Georgia Guide Stones : Chapter Two beginning...

Chapter Two

The portions of the 500,000,000.00 will be included in various portions in regards of the Georgia Guide Stones in Dewy Rose Georgia for several additional aspects, because of the intermingling of the specific dimensional accesses through the wording for forward movement. Though some might not have thought of the prior aspects mentioned and only took into account the number of living individuals on earth in comparison from certain videos and references I have found about others’ opinions and studies to cypher the translations of the reasons for, again I refer to the individual named R.C. Christianson could have been and whom such may have been involved with. The realities of which the company which made the pieces in conjunction with the bank officials as well as the individuals involved additionally, the points to the notations I ponder if those happened to be the favored languages to one per individual who was at the top and/or the agreed per company involved, with the making of the #Georgia #Guidestones. Possibly could it be the favorite languages of R.C. Christianson’s self to be taken into consideration? Since passports began officially 29 November 1941 which was shortly after the beginning of the second World War though in conjunction with the industrial revolution, which there was several revolutionary points which came to the United States of America shortly thereafter in the upcoming decades thereafter that particular point in time. Almost four decades after the beginning of the passport to then have the Georgia Guide Stones made specifically on 22 March 1980, I will go into the numerological aspects of the dates and numbers.

Aside from the 29th being the equivalent for 1+1+9, the additional aspect of 1+9+4+1= the number 6 which means combines of the 1+1 for the month of November, the total is 10. Though in such number references it is to single down to the 1 and the 0.

Taking 2+2=4 to add 3 for the Month of March making 7, and then the year of 1+9+8+0=9 thus the number of 7 for totality. To specifically find the one who’s birthday and astrological signs which would cumulatively bring the total number to reach the 10 or the 1 and the zero to find the grounding point would require an individual to not only meet the astrological birth chart in reference to the houses and planetary placements in conjunction with the longitude and the latitude on earth, though the number for the birthday month and year equaling to 3 to make the 10. Taking into consideration the time of day additionally for the portions of the 7 for the 1980 date if there were to be an ironic coinky dink which the time of birth were to align with one or two more sevens in the 24 military clock format, possibly R.C. Christianson was hoping such a signal would be sent out for the ability to possibly hypothetically find the Divine source of life on earth because of several additional factors. Having seemingly studied multiple areas of the globe whomever the individual and/or group which is comprised of and/or by R.C. Christianson to make the Georgia Guidestones to place in Dewy Rose in reference to the Rosacrusians as well as the dew or the blood of Christ as some have been awaiting the Divine being to come to earth, for clearer understandings. Having the Hebrew involved brings forward additional portions in reference to the belief there would be a day which the Divine being or the Divine one or the Godhead would arrive on earth to bring forward clarity, as technology and machines continued to be made. Most Christians believe the Christ to have been a child of God to return to earth though the Hebrews paid more attention to the portions of the long term aspects as back in the time when the Torah was being put together, had been prior to Christ on earth. The Hebrews knew of the realities the world had not fully developed yet at those times with as many advancements were being made back then centuries ago, which was part of why they saw Christ as a prophet in comparison to the one and the only.

As R.C. Christianson possibly could have looked into multiple regions of cultures and various studies to then see the Hebrew portions coming forward to the time then, the additional reference to look into as there were increasing numbers of ufology studies being conducted; the combination of such, was only a matter of time. Possibly R.C. Christianson had looked into additional writings and papers in conjunction with the studies abroad, as the saying is. If having the time the combined efforts to bring the astrological portions involved could also have been a point of which whomever R.C. Christianson is, was seeking the proverbial way to move forward in a more positive light for the entirety of. Repeating the portion of which the background of could have lead through various questions just as many have even in this timeframe in the year of 2021, though there is an additional irony for such when taking into consideration of the amount of time from 1941 to 1980 of 39 years, which in such is the three which would be required for that 10 or 1 and 0 set of numbers; as used in technological coding as some know, or in Hebrew 0 and 1 depending upon the specific technological portions of. Thus 2+2+3+2+0+2+1=3 for the 22 March 2021, and the combined number below could be the equivalent for one portion of a proverbial clue as to what inscriptions could be for such a time. How would such numbers add up, together to find?

