Should it take a head injury to figure this out about President Donald Trump, Edward Snowden, and th

The pictures within this blog post refer to various sources of information regarding President Donald Trump's claims about being wire-tapped by former President Obama, the NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and the mass spying bill.

Afterwards, are my opinions.

Now at the end, are my opinions.

* Should it take a head injury to figure out Edward Snowden came forward with his findings after being a contractor for the NSA in 2014, which was when it was President Obama's second term in office?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out it would not be too far fetched to believe someone from President Obama's administration could contact someone within the NSA to gather whatever information, his administration was looking to use against current President Donald Trump?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out with Edward Snowden's claims of constant recordings of citizens within the United States of America over the years, it would not take much for President Obama's administration to gain access through friendly means?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out the longer the Senate Democrats stall President Donald Trump's cabinet officials' confirmations, the longer it takes for President Donald Trump to be able to use his administration for his set ideals from the 2016 Presidential Election?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out the founding fathers of America knew to make sure the popular vote was different than the electoral college so smaller populated states were still able to have a say, in governing their home locations in balance to the larger populated states?
