A few quicker thoughts, for pondering

When researching the information within the memes I created, you can find for yourselves the truth within each one. How is it each group is vilified in their own ways though for the wrong reasons, when in genuine unity you are able to see the two halves bring together the whole? Without the aspects of bringing out certain social aspects, one cannot understand the others' perspectives. Without standing up for the Constitutional Rights, the inability to be able to discuss would not occur. Without educating in fuller detail, the smaller points of importance are lost to the bigger picture and thus history is forgotten. Without paying attention to the smaller points, the education is lacking. Without paying attention to the bigger picture, the smaller points have no value to understand. Without paying attention to the bigger picture, the small points seem as the same as opening a box with puzzle pieces without the image on the top of the box to know what to look for.

Are both parties essential to bring humanity to this point in time to be able to review so much which has occurred over the millenniums which the earth has been sustaining humanity, to progress forward in a more positive way? Yes as each has had their own aspects to bring forward as both sides of the proverbial coin had to be seen in full, however at this point in time human beings are at a crucial point in time. Are human beings wanting to continuing attacking and destroying each other as well as each others' property, which in turn leads to the destruction of the earth which has sustained human beings? Or do human beings want to recognize the past which has occurred, learn from the mistakes of the past to move forward in a positive direction, and continue living and progressing forward on earth as well as throughout space?

Human beings will not be allowed to progress into space travels nor deeper oceanic travels without the unifying in genuinity, and truthfully learning to be more of what they had said and preached. Look at how human beings know more about space than they do about the oceanic waters and what is within, the various water ways. Such can also be seen as a metaphor as how many human beings have truly looked within themselves and their own choices and their own actions, when looking outward and thinking they know more about others than they do about themselves? In such in reference of relationships how can one be genuinely happy in a relationship when one does not know themselves fully, yet expects the other to be everything missing or wanted? If one is not willing to be truthful with oneself, how can anyone expect the truth to be spoken to another? If one cannot elaborate in length of such details, how can one educate? If one cannot listen to learn, how can one be educated? If one only looks at the physical of another, how can one truly understand who the individual is? If one only views the physical as of most importance, how can one truly appreciate another human being? If one cannot get to understand the background, how can one be in a relationship? If one cannot open up to another, how can a relationship last? If one cannot understand why emotions and thoughts with beliefs are as such, how can one truly value the other? If one cannot appreciate the importance of each aspect of another, how can one truly want a relationship with? If one cannot love oneself, how can the love for another be outside of a parental role? Without one who has unconditional love to give praise when doing good things though scolding when not and guiding in a better direction, how can human beings grow further into better directions? Without universal aspects, how can the progress within go to the outward?

Some have not been able to understand why I have defended who I have defended over the years pointing to the flaws of in whichever ways of while not looking within their own choices and their own actions when doing so in discussions with me, and yet preferred me to overlook other aspects and attributes. In more specific in reference to military, law enforcement, fire department, and EMS group associations which I explained many times over of the aspects which the openness to be more understanding of the backgrounds thereof beyond the views of only the political points of the discussions. In turn the aspects of the Republican viewpoints of needing more of the explanations with the ability to elaborate of such, was and is of importance to me. The physical is undeniable however to overlook of what is considered as beautiful to one and ugly to another is not the point which I am making, though the point is in reference to while others have the physical conditions which can be seen while others have conditions which cannot be physically seen; it makes none more or less in the eyes of, depending who is spoken with. Personally the aspects which some overlook can be far more precious and stunning to know what was overcome while giving the ability to utilize the Constitutional Rights earned, to elaborate of such types of backgrounds for better understanding by more has been of extreme importance to me. I doubt, I am the only one.

Unless you yourselves are willing to take the responsibility of those who are in the military, law enforcement, fire department, and EMS to do so as perfectly as you yell at them about without any flaws whatsoever; my question to you is if you cannot do such as you yell at them about, then who are you to yell and attack them if you yourself are flawed and would be incapable of doing one tenth of their jobs?
