After speaking with my daughter on the phone today

As my daughter informed me of the information she did not realize in reference to the direct deposits for multiple aspects after she spoke with the social security administration and learned about the wrongful filings my ex-in-laws had done, I wonder what the fullest ramifications are for the legal aspects.

As she told me about the funeral home my ex-in-laws took her to while wanting to purchase a plot and was told about the problems for them to do so, I wondered if there was a life insurance policy only taken out on my daughter in comparison to all of my ex-sisters-in-laws children.

Now in reference to if things in reference to situations go through in regards of my ex-mother-in-law then I am uncertain if she and the rest of my ex-in-laws realize they will have pushed away their last and final connection point to their dead relative, which could have helped more than they had seen.

While they also cannot or should not prevent my daughter from growing up and moving forward in life, they have already missed out of many years in reference to the time with both of my children for quite some time.

If my ex-sister-in-law had not been as she was, my son and my daughter would still have been involved with my ex-mother-in-law for all of the years together as I had wanted for her. However because of how my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez continued to get herself involved into what was not her business to, she is the cause and the problems as to why I had to do what was best for both my son and my daughter as best as I possibly could.

Just as I had driven from San Antonio Texas to Fort Worth Texas, it would not have been nearly as long of a drive from Cedar Park Texas to Fort Worth Texas for the same reasons. However because of my ex-sister-in-law and what she continued to perpetuate, it the sole reason as to why Grandma Nichols lost time with both of my children. Such can be seen in reference to how her eldest and middle daughters had been treated by her and as Grandpa Nichols warned Grandma Nichols about my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez' jealousy wrongly as well as her own competition for the attention from her mom and dad whereas I was not in competition; she had caused the rift between, as well as caused the time lost for all involved. Grandpa Nichols warned repeatedly, possibly the additional patterns of behaviour others know in more detail of can be seen.

If some examples are needed though not in any specific order:

* One of my patterns had been to always bring homecooked pies when I went to visit whether when I was living in San Antonio or Carrollton, of which when I did so then my ex-sister-in-law went to the store to purchase different pies to get attention from them.

* When I began in the lifestyle in the area of DFW, then she had to go to online means for a different method and did not heed my warnings for her safety.

* When her brother died instead of allowing me to speak with Grandma Nichols about the arrangements, I was told she knew better by her.

* When her daughters asked my opinion because they knew I would tell them the truth, she attempted to cover up the lies she told them for years and claimed it was my way to get back at her when there was nothing for me at the time to get back at her.

* When she saw my house in Carrollton she had to move to a different rental location just the same in reference to decorations, as well as where/how I shopped.

* When she was told of a threesome I head dealt with before the situation she wanted to be a part of that with her now dead brother before his death, as then afterwards when a different situation occurred she then went out to go do so herself.

* When she learned I was happily involved in two separate relationships in their own times, she had to find every possible way to explain what she found wrong with each of them. The first she went on about his motorcycle stuff and the second she did not like how he would not do what she wanted him to do, because I pointed out the legal situation I felt was a problem not realizing it actually was a legal situation and prevented him from prison for what she was doing in reference to Home Depot and Lowes.

* When doing a few remodeling aspects, she then encouraged her mom to do so unnecessarily to the degree done so only because of the construction workers informing her of what was being completed. The timelines fully show such, quite easily.

* As she wanted me to pay for everything she wanted to do and when I refused, then the problems really got heated more-so. A small quick example is in reference to when I took her middle daughter to Florida and Georgia with my son and my daughter, and she demanded for me to take her son with which I refused. That was the beginning portion where her jealousy started showing in more fullness, and her mom was caught in the crossfire just as my son and my daughter as well as her own children.

Literally the only person who had been a major problem in that family after the death of their relative had been my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez as though there were issues with my other ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen, such had only been in a bigger way than in reference to my military identification card after her sister Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez had complained to her. As Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez complained to her sister Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen of my choice to not have pictures of my dead-ex-husband in my bedroom, of which who then later in turn needlessly complained to me about it; such would not have been a problem if that was not pointed out by Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez as I did not take Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen into my bedroom. Only Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez of those two ex-sisters-in-law had been in the room, thus the only way Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen would have known was through Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez telling her.

As Grandpa Nichols said many times about Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez, "If there is not any drama overtly going on, then she is not around." Those who knew Grandpa Nichols knows, he despised drama almost as much as I do.

Again had anyone listened to my warnings before, so many different problems would not have been and the same goes for in reference to Grandpa Nichols. Even their dead relative who is my dead-ex-husband had warned them of Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez and agreed with Grandpa Nichols, as after all it was because of Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez as to why Grandma and Grandpa Nichols had declared bankruptcy as she had convinced Grandma Nichols to do so against Grandpa Nichols' wishes. She told Grandma Nichols where to get the credit cards, she told her how to run up the cards, and etcetera; whereas she then made fun of me for refusing to declare bankruptcy, and attempted to wave around what she had run up on those cards around as though her bankruptcy would somehow cause jealousy from me; obviously not that such occurred ever in any try to cause such to me, as unlike the other way around I was not in competition. Or at minimum, I was not willing to be complacent in that sort of way.
