Should it take a head injury to figure this out about Planned Parenthood, Government Grants, & M

Each picture below has a link to the article in reference to each portion of this blog referencing different aspects of Planned Parenthood, government grants, and money laundering.

At the end is the summary, of my opinion.

Legal Definition of Money Laundering

Now at the end here is the summary, of my opinion.

* Should it take a head injury to figure out large sums of money being moved back and forth solely between specific types of individuals/political parties/supporting political groups with government funded grant money can be considered not as lobbying, but as money laundering?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out the government prosecutes citizens for money laundering and has, for more than a few decades?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out when the government investigates private individuals/businesses for embezzlement and money laundering it seems similar, to the pot calling the kettle black?
