A multitude

This is in reference to something I had written in one of my books and in case there is a need for clarification in reference to such, shortly before winding up in #Washington state. If those from law enforcement need this clarification and/or to ask me questions in reference to, I am quite unable to cammo in the state of Texas; but also have stopped by the local offices for law enforcement to give them the report type books apparently; as I realize the first two I wrote as well as "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" seem to look similar to reports. Realistically I know I should not know how to create a report in such a way especially if they look extremely similar to actual law enforcement and/or military reports; but I had wanted the information to be easily readable and understandable, as best as I possibly could make such.

Back in 2009 through to 2012 a group of females I known in a group called #ClubFEM who had said they were joking when they told me about what they did to several of their clients, though did not like it when I had said “There is always truth, in every joke”.

I had known a particular group of females in the #DFW area who were professionals who joked about kidnapping some of their clients for them in the professional area of the Lifestyle who were associated with two ex-boyfriends of mine #PaddyKennedy and #BabyPhilly, of which those two males’ former employers I had contacted in regards of other aspects. However if such information from those particular businesses which I had stopped by one location in the #Dallas area for the reference of #PK and had sent the letter/email in reference to but also having reference to #BP in reference to the other banking institution I contacted which also was the same institution of which Dawn had worked at and I had met Ayaz from her work association connection; the information of which is already in the necessary hands for their particular law enforcement and employers, and if there is further clarifications needed for such beyond what I had written to the companies again, I am not capable of cammoing in the state of Texas.

However such points I felt, might be necessary for the clarification. I had told that particular group of females they needed to be careful and not do such because I felt there were laws against such, but that particular Maitresse had said she made the males sign non-disclosure agreements which kept her safe as she claimed.

I told her “Just because you make them sign a non-disclosure agreement does not mean that keeps you safe from the legal ramifications of breaking the law. NDAs are not meant for an open-ended agreement; NDAs are only for a specific one time aspect. If you had them sign an open-ended NDA agreement, they will have the right to go after you legally because that sort of extortion is not acceptable in the eyes of the law.”

She laughed at me telling me I knew nothing, and some of the other females within the group were Paralegals but when I asked “Is there a difference between a Paralegal, and a lawyer?”

That particular female got huffy puffy upset and again tried to tell me of the little I knew though when I informed her “I guesstimate a Paralegal does not make the same amount as a layer and I guesstimate a lawyer who earned their degree hires a Paralegal, not the other way around. Or am I inaccurate, and that no longer occurs? I know there are lawyers who hire other lawyers, but I am unaware of Paralegals hiring lawyers, unless it is for their criminal defense.”

If this particular journal blog entry was needed for such as I have written above, this is the brief of such; however if this is needed for those particular clients to understand they did not need to go through such and they do have the legal right to go after that particular group of females for such behavior, I hope those particular clients are able to and are not penalized for the justice they deserve.

If the aspects of further testimony for such is needed from me in a court of law, again and not to come across as rude or improper; however the law enforcement I guesstimate, knows exactly where I am at all times at this point, especially after what occurred in reference to how I wound up in Washington state. Though the odd coinky dink in reference of the fact the male named Kevin from #CowboysDanceHall for the #StoneyLaRue concert in March 2013 had said he was a ‘white cajun from #Louisiana’ and that particular Maitresse’s fiancé was from Louisiana, is a bit of an oddity; now that I think about such, at this point.

However if such is just an odd coinky dink in reference of what occurred during the event of the Cowboys Dancehall as there had been a message set which I did not understand what I was being accused of at the time as just when I was typing a response to Maitresse Renee was a response sent to me thanking me about something, since I did not know about the hacking aspects nor the stalking aspects until more recently in reference of my Medal of Honor Art Project; I had compiled a list of individuals, who had direct access to my laptop computers. My biological mother Anna Louise Lally Hom had made every effort to ensure she was the one who had done the computer update aspects throughout the years of which I had spoken with her up until a certain point. My roommate at the time of that message though did not have access to the update, had been in my apartment with my laptop computer. That does not include the ex-boyfriends stated of which both of those who males had seen the threats I received just as the roommate had seen the threats I received when I had gotten the messages, at different points. Though had not seen all of the threats, there were plenty they did see and read through. One other ex-boyfriend known as Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had also had access to the location of my laptop computers before being taken back to San Antonio Texas from Carrollton Texas, as it was known of my problems with technology since waking up from the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.