When taking the portion for the date of 11 September 2001 the total number is 5, which is the half of the number of 10; which could be viewed as halfway point in certain regards, as the amount of time from 1980 to 2021 is 41 years, or 4+1=5. Additionally taking the latitude and longitude of the location for the Georgia Guide Stones of 34.2320° N and 82.8944° W or 3+4+2+3+2+0+8+2+8+9+4+4=49 which adding the number for N and W both of which are the number 5 to equal 10 once again, or 1 and 0. I suppose you can see the circling of the numbers when adding the 1 to the 4 for the timeframe of the years for the date of 22 March 1980 through to 11 September 2001 as well as 11 September 2021, for such alignments.

Could R.C. Christianson have put a numerical reference point additionally in the 500,000,000.00 for the 10 zeroes plus the number 5 equaling the number of 6 in total, for the six sided Star of David among a few other symbols such as Sherriff badges among a few other portions of? One balanced triangle is the strongest shape though could there before the balancing of both the feminine and the masculine energies as seen in the representation of the Hebrew Star of David, needing to also have the alignment of the numerological symbolism found in reference to that same person with such an astrological portion to have the numerology for the day of alignment to find the one who would have a birthday in the year of equaling the numbers from the prior sequencing to have the numerology to align to a second 6? In turn bringing forth the portions known to only a few specific groups and types of individuals who had studied such information along with who could be considered as one individual as R.C. Christianson, though was actually several groups of certain top official individuals. Though in actuality was a larger number of individuals who had come to an agreement as seen when involving the individual portions of the construction of the structure, as it was not only R.C. Christianson who did all of the laying of the work involved. There is the known banker though many have not considered the banking company and affiliated companies as to why R.C> Christianson went to the specific bank involved, as well as why the specific banker was on staff at the time when R.C. Christianson walked into the bank for a supposed unscheduled meeting. The companies involved with finding to purchase as well as engrave the specific stones involved were also a part of the construction though who arranged such a meeting before and/or after the initial designs has not been looked into, though the stone itself may have been the additional aspects thereof were not looked into and are far too long in the past if the hypothetical aspects of specific stones being kept in a certain location prior to the construction of.

What is meant by such a statement is able to be seen in reference to archeological digs and how the artifacts found from the dig are taken to a specific location. In the case of the specific stonework for the #GeorgiaGuidestones in #DewyRose, could the pieces of stonework actually have been kept in a specific location in a similar manner to the historical archeological digs around the world? Then taking into consideration of the times just before as well as during the initial planning as well as the construction of, being near the timeframe of the 1970s and erected in the 1980s. The specific date for marking as well as the portions of are during the time unlike currently in 2021 which laser cutting stones in a quicker way are able to be completed compared to the times back in the 1970s and 1980s, not forgetting the work it would take to import the stones as well as arrange in a specific way prior to taking the time to align in the ground and all of the paperwork included for with the limited amount of computers for the general public at the time additionally. By the year of 1980 unlike 2021, only government and military officials in conjunction with certain businesses and officials within the boards of schools such as colleges were able to use computers. Now in 2021 almost every person has at minimum of one cell phone and one type of computer be it a desktop, laptop, and/or tablet. Banks would have computers though would be limited to the access which the computers were able to function in comparison to those who created the computing devices as well as those who maintained such, while also taking into consideration the allies of working with and whom.

