15 June 2022: Commentary about multiple topics including meetings and hearings


15 June 2022: Commentary about multiple topics including meetings and hearings - YouTube

The reality about Old Tennent Presbyterian Church, General George Washington, and the basement situation as to what many people brought forward before as to the reasons regarding the spirituality aspects as some may have assumed otherwise; can be noticed in reference to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church, among other situations as well.

I guesstimate there are a multitude of ways and factors which pop culture has had such situations occur regarding the factors thereof, which the documentary about the anniversary as to The Exorcist as to hypothetically one of many to refer to the details which with my childhood and teenage years as to the knowledge and understanding and comprehension thereof, to a multitude of regards as to taking into consideration what is best as to the appropriate measures regarding several aspects.

As the 6th of January 2021 hearings have been occurring and the review of the aspects, the metaphors are capable to be noticed in various situations in my opinion. The proof of such aspects regarding the additional factors to the combination of, while proof of the actual reality; the reality of the proof regarding the reality, as to the circumstances.

#susanmeeling #reverendsusanmeeling #ladydoribelle #theornerypsa #6january #january6 #january62021 #january6th #oldtestament #theexorcist
