"Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" & "Finding the Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing"

Updated: Aug 8, 2020

The documents within my writings and compilations of documents/news articles/paperwork in conjunction together are what I thought were necessary to assist the understanding and comprehension of circumstances of my life experiences, what I dealt with, and what I overcame to attempt to be better for my son, my daughter, and those I knew and could possibly get to know. I put together the paperwork in as best of an order for the better understanding of a multitude of aspects and though I sent my book "Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" to many organizations believing I could not be the only one who dealt with a various array of circumstances, I thoughtthough possibly the only one with the combination thereof; most likely there might be some who could see the benefits of certain aspects, to find a better way. My intent of donating what profits possible to the United States of America's Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Andrew Tahomooressi had been because of a comprehension there were others similar to his situation, in reference to various aspects of treatment. I am grateful the current President of the United States of America had done much to assist his family, while also then running to become President of the United States of America. The book combination of "Finding a Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" and "Finding the Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" had been sent to many groups and organizations, not paying attention to which political faction of the spectrum they were; as I knew it could assist many aspects throughout humanity.

Though I had written much over the years well before I ever made my website and far before every putting my books in combination together in the various ways I wrote, I thought maybe the first two books would be of the greater amount of assistance for the general population of the United States of America. Though the videos from my *(OFFICIAL)* YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing are certain aspects in a shorter aspect, the documentation in the file link; can be various ways to follow along in a different manner, which can give some insight to my thoughts and opinions at the times. If you go to my *(OFFICAL)* YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, there are multiple videos in different playlists, of which I have attempted to organize as best as possible, depending upon what topic in particular you want to focus upon. Please subscribe to my *(OFFICIAL)* YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, like, and share now!

Thank you for your time and please, enjoy your day.

This *(OFFICIAL)* YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing video is a two part series for the references of the military aspects regarding my children's biological father's death, though the file documentation shows the articles written by newspapers such as the San Antonio Express News as well as NPR among others.

This three part series of my *(OFFICIAL)* YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing is in reference about what occurred to my daughter, my son, and I; as well as my thoughts and opinions, as best as I could. The documents included in the file, give the specific documentations given to me from the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District from their school McCoy Elementary School; for other reference points, among my personal writings in type. Though I have my signature on the top right corner of the pages of the documents in some locations, it was for my own way to organize the paperwork for a timeline aspect.

#Letters4Lidia #Letters4James