As scientific calculations to be amended as needed since arithmetic does change depending upon what portions are being calculated as well as what calculated for depends upon the mathematics involved for such calculations as seen simply when measuring the amount of a larger number of one thing such as the comparison between measuring fluid ounces to solid ounces, the actual physical weight differs for such a small calculation. However that set of two differences are able to show just in such, the larger amount of differences for the measurement calculations for the multitude of other arithmetic across all sorts of ways. Computers mainly use 1 and 0 for calculating programs, though are not the only aspects involved with the coding portions. Thus adding the need for the natural laws in actual nature whether land/air/water needed to be in balance with the legal portions while being in balance with the scientific calculations in balance with morally ethical principles as well as the security of being the correct portions, along with the passion of pushing forward for greater aspirations while also keeping in balance with such other portions in life.

As such a group on earth could have known further depths of hidden in plain sight signs and signals to the correct individual(s) to pay attention to without needing the prompting to look for such and/or upon seeing such. Having the innate and adept ability without prior research or studies specifically upon such information to have the capability to know the information, and having the ability and understanding to comprehend without the additional wording required for those who would have minimal if any knowledge or understanding of. The average individual who could walk by or pass by something hidden in plain sight for years is a possibility and when taking into consideration in just one instance of #LewisClark expeditions in formation years of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica, which groups and societies were they and their families associated with and what groups did they assist personally forming along with other tribes of Native Americans as they went along their path. What inscriptions within the grounds did they make back in those times, and what did they work with the #NativeAmerican tribes as they went along to complete cartography of the lands? As the portions of miles they traveled are somewhat known, the ways such would have been accomplished would be considerably as multifaceted as the Georgia Guidestones themselves. If having the correct combination for the understanding of the knowledge because of a combined set in conjunction with the religious studies and the astrological effects if those involved with R.C. Christianson were fearful or aware of the impact of how humanity had gone thus far in that timeframe of the 1970s and 1980s which space travel became imminent, to preserve the proper requirements may have seemed pertinent to the time for the best possible smaller and larger overall outcomes for the human race and population. As there already had been contact from what is considered as extra terrestrials throughout the earth, could those involved with the secret information of the Georgia Guidestones have looked to some of the combined portions such as what occurred to Nikola Tesla as well as other scientists and inventors throughout? Could those of with R.C. Christianson have known and/or seen the signs to know if going into the space travel portions, the look to the simplistic 10 commandments might be the most important aspects to ensure clarity of for the possibility of interactions with such hypothetical possible what is called aliens?

Then again, what is considered as an alien as the way words have been twisted and changed? The morphing of verbiage to mean one thing or another in comparison such as those who played such childhood games of opposite day where everything means the opposite of what is actually being said, such a game would not be considered as acceptable to such hypothetical beings might have been something which such individuals with #RCChristianson could have seen as problematic and would look to find who would be the biggest proponent for simple truths and yet would stand out in ways which initially could look as one optical viewpoint though if taking a step back could and would be seen as the actualities thereof; ironically being the complete opposite, of what was initially seen by those who could be considered as too close to the situation to see. If such was noticed by who in my opinion had been a group of individuals in comparison to one person who went into the background briefly listed in the previous writings for this portion bank/stone/foundation/engraving/shipping/mechanical/etcetera companies and their employees while not forgetting the reference considering the choice of the state of Georgia, as well as the city and surrounding cities of Dewy Rose. If searching for the one who could assist to information which was seen needed for certain specifics to such groups working with R.C. Christianson, would such individuals be in search of a combined additional set of information and efforts?

