Does it take a head injury to figure this out about Carly Fiorina, "The View" females, &am

Each picture has a link to the article in reference to each portion of this blog about the recent developments, within Planned Parenthood. At the end is the summary, of my opinion.

Yet the females on "The View" say to Carly Fiorina...

Each picture has a link to the article in reference to each portion of this blog about Planned Parenthood, and Carly Fiorina on "The View". Now at the end is the summary, here is my opinion.

* Currently there are more than ten (10) videos of Planned Parenthood employees discussing the harvesting and selling of fetal body parts

* Within some of the videos the images show and the employees discuss how to keep the fetus alive, just a little bit longer

* Though Carly Fiorina attempted to bring facts to the females on "The View", the females yelled over the points ...if Carly Fiorina sat on stage instead of in New Hampshire...maybe the conversation would have gone differently...

* In October 2015 Planned Parenthood testified to the investigating committee they will no longer accept payment for the harvesting

* Many have claimed the videos are edited...I did not know it took a head injury to figure out words do not truly float in the air when speaking...

To the females on "The View": I did not know it took a head injury to figure out the difference between opinions, and proven facts