While dealing with certain aspects in reference of my Medal of Honor Art Project and being told to contact who I was told to contact, I had put a few pieces together realizing certain important points which may have needed clarification when I recalled the aspects of which such details may have been needed back then though were unbeknownst to me in full at the times in 2012 or 2013. Though from 2004 through many years I had been outed and my name had been dropped by many people of which a few references would be Christine from the Jade Wolfe Coven and her group along with my ex-sisters-in-law though specifically my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen who had been proud of how many people she outed in the BDSM/LGBTQP/Swingers lifestyles she knew when in Georgia and where she went for events that she had known; I did not partake of such, as I did not believe such was necessary for many reasons at the time. While more recently in 2019 through 2020 I have stated names, that did not occur until being told to contact the government organizations of which I had been encouraged to contact. Though admittedly in 2013 or 2014 I was told to contact the IRS about one individual because of what that male knew in the Austin community with his military and government background which I had seen him and spent time with him before the lockdown quarantine occurred who had told me to contact the IRS about such, I did fill out the form and fax it in from the apartment office when living in Vancouver Washington though nothing further until being told to contact the other government organizations as I had been told by various specific agents and officials. Though that particular roommate's Dominant had also admitted to starting a competition with me unbeknowst to me simply because, I color my hair red as she also colored her longer hair red. Discordia AKA Erika had also stated she thought because her father had been a doctor at John Hopkins University that meant his degree and studies somehow wrongly transferred to her, when she admitted to testing my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury because she had a friend who was in a coma and did not remember her when she woke up. That female Discordia AKA Erika had been arrested for stealing garden gnomes from people's front years and proudly went to jail for three days, in San Antonio Texas. She rubbed in my face of how many people cared about her and stood up for her stealing garden gnomes, in comparison to what my children and I were going through; pointing out the lack of support my daughter, my son, and I had at those times. Though she was also mad at me for not being willing to be submissive to her, not acknowledging the fact I am not submissive nor am nor was I ever interested in being involved with her beyond a friendship at those times. Obviously I have not changed since then, as I am far from submissive.

Maybe I thought too much in reference of the name I chose for myself as a Dominant Sadist calling myself Lady Dori Belle, as I thought such was a signal to make people truly think about such. How many Dominant and/or Sadistic individuals would call themselves such a sweet sounding name? In turn, what type of Dominant Sadist would that mean of me to be? I thought it was fairly clever, though maybe I thought too much of such for a clear and poignant aspect of such for each aspect of Dominance and Sadism to have people literally and figuratively think outside of the box.

Thus if while I was dealing with what I was dealing with additionally to the other aspects when in Washington state a bunch of situations unfurled in the state of Texas while I was away as I had read when I was in Arizona of being blamed for despite being in Arizona and being blamed for showing up to people's workplaces in the state of Texas of which I laughed and wondered how could anyone blame me for being in Texas when I was in Arizona as well as blame me for stuff in Texas when I was in Washington state as the claims were I had shown up in person including when I was standing in front of my son as well as my now ex-boyfriend who I had met at the Cowboyus Dancehall, I still wonder how such lies could easily be told by others. Then again I also wonder how people who actually knew me, could believe others' lies about me. Admittedly having an extremely distinctive physical appearance and look and not cammoing anywhere, I would guesstimate such was not caught on camera dispite the false claims made by others of me being in the state of Texas when I was in either Arizona or Washington state.

Does that mean those people who made the false claims were delusional and need mental health assistance, or does that mean those people were so bored within their own lives that was the only way they felt they could stir the proverbial pot to cause unnecessary drama for others while blaming me wrongly for what they did? The aspects of falsely being accused of outing others had begun in 2010 when an ex-girlfriend of Patrick Kennedy and I spoke on the phone and she told me that she heard I was outing others when everything I was dealing with at that time was no way allowing such sort of time investment to out others. I did call her back and leave a voicemail as she did not accept my return call explaining I had not done so, and whether or not she listened to that message and/or later checked of such to find I had not done so is not something I specifically am aware of. However I do know that Maitresse had considered that particular female an enemy of hers because of moving on with her life and if Patrick Kennedy had informed her of me speaking with his ex-girlfriend and her getting upity and jealous; I am unsure and unaware if such had been perpetuated by that particular situation.

However, maybe such clarifies in more ways now despite however many situations occurred while the timeframe of 2013 through to 2019 when being outside of the state of Texas. Though so many situations have not been informed to me of various situations which occurred while I was not in the state of Texas, I guesstimate I was blamed wrongly for much more than I saw the few times in 2013 well before getting back to the state of Texas in the latter portions of 2019. Thus, who truly outed who? I know I did not put out names until 2019 and 2020 which I guesstimate is much later than those who claimed I had done so beforehand. Since I dealt with the consequences of being outed as well as the name dropping of mine from 2004 onward, I did what I could to not be like or similar to that in the slightest unless absolutely mandatory. Being informed to contact the FBI and the Pentagon in 2018 and 2019 after being told to contact the IRS either in 2013 or 2014, that seemed mandatory.

I guesstimate a date for a circumstance when getting back to the state of Texas which the file has the year of 2005, might also be a sign of which certain investigations were occurring well before I had ever been told who to contact and hopefully such necessary aspects are fruitful for the needed portions thereof though I have a feeling that particular file has more to do with Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr more-so than other aspects though could have lead to further points well beyond the initial aspects of.

Just a faery sized bit of humor, I find amusing for this meme.