As some know far more information in reference to certain aspects of the timeframe between the late 1700s into the 1800s through to the time of the 1970s and year of 1980 for certain details of the signs and/or inscriptions in stone as well as cave paintings, the knowledge from those years which the average individual would know and understand has changed levels throughout such time into the current year of 2021. Adding the realities of such not only throughout the United States of America though also the world’s land masses, the portions of such wording is of importance even for the current timeframe as such is on and in the land masses. Back in the earlier decades and centuries and millenniums the religious information and traditions have been seemingly left behind in certain regards, which in turn meant the ethics and morals started to disproportionately change in certain ways along the masses of the people throughout. Taking into consideration such involved with the specifics of R.C. Christianson regarding such in turn would mean also the studies of not only the factual texts though also in reference to scriptural texts in combination with myth, astrological alignments, ley lines, rose lines, vortexes, and folklore traditions among furthered information. Looking toward such myth and folklore to notice the portions of the oceanic waters not having the ability to explore in such a magnitude of ways as on land masses, what if R.C. Christianson and such associates feared the reality of not having looked within the depths of the waters properly prior to exploring into the space aspects and their fear rightfully of knowing the portions of the oceanic waters in depths and areas unseen and thus unchartered by more could be required for the proper entrance into deeper areas of the space within just the Milky Way Galaxy and far beyond? What if their ponderings to step forward into such were accompanied by the portions when written in the first chapter of this, to which a larger number of individuals saw such and instead of R.C. Christianson being one person; in reality the letters for the combined name of R.C. Christianson was actually the first initial of each person and/or groups’ first or middle name?

In conjunction if such to be truthful hypothetically in certain aspects, would the two period dots be the equivalent of certain governmental organization involvement from and/or with the republic? Could the one period dot mean a reference to the democratic portions of the government higher officials, and the other period dot mean a reference to the republic portions of the government though looking more towards the militaristic aspects thereof in regards of the higher officials involvement(s)? If such were to be considered and/or able to be verifiable truths for those specifically within the innermost circle of such, would such then be in itself its own encoded message for the technological portions as well for the fear which may have been as more technology spans from the military to the government to the business sector to the general masses for such a monument to be built to be in plain sight? In regards of the period dots not only referring to such though also when taking into consideration certain paperwork of certain types has redactions with blacked out ink which reminding I did not graduate Basic Training and have not knowingly been a part of any government specific program for the ability to verify such attributes for writing a government/military high level security clearance reports for which the blacked out ink for redactions could be a reality, if in reporting about such blacked out information would be written with one or two or more period dots; would the possibility for such in plain sight within such markers in the Georgia Guidestones placement by R.C. Christian (group possibility), be considered for such possibilities?

Admittedly I knew I had an Omega clearance level when I had gone through the MEPS processing station because of several factors at the time in 2000, as those who have gone through such a process know there is an overall commonality. When the paperwork was printed for me to speak with the MEPS station administrator after he called my name to go into an office room area as that E7 informed me he was waiting for the paperwork to finish printing, as he was given the papers to fold along the perforated areas to separate to read he saw something which caused him to drop the papers and scurry to pick up.

As I stood next to him and reached to help him gather the sheets he and I looked at one sheet of paper which we both went to grab at the same time when he looked at the paper and my hand to then look at me in my eyes asking, “How could you have that symbol, in your file? I know soldiers with that symbol and it took years for them to earn that, who are you? How could someone like you, be as good as them? You, are just a girl.”

I was told to go sit down and wait until he was ready for me in the office, which I did. When my name was called I went into the room as the E7 looked at me with the paperwork in his hands and the computer desktop open with the arranged presentation for the possible job opportunities when he asked me what my preference to jobs, had been. When I told him I was interested only in the infantry, calvary, and/or combat arms he was not pleased nor happy about. I have discussed and written about the shortened condensed version as to the discussion in the office at the time, though I admit I did not discuss or write about his responses in a fuller way and manner. I would guesstimate there have been plenty of males in those particular fields who would have had a similar response during such times though I knew what I and other females were capable of, if simply given the genuine chance to prove the abilities. In 2000 when there was not a war occurring officially and before the events of 11 September 2001 which I have discussed and written about the connection portions I have to where and how I had dealt with such nightmares in the sleeping portions to do what I could to get involved to prevent the damages I saw and thankfully despite what some thought previously, thankfully in my opinion of doing so as biased as such might come across. In such and nonetheless the realities to the extent of what I saw as a child and a teenager had been altered and worked upon from the time after waking from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and time in Medical Hold Unit as discussed and described, and the fullness was averted of that set of events in combination as seen for that way and time. While there were those who did not believe me then, there is the possibility of maybe at some point which such comes around.

