine portions of the power between had been disrupted when the male gender forgot about the female gender importance just as the power balance had been disrupted again in reference to the male gender importance. However the difference in such timeframes is females still are the ones who give life to infants after pregnancy, whereas males need females for such to continue the life on earth just as females need males to continue such. It is a balancing portion of which both genders have their importance and while there are egg donation banks as well as sperm donation banks, such does not forget the importance for the human race to have a female incubate the fetus as I would guesstimate the attempts to fertilize an egg has occurred outside of the womb; however the genuinity of the human heart is formed not just physically within the womb though also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. For the thought of having an individual without a womb to have been incubated within the fear of losing such a touch with reality, would take a cataclysmic event for which such an individual and/or group of individuals to be able to find their peace within themselves for such experiences without hearing a Mother’s heartbeat and feeling the actual energy from. That portion cannot be replicated by science, no matter how much some might wish for.

The result of which would lead to many problems furthered for the human race of which such a formation of such an event would need to occur to humble such individuals to a place where they were awoken and realized the importance of such a connection, and instead of causing further chaos in a way of which causes their hearts to genuinely form and become one with who would pay attention to such in a manner which they too could understand and know. While admittedly I do not know of such sorts of situations being of realistic portions, the aspects of which science and technology have brought human beings further and further away from one another while also ostracizing themselves from themselves individually; if I were to think of who would be most closely defined by such an above situation, it would be more along the lines of those who have been born as premature or premmie infants in reference to such sorts of measures sought while not understanding though knowing of ethics and morals and at the same time confused by such.

In some ways I can see such individuals not only being confused by such though in other aspects, wondering if such could be considered as a weakness to have morals and ethics including the self-restraint to hold such quite close even in the midst of dark days and times. I must clarify why I write individuals in comparison to individual since it is known of only one name for the signature, as personally I believe and would not be surprised as to how many people were involved not only with the planning though also with the follow through for the project itself. While some have paid attention to the oddity of the name R.C. Christianson which I will dive into later as well as the banker and one individual from the granite company which in itself proves such, as per the word for individuals; however the portions of which the amount of precision and details in regards of the Georgia Guide Stones, there also had been much study and discussions with more than one person as per the aspects for such with the reference of the Georgia Guidestones. I have a feeling there are those who only looked to the immediate details over the years, and at this point the other connection points are the equivalent of older monuments and the surrounding information around such in regards of the details as to who put such together at those times. If there was ever to be a large influx of such on earth, I could easily see such being the cause for the formation of such a cataclysmic cosmic event for which the portions of the Georgia Guidestones might have been created for and possibly even by such an individual who would have been hoping for the reality of a Divine being who genuinely would come to earth to bring forth understanding and explanations for even the most lost among the world. There is the energetic portions of which are quite fascinating, which I will write about more in reference to such further in my writings here. I could easily see such an individual having a thought process of which would be upon the brink of either a make or break sort of mentality of which the portions of would be final chance for resolution not only for that particular individual known as R.C. Christianson, though also those in a similar sort of circumstances. I could see where the portions of which searching through pages of pages of papers documentation whether in reference to dissertations and/or scriptural writings, reading through thousands upon thousands of books for the tiniest inclination of the realization of what so many have discussed whether in churches or temples. Then there is the additional aspect in regards of the hippy timeframe of the 1960s and 1970s of which could add a different perspective to such individuals which at first might come across as a lovely idea, though the portions of the long term effects being as such being an additional deterrent to such sorts of thoughts and ideals.

The preciseness of the aspects in reference to The Georgia Guidestones in Dewy Rose Georgia, requires someone and/or a group of a precise thought process and mindset who could not understand the slightest bit of failure from any individual; at minimum that is the energy of which was picked up when the small visit timeframe I had, when out to the area. The exact dimensions of the stones themselves as well as the choices of the specific languages chosen to represent upon the engravings shows a traveler who had been able to go to and through multiple lands and learned the languages of, though the specific wording for such also shows a clear intent in reference to what was seen throughout the areas of and the knowledge of different historical backgrounds of such groups and peoples. Possibly an individual with an extremely strict upbringing though ironically with minimal supervision into their teenager years, while having such disciplines instilled within their thoughts almost in a militaristic ways of and approach. There are plenty of additional aspects which I will delve into further within the pages of this book, however for the beginning portion the aspects to keep fairly brief prior to going further is important. There were quite simple to decipher in such exactness for such portions of a searching towards the proverbial beacon of hope to be brought down upon the earth in the desperation to have understanding for why human beings would be put onto the earth to experience such aspects of life without the particular proof of which only a Divine being could bring such attention to. I could easily see such a scientific mindset in conjunction with the advancements of the technological portions throughout the aspects of life, as well as being in such a situation which the hardships of childhood as well as those met would wreak havoc upon even the most strong willed and determined to survive to prove such a point of whether or not Divinity actually exists as well as the purposes for different people throughout the course of time.

In such as well as furthered aspects, this particular book might open the eyes of some more and bring a bit of awareness to those who doubted the slightest in reference to extra-terrestrial beings and/or Divinity.
