Does it take a head injury to figure this out about Kate's Law, & Prison Incarceration Rates

Each picture below has a link to the article in reference to each portion of this blog referencing different aspects of Kate's Law and Prison Incarceration Rates with a summary including my opinions,

towards the end.

In Reference to Kate's Law

In Reference to Prison Incarceration Rates

Each picture above has a link to the article in reference to each portion of this blog about Kate's Law, and Prison Incarceration Rates.

Now at the end is the summary, and my opinion.

* Should it take a head injury to figure out while certain violent criminal offenses should have additional mandatory minimum servitude for the possession of a firearm, and/or illegally entering the country?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out non-violent offenses and the sentences need to be re-evaluated and repaired to assist the offenders genuinely work on themselves, to re-enter into society positively?

(i.e.: decriminalizing marijuana makes little sense when the ability to purchase Belladonna each year is easily available to poison someone at almost any store, among many other plants with some or all parts of the plant being extremely toxic - let alone alcohol or opiod overdoses/deaths)

* Should it take a head injury to figure out many "affluenza infected" people get away with a slap on the wrists for committing far worse crimes than many, who have been locked away in prison for decades?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out the policy makers and creators are responsible for many of the communication problems between the citizens of many communities, and the police departments?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out when famous public figures are not held accountable for their criminal actions and the common people whom have been advertised information of many celebrities/politicians/rich are "just regular people too", create an imbalance throughout society beyond the reported 1% divide?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out the criminal act(s) of murder/treason/leaking government secrets/rape/etc should be punished far worse and held in greater contempt, than non-violent convicted individuals?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out if a state or a country does not have established borders then the area is neither a country nor a state, but simply viewed as an area to add to another's territory?

* Does it take a head injury to figure out leading by example means even the CEOs, celebrities, and politicians are held accountable to the same standards as "regular people", for their illegal criminal actions?

* Should it take a head injury to figure out prison locations costs to house the "white collar criminals" could save the tax payers millions and assist in public view of legal policy if there was not preferential treatment for crimes which by all accounts negatively afflict more people, than most non-violent offenders?
