30 June 2022: Sermon/Monologue/Lecture about high school and pop culture references + more


30 June 2022: Sermon/Monologue/Lecture about high school and pop culture references + more - YouTube

The reality of the specific timeframe per the situations in the past regarding April/May of 1998 through January of 2000, is enough details for some who may be capable to review and release to several different situations to see such in their own lives; whether I knew them in person face to face in person, or they knew of me through online.

I have not ever assumed that I am more than I am, though I also have done the best to keep myself open to the possibilities to prevent the aspects of what could be considered as the viewpoint of different types of biases because of knowing there are many background references which vary from one individual to another.

As I have heard before, experiences matter. I have not truly thought about how much that may have been as true as it is, though in several situations regarding the overall depends upon the point of view.

#susanmeeling #reverendsusanmeeling #ladydoribelle #ladydoribelle #theornerypsa #theornerypsa
