5 July 2022:


5 July 2022: - YouTube

There are reasons for the information about the truth as to truth being facts, as to what many may have needed to consider as to the regards of the differences between what humanity is capable of to progress forward as best as possible as to how important the facts to be supported as to giving details regarding as much without biases until when the aspects of being capable to distinguish the reality of the truth as to what biases as to having overcome to be as humanity. In regards of pop culture references as to the requirements to be capable to distinguish between the facts as to the truth as to the actual reality, as to how in my opinion the lines have been blurred because of what the actualities as to what are genres. If as to the genres regarding the lack of distinction between the lines as to individuals being capable to accept such distinguished factors, the individuals who require such distinguishing facts to the truth are required to bring forward the clearer view as to the knowledge regarding the capacity to understand the reality.

Sometimes words are not pretty, sometimes situations are more in depth than words can explain, and sometimes the truth as to the facts of reality are stunning and shocking to the core; which at that point in time is when the requirements to truthfully reevaluate existence to be capable to progress forward in life as best as possible to achieve what can be worked towards and through. When the ugly truth as to what choices have been to the ways to actually progress forward, the reality as to the situations regarding how the occurrences to what actually is required to improve life truthfully.

Despite how some might see the lines between genres as to in real life as to metaphors to give as to a shortened condensed viewpoint, the pop culture references have needed the clarifications to distinguish for the actual clarity. Many individuals have in my opinion have needed to understand more as to the reality about the work in the references to the aspects of the multitude of factors to the reality of what the individuals as to who could be saved as to individuals who earn such awards as to the Medal of Honor as well as the achievements which those whom they could assist to do what was needed to be capable to save as many lives as possible, which in the reality of how few may have realized as to the amount of shortened time as to the comparison of the tolls as to such regarding the aspects in reference to being a part of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to how more have needed to accept the reality of the various levels of the work while genuinely being appreciative of the knowledge that such individuals have been capable to achieve such because of at the correct point in time the correct choices were to make to be capable to bring forward the most ideal outcome as best as possible.

The video that inspired this Official YouTube Channel video of mine:


#susanmeeling #reverendsusanmeeling #ladydoribelle #theornerypsa #medalofhonor #edwardcbyersjr #usmc #navyseals
