Does it take a head injury to figure this out about the minimum wage, & the economy

Each picture has a link to the article in reference to each portion of this blog about the different economies, and minimum wage. At the end is the summary, of my opinion.

In Reference to the Puerto

Rican Economy

In Reference to the U.K. Economy

In reference to the Greek Economy

In reference to the U.S.A. Economy & Minimum Wage

The head injury and coma knocked my intelligence from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus, down to 2nd Grade Mathematics


Should it take a head injury to figure out mandated wages are intended for entry level jobs, and not intricately

detail-oriented careers?


Should it take a head injury to figure out small businesses cannot afford the same wage payments, as large corporations?


Does it take a head injury to figure out non-profit organizations cannot afford the same wages, as multi-million and billion dollar companies?


Does it take a head injury to figure out Walmart, Amazon, Hobby Lobby, WholeFoods, Starbucks, and the like all began in a small rental space before the company was able to afford more employees or greater benefits for them?


Does it take a head injury to figure out all individuals and businesses alike, must earn their personal growth?


Should it take a head injury to figure out Donald Trump's own father forced him to earn, his own business respect?

(Granted not everyone's parents is in the position to give each child, a one million dollar loan. Nonetheless Donald Trump was forced to earn his own way, through his own disciplines. Why, hate? Why not learn as best as possible, and grow in a productive manner?)
