An apology to many in & throughout the governmental branches & divisions in United States of America

As I am the first person when I realize I have made a mistake to state such either in writing and/or speaking of such in attempts to repair and rectify the situation as soon as possible instead of allowing such to linger on and on, I am making this statement publicly on my website for it is worth.

Though it is known about the after effects in reference to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in which the specific points I am referring to are the mathematical problems from having gone from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to 2nd Grade Math as well as my memory issues and cognitive disorders, I realize my calculations were a bit off by the numbers.

In reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project I had intended to contact those within the United States of America's government once I had gotten to a certain number of pieces which the number I set for myself was 350 different ones, as I thought when I got to that number then I would know who I was supposed to contact because I did not know who I was supposed to mail a letter to or email or call at the time. I thought when I got to that number, then I would figure it out. Admittedly I did not want to fully acknowledge how much the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had been impacting me, despite acknowledging such was and is the reality for me. Just as many people I knew over the years did not want to accept the truth of me, I did not want to allow the impacts of which I had acknowledged from such to be fully true.

Thus in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project each one of my historical and spiritual rubbings of each Medal of Honor recipient to create into artwork, I realized is more than one piece. As each artwork can be hung on a wall to show either side, that makes 2 pieces. If there is a light put behind one side or the other, that makes 2 more pieces; and depending where the light is put on either side is a multitude of pieces similar to the facets of a diamond or a precious stone being set in jewelry. Ironically as there are those who understand prong settings if the wooden frames in conjunction with the areas where the glass is sitting, then taking such to expand to view in a bigger way, along with the hanging points to showcase whether using two/three/four per side and/or six if the top portion is used for the metal; the amount of prongs for such would be a minimum of a lot larger of a number, than I can count. Though if also taking into consideration the number of at each corner of the artwork if only at the corner or if the light is on one side or on the other, then the number through my math is at 10; though again, that is my math.

Nonetheless then there is also the portions of putting such as a centerpiece which with and without lights on either side would be additional pieces from the artwork per Medal of Honor Art Project, while not forgetting if the lights are shown from the sides where the wood frames are and/or the top/bottom, as well as up close compared to a distance. Through my math that would be at least 10 different pieces, though I have a feeling I might be a bit off on my adding the numbers together. I think I might be off by one or two numbers possibly however, if I am off by more than that in an extremely noticeable way then I guesstimate that is another aspect showing my problems in reference to arithmetic. Admittedly for what it is worth, I do the best I can.

Thus I apologize if my mathematics are just as explained to me by the different doctors I have had to be able to explain about such to others, as it took a long time for me to remember what they had said and had told me to be able to explain. Looking back now to when I can remember the first time of being told how bad my math is, that was in 2000 during my time in Medical Hold Unit when discussing with my neurologist of wanting to go back to Basic Training to go be in the Army Branch of the Armed Forces, though she as well as my neuropsychologist and those who gave me the tests said I could not. I admit I secretly was trying to be able to go back to Basic Training by getting better to be good enough to be in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, though I realize now twenty years later that is not of what I am capable of.

Hey, at least I got that math correct.

Though my apology intended for this particular journal blog entry is in reference to the former President of the United States of America Barack H. Obama and former Vice President of the United States of America Joe Biden and their administrations in the White House, the Senate, the Congress, the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, and the various branches and divisions there of for the times from when I began my Medal of Honor Art Project for not knowing when I got to that 350 pieces. I was counting the number of my Medal of Honor recipients' historical and spiritual rubbings artwork and not the individual pieces of. Thus I think the number may have been achieved while still working on the ones I found in the state of Washington (56 multiplied by the number) or Oregon (16 multiplied by the number), possibly Montana (20 multiplied by the number) as those were the first three states I worked on my Medal of Honor Art Project and would have been before the Presidential election in 2016. Thus if the number is 10 or more pieces per one Medal of Honor historical and spiritual rubbing and the calculator for the calculations on my computer is correct, I achieved 560 pieces before 2016 in 2015.

Please know it was not because of my voting record as to why I did not reach out at that point as it purely was because I did not complete the math correctly, of which I apologize for each mistake made. I suppose I was so caught up in excitement in regards of creating the artwork pieces, I thought I had a longer amount of time before getting to the number of 350 pieces. I might have reached my intended number during the first year if not by the second year, which I apologize for not realizing sooner.

If this open notification reaches your computers I hope you know I sincerely apologize for my mistake in numbers, and I hope you are not that mad at me.

Respectfully and Sincerely,

(Reverend) Susan MeeLing


Lady Dori Belle


Susan MeeLing



Though I am known by many names, I am still simply just me.
