Should it take a head injury to figure this about America, her greatness, & Mr. Jon Stewart'

* Should it take a head injury to figure out the median age for the United States of America is in her thirties compared to other countries and by all accounts the intent of the founders and laws have created inspiration for countries throughout the world and thus, the developmental points made America great?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out though America is in her thirties she has learned from the mistakes of the past quicker than most other countries and thus we need to learn from the mistakes of the past seven years in government, in this next election?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out it was not solely the Democrats and not solely the Republicans which caused Mr. Donald Trump's presidential campaign, but a combination of the two?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out as America has declined over the past seven and a half years the lack-luster and lack of inspiration has created the phrase, "Make America Great Again"?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out the United States of America is one of the few countries which have specific laws to protect freedom of expression, and allots the right to protest?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out America is one of the few countries which guarantee the freedom of religion no matter whether one is Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Hindu, Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, Spaghetti Monster follower, or Satanic?

* Should it take a head injury the only country in the world which states in the laws of the right to "the pursuit of happiness", whatever that might be per person?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out "the pursuit of happiness" is up to each individual to find within themselves and thus, is not the government's responsibility?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out America is one of the few countries which does not legally prosecute nor encourage hate crimes against Queers, Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals, Trans-Genders, Pan-Sexuals, Swingers, BDSM, and etc.; unlike other countries?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out there is only one country in which someone can walk into a Walmart/grocery/convenience store to purchase chocolate syrup and whipped cream, at 3a.m.?
