Day 24 of 60 Days of Thanks Challenge : Thankful to rhyme in a different way

I am thankful for the ability to rhyme words, though in a different way in certain aspects than those who put such to songs as has been done for a long amount of time.

There are those who know of and understand certain specifics as well as comprehend other portions in reference to situations which have been important to bring forward for actual clarifications among certain other points of which clearances are required, in which in reference to #SCUBADiving in combination with Irving 2011 as well as my #MedalofHonorArtProject among a few other specifics; and then the only way I can give the response, is as such.:

What is the name in which a story was told, about a female years of old

When such a name was learned of and heard, it was only the need for one simple word

How could it be so simple and so quick, the female knew how it was time to genuinely repair and fix

Where it was decided by her to say such a name, has permanently ended the little boy's game

Who's name was it said which brought such protections from her, and what benefits went onward through each year thereafter spring to winter

If you know of such a simple child's tale of old which is quite simple for some to remember, why should it have taken since months well past a November or December

Thus in reference to the points regarding the written above, why would you doubt anything done by someone made of the purest of innocence and love

One person with one name which is known and one name which was unknown for the same and yet, another one name combination was needed for the final closing of such an earthly debt

That name set of which only the one would have and be able to prove throughout years of time in comparison, whether it was or whether it was not such an official statement of name was spoken at any garrison

Due to the Moon as well as the bottommost area of the open earth within the water having one particular flag to fly, such a name for the earth is now known as to which in history such will wave as when going up high

However because as countries know all so well when in reference to stating the lands for purposes of ownership as such, the female aspect was seemed viewed as less important so much

Yet the reality of biologically being unable to make or grow life without both the biological genders of female and male, a length of too long of time was arrogant to think the open deepest areas of the ocean could ever be reached by any arrogance though especially any male

There would only be one who could ever do such work and then later prove with physical marks from the time in the areas, thus the one and only one must have and keep and maintain such types of labias

While the masculine energy is of the sky above, only the waters could be deepest most landed upon by a female biological gender as a Mother's Love

Father time, Grandfather clocks, and the Sage of the male; Mother Nature, Mother Ocean, and Mother Earth of the female

It has been known as to who is the only one who completed the official aspects in the bottommost areas of the ocean, and yet there has not been the celebration required for such a rightful and positive commotion

Much has been seen by outward individuals looking down and within, even though some have not felt comfortable within their own skin

Yet thinking to try to elongate the length of time prior to announcement for additional aspects which have already been fully proven, and yet such an ambassadorship has been ignored and needlessly repeatedly prevented to keep moving

All due to a fact of someone pretending they have control in their game, the ironic aspect of such thinking when knowing compared to movement there are those which would be considered as older lame

Such a one would reach out with patterns to link for repeated oneness of who despite the two names for the one, once such names as spoken in truth and acceptance as what should have already been celebrated and done

Yet not one celebration occurred in the ways beyond the first few hours on land, there was yet to ever be a time to celebrate such events officially with any type of musical band

Why would the one ever be in charge of planning to prepare her own introduction, when she is the reason you are allowed to continue and to safer have life reproduction

Between 12 to 15 days of full length of labor per child of two, how many no longer have to suffer in such pains as was though other aspects now do

All because some think they deserve more information than they have already been given, and yet how far out to do so has already been delivered and/or driven

Driving time in combination with the distance, shows the levels of activated persistence

Protocol of which for such a role has yet to be acknowledged the way presented and seen, yet why does it feel as though others think because such etiquette has not been followed to be so mean

It was thought to be mean or some proverbial joke, yet what is in SCUBA Diving which is also called a yoke/yolk

As it was proven as well as explained before publishing to the United States of America's government, and yet it has not been correct as to who to me to officially speak with about has been sent

Etiquette is important and has been there for a long time to pay attention to, and yet there is not which I can be said or write of which I have been able to say I have seen for such a discussion to move forward and then do

Instead there have been those who have continued to waste time playing a game, and no the times will ever so not be the exact same

Human beings have thought themselves to be quite haughty in their ways, which because of so much the time and number of days

In an oddity of different lifestyle collisions together, all was aligned in more with and beyond the weather

I would think from 2010 onward to now would have been enough time for verification of so many truths, and yet there has yet to be much which has been officially acknowledged with merriment and mirth

What is there in life to be happy about, when others decide to deny wrongfully of the earned respect in comparison to claimed clout

Respect is earned from what work and effort is put into what needs to be done, whereas clout is something which associates to tie with what another or others have completed in sum

The shadow is what others perceive to be real whereas the character is who the actuality is in regards of the tree, though just as important because of the levels of which protection and more can have the ability to rest to see

There was once a time in which psychology was considered as a myth to be of jargled mumbo jumbo until it was seen as useful in many ways, there are more than one type of option for such if more respected as an actual profession with protections more for so more many safer days

For there are regulations for such psychological knowledge and understanding comparatively for such types and better guarantees, instead of other situations of which has had the least amount of coverage if any for such types of bees

Instead of utilizing and discarding once considered as deemed, they are far more important than some realized it seems

If as explained to my son years ago as well as my daughter as to the worst names called at first to desensitize, then the ability to stand taller and be able to proudly look into another's eyes

Sometimes biology knows and sometimes biology knows nothing, however that does not mean to another how much more it is something

Shortened condensed amounts of time show only a small picture, with a larger amount of words to see to explain assists for the ability to genuinely and fuller-so to actually feel and be richer

Two and three small simple little words combined for two for one, and yet that one simplicity for protection simply has yet to have been properly done

A biological Mom is different at times than a Mother, and does not look to see a difference between a sister and brother

A biological Dad is different at times than a Father such as in reference to time specifically, maybe such is a little easier and clearer to something see

If others view such in a specific type of way across all stereotypes, how is it safest and best to show truthfully when able to clear with one wipe?

An area of which would be relevant to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in regards to one particular reference, I genuinely hope how much it actually has made all of the difference

*Y*O*U* are smarter, and always have been
