Should it take a head injury to figure this out about Radical Islam, Sharia Law, & Club Pulse?

The pictures within this blog takes the reader to various organizations referencing the Muslim faith within Sharia Law, LGBTQ rights, and the terrorist hate crime attack against those within the club in Orlando known as Pulse.

Afterwards, are my opinions.

Prior Commentary from The Ornery PSA:

Below, are my opinions.

* Should it take a head injury to figure out when those within the Democratic party and within Muslim communities whom cannot or will not declare the difference between Islam and Radical Islam are not genuinely helping LGBTQ rights, as seen in the beliefs and practices of Sharia Law?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out when a religion calls for the murder of innocence the so-called religion is actually, a death cult?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out the oddity behind President Obama's lack of willingness to call the attack on Fort Hood in Texas a terrorist attack yet is so willing to label club Pulse, as a terror attack against the citizens of The United States of America?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out when the Republicans can denounce the Christian faith associated with the Branch Davidians as a death cult there seems to be a problem creating difficulties for the Democrats/Liberals to acknowledge Radical Islam as a death cult, or at minimum an issue needing resolve?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out the shooter's phone call to 911 declaring the inspiration from the Islamic state caliphate known as ISIS means the attack on the LGBTQ club Pulse in Orlando during the month of their Rammadan, adds to the other multiple coincidences?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out if a handful fall through the regulation cracks of gun control fixing the regulations should be repaired well before removing, the Constitutional Second Amendment Right?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out when countries remove the ability for civilians to defend themselves from terrorist ideology from the regulations, the soft targets are where the attacks will occur?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out when regulations prevent innocence from defending themselves against harm, the death toll number will rise?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out a hate-filled ideology seeking to destroy anything and everything which does not fall in line with the beliefs guns are not the only way the terrorists may attack but the firearms are the only weapon to stop the attackers, once they put their religious ideals into motion?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out no one believes all Muslims are terrorists but know those whom profess Sharia Law to be the "only truthful laws" are the one who create problems while those of the Muslim faith whom do not stand up against the hijacking of their religion, assist the innocence attacked from not stepping up against the terrorists in their religion?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out the cities/states/countries with the strictest regulations for gun ownership laws happen to have the largest amount of gun violence and gun attacks while those cities/states/countries with more lenient gun regulations for ownership, to allow the citizens to protect their loved ones and the innocent?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out when celebrities and politicians call for gun control regulations they should first disarm their personal security before hypocritically telling the general law abiding public, to ignore their second amendment right to own firearms?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out all legal citizens of the United States of America are guaranteed a "fair trial by peers" for all crimes, including no-fly and terrorist watch lists?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out if the current administration would follow the current laws possibly the terrorist may have been caught by the FBI had their hands not been figuratively, tied behind the FBI's backs?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out when the transcripts of the Orlando Club Pulse shooter declaring his allegiance to various individuals and forms within radicalized Islam, the man's intentions were obviously stated by the shooter?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out the LGBTQ community has endured decades and centuries of persecution to rise above and to stand tall, while supporting one another?

Amended: 22 June 2016