Nonetheless during the timeframe of within the office area and as that timeframe had gone aside from what I have discussed and written in brief, the portions of that E7 having difficulties the entire time in the room had been around several specific points. First having been the seeing of the symbol in the form, area of clearance level. At a point in time he asked me to verify if I recognized the symbol in the form block area to show me, which I knew the symbol from having taken a couple of years of Latin classes and explained certain portions of. He did not necessarily like my responses to his questions before going into the computer generated job possibilities for me in comparison to what I knew I could have done for a job back then, however in 2000 females were not allowed in calvary or combat arms or infantry which in turn meant females were not allowed in the Special Forces at the time. I knew I would need to fight for my country along with others in the nightmare portions with what I had seen for the betterment for more, though as a child and a teenager there were only certain aspects which I could see the possibility of where I could help and assist. As my tests and physical exams came back proving several positive attributes which could be considered as beneficial to the Armed Forces military, whether the computer generated responses within the programming noticed prior to others and/or around the same time for certain aspects I suppose could be notated could have occurred back in 2000 as well as time continued onward; however the additional portions of my background may also have assisted in proving certain other aspects, despite the common beliefs of those times and through which hopefully clears quickly correctly.

The E7 had several questions which lead to going outside to the smoking section which he had ordered to be cleared and sent others inside for the ability for him and I to speak, would not be the last time a situation as such occurred for me militarily. The questions asked compared to the questions not asked though insinuated, were lengthy and detailed. Though several questions which were answered in ways there was a joke I remember making which the E7 had minimally chuckled and barely smiled when I had said such, as seemingly there was a sinking feeling when I had made a comment. Ironically some of what I had made a joke about there are certain later references which even the Georgia Guidestones wording comes into place, as well as a situation in 2008 which I had joked if there were those who would do such activities of the need to protect those from me through whatever means to keep such away from me because of the damages which I could for-see in those situations being a bigger problem for more; which due to how the portions towards justice I lean if justice was not remedied in the proper ways, I could see and had joked the requirement to the situation thereof. In turn not as a threat for such in reference to what I could do though more along the lines of the need for the portions for justice, and those who know once I get started on something it is difficult to divert my attention elsewhere once fixated upon. Which in turn would mean those who would do such would require such individuals to find means of which would prevent further damages to such as discussed at such times, due to the gravity of the situation at the time of 2008 which I initially felt from what I had seen and warned against being done. Again thankfully the Holy Roman Catholic Church at the time Priest had taken heed to that particular warning, though I for-saw much more at the time and had informed to the best of the wording I could come up with.

The irony in reference to later regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project, in a different set of ways when pondering such at this point. Though the difference in the ability to protect would be considerably different as in such I suppose a bit of additional irony to protect such pieces especially taking into mind of the portions thereof, and how I personally create artwork when doing so in a way for others. A little bit of me goes into the creation because of the energetic portions I have worked with for many years as even in reference to giving a small gift in other ways, finding such a specific detailed portion and knowing of the reasons why for such in turn is a different and yet similar portion thereof. Whether for practicality or for decoration or for symbolism or for etcetera, the meanings for each aspect thereof are more than simply just purchasing something or making something to give. There is not a single gift which I have given which the process for choosing such and timing of giving such has not been taken into consideration, despite how some have stated their view of such as flighty or impulsive in comparison to the actual reality. Though you can personalize a gift with naming of within the gift itself, there is a much deeper personalization which I have chosen to personally do for each portion of. The reasons behind such are as they are, and have been as they have been, to be as will be; though the interpretation of such by others, I am uncertain if the recognizing has been noticed as much previously to this or other writings explaining such which I have completed as well as will complete further down the line.
